scholarly journals The teaching of pragmatics by native and nonnative language teachers: What they know and what they report doing

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 561-585 ◽  
Andrew D. Cohen

The paper focuses on how nonnative teachers of a target language (NNTs) deal with pragmatics in their classes. It starts with a discussion of what pragmatics entails. Next, issues relating to the teaching of pragmatics are identified, such as the language background of the teacher, comparisons between second- (L2) and foreign-language (FL) instruction, and the potential role of digital media and other means in providing models for pragmatic behavior. Then, an international survey is presented which probed into the experiences of NNTs of various languages while teaching the pragmatics of their language of instruction. A total of 113 teachers were asked to indicate what they taught with regard to pragmatics, 30 native-language teachers (NTs) and 83 NNTs. They were also asked to report on their experience as teachers of L2 and FL pragmatics (e.g., if they encountered classroom moments when they did not feel like an authority on some aspect of pragmatics, what they did about it). Since pragmatics is a meeting of language and culture, the teacher respondents were asked to assess their knowledge regarding pragmalinguistics (i.e., the language forms) and sociopragmatics (sociocultural knowledge). In addition, they were asked to give their opinion regarding similarities and differences between the teaching of FL as opposed to L2 pragmatics, as this traditional dichotomy gives way to a more hybrid reality in an increasingly globalized world. Similarly, they were asked about their methods for teaching pragmatics (e.g., their use of digital media and their handling of dialect differences). Finally, they were asked to suggest areas in which they would like to see research conducted that would inform the teaching of pragmatics. The paper reports the findings from the study, including statistical differences in reported teaching of criticism, sarcasm, and cursing, as well as in the use of digital media and in having students gather data on pragmatics.

2008 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-235 ◽  
Andrew D. Cohen

This paper starts by giving a rationale for why there is value in explicitly teaching second-language (L2) learners pragmatics in the target language. The importance of a research basis for choosing pragmatic materials to teach is underscored, and the focus is put on sources for materials on pragmatics and the means of data collection. Issues in the teaching of pragmatics are considered, including determining which material to teach, how to prepare teachers to teach it, and the role of teachers in facilitating the learning of pragmatics. Next, L2 pragmatics is viewed from the learners' perspective, in terms of the learning and performance of pragmatics, as well as approaches to assessing what it is that learners are able to do in a pragmatically appropriate way. Finally, consideration is given to the role of technology in making pragmatics accessible to learners, with reference to a website for teachers and curriculum writers and to websites designed for learners of specific languages such as Japanese and Spanish. Recent work on virtual environments for practicing Spanish pragmatics is discussed and preliminary findings from a small-scale study of this effort are reported.

Esther Usó Juan ◽  
Alicia Martínez Flor

Nowadays, the most accepted instructional framework in second or foreign language (L2) programs is Communicative Language Teaching, whose main goal is to increase learners’ communicative competence. This theoretical term means being able to use the linguistic system effectively and appropriately in the target language and culture. However, the implementation of a communicative methodology is not an easy task since it requires an understanding of the integrated nature of the theoretical concept of communicative competence (Celce-Murcia and Olshtain, 2005). Therefore, it is the main goal of this paper to help language teachers better understand such a theoretical concept for improving their classroom practices. In so doing, we first provide an explanation of the theoretical concept of communicative competence. Then, a current framework of communicative competence, which aims at highlighting the function of the four macro-skills to build discourse competence for communicative purposes and reflects our conceptualization of language teaching is briefly discussed (Usó-Juan and Martínez-Flor, 2006a). Finally, on the basis of this framework, and taking the intercultural component as the point of departure, a variety of activities in the four language skills are presented for teaching learners intercultural communicative competence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 547-557 ◽  
Sandra Ponzanesi

This article charts new directions in digital media and migration studies from a gendered, postcolonial, and multidisciplinary perspective. In particular, the focus is on the ways in which the experience of displacement is resignified and transformed by new digital affordances from different vantage points, engaging with recent developments in datafication, visualization, biometric technologies, platformization, securitization, and extended reality (XR) as part of a drastically changed global mediascape. This article explores the role of new media technologies in rethinking the dynamics of migration and globalization by focusing in particular on the role of migrant users as “connected” and active participants, as well as “screened” and subject to biometric datafication, visualization, and surveillance. Elaborating on concepts such as “migration” and “mobility,” the article analyzes some of the paradoxes offered by our globalized world of intermittent connectivity and troubled belonging, seen as relational definitions that are always fluid, negotiable, and porous.

Aslı Akyüz ◽  
Ayfer Tanış ◽  
Eftima Khalil ◽  
Özdenur Ardıç ◽  
Enisa Mede

Language and culture go hand in hand. Naturally, they are intertwined and inseparable from one another. Therefore, language teachers who are teaching the language itself also need to recognize the importance of integrating culture in their teaching practices and raise the awareness of the learners about the culture that the target language belongs to. In light of these observations, the present chapter aims to find out whether technology is an effective tool to integrate culture in language classrooms as well as identify the perceptions of teachers and students about learning and teaching the target language through culture. The participants were 153 students and 26 teachers enrolled in a language preparatory program at a public university in Turkey. While the quantitative data were collected through the Target Culture Knowledge Test, the qualitative data were collected by means of in-depth interviews in semi-structured design. The results of the study revealed that technology (i.e., videos) is an effective tool to provide students with background information about the target culture. The findings also reported positive perceptions towards learning and teaching the target language through culture. Based on the findings, this study can contribute to the program developers and teacher educators for the development of quality in teaching and learning in language preparatory programs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Betari Irma Ghasani

Reconsidering the role of apologizing as one of fundamental aspects in speech act learner has become important nowadays. It is argued that acquiring apologizing speech act can build their attitude. The purpose of this study is analyzing semantic and pragmatic of Javanese apologetic speech act, especially with respect how Javanese apologetic speech act expression differ conceptuallyfrom English expression. In order to fi nd out the differences between Javanese apologetic speech act nuwun sewu”and English speech act sorry, I used the natural semantic metalanguage proposed by Wierzbicka (1987). Furthermore, I described some distinguishable features of Javanese culture as well. By using Blum-Kulka (1989) and her collaboration model, I analyzed Javanese apologyspeech act strategies found in several conversations and situations. The fi ndings of my study are the attitudinal meanings of nuwun sewu and sorry, as well as the illocutionary acts associated with the two expressions are different. My study further suggests that conceptualizing speech act expressions, using semantically simple words, may help second learners acquire the proper ways of using speechacts in the target language and culture.

Aris Wuryantoro

<p>This study aims to describe the role of learning translation with enhancing multi-culture understanding to reduce social conflict in society. This study used descriptive qualitative method by using documentation technique in collecting data. The source of the data are documentations in the form of intralingual and interlingual translation. The result of the study reveals that translation has four aspects, there are meaning, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context. Besides, translation is closely related to cultural context aspect because translation contains at least cultural aspect from source language and target language. The researchers conclude that learning translation can enhance multi-culture in order to reduce social conflicts. The language used by one society automatically shows its language user or its social identity. The researcher concludes that by mastering language and culture of one society as a part of learning translation, we can reduce social conflict which mainly caused by misunderstanding toward the used language and culture.  </p>

Linguistica ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 411-424
Ivana Franić

In his capital work Eléments de syntaxe structurale (1959) Lucien Tesnière introduces the concept of metataxis, structural change occurring during the transition from one language to another. While focusing on structural relationships that are built upon this passage, the author highlights the need to rethink the phrase in the target language. Departing from a purely mechanical perspective, Tesnière paves the way for contrastive analysis, but also for cognitive theories, referring to the concepts of traductions profondes and of the independence of structure and meaning.However, the action-oriented approach presupposes a dynamic process of learning / teaching that places the learner at the center and takes into account all the abilities of this “social actor”. In that way the CEFR opens the individual and social dimensions of mediation (Piccardo 2012), which is one of the key concepts of the action-oriented approach.In this paper we outline the conceptual foundations of metataxis and linguistic mediation and then examine the role of translation as the basic operation for the transition from one language to another, specifically in the learner-centred action-oriented approach. We rethink the concept of translation, taking into account its mechanical and structural aspects as well as its individual and social dimensions, which offers many opportunities for language and culture learning. The linguistic structure is considered as an essential component of linguistic mediation.

Neofilolog ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 73-86 ◽  
Krystyna Szymankiewicz ◽  
Radosław Kucharczyk

Modern language policy in Europe has put forward the concept of multilingualism,and with this plurilingual competence. The definitions of both phenomenacan be found in numerous documents of the Council of Europe, especiallyin the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.The authors of this document describe multilingual communication in somedetail, where the native speaker user is beyond the scale. A lot of attention iscurrently being given to issues of multilingualism in education, with numerousarticles, suggestions for teaching activities and tools to develop related skills.This article raises the question of the preparation of future teachers of languageswhich will be taught as the second foreign language (L3) and how plurilingualcompetence can be developed in the classroom. The study, conductedamong students of Romance languages answers the following questions.Are students, who are future L3 language teachers, adequately preparedto develop plurilingual competence in their students? Do they have theappropriate knowledge and practical skills to do this? What are their beliefsregarding the role of different languages when teaching the L3 target language?

2016 ◽  
Vol 79 (5) ◽  
Auður Hauksdóttir

Due to the long-standing relationship between Denmark and Iceland, the Danish language has played a significant role in Iceland for a long time. With urbanisation in the 19th century, a relatively high number of Danes settled in Reykjavík and Danish language and culture which was highly different from the traditional Icelandic rural culture became predominant in the city. With a growing national consciousness, the use of Danish and Danish loanwords came to be regarded as a threat to the mother tongue. However, greater independence gradually led to more balanced attitudes. Knowledge of Danish was a key to education, as many Icelanders sought education of different types in Denmark. Danish was taught as a foreign language in Icelandic schools. Icelandic was the language of instruction in all subjects, although some of the textbooks were in Danish. The relationship with Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries remains close. Danish is still a compulsory subject in Icelandic primary and grammar schools and, nowadays, provides Icelanders with a key to understanding and using the rest of the Scandinavian languages.

2016 ◽  
pp. 1129-1144
Mariam Attia

This chapter explores the role of teachers' early learning experiences in shaping their pedagogical beliefs and practice specifically in relation to technology use. Following a case study approach, the accounts of three in-service Arabic language teachers from a private institution of higher education in Cairo, Egypt, were examined. Practitioners with years of professional experience are not expected to have encountered elements of technology as we know today in their schooling. Nevertheless, findings suggest that conceptions formed early in life of what constitutes “good” or “bad” teaching act as filters through which new experiences, including the use of digital media, are internalized. As imprints of early learning experiences are manifested in teaching, it is the responsibility of teachers to look back on them for possible influences on their pedagogical theories. In complementary fashion, the study foregrounds the role of teacher education in mediating initial conceptualizations of teaching and learning and accentuates the value of reflective practice for continuing teacher development.

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