scholarly journals An empirical study on evaluation indexes of scientific research achievements in nursing

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-41
Jin-Lian Cheng ◽  
Xi Tan

Abstract Objective The purpose of this empirical study was to investigate the evaluation indexes of nursing research results and to provide references for the optimization of nursing research results and their clinical applications. Methods A total of 150 clinical nursing studies were randomly selected, the clinical applications of their results were investigated, and the results were evaluated using the evaluation indexes of nursing research achievements. Results The results of 101 clinical nursing studies were promoted through their application, accounting for 82.79%, but they were mostly promoted and applied in small areas. When the evaluation indexes of nursing research results were used to evaluate the results, the scores for the applied results were higher than those of unapplied results, and the difference was statistically significant (P< 0.05). Considering the levels of the results, the scores of the results of studies at the national level were higher than those of studies at the municipal and hospital levels; the scores of the results of studies at the provincial level were higher than those at the hospital level; and the scores of the results of originally innovative studies were higher than those of partially innovative studies. The differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). In terms of overall scores, the scores of the results at the provincial level were higher than those at the hospital level, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conclusions The evaluation indexes of nursing research results in this study can scientifically and effectively evaluate the level, value, and effectiveness of the nursing research results and can promote the clinical application of the optimized results.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 113 ◽  
Nguyen Hoang Quy

This empirical study analyzes the relationship between economic growth, unemployment and poverty at provincial level in Vietnam. The study is conducted on a sample of 245 year observations in 63 Vietnam provinces for the period of 2012-2015. The research results show that: Firstly, public investment has a positive impact on economic growth. Secondly, poverty, and export &amp; import have a negative impact on unemployment. Thirdly, public investment has a significant and positive impact on unemployment. Fourthly, unemployment; export &amp; import; and public investment have a negative impact on poverty. On the basis of our findings, we suggest 03 groups of recommendations for sustainable economic growth, poverty reduction, and unemployment reduction of Vietnam provinces.

Pflege ◽  
2000 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-138 ◽  
Georges Evers

Pflege als Dienstleistung hat eine lange Tradition, Pflegeforschung dagegen eine verhältnismäßig kurze Geschichte. Die erste Fachveröffentlichung stammt von Florence Nightingale aus dem Jahr 1858. Seit Nightingale hat sich das Bedürfnis, zu forschen und die Effektivität von Pflegediensten zu erhöhen, gesteigert. Mehr als zuvor benötigt die Gesellschaft auf wissenschaftlicher Evidenz basierende Pflege, die nicht nur auf Traditionen und Ritualen verharrt. Die Basis von wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnis kann durch Forschung erworben werden. Dabei ist es wichtig, innerhalb der multidisziplinären klinischen Forschung das besondere Interesse der Pflege klar im Mittelpunkt zu halten. Virginia Henderson (1955) und Dorothea Orem (1959) haben die eigentliche Aufgabe der Pflege klar festgesetzt. Das Design klinischer Pflegeforschung kann (quasi-)experimentell, korrelativ oder deskriptiv sein. Deskriptive Forschung kann qualitativ oder quantitativ sein. Experimentelle oder quasi-experimentelle Studien dienen der Erforschung von Auswirkungen von Pflegeunterstützung zur Verringerung von Selbstpflegenöten und Verbesserung der Selbstpflegekompetenz von Patienten. Einige Beispiele von klinischer Pflegeforschung werden gegeben. Das erste Beispiel zeigt, wie Pflegepersonalbesetzung und die Qualität der Pflege Auswirkungen auf die Selbstpflegefähigkeit bei der Hygiene haben. Das zweite Beispiel zeigt, wie Selbstpflege und Lebensqualität bei Krebspatienten unter Chemotherapie zusammenhängen. Das dritte Beispiel zeigt, welche Auswirkungen Diabetes-Aufklärung auf Selbstpflegeverhalten und Stoffwechselkontrolle hat. Die angeführten Beispiele und Argumentationen zeigen die Wichtigkeit klinischer Pflegeforschung mit klarem Pflegefokus. Dies bedeutet, Forschungsprogramme zu entwerfen, und setzt Kooperation mit Pflegediensten, Ärzten und Krankenhäusern voraus. Erkenntnisse sind im Interesse evidenter Patientenversorgung multidisziplinär zu diskutieren und zu nutzen.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-50
Makrum Makrum

This paper is discusion the polygamy is still a controversial problem, although much discussed and examined. The difference of opinion among scholars make this problem continues to potentially raises the agree and disagree. Even though it has been regulated in Act Number 1 of 1974 concerning marriage and the compilation of Islamic law (KHI), this does not necessarily make the problem of polygamy is complete. Not a few perpetrators of polygamy choose married under the hand or by sirri. This research uses qualitative approach by implementing thematic interpretation method (maudhu'i) to obtain a comprehensive understanding about polygamy in the Qur'an. The Data obtained through the study of a library research by sharing the data that comes from the various verse of the Qur'an, hadith, book fiqh, research results, books and the news in various media outlets in order to complete the interpretation of the verses of polygamy. Based on the results of this research it is known that the verses of the Qur'an gives a very tight restrictions for those who want to in polygamy. Justice that the conditions of polygamy is not only were quantitative but also qualitative research. In the context of historical-socio, the command of polygamy is intended as a form of the solution to avoid injustice to orphans women. Even if polygamy still want to do, should the husband marrying the widows who have lighten the orphan.

V. Turlyun

The analysis of some herds of imported cattle under the conditions of Russian farms had been shown that the genetic potential of imported cattle in many farms has being realized only by 57 %, with the output of up to 50 % of the cattle during the first 2 years. The reason for this is the discrepancy between the conditions of the biological needs of animals. In this regard, the study of factors that affect the provision of comfortable conditions for animals plays an important role. This is especially true for Holstein animals, which are more susceptible to various diseases. In accordance with the technological solutions used in modern large complexes, the loose housing method of maintenance is mainly used. This method allows the animal to move freely, providing access to the consumption of water and feed, as well as timely rest. This determines the importance of the requirements for the size of the boxes for the rest of animals, which should ensure dryness and cleanliness in the process of resting cows, prevent damage to animals, as well as the ability of other animals to displace each other. The crossbars should not interfere with the free movement of the cow in the process of lowering to the floor and getting up due to their flexibility. The dimensions of the boxes should be made taking into account the measurements of the animals’ torso, as well as the amplitude of movement in the process of lowering and rising. The purpose of the research was to study the size of boxes and their compliance with the biological needs of highly productive imported cattle. An analysis of the compliance of conditions for housing highly productive cattle of Canadian and Australian origin with their biological needs under the conditions of a mega farm has been presented in the paper. Calculation on the basis of measurements of animals has been shown that animals of the Canadian selection require boxes with a total length of at least 279 cm, Australian – 271 cm. The difference with the required width of the box has been also established. For the group of cows of Canadian selection it should be at least 120 cm, for the Australian – 114 cm. Research results have been shown that the discrepancy in the design of boxes for comfortable rest of animals is a deterrent to the realization of their genetic productive potential.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Krisna Aji Kusuma ◽  
Herman J Waluyo ◽  
Nugraheni Eko Wardani

<p><em>This study aims to describe the intertextuality relationship between the novel Pasung Jiwa by Okky Madasari and Calabai by Pepi Al-Bayqunie. The type of research is descriptive qualitative approach using content analysis. Data are collected by inventorying events that are similarities and differences, specifications on the characters, settings, plots, and themes of both text. The research results indicate that there are similar themes on the two novels, the theme of self actualization in addition with the theme of family and friendship. The same characterization are also used by both author, masculine figures with feminine soul characters. The difference between the two novels lies on the plot and setting. Pasung Jiwa uses progressive plot and Calabai uses a flash-back plot.. Okky Madasari takes Java Island as the background in the novel Pasung Jiwa, while the novel Calabai, Pepi Al-Bayqunie using the setting of Sulawesi Island. The basis of the similarity of theme and characterization supported by the similirity of events in the story shows the existence of intertextual relationship between the two novels. As a previously published work, the novel Pasung Jiwa by Okky Madasari is a hipogram and novel Calabai by Pepi A-Bayqunie as a transformational text. On the theme and characterization, the transformation of Calabai forward the hypogram, while in the plot and setting deviates his hypogram, Pasung Jiwa.</em></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan intertekstualitas antara novel Pasung Jiwa karya Okky Madasari dan novel Calabai karya Pepi Al-Bayqunie. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan konten analisis. Data dikumpulkan dengan menginventariskan peristiwa yang merupakan persamaan dan perbedaan, spesifikasi pada tokoh, latar, alur, dan tema dari kedua teks. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesamaan tema pada kedua novel, yaitu tema aktualisasi diri, ditambah dengan tema keluarga dan persahabatan. Penokohan yang sama juga digunakan oleh kedua penulis, yaitu tokoh maskulin dengan karakter jiwa feminin. Perbedaan kedua novel terletak pada alur dan latar. Pasung Jiwa menggunakan alur maju dan Calabai menggunakan alur campuran. Latar dalam novel Pasung Jiwa, Okky Madasari mengambil latar Pulau Jawa, sedangkan novel Calabai, Pepi Al-Bayqunie menggunakan latar Pulau Sulawesi. Dasar kesamaan tema dan penokohan didukung kesamaan peristiwa-peristiwa dalam cerita menunjukkan adanya hubungan intertekstual antara kedua novel. Sebagai karya yang terbit terlebih dahulu menjadikan novel Pasung Jiwa karya Okky Madasari adalah hipogram dan novel Calabai karya Pepi Al-Bayqunie sebagai teks transformasi. Pada tema dan penokohan, transformasi Calabai meneruskan hipogram, sedangkan pada alur dan latar menyimpangi hipogramnya, Pasung Jiwa.</p>

Xuelian Yuan ◽  
Jun Zhu ◽  
Hanmin Liu ◽  
Liangcheng Xiang ◽  
Yongna Yao ◽  

Abstract Background Tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency (BH4D), a less common form of hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA), can lead to severe developmental retardation if untreated. Little has been reported on the prevalence of BH4D among live births worldwide. This study examined its prevalence across China and between geographical areas within the country. Methods We analyzed data from the Chinese national screening program for HPA in newborns between 2013 and 2019. BH4D prevalence was examined by province, region and the entire country. Provincial-level prevalence was estimated from the number of confirmed BH4D cases and screened newborns, after adjusting for HPA-positive recall rate. Regional- and national-level prevalences were estimated by summing provincial-level prevalences after weighting them by the number of live births. A Poisson distribution was assumed in order to calculate 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for prevalence. Results Among 107,078,115 newborns screened for HPA in China, 380 with BH4D were identified, corresponding to a total prevalence of 3.8 per 1,000,000 live births. Prevalence was higher in eastern regions (5.9 per 1,000,000) and northern regions (4.1 per 1,000,000) of China than in southern regions (1.6 per 1,000,000) or northwestern regions (1.7 per 1,000,000). Across the entire country, 3.9% cases of HPA were diagnosed as BH4D, and this proportion reached as high as 15.1% in the southern part of the country. Conclusions These first insights into BH4D prevalence across China suggest slightly higher prevalence than in other countries, and it varies substantially by region. More attention should be paid to early diagnosis and timely treatment of BH4D.

2000 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-166 ◽  
Kathleen M. Baldwin ◽  
Lillian M. Nail

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