Changes in Export Affinity after the Creation of the EMU

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 20160031
Nadav Halevi

Abstract: The creation of the EMU in 1999 gave its original eleven members additional advantages for intra-EMU trade, relative to other members of the EU and the rest of the world. Other things being equal, this should have resulted in greater export affinity within the Euro Zone. This paper constructs export affinity indices for the intra-regional exports of the EMU, for its exports to the then other members of the EU, and to the countries that joined the EU during this period, for 1997, a full year before the Euro, and for 2007. These are used to see whether the net effect on export affinity are as expected, or whether other forces affecting the growth and direction of world exports led to different results. It was found that though there was clear export affinity within the EMU in both years examined, and, of course, tremendous growth in total exports to all regions, export affinity fell rather than rose between the two years. As far as special affinity is concerned, other factors affecting the development of world exports cancelled the advantages both of EMU membership and of new membership in the EU. Similar net results were found for bi-lateral export affinity indices of the original EMU members.

Significance This could create an alternative benchmark safe-haven asset to rival German Bunds within the region. As part of its issuance plans, the EU intends to issue at least EUR50bn in green bonds annually, which is likely to make it the world’s largest issuer of these bonds. Impacts The increased importance of EU bonds over time will help to support the euro's value and could eventually put pressure on the dollar. The EU is leading the world in green bond issuance, but the risk of spurious environmental claims (‘greenwashing’) must be managed. The creation of new EU bonds will help reduce the funding costs of riskier euro-area members such as Italy.

Valdis Voins

Terorisma draudi pēdējos gados ir pieauguši un kļuvuši daudzpusīgāki, tie ir viens no visnopietnākajiem universālo vērtību – cilvēka cieņas, brīvības, līdztiesības un solidaritātes, cilvēktiesību un pamatbrīvību – pārkāpumiem un viens no visnopietnākajiem uzbrukumiem demokrātijas un tiesiskuma principiem. Teroristiskās vardarbības akti ir noziegumi pret sabiedrisko drošību un mieru. Saukt pie atbildības par tiem var saskaņā ar vispārējām krimināltiesiskām normām par slepkavību, sprādzienu organizāciju un citiem vardarbīgiem noziegumiem bez nepieciešamības pierādīt speciālo teroristisko nodomu – tieši iebaidīt iedzīvotājus vai ietekmēt valdību veikt vai neveikt noteiktas darbības. Daudzas personas, kuru izdarīto noziedzīgo nodarījumu pazīmes liecina par vēlmi ietekmēt valdību vai iebaidīt iedzīvotājus, sekmīgi notiesātas, nepiemērojot speciālos antiteroristiskos likumus. Speciālās normas tiek pieņemtas, lai dotu iespēju saukt pie atbildības visu ar teroristisko darbību saistīto personu loku: organizatorus, vadītājus, vervētājus un atbalstītājus. Laika gaitā katrā pasaules valstī ir izveidojusies sava krimināltiesību un kriminālprocesuālo tiesību sistēma. Nozīmīgākie krimināltiesību attīstību ietekmējošie faktori ir valsts ģeogrāfiskais stāvoklis, vēsture un sabiedrības attīstība, valstu nacionālās īpatnības un specifiskās iezīmes, noziedzības struktūra un tās jaunās izpausmes. Krimināltiesību attīstības virzienus ietekmē starptautisko un reģionālo organizāciju izveide un darbība, kā arī politisko procesu attīstības tendences pasaulē. Ir svarīgi izveidot pienācīgus instrumentus, lai aizsargātu Eiropas Savienības (ES) pilsoņus un visus ES iedzīvotājus un novērstu šādus pārkāpumus efektīvā un samērīgā veidā, kas ir pietiekams, lai risinātu apdraudējumu, ar ko saskaras ES, vienlaikus saglabājot sabiedrības modeli, kurā valda plurālisms, nediskriminācija, tolerance, taisnīgums, solidaritāte un līdztiesība. Terrorist threat has grown and evolved in recent years. Acts of terrorism constitute one of the most serious violations of universal values: human dignity, freedom, equality and solidarity, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and they also represent one of the most serious attacks on the principles of democracy and the rule of law. Acts of terrorist violence are crimes against public security and peace. They can be prosecuted in accordance with the general criminal law provisions on murder, organisation of explosions and other violent crimes, without the need to prove the special terrorist intent to intimidate the population directly or influence the government to take or not to take certain actions. A large number of people whose criminal characteristics make it possible to see a desire to influence the government or to intimidate the population have been successfully convicted without applying special anti-terrorist laws. The special rules are adopted to enable the entire spectrum of persons involved in terrorist activity to be brought to justice: organisers, managers, recruiters, supporters. Over time, each country in the world has developed its own criminal law and criminal justice system. The most important factors affecting the development of criminal law include: geographical location, history and societal development of the country, national specificities and specific features of the country, structure of crime and its new manifestations. Developments in criminal law are influenced by the establishment and functioning of international and regional organisations and developments in political processes around the world. It is important to have adequate tools in place to protect EU citizens and all people living in the EU and counter such violations in an effective and proportionate manner, which are adequate to meet up to the threats the EU is confronted with, while preserving a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality prevail.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 108-112 ◽  
G. G. Geletukha ◽  
T. A. Zheliezna ◽  
A. I. Bashtovyi ◽  
G. I. Geletukha

Key figures on the development of bioenergy in Europe and in the world are presented. Best practices of biofuel market operation in the EU countries are analyzed. Conception for the creation of biomass logistic and trade centers is described.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-64 ◽  
Edith Drieskens

Summary One of the Lisbon Treaty’s most significant innovations was the creation of the European External Action Service (EEAS), which changed the EU’s functioning not only in Brussels, but also around the world. Zooming in on the multilateral context of the UN in New York, this article examines the new EU delegations and highlights the main challenges that are inherent in their establishment. These delegations could be engrafted upon a wide network of European Commission delegations, yet the literature gives little indication of success in integrating the functions and actors. Adding to the literature and building upon interviews with policy officials in both Brussels and New York, this article indicates an additional external challenge in implementing Lisbon’s provisions, with the context of the UN General Assembly raising more fundamental questions on status and membership — questions that have also shaped the role of the EU delegation to the UN during its first year of operation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (5) ◽  
pp. 67-78
Anna Krawczyk-Sawicka

The EU integration and the creation of the so-called European single financial market requires creation of institutional solutions corresponding to the integrated structure. At the moment, we are dealing with globalisation of financial markets, and thus with a growth in their integration. However, full integration of the financial system, or the lack thereof, will be only achieved when European states overcome the still lasting financial crisis and its effects in the form of recession in most EU countries. The purpose of this article is to present the situation concerning the integration of financial markets, as illustrated with the example of countries belonging to the EU, with emphasis on the situation on the Polish financial market after the deepest and the most severe financial crisis for the world economies, namely after 2008–2009 as compared with the period preceding the financial crisis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 132-142
E. K. Korovjakovskij ◽  
M. B. Saburov ◽  
Sh. Kh. Sultonov ◽  

Objective: Assessment and analysis of factors affecting the export of Uzbekistan and the creation of an online trade platform for the delivery of exported goods. Methods: Methods of system analysis, the diagram of the analysis of root causes when exporting goods are applied. Results: The structure of export and trade relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the countries of the world has been constructed. The factors affecting the export from Uzbekistan are analyzed and evaluated, the “Ishikawa” diagrams are drawn. A target function and an online trade platform for the delivery of exported goods have been developed. Practical importance: The considered root analyzes and the identified factors affecting exports from Uzbekistan, as well as the proposed online trade platform for the delivery of exported goods, make it possible to increase the export of agricultural and textile goods by 20 % or more, as well as to increase the republic’s exports to the level of imports with a decrease in the balance between export and import.

2012 ◽  
pp. 132-149 ◽  
V. Uzun

The article deals with the features of the Russian policy of agriculture support in comparison with the EU and the US policies. Comparative analysis is held considering the scales and levels of collective agriculture support, sources of supporting means, levels and mechanisms of support of agricultural production manufacturers, its consumers, agrarian infrastructure establishments, manufacturers and consumers of each of the principal types of agriculture production. The author makes an attempt to estimate the consequences of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization based on a hypothesis that this will result in unification of the manufacturers and consumers’ protection levels in Russia with the countries that have long been WTO members.

2017 ◽  
pp. 114-127 ◽  
V. Klinov

Causes of upheaval in the distribution of power among large advanced and emerging market economies in the XXI century, especially in industry output and international trade, are a topic of the paper. Problems of employment, financialization and income distribution inequality as consequences of globalization are identified as the most important. Causes of the depressed state of the EU and the eurozone are presented in a detailed review. In this content, PwC forecast of changes in the world economy by 2050, to the author’s view, optimistically provides for wise and diligent economic policy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 244-257
İclal Kaya Altay ◽  
Shqiprim Ahmeti ◽  

The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe ads territorial cohesion as Union’s third goal, beside economic and social cohesion and lists it as a shared competence. In the other hand, the Lisbon Strategy aims to turn Europe into the most competitive area of sustainable growth in the world and it is considered that the Territorial cohesion policy should contribute to it. This paper is structured by a descriptive language while deduction method is used. It refers to official documents, strategies, agendas and reports, as well as books, articles and assessments related to topic. This paper covers all of two Territorial Agendas as well as the background of territorial cohesion thinking and setting process of territorial cohesion policy.

Roberto D. Hernández

This article addresses the meaning and significance of the “world revolution of 1968,” as well as the historiography of 1968. I critically interrogate how the production of a narrative about 1968 and the creation of ethnic studies, despite its world-historic significance, has tended to perpetuate a limiting, essentialized and static notion of “the student” as the primary actor and an inherent agent of change. Although students did play an enormous role in the events leading up to, through, and after 1968 in various parts of the world—and I in no way wish to diminish this fact—this article nonetheless argues that the now hegemonic narrative of a student-led revolt has also had a number of negative consequences, two of which will be the focus here. One problem is that the generation-driven models that situate 1968 as a revolt of the young students versus a presumably older generation, embodied by both their parents and the dominant institutions of the time, are in effect a sociosymbolic reproduction of modernity/coloniality’s logic or driving impulse and obsession with newness. Hence an a priori valuation is assigned to the new, embodied in this case by the student, at the expense of the presumably outmoded old. Secondly, this apparent essentializing of “the student” has entrapped ethnic studies scholars, and many of the period’s activists (some of whom had been students themselves), into said logic, thereby risking the foreclosure of a politics beyond (re)enchantment or even obsession with newness yet again.

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