scholarly journals Harmonization of Law No. 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Objects of Semarang City

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 135-146
M. Shidqon Prabowo ◽  
Anto Kustanto

The Semarang City Government has been criticized by the community because it is considered to allow the demolition of ancient and historic buildings to be replaced with new buildings that are economically more profitable. The city has ancient buildings of high historical and architectural value, especially in the Old City cultural heritage area. Blenduk Church, for example, which was built in 1742, is a landmark of the Old City. Therefore, the following problems can be formulated: (1) What is the existence of Cultural Heritage objects in the city of Semarang? (2) What about Law No. 11 of 2010 in providing protection for Semarang City Cultural Heritage Property?, (3) What are the obstacles in implementing the preservation of Cultural Heritage objects in Semarang City? The method used in the socialization and dissemination of law regarding Law No.11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage conducted at the activity participants is a lecture, question and answer, and discussion model.  The results of the community service activities show that there is an increase in understanding and knowledge of the community service participants, which is indicated by the results of tests conducted by the community service team. From the results of this dedication, it can be concluded that the existence of cultural heritage objects in the city of Semarang can still be maintained, by creating cultural heritage zones, and protection of cultural heritage objects in addition to using laws, will be more effective when using local regulations and empowering society in the economic field. Then the advice given is that the Semarang City government should make a policy that protects cultural heritage objects from business interests. Besides that, it is necessary to conduct socialization about the importance of cultural heritage objects for improving the welfare of the community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-86
Pratomo Aji Krisnugrahanto ◽  
Denny Zulkaidi

Abstract. Every cultural heritage has different strategic management depends on its context. This research focused on the lack of good management strategy for Cultural Heritage Area in Surakarta City. The aims of this study is to formulate an integrated strategic management for cultural heritage areas in Surakarta City. This research used qualitative exploratory methodology with inductive approach. Primary data were obtained from field observations and interviews with sources related to cultural preservations, while secondary data were obtained from Surakarta City planning documents. The strategic management aimed for the community and government, therefore the internal variable is the condition of four aspects strategic management owned by the community and the city government, while the external variable is from outside the community and the city government. This research produces 73 strategy formulations which are summarized into 43 formulations based on the predicated similarity. The designation of strategy for managing Cultural Heritage Area is divided into two parts, which are 13 strategies for the scale of Surakarta City and 30 strategies for each region. Management integration can be seen from these strategies that are divided into each aspect to support the management of Cultural Heritage Area in Surakarta City. Keywords: Strategic Management, Cultural Heritage Area, Surakarta City Abstrak. Setiap cagar budaya membutuhkan strategi pengelolaan yang berbeda sesuai dengan konteks cagar budaya. Keberadaan bangunan dan kawasan cagar budaya menjadi permasalahan tersendiri bagi perkembangan kota Surakarta. Sampai saat ini, kota Surakarta belum memiliki strategi pengelolaan kawasan cagar budaya yang terintegrasi. Penelitian ini merumuskan strategi pengelolaan kawasan cagar budaya yang terintegrasi di kota Surakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksploratif kualitatif dengan pendekatan induktif. Data primer diperoleh dari observasi KCB dan wawancara dengan narasumber terkait cagar budaya, sedangkan data sekunder diperoleh dari dokumen perencanaan kota Surakarta. Strategi pengelolaan ditujukan masyarakat dan Pemerintah Kota Surakarta sehingga variabel internal adalah kondisi aspek strategi pengelolaan yang dimiliki masyarakat dan pemerintah kota, sedangkan variabel eksternal adalah kondisi aspek strategi pengelolaan dari luar masyarakat dan pemerintah kota. Penelitian ini menghasilkan 73 rumusan strategi yang kemudian diringkas menjadi 43 rumusan berdasarkan kesamaan predikat dan makna. Peruntukan strategi terbagi dalam 13 strategi pengelolaan kawasan cagar budaya untuk skala kota Surakarta, 30 strategi pengelolaan kawasan cagar budaya untuk setiap kawasan. Integrasi pengelolaan dapat diketahui dari adanya 17 strategi yang merupakan ringkasan dari 43 strategi dan digolongkan sesuai aspek pengelolaan kawasan cagar budaya. Kata kunci: Strategi Pengelolaan, Kawasan Cagar Budaya, Kota Surakarta

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Levana Salsabila ◽  
Hanson E. Kusuma ◽  
Bakri Prakarso A. W.

Title: Visitor Perception about Attraction and Expectation of Braga Area, Bandung Bandung as a popular city for travelers has a variety of attractions, ranging from natural to cultural heritage tourism. One of the areas that designated as cultural heritage attractions in Bandung is the Braga area. Historical buildings in this area can be recognized by the art deco architectural style on the facade of the building. As time goes by, the city of Bandung start to develop, followed by the appearance of new buildings in several regions including the Braga area. This study aims to identify the attractiveness and expectations of the Braga area according to visitors' perceptions. The research used qualitative method by collecting data using surveys in the form of online questionnaires that were distributed freely (snowball-non-random sampling), while the data analysis used content analysis. The results of the study revealed that there were three patterns of perception between attraction and expectation of the Braga region, namely Braga as a cultural heritage area, entertainment area, and circulation pathways.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Ardiana Yuli Puspitasari ◽  
Eppy Yuliani

ABSTRACTThe Old City area of Semarang is one of the areas designated as part of the heritage city of Semarang. Historically and the position of this region is very important role for the development of the city of Semarang and has important value for the science of urban planning, where the history of the formation of the city of Semarang and its development can not be separated from the existence of the Old City Area Semarang. Along with the development of the increasingly widespread city of Semarang, the old city of Semarang has long been abandoned and experienced environmental degradation. This of course has an effect on the area that is getting increasingly slum and left unchecked, whereas on the other hand the old city area has important values that must be maintained and maintained. The omission of important buildings that have historical value also continues to occur and causes the area to be slum and unhealthy. Through this research, there are goals to be achieved, namely important buildings identified as cultural heritage buildings are utilized by various conservation measures, so that the buildings can be functioned through adaptation of more present and complementary functions so that the old city area becomes alive and more productive. The method used to achieve these objectives is descriptive empirical which begins with extracting strategic issues in the field through interviews with building owners, the surrounding community and the Semarang City Government (Bappeda), as well as the old city area management body (BPK2L). The results of this study are that the concept of building utilizatio /function is carried out on buildings that are included in the first priority of handling, which are then categorized into 8 (eight) in accordance with the conditions and problems that occur in cultural heritage buildings. The concept of using cultural heritage buildings is directed as: museums, offices, art galleries, cafes/restaurants, souvenir shops, meeting rooms, homestays / guest houses, and places to sell antiques.Keywords: concepts, utilization, buildings, cultural heritage  ABSTRAKKawasan Kota Lama Semarang merupakan salah satu kawasan yang ditetapkan sebagai bagian dari kota pusaka Semarang. Secara historis dan posisi kawasan ini sangat penting perannya terhadap perkembangan Kota Semarang dan memiliki nilai penting bagi ilmu perencanaan wilayah kota, dimana sejarah terbentuknya Kota Semarang dan perkembangannya tidak terlepas dari keberadaan Kawasan Kota Lama Semarang. Seiring dengan perkembangan Kota Semarang yang semakin meluas, maka telah lama kawasan kota lama Semarang ditinggalkan dan mengalami degradasi lingkungan. Hal ini tentu saja berpengaruh terhadap kawasan yang semakin lama semakin kumuh dan dibiarkan, padahal disisi lain kawasan kota lama memiliki nilai penting yang harus dipertahankan dan terus dijaga. Pembiaran terhadap bangunan-bangunan penting yang memiliki nilai sejarah juga terus terjadi dan menyebabkan kawasan menjadi kumuh dan tidak sehat. Melalui penelitian ini, maka ada tujuan yang ingin dicapai yaitu bangunan-bangunan penting yang teridentifikasi sebagai bangunan cagar budaya termanfaatkan dengan berbagai tindakan pelestarian, sehingga bangunan-bangunan tersebut dapat difungsikan melalui adaptasi fungsi yang lebih kekinian dan saling mengisi sehingga kawasan kota lama menjadi hidup dan semakin produktif. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah deskriptif empirik yang diawali dengan penggalian isu-isu strategis di lapangan melalui wawancara dengan pemilik bangunan, masyarakat sekitar dan Pemerintah Kota Semarang (Bappeda), serta badan pengelola kawasan kota lama (BPK2L). Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah konsep pemanfaatan/fungsi bangunan dilakukan pada bangunan yang masuk dalam prioritas I penanganan yang kemudian dikategorikan menjadi 8 (delapan) sesuai dengan kondisi dan permasalahan yang terjadi pada bangunan cagar budaya. Konsep pemanfataan bangunan cagar budaya diarahkan sebagai: museum, kantor, galeri seni, cafe/restoran, souvenir shop, meeting room, homestay/guest house, dan tempat penjualan barang antik. Kata kunci: konsep, pemanfataan, bangunan, cagar budaya

N. V. Lyubomirskiy ◽  
S. I. Fedorkin ◽  
А. S. Bakhtin ◽  
A. L. Hmelnitsky

This article is devoted to the identification of materials and the study of the composition of mortars used in the decoration of the facades of residential buildings that are cultural heritage objects and identified cultural heritage objects to be restored according to a major renovation plan, st. Bolshaya Morskaya and pl. Lazarev in the city of Sevastopol.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
Mira Fitriana

 Abstract: Kali Mberok Kota Lama Semarang is a river that has a lot of history during the Dutch colonial era in Central Java. The revitalization of the Kota Lama area is now being carried out by turning old buildings into places for office activities and also for supporting tourism activities in the Old City. The development of the revitalization of the Kota Lama cultural heritage area was hampered by the problem of tidal flooding and street lighting. The waterfront concept for Kali Mberok is one solution to overcome the obstacles to revitalizing the Old City by adding green open spaces on the edge of Kali Mberok. The implementation of a waterfront in Kali mberok Kota Lama will have a positive impact on reducing buildings on the riverbank and also increasing street lighting with the addition of public open spaces. Innovatively, this study will lead and develop the potential of Kali Mberok in the design of Kali Mberok waterfront tourism around Kota Lama with an emphasis on the Waterfront conceptAbstrak: Abstrak Kali Mberok Kota Lama Semarang adalah salah sungai yang memiliki banyak sejarah di masa kolonial Belanda di Jawa Tengah. Revitalisasi kawasan Kota Lama kini dilakukan dengan memfungsikan gedung gedung tua menjadi tempat kegiatan perkantoran dan juga tempat kegiatan penunjang pariwisata di Kota Lama.  Perkembangan revitalisasi kawasan cagar budaya Kota Lama sempat terhambat karena adanya masalah banjir rob dan penerangan  jalan. Konsep waterfront untuk Kali Mberok menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi kendala revitalisasi Kota Lama dengan penambahan ruang terbuka hijau di pinggir Kali Mberok. Penerapan waterfront di Kali mberok Kota Lama akan memberikan dampak positif untuk mengurangi bangunan di pinggir sungai dan juga menambah penerangan jalan dengan penambahan ruang terbuka publik. Secara inovatif, kajian ini akan mengarah dan mengembangkan potensi yang dimiliki oleh Kali Mberok pada desain perancangan wisata tepian air Kali Mberok disekitar Kota Lama dengan penekanan konsep Waterfront.

2011 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 5-9 ◽  
Dante Abate ◽  
Graziano Furini ◽  
Silvio Migliori ◽  
Samuele Pierattini

Usually the diffusion and sharing of cultural heritage documented 3D models on the web are not first of concern for scholars due to the fear of losing the intellectual property related to them. Sometimes the interaction and navigation of virtual objects via the World Wide Web is also problematic due to their dimension (number of triangles), when high-definition has to be preserved. In this paper we propose a mash up methodology, for a multiple approach to visualize 3D models over the internet. After the digitization of a marble statue placed in the Medieval Museum of the city of Bologna, according to the well known 3D pipeline (from the laser scan survey to the texturing process), we assembled together different solutions for sharing the model on the web.

Edhi Prasetya ◽  
Agus S Sadana ◽  
Ashri Prawesti, ST, M.SiP ◽  
Diptya Anggita, ST, MT ◽  
Swambodo M. Adi, ST, M.Ars. ◽  

Community service, is the mandate from the Ministry of Education and Culture, to close the distance between the world of education and the daily life of the community, this activity is a manifestation of the implementation of Community Service activities based on the scientific expertise of Architecture. The implementation of this community service activity is in the form of an introduction aimed at various groups in urban communities, conveyed online through Instagram social media. The purpose of this outreach implementation activity is to provide knowledge to the public about the importance of the values ​​of the imaginary axis of the heritage area as the city identity. The implementation of this counseling is related to the material and learning process in the KOKA (Kuliah dan Observasi Kajian Arsitektur) course which has been routinely programmed in each lecture process. On this occasion, which was still in a pandemic condition, the exposure of counseling materials related to the KOKA learning process was transferred in the form of online material exposure through Instagram online social media. As an embodiment, on this occasion the material preparation was carried out based on the direction of the Lecturer Team by involving the student team to produce the online poster. With the implementation of online, the exposure material will continue to be conveyed to the target community automatically since the material is broadcast.

Ogif Ratunar Rahmatulloh ◽  
Ofita Purwani ◽  
Paramita Rahayu

Cultural heritage cannot be separated from the traditions and identity of a society. However, heritage and tradition have become commodities for tourist consumption. They become interesting for tourists who look for ‘authentic’ experiences. Some of the so-called traditions commodified for tourism are intentionally made for a specific purpose. In this case it fits Hobsbawm’s concept of ‘invented tradition’. This paper focuses on the Grebeg Sudiro event, carried out by the Sudiroprajan community, in the city of Surakarta. This invented tradition has been held every Lunar New Year since 2008 in the Pasar Gede heritage area. The relationships between an invented tradition, tourism consumption, and place identity in a heritage area will be examined in this article. This article will highlight how heritage area as the venue for this event plays role in Grebeg Sudiro and how tourists can consume this tradition along with the heritage place as the venue. This research uses qualitative case study approach. Interviews conducted purposively and direct observations during the event were conducted to note and record the use of cultural heritage areas in the Grebeg Sudiro event, as well as to see how consumption of tradition takes place. Pasar Gede as a place of activity is considered as an interesting object and is considered to represent the identity of Sudiroprajan community. It can be said that invented traditions, cultural heritage identity, and tourism consumption are closely interrelated and complementary. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 291 ◽  
pp. 05016
Yuri Yurievich Filippov

This article is dedicated to the current state and actual use of the unique historical and cultural architectural heritage of Kaliningrad region. A review of scientific works dealing with issues related to the consideration of the existence, ownership, preservation, operation, and perception of architectural objects in the city and region is given. The study gives a species characteristic of historical and cultural heritage objects in Kaliningrad region, makes their classification with specific examples, assesses their current state and current use. The article focuses on significance and determination of the value of preserved historical and cultural resources. The multifaceted value of the region’s unique historical and cultural heritage is examined and defined.

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