2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 206-212

The paper analyzes professional training of future philologists in higher education institutions in Ukraine. It determines and justifies the content of future philologists’ professional training on the example of the degree programme on Germanic Languages and Literature (including Translation), taking into account the new regulatory requirements. It describes the most effective forms, methods and technologies of organizing educational activities of future philologists. It clarifies the components of professional competency of future specialists in Germanic philology. It specifies the procedures and measures for assuring the internal quality of philological education at higher education institutions. Some general characteristics of future philologists’ professional training in higher education institutions in Ukraine, justified in the paper, have proved the need to update the content of such training and introduce effective organizational forms and methods of teaching and learning, which will promote the subject-subject interaction in the educational process, as well as contribute to personality development and assure the quality of education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Yarosh Anna ◽  

The article is devoted to the analysis of modern approaches to the organization of the educational process, which would contribute to the formation of a category of lawyers with the necessary knowledge and are capable of preparing and implementing reforms in the political and legal system of their state. It is determined that modern legal education poses its own requirements to the applicant, namely to be a comprehensively developed, independent, self-sufficient person, guided in life by his own knowledge and beliefs, in this regard, the issue of professional training of a modern lawyer, which could withstand modern challenges, becomes especially relevant. It is noted that the training of the future lawyer should be aimed at forming a versatile specialist (lawyer), ready to fulfill a complex set of modern practical tasks for the legal protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and citizen. On this basis, the training of future lawyers should take into account modern approaches to the educational process. The most important of them are analyzed on the example of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (hereinafter - NULES of Ukraine). First, the quality of specialists’ training substantially depends on quality of teaching subject matters which is defined by providing applicants with the corresponding training material (modern qualitative textbooks, manuals, study guides, didactic materials, etc.). And most importantly - the use of computer technology, electronic educational resources, with the help of which the interaction of the sphere of higher education with other spheres of life of society is ensured. Of course, modern ICTs increase the efficiency of the educational process, open the possibility of introducing completely new methods of teaching and learning. However, the implications of the growing importance of ICT in general, and the Internet in particular, should also be taken into account. The use of modern ICTs has become an integral part of the educational process of NULES of Ukraine during the Covid-19 pandemic. Secondly, taking into account modern trends in the field of education, the training of future lawyers should not ignore one of the most important indicators of the quality of higher legal education - the use of a foreign language in the educational process, in particular English. In particular, the NULES of Ukraine provides teaching in English of certain legal disciplines for applicants for higher education of the first (bachelor's) level. Thirdly, the training of a lawyer should be not only theoretical, but also practical. Practical training of a lawyer involves work during practical classes, internships in enterprises, institutions and organizations, self-training by independently performing certain tasks. However, it is worth highlighting another form of practical component of the training of future lawyers - these are legal clinics. To date, such a form of specialists’ practical training in the field of law has been effectively introduced into the educational process of higher educational institutions of Ukraine of the III-IV levels of accreditation. NULES of Ukraine is no exception. The Legal Clinic «Protection and Justice» operates on the basis of the Department of International Law and Comparative Law. It is proved that the quality of specialists’ training in the field of law depends on many factors (the use of modern ICT in the educational process, electronic educational resources, the possibilities of foreign languages in teaching legal disciplines, etc.). However, to a large extent, the quality of training depends on the practical component of the educational process, and therefore special attention should be paid to this component. Keywords: legal education, a lawyer, modern approaches, educational process, lawyers’ training, distance education, foreign language, legal clinic

The article discusses the essence of the qualimetry approach and defines its role in the procedures for assessing the quality of the cloud-oriented environment for flipped learning in the process of training future IT specialists in higher education institutions. It offers a basic factor-qualimetry model for assessing the quality of such an environment, which can serve as a tool for its current monitoring and periodic review in the implementation of the internal quality assurance system of the educational process. The proposed basic factor-qualimetry model is based on the relevant criteria and indicators that have a specific weight. When building a factor-qualimetry model to assess the quality of the cloud-oriented environment for flipped learning of future IT professionals, 3 criteria and 26 evaluation indicators were identified, which were analyzed using the method of expert assessment. An example of calculating the quality of the environment is given. The obtained results allow to form individual approaches to the assessment of the quality of cloud-oriented environments, which are designed and applied in higher education institutions.

R.O. Sukhonosov ◽  
L.Ya. Lopushniak ◽  
M.A. Harkusha ◽  
T.F. Karpiak ◽  
S.A. Kulish ◽  

One of the most important tasks of education reform in Ukraine is to foster creative individuals prepared to meet the social demands at both the national and international. The introduction of a competence-based approach to modern higher education and the formation of professional competence of future professionals is the best indicator of the quality of education received. Today’s demands for higher education institutions are to reach a qualitatively new level of presentation of educational material, apart from traditional, widely used modern pedagogical technologies. The aim of this study is to analyze the psychological and pedagogical, methodological literature and to identify the essential characteristics of pedagogical technologies. Material and methods. The study implies the analysis of psychological and pedagogical, methodological literature, the materials of educational and methodical conferences, methodological work of the department. To achieve the goal, clarifying the essence and peculiarities of the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, systematization, pedagogical modelling, theoretical prediction) are used. The rank of an educational institution is determined by the quality of the innovative technologies it uses effectively. For the development of higher medical education it is advisable to implement and integrate into the educational process all the above described pedagogical technologies, and the effectiveness of their use depends on the interaction of factors that support the educational process: competent teachers who are highly skilled in pedagogical technologies and constantly improve their professional level; motivation and sufficient level of basic training of future teachers; The main goal of the project is to develop the educational process and to improve the quality of teaching and learning; to actively implement modern educational technologies; to effectively integrate all known types and levels of educational technologies. The use of modern pedagogical technologies in professional training of future physicians contributes to the formation of professional competence of the students by developing the skills of self-study and scientific and investigative work, inter-industry communication, teamwork, analysis and synthesis, creativity, ability to cooperate with specialists of other specialties, to solve problems and make decisions, etc.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 232-241
Марина Лапіна

Статтю присвячено проблемам професійного навчання соціальних працівників, зокрема розглянуто психолого-педагогічні аспекти процесу підготовки висококваліфікованих фахівців. Зазначено що в професійній психології та педагогіці набуває поширення компетентнісний підхід до сучасної освіти. Акцентовано увагу на особистісно-орієнтованому та психолого-акмеологічному напрямках професійної освіти та навчання. Особистісні якості фахівця розглядаються як метапрофесійні компетенції, що забезпечують якість праці майбутнього соціального працівника. На основі аналізу специфіки підготовки фахівців соціономічних професій окреслено загальні напрями формування професійних компетенцій соціальних працівників: пріоритет професійно-особистісного розвитку для досягнення високого рівня професіоналізму фахівця; формування психологічної, особистісної та рефлексивної компетентності; практична зорієнтованість процесу навчання. Розглянуто методи та технології активного формування психологічної та особистісної компетентності фахівця в процесі професійного навчання, а саме методика контекстного (знаково-контекстного) навчання та психолого-акмеологічні методи та процедури професійного розвитку. Стверджується, що включення до навчального процесу інноваційних, заснованих на взаємодії педагога та учня, психолого-педагогічних технологій активного навчання має формувати особистісні зони розвитку майбутніх фахівців, удосконалювати способи та засоби професійного становлення, що значно підвищує якість професійного навчання соціальних працівників. The article deals with the problems of vocational training of social workers. They are particularly considered with psychological and pedagogical aspects of training highly qualified specialists. It specifies that competence-based approach to modern education gets spreading in the professional psychology and pedagogy. The article is accented on personality-oriented and psycho-akmeological directions existing in the psychology of professional education and training. Personal qualities of the professional are considered as metaprofessional competences which ensure the future social worker’s quality of work. The general directions of formation professional competence of social workers are identified on the base of the analyses of the specific professional training socionomic professions: priority of vocational and personality development for achievement a high level of professionalism; formation of the psychological, personal and reflective competence; practical orientation of the learning process. The methods and technologies of active formation of psychological and personality’s competence of the specialist during the vocational training are reviewed in the article, specifically the method and technique of signed-contextual learning and psycho-akmeological methods and procedures of professional development. It is alleged that the inclusion in the educational process of preparation innovational, psychological and pedagogical techniques of active learning, based on the interaction between the teacher and the student, should generated personal’s development zones of the future professionals, refine the methods and means of the professional development that significantly improves the quality of social worker’s professional training.

Olha Pavlenko

The article discusses the current state of professional training of engineers, in particular, electronics engineers in Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEIs) and explores best practices from US HEIs. The research outlines the features of professional training of electronics engineers and recent changes in Ukrainian HEIs. Such challenges for Ukrainian HEIs as lack of collaboration between higher education and science with industry, R&D cost reduction for HEIs, and downsizing the research and academic staff, the disparity between the available quality of human capital training and the demanded are addressed. The study attempts to identify successful practices of US HEIs professional training of engineers in order to suggest potential improvements in education, research, and innovation for training electronics engineers in Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-203
Iu. O. Pavlova ◽  
K. A. Tymruk-Skoropad ◽  
L. M. Tsizh

The problem of ensuring the quality of higher education and the formation of a culture of quality causes a significant interest. That determines the practice of collecting, analyzing, and taking into account information about the academic environment, requires identifying and constantly monitoring of factors that affect the effectiveness of curricula, and determines student success. To better monitor the effectiveness of the proposed approaches, keep up with emerging challenges, and adjust decisions, it is necessary to develop special tools to study participants’ opinions of the educational process. Such tools should have sufficient validity and meet current trends and approaches. The purpose of the study was to check the internal structure and validate the Ukrainian version of the content part “Experiences of teaching and learning” of the ETLQ tool. Materials and methods. The study involved students (n = 632, 59.81 % were women; age (M±SE) – 21.5±0.2 years old) of Ivan Boberskyj Lviv State University of Physical Culture, who studied in the specialty 227 “Physical therapy, occupational therapy”. Data collection was conducted during the 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 academic years upon completing mandatory special subjects. The convergent, discriminant, and criterion validity of the “Experiences of teaching and learning” part of the ETLQ tool were evaluated. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used in the research; α-Cronbach values, composite reliability coefficient, and average extracted variance were calculated. Results and discussion. Based on the results of the work, a modified version of the questionnaire was proposed, which contained 29 questions and had a sufficient level of validity. The final model consisted of four factors, which explained 51.353% of the total variance (the first factor – 39.339 %, the second – 5.224 %, the third – 4.281 %, the fourth – 2.509 %). The model was characterized by satisfactory indices: χ² / df (920/344) = 2.67, CFI = 0.923, TLI = 0.935, RMSEA = 0.055, SRMR = 0.058. Based on the validation results, a modified Ukrainian version of the questionnaire “Experiences of teaching and learning” was proposed, which is one of the content parts of the ETLQ tool. It consists of separate scales “Organization and structure,” “Teaching, learning, assessments and other set work”, “Teachers’ enthusiasm and responsiveness to students”, “Climate and support from peers”. The proposed questionnaire has sufficient validity to assess the quality of the academic environment, the effectiveness of specialists’ educational process in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and physical culture and sports

Mykhailo MEDVID ◽  

Responding to identified shortcomings is components of the internal quality assurance system of a higher education institution. A study of the educational activities of future teachers-engineers of computer profile found that most students are not going to devote their career to teaching, thus preferring engineering. Undoubt- edly, higher education institutions must respond to the requests of stakeholders, especially those seeking higher education. On the other hand, there are requests from employers (educational institutions) for teachers-engineers of computer profile. Therefore, further research was aimed at enhancing cognitive activity primarily by increasing motivation for pedagogical activity. Methods: pedagogical experiment. Results. An experimental test of the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for intensifying the educational activities of future teachers-engineers of computer profile in professional training. Originality. The results of the study testify to the effec- tiveness of certain pedagogical conditions for intensifying the educational activities of future teachers-engineers of computer profile: changes of external motivation to internal will take place if the information and communication technologies are introduced into educational process of studying peda- gogical disciplines; change of position in the educational activity of future teachers-engineers of computer profile in the study of pedagogical disciplines will take place under the condition that students apply a project approach to the organization of their own educational activity; intensification of educational activity due to its correc- tion in future teachers-engineers of computer profile in the process of operative feedback at each stage of educational activity. Comparative analysis of experimental data shows an increase in the percentage of students of the experimental group compared to the control group with a high level of educational activities of future teachers-engineers of com- puter profile in the study of pedagogical disciplines for a stable active position of educational activity – by 34%, internal motivation to study – by 32%, by the ability to plan and organize their own educational trajectory – by 32%, by academic performance – by 25%). When comparing the results before and after the ex- periment: in the control group the empirical values of the criterion χ2 are less than critical, the characteristics of the compared groups coincide at the level of significance of 0.05; in experimental group the empirical values of the criterion χ2 are greater than the critical one, the signifi- cance of the difference in the characteristics of the com- pared groups is 95%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (32) ◽  
pp. 15
Miriam Janet Cervantes López ◽  
Arturo Llanes Castillo ◽  
Alma Alicia Peña Maldonado ◽  
Jaime Cruz Casados

Higher education institutions face the challenge that their graduates have the competences that allows them to quickly enter to the labor market and obtain an adequate economic remuneration. us graduate satisfaction is a key element in the assessment of the quality of institutions, since it allows us to know their perception regarding the quality received in their professional training. e objective is study the quality of higher education institutions and the satisfaction of the graduate in the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas. e methodology is descriptive and transversal  based on graduates information and satisfaction. As a result, Students are satisfied with their professional training received and their expectations were met since the academic level of the institution is good. It is concluded that studies on student satisfaction are useful for higher education institutions to identify educational and administrative priorities about the service they provide.

ScienceRise ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 52-60
Valentyna Vitіuk ◽  
Nadiia Skrypnyk ◽  
Ivan Khomiak

The object of research is the process of forming the spelling competence of future teachers of the New Ukrainian School. Investigated problem. The spelling competence of students of higher education institutions as a component of linguistic and communication competence is presented in the article. The problem of the formation of linguistic and communicative competence, in particular spelling, is of particular relevance in connection with the introduction of the new edition of Ukrainian spelling. In the context of current requirements for the professional training of future specialists of the New Ukrainian School, the role of test monitoring as a form of diagnostics and control of spelling and punctuation literacy of higher education students is increasing, which allows to objectively evaluate the spelling of students’ skills, improve the organization of educational activities and in modern universities. The main scientific results. A brief overview of the history of testing use in the educational process is provided in scientific intelligence. The positive and negative factors of the introduction of testing in the process of studying the spelling material of modern Ukrainian literary language are determined. Guidelines for the development of spelling test tasks in modern Ukrainian have been made. The article proposes test tasks of closed and open forms for monitoring the spelling knowledge, abilities and skills of students of institutions of higher education after studying the topic «Letter doubling». The field of practical use of research results. The results of the study can be used by teachers of higher education who are working on the problem of formation and improvement of spelling literacy of applicants for higher education institutions, as test monitoring allows promptly checking students’ educational achievements, determining how thoroughly and correctly each student has mastered one or another spelling knowledge, skills. Innovative technological product. Test tasks of closed and open forms on the theme «Letter doubling» are developed. Scope of innovative technological product. The methodical recommendations for the development of spelling tests of modern Ukrainian language, the proposed test tasks on the subject of «Letter doubling» can be applied in the study of such subjects as «Modern Ukrainian language with a practicum», «Practice in Ukrainian spelling» for students of specialty 013 «Primary education», 014 «Secondary education», specialization «Ukrainian language and literature» of higher education institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 103-117
Oktaviia Fizeshi ◽  

The prerequisite for ensuring the professional training of masters in the specialty "The Primary Education" in Ukraine is the formation of their professional competence to teach in the higher education institutions. After all, in addition to qualifying as a primary school teacher, they are also qualified as the teacher of pedagogy. Accordingly, the preparation of the modern primary school teacher requires the organization of the educational process in higher education on a scientific humanistic basis which provides purposeful systematic provision of psychological and pedagogical training of scientific and pedagogical staff for the higher education institutions of different levels of accreditation for their interaction with students. This article summarizes the author's experience of studying the teaching methods of the disciplines "Fundamentals of Pedagogy", "Didactics", "Theory and Methods of Education", "Socio-pedagogical Fundamentals of Educational Management" and "History of Pedagogy". In particular, theoretical and aspects of students' methodical activity are revealed: active listening, participation in dialogue and discussion during lectures, observation of pedagogical classes from different sections (basics of pedagogy, didactics, theory of education, history of pedagogy), development of the text of lectures on separate topics, micro-teaching and analysis of pedagogical situations, their modeling, execution of creative tasks, production of visual material. Preparation of the masters for teaching of pedagogical disciplines in the institutions of higher pedagogical education facilitates their mastery of the basic concepts and categories of pedagogy, historical aspects of the formation of pedagogy as a science, current trends in education; the content of pedagogical disciplines in the institutions of higher pedagogical education; features of the education process, its regularities and principles, the methods and organizational forms, etc. Also, in the process of studying the methodology of teaching pedagogical disciplines, the masters have the ability to prepare curricula for disciplines; to plan and conduct various types of training (lectures, seminars and practical classes); to control and diagnose students' educational achievements; to organize various types of cognitive work with students, etc.

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