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Diana Luz Perez Hernandez ◽  
Ana Rosa Avalos Ledesma ◽  
María Isaura Morales Pulido

During the period of development of adolescents, each and every one of the processes that make them undergo constant changes, it is necessary as an educational institution to provide a space for them to identify with their peers, and in turn, allow them to manifest their skills, abilities and attitudes. We propose the space of the theater workshop as the appropriate environment for students to manifest their creative capacity, encouraging its strengthening, to later materialize in a staging, this can range from the generation of dialogues for a play, the creation of characters, to the construction of scenarios and objects that should appear in each scene. The importance of the fact that students can learn in a meaningful way within an artistic environment is emphasized, in addition to contributing to the formation and consolidation of a positive self-perception as an individual, student, artist and social subject.

María del Carmen López Cuevas

Social life is full of multiple manifestations that will evidence the structures that sustain it; given the dynamics of a globalized world, it is necessary to direct efforts to culture as one of the essential nuclei in the evolution of societies. Due to the above, the population has generated proposals such as cultural collectives, which try to be the space where such production is generated, protected and motivated. Directed by the methodology of action research, the Cocotón Children's Collective project was born, a space where children from the city of Tehuacán and its region are apprentices, producers and cultural managers, allowing them to interact, express themselves and take on new roles in their development environments. The first stage of the project's implementation was achieved thanks to the interest and active participation of the children's population, using the resources and capital of their home environments.

Lorenzo Alfredo Enríquez García ◽  
Luis Jerónimo García Faure ◽  
José Rigoberto Muñoz Cargua

En ocasiones, para la realización de análisis de rentabilidad y proyectos con fuentes renovables de energía no se dispone de un software profesional, o no se corresponden los parámetros de entrada y de salida con los disponibles o deseados por el usuario pues el diseñador escoge los parámetros con los cuales ha de operar su algoritmo. Muchos proyectos como el que se presenta en este documento pueden ser diseñados por profesionales y estudiantes con un modesto conocimiento de computación y resueltos con la aplicación Excel presente en todos los paquetes de Microsoft Office. El ejemplo mostrado tiene como objetivo la determinación de los principales parámetros del anteproyecto, realizar los cálculos de rentabilidad y el análisis de sensibilidad de un sistema híbrido eólico-electrógeno que debe garantizar la demanda base de una red aislada. Se comparan los resultados con los obtenidos en el software profesional HOMER Beta V.2.68.

Cristhian Andrés Solorzano Tomalá ◽  
Juan Carlos Olives

The objective of the research is to analyze business competitiveness and its impact on the organizational performance of small and medium-sized enterprises in the province of Santa Elena; to meet the research objective, a survey was applied to 316 companies. The results show that 58% of MSMEs do not employ sustainable competitiveness strategies; therefore, the MCEM - 2021 metamodel was designed, which aims to strengthen business sustainability through the implementation of strategic actions that contribute to two dimensions: administrative management and organizational performance.

María Fernanda Gaspar Castro ◽  
Carlos Enrique Rivas Vallejo ◽  
Félix Segundo Rosales Cortes ◽  
Carlos Ernesto Bruno Jaime

Talking about innovation and entrepreneurship, although it may seem similar, it is not. However, both concepts should always go hand in hand when undertaking any business idea and even more so, those that seek to empower entrepreneurs, in addition to seeking to strengthen the economic sectors of their region. The general objective of the research is to analyze the technological innovations in the textile sector in the canton of Esmeraldas-Ecuador, seeking to know the perception of the people with respect to this particular topic and its inclusion in this new modern era that is currently being lived, which is totally surrounded by technology. The population selected with the people who belong to the textile sector of the canton mentioned above, having a sample of 10 people to whom a semi-structured interview was applied, consisting of five (5) items that are related to the objective of the research, finally the technique and tool used for the processing and analysis of data is the software program Atlas. Ti software, which allows storing and recording the opinions obtained from the sample.

José Theódulo Esquivel Grados ◽  
Valia Luz Venegas Mejía ◽  
Migdonio Nicolás Esquivel Grados

The emancipation of the South American countries was aimed at achieving the freedom and dignity of the oppressed peoples for three centuries and claiming their rights. In this sense, the article is the result of a study whose objective was to analyze social rights in thought, the work of the Liberator Simón Bolívar and his General Minister José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, as well as their significance over time. Social rights are those that are aligned with human dignity and linked to the achievement of substantial objectives such as access to work, health, education, justice, among others. From the documentary analysis it is observed that these rights were originally consigned in 1824 by the Liberator and his minister at the time of founding the first republican University in the final phase of the emancipation of Peru and South America, but gradually they were legalized in the social constitutionalism of many countries during the twentieth century, which highlights its importance in the line of achieving human dignity. Social rights had as precursors the aforementioned heroes of freedom, defenders of human dignity and visionaries who were ahead of their time.

Sandra Maurera Caballero

The goal of this investigation is to present the writing competence of Venezuelan college students considering the particular academic and extra-academic situations it is going through and surrounded by. This is a qualitative and descriptive study, based on a field research that took place in Caracas at the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB) during 2018. 37 students enrolled in the first semester of either the Mass Communication, Psychology, or Education majors were the subjects of the mentioned groundwork. This investigation was realized in a period of 15 weeks total, divided in three phases: diagnostic, intervention and verification of changes in writing. In conclusion, there were advances in pragmatic notions or factors that must be considered in moments prior to writing and during the process itself, referring to metacognitive, cognitive and axiological aspects. It is suggested to continue working on all these aspects in order to achieve the consolidation of what has been achieved, preventing or reducing the chances of regression.

Jorge Tubón

The alternative means of conflict resolution in traffic matters establish a comprehensive investigation in which the dedication is shown in these alternative traffic processes and that allow an amendment legally. Nowadays in some processes, the causes are expanded or delayed stimulating that they are interrupted and collapse in some cases the administration of justice. It is also estimated that corruption processes coexist with sponsorships of some justice operators in many of the Judicial Units.

Alex Tapia Chamba ◽  
Armando Patricio Asadobay–Guashpa ◽  
Jhohana Jhohana Larrea Silva ◽  
Alexandra Suarez Jaramillo ◽  
Jefferson Sanchez Ruiz

Multi-criteria evaluation studies in the tourism field have gained importance in recent times due to the Covid19 pandemic that has presented challenges and new social, cultural and lifestyle changes in today's society. Therefore, in this context, the CME helps tourism planners and managers to have a clearer vision to make decisions in the prioritization and production of products that help to energize the local economy based on the tourist attractions with the greatest potential. The objective of the study is to inform planners, which tourist attractions have the greatest potential in the canton of Puyango. The research becomes strategic for the canton since the results determine that the petrified forest of Puyango, the 8-sphere clock of the San Jacinto church, the sphinx of the Lord of Giron and the Alma Lojana Gourmet coffee are in the top four positions that are strategic to develop efforts in tourism.

Juan Calvillo Barrios

This paper argues that the decision making of the political class is one of the main causes of violence and poverty, by presenting statistics that show the evolution of violence in the state of Puebla, Mexico, evidencing manifestations of violence: kidnappings, extortions and murders in the political class. The method used in the process is of a mixed type, used to collect and present statistical data and, through inferential analysis, project their future behavior, thus seeking a change in their behavior, which gives it a normative character. Among the main results, there is evidence of a rise in politicides in Puebla, normalizing violence within the population, this leads to identify a dystopia, following Lorenzo Meyer "the negative aspects of the exercise of power dominate to an extreme degree "(Meyer, 2017, p. 13). There remains for discussion the need to reinterpret the scope of violence, which, although it may reflect a sense of defense, the evidence shows the opposite. In this way, a reflection is drawn on the risks of such violence and the possibilities of turning the state apparatus into a failed one.

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