scholarly journals The Case for Teaching Culture through Neglected Authors: Carmen de Burgos and the Generation of '98

2008 ◽  
pp. 211-223
Sally W. Thornton

Teóricos del campo de la lingüística aplicada sostienen que para estudiantes de segunda lengua, la adquisición de la competencia cultural mejora por el uso de obras literarias. Aquí se propone que al integrar en la clase autores olvidados o marginados se ponen de relieve las ambigüedades, diferencias y contrastes presentes en la cultura predominante. Se ilustra cómo, en dos cuentos cortos de Carmen de Burgos, se plantea el problema de la mujer con todo lo complejo del tema, asunto casi pasado por alto por los autores incluidos en la Generación del '98. Applied linguistics theorists maintain that the acquisition of cultural competence by second-Ianguage students is enhanced through the use of literary works. The proposition of the present article is that by incorporating neglected or marginal authors i n the classroom, the ambiguities, differences and contrasts present in the predominant culture are highlighted. Through the study of two short stories by Carmen de Burgos, the woman question, a subject largely ignored by the Generation of 1898 writers, is set out in all of its complexity.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Nanny Sri Lestari

<p>Sebuah peristiwa, dalam kehidupan manusia, dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi penulisan sebuah cerita. Pengarang, sebagai bagian dari masyarakatnya, mengangkat relung-relung kehidupan manusia, ke dalam sebuah cerita. Namun harus dipahami, bahwa pengalaman pengarang dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari, juga mempengaruhi subjek yang ditulisnya. Saat ini tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi, bahwa teknologi komunikasi yang sangat canggih, telah mempengaruhi perkembangan karya sastra. Media penulisan karya sastra, tidak lagi melalui media cetak seperti kertas tetapi sudah melalui peralatan modern yang sesuai jamannya. Namun demikian ragam karya sastra prosa, seperti cerita pendek, justru mampu mengisi ruang media kommunikasi tersebut. Dua orang pengarang, yang menulis cerita pendek di media masa, berusaha mengangkat isu tentang lingkungan. Isu yang diangkat, lebih menekankan kepada masalah lingkungan alam dengan mengangkat isu tentang pohon sebagai bagian dari kehidupan manusia. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk menelusuri struktur cerita pendek yang mengangkat isu lingkungan dalam jalinan ceritanya. Untuk memenuhi tujuan penelitian, langkah awal dari penelitian ini, adalah melakukan pendekatan struktur cerita, yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan pencarian makna cerita tersebut. Sering sekali di balik sebuah cerita ada pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada masyarakat pembacanya. Bentuk pesan tersebut tersirat, dalam jalinan struktur cerita pendek tersebut. Pesan yang disampaikan, dalam kedua cerita pendek tersebut,  adalah pesan tentang lingkungan alam, yang  saat ini tidak pernah diperhatikan oleh masyarakat. Dengan alasan, kebutuhan ekonomi yang sangat dominan.</p><p><em>An event, in human life, can be an inspiration for writing a story. The author, as a part of his society, lifts the niches of human life, into a story. But it must be understood, that the author's experience in everyday life, also affects the subject he wrote.</em><em> </em><em>Today it is undeniable, that highly sophisticated communication technology, has influenced the development of literary works. Media writing literature, no longer through print media such as paper but have been through modern equipment that fit his era.</em><em> </em><em>However, the variety of prose literary works, such as short stories, is able to fill the media space communications. Two authors, who write short stories in the mass media, try to raise issues about the environment. Issues raised, more emphasis on the issue of the natural environment by raising the issue, about the tree as part of human life. The purpose of this research, is to trace the structure of short stories, which raised environmental issues in the composition of the story. To fulfill the purpose of research, the first step of this research, is to approach the structure of the story, which is then linked with the search for the meaning of the story. Very often, behind a story, there is a message to be conveyed to the readers. The form of the message is implied, in the composition of the short story structure. The message conveyed, in both short stories, is a message about the natural environment, which today is never noticed by society. The message conveyed, in both short stories, is a message about the natural environment, which today is never noticed by society.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Patricia Wulandari

A good literary work can provide information about various kinds of community life,including life related to religiosity. Literary works are closely related to religisiutas,because of that, various works appearing showing the religiosity of society, one ofwhich is the Javanese. Modern Indonesian literary works that illustrate this are thecollection of short stories from Umi Kalsum by Djamil Suherman, the lyrical prosePengakuan Pariyem by Linus Suryadi AG, and the novel Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk byAhmad Tohari. Each of these works represents the diversity of Javanese society. Thecollection of short stories from Umi Kalsum shows the religious side of the communitycalled the santri who are so obedient in carrying out their worship. The lyrical proseof Pariyem's confession provides information on how a babu is so resigned to seeinglife, but in her soul holds the wisdom of Kejawen. Meanwhile, Ronggeng Dukuh Parukdescribes the Javanese people who worship the spirits of their ancestors. Even thoughthey have different religions, they basically want harmony. Javanese people who livein santri enjoy harmony when they live with strong Islamic values. The Javanesepeople of the Gunung Kidul area live in harmony if they are always nrimo and see lifeas it is according to its Javanese nature. The Dukuh Paruk community attainsharmony that originates from the worship of the spirit of Ki Secamenggala.

2003 ◽  
pp. 203-222
Aleksandar Miljkovic

This essay discusses Grigorije Bozovic's literary and publicistic work and the degree to which it offers factography for anthropogeographical anthropological (that is, related to racial features), ethnographic ethnopsychological, sociological and characterological studies of our nation living in the regions discussed in his literary and publicistic works. The author particularly analyses his traveller's reports Sa sedla i samara (From the Saddle and Pack-Saddle), Crte i reze (Lines and Bars), Po Drenici (In Drenica) and others; it also analyses the short stories published in Srpska Knjizevna Zadruga (Serbian Literary Cooperative) (Rodjak / A Relative) and in the collections with the titles Roblje Zarobljeno (Captured Slaves) and Neizmisljeni Likovi (Nonfictional Characters). On the basis of the reviews and analyses of Grigorije Bozovic's publicistic and literary works in this essay, one could make a conclusion that they represent a significant scientific material and more than just that, the material relevant for the study of our and other nations in these Balkan regions.

Maria S. Sloistova ◽  

The paper focuses on complex research and description of creative reception theory and typology. There are provided definitions of such terms as reception, creative reception, creative reception strategies, and others. The author builds the typology of creative reception on the basis of works by E. V. Abramovskikh, S. Ye. Trunin, M. V. Zagidullina, V. I. Tyupa, and M. Naumann. This typology includes two types (or levels) of creative reception, defined as classic and postmodernist. Each of the types is characterized by a number of strategies, i. e. ways of representing an artistically received text in one’s own work. The classic type strategies (formal, authentic, neutral and antithetical) focus primarily on plot transformation. As for the postmodernist level, the author singles out two strategies: congenial and play. The theory and typology of creative reception is substantiated with some examples of reminiscences and allusions to English and world poetry. The examples under analysis are taken from the following prose works by the outstanding English postmodernist writer John Robert Fowles (1926–2005): the novel The French Lieutenant’s Woman (1969), the collection of long short stories The Ebony Tower (1974), the philosophic book The Aristos (1964), and also the lyric collection Selected Poems, published posthumously in 2012. The collection has not been translated into Russian yet. Therefore, the poem under analysis (Islanders) has been translated into Russian by the author of the present paper. The paper also deals with indirect Biblical reception which is found in the allusion to the ivory tower. The allusion gave the title The Ebony Tower both to Fowles’ long short story and collection as a whole. The author of the paper draws a conclusion about the dominant creative reception strategies in the literary works under analysis and also about the possible use of the presented creative reception typology in analyzing works by other writers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1 (13)) ◽  
pp. 167-179
Seda Gasparyan

The focus of the present article is the fabricated nature of some rejectionists’ interpretations of the Armenian Genocide brought out by the theory of frame – a reliable instrument widely applicable in cognitive linguistics. Referring to the information accumulated and stored in the memory of humanity and actually reflected in different dictionaries, literary works, official correspondence and documents, the author draws the readers’ attention to the background significance of the concepts Armenian and Turk in the cognizance and evaluation of the genocidal events in Western Armenia at the beginning of the 20th century.

Dari Escandell

Resum: L’escriptor valencià Víctor Labrado (Sueca, 1956) s’ha erigit com un dels grans referents contemporanis en el camp de la novel·la de no-ficció en català, subgènere narratiu que conjumina la intenció metanovel·lesca amb fidedignes discursos testimonials. Ara bé, ¿les obres cabdals de Labrado –peculiars, idiosincràtiques i gens usuals– poden ser considerades també, sense subterfugis ni matisos, novel·la històrica? A grans trets: trames guerracivilistes empeltades d’entrevistes, dosis generoses de periodisme documental i absència gairebé absoluta de ficció. La tècnica i l’estil propi no suposen, però, cap impediment perquè molts llibres seus siguen alhora novel·la històrica, si fem cas dels topoi convinguts per la crítica especialitzada. No debades, aquests exemplars esdevenen, al capdavall, testimoni viu d’un temps passat; vivències i peripècies de gent anònima que rescaten de l’oblit, des de la particularitat més universal, la realitat valenciana d’un segle passat vilment estigmatitzat pel conflicte civil de l’any 1936 i la dictadura consegüent. ¿N’hi ha prou amb això, però, perquè aquesta etiqueta o clixé siga atribuïble també a la resta de la seua obra i trajectòria? El present article analitza a nivell tècnic, argumental i conceptual els llibres essencials de Labrado per tal de determinar quina part de la seua novel·lística sense ficció pot o no considerar-se al seu torn novel·la històrica.Paraules clau: Víctor Labrado, novel·la sense ficció, novel·la històrica, literatura catalana, valencià.Abstract: The Valencian writer Víctor Labrado (Sueca, 1956) has emerged as one of the great contemporary references in the field of the non-fiction novel in Catalan, a narrative subgenre that combines the fictional intention with real testimonial speeches. However, can Labrado’s capital books –peculiar, idiosyncratic and unusual– be considered also, without subterfuges or hints, historical novels? Broadly speaking: are his Spanish civil war plots grafted with interviews, generous doses of documentary journalism and almost absolute absence of fiction, historical novels? Its techniques and style are no impediment to say so, if we pay attention to the topoi agreed by the specialized critic. In fact, these novels become, in short, a living testimony of our past time: they rescue from oblivion the experiences and adventures of anonymous people, from the most universal particularity, and the Valencian reality of a past century stigmatized by the civil conflict of 1936 and the consequent dictatorship. Is that enough, however, to attribute this label to the rest of his literary works? This paper analyses the techniques, the plots and the concepts of Labrado’s essential books to determine what part of his nonfiction novels may or may not be considered historical.Keywords: Víctor Labrado, nonfiction novel, historical novel, Catalan literature, Valencian

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-197
Eko Triono ◽  
Sarwiji Suwandi ◽  
Andayani Andayani

In its teaching, literature undergoes a change in approach along with curriculum changes. This study aims to 1) describe the purpose of teaching literature in curriculum KTSP and K13 at the level of high school; 2) to describe the function of literary teaching in the curriculum of KTSP and K13 in SMA; and 3) to describe the literary teaching materials in the curriculum of KTSP and K13 at SMA level. This research is qualitative descriptive type. The research data is obtained from document archive, informant, and textbook of Indonesian KTSP and K13. Data validity is done by triangulation method and data triangulation. Data collection techniques are content analysis and structured interviews. Data were analyzed interactively. The results of this research are the purpose of teaching literature in KTSP and K13 at SMA level is that students are able to analyze and create literary works, as well as develop individual and social character through literary works. The function of literary teaching in KTSP and K13 is to make literary works as a means of achieving language skills. Third, the literary teaching materials in KTSP and K13 are short stories, poems, plays, novels, reviews.

Eka Ugi Sutikno

In this modern-day, many women have a suitable carrier; however, they often have seemed like a weak person. One of their weaknesses that often shown is the unableness of how to make any decision. These things often happen in real life and stated in the literature, especially in short stories. The Anatomy by Padrika Tarrant and the Otobiografi Gloria by AS Laksana are literary works that are containing the identity conflict of the symbolic domination discourse. The research purpose is to analyze the identity conflict of the symbolic domination discourse in these short stories. The method of this research is using the qualitative descriptive because the subjects are short stories. The result of this research has shown the two main characters of these short stories, which dominated on symbolic and they live in the marginal as the women who have an identity. The conclusion of this research has drawn that women in this modern era still dominated on symbolic and as a weak person.

2018 ◽  
Vol 57 (1-2) ◽  
László Bengi

Publication practices during the early decades of the 20th century had a significant impact on the approach to literary works for both writers and readers. The majority of authors, including Kosztolányi, published the same work several times in different papers. The genealogy of texts is pervaded by the effects of contingency and unintentionality due to the lack of authorial, and sometimes editorial, control in the extensive and variable dissemination of works. Nevertheless, since the interaction of variants and their contexts can be conceived of as a mutual process, the mentioned publication practices also give rise to the possibility that a textual frame can be built around a work by re-publishing connected writings of the author’s oeuvre in the same paper within a short period. As an example, i show how Kosztolányi compiled an almost invisible series of short stories about death and suicide around the publication of one of his novels in the middle of the 1920s.

2011 ◽  
Vol 16 (01) ◽  
pp. 61-93
Pietro de Laurentis

This paper presents an early Ming companion on Chinese calligraphy, the Comprehensive Explanations on Calligraphy (Fashu tongshi 法書通釋) as well as the life of its author Zhang Shen 張紳 (fl. half of the fourteenth century). By analysing the content and the quotations included therein, the present article traces the history and outlines the structure of Zhang’s compendium, while providing also a preliminary translation of the introductory sections of the ten chapters which constitute the entire work. Also, at the same time, through the analysis of biographical materials about the author, Zhang’s life, his official career, personality, and literary works are elucidated. It is concluded that Zhang Shen, an expert classicist as well as a Confucian scholar, whose purpose in his Explanations is to expose and clarify a series of fundamental questions related to the study and practice of calligraphy, which are pertinent to the analysis and interpretation of classical treatises of calligraphy.

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