teaching literature
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 349-364
R. Bunga Febriani ◽  
Dwi Rukmini ◽  
Januarius Mujiyanto ◽  
Issy Yuliasri

The selection of appropriate approach(es) to teaching literature in EFL classrooms becomes a necessity that they can result in good performance of the students, both in their critical thinking aspect and their language proficiency. The problem appears when the lecturer does not implement a suitable approach to literary analysis when teaching literature to the EFL students. These problems led to the student’s inability to perform as expected. The present study examines how lecturers perceive the implementation of approaches to teaching literature in EFL classrooms and their relations to improving the students’ reflective writing skills as the manifestation of the student’ responses to the literary works. Among the approaches studied were the Language-based approach, the Reader-Response approach, and the Philosophical approach. The study was carried out on six lecturers teaching the Literary Criticism course in the EFL classrooms at the university level. A questionnaire was distributed to the lecturers teaching this course at a university in Semarang, Indonesia, containing eight-question items regarding how they perceive the literary approaches and how effective they used them in improving the students’ reflective writing skills, in encouraging the students to think critically about the events in literary works and in relating the readings to some aspects of their own lives. The study revealed that each literary analysis approach in teaching literature has its benefits and characteristics. The study results also showed that each approach has its strengths and weaknesses that differ from one another.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 187-195
Nurul Vidiyah

The problem in this research is the lack of alternative literature teaching materials used by teachers in the learning process. This study aims to analyze the semiotics of Roland Barthes in the animated film Entong which will be used as an alternative material for teaching literature in elementary schools. The research method applied in this research is content analysis method. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and documentation. The results of the observation show that there are semiotic codes of Roland Barthes in the episodes of the animated film Entong. This happens because, data retrieval is taken from the YouTube application. The semiotic codes contained in the animated film Entong are hermeneutic codes that function to see the problems of a narrative and create a solution or an answer, semiotic codes function to a connecting relation code which is the connotation of a person, place, object whose sign is a character, code symbolic functions as symbols, preauretic codes function to see the basic narrative actions in various sequences that may be indicated, and cultural codes function to see the cultural side of a story. Based on Roland Barthes' semiotics contained in the animated film Entong, it can be used as an alternative to teaching literature in elementary schools so that students can apply it in their daily lives.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Dhurata Lamçja

Albanian literature curricula in a high school system has incorporated in a few years a lot of concepts, authors and methodology pretending in absorbed and integration of knowledge worldwide on literature teaching process and environment. Analyzing the academic process of constructing the base and the theoretical axis of the teachers, which actually are teaching literature can be noticed easily that a large number of them in their last ten years of their professional carrier has nothing to do with it. Their studies in university stage was only ideologized and focused on socialist realism. The university’s curriculum was strictly handicapped and based on the communist ideology on “creating the new people- the communist one”, as the literature itself, and every art form was “shaped” as it. Being such a teacher nowadays in Albania you have to face a challenge: You feel prejudged by your “experienced” colleges, who has not accepted and never “known” really the perspective of reading a fiction text as a “open text”. You felt yourself “trapped” in textbooks, their sources and their perspective is limited on their authors theoretical backgrounds. Having a parenting and student tradition, mentality as their academic success is based only on “the book” (even if in Albania we have more than 10 years practicing “altertext”-as a possibility of performing the subject program through the book chosen by teachers between three or four possibilities) makes it difficult to provide an “open” experience on learning through a based bibliography. The academic coordinators in pre-university system, aren’t always ready for the teacher who want to realize the teaching process leaded by the ideas of globalization, open minded individual, constructive perspective of the personality of the student, on national history and tradition versus “the other”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (6) ◽  
pp. 3353-3367
Dinara Aitenova ◽  
Bekarys Nurimanov

Wars between countries, technological developments and acculturation affect every field, as well as the field of education. The social crisis and moral corruption produced by the modern world have led families and educators to think, work and produce projects on the necessity of human values and education. Language, which is one of the human values and one of the ways of maintaining the existence of a nation and transferring its culture, is very important. In this context, it is seen that the emphasis on values is increasing day by day. The education level where the need for restructuring is felt the most is higher education. It is important that training given in higher education institutions is given within the framework of human value perceptions and the training of employees of the future profession group. In this context, it is very important to associate language and human values with literature teaching. In this study, studies on the theoretical and methodological foundations of literature teaching in the framework of new human knowledge in higher education institutions were examined. In this context, the aim of the study is to examine the theoretical and methodological foundations of literature teaching within the framework of new human knowledge in higher education institutions and the related documents scanned in the Web of Science database, thematically and methodologically. The study was designed by adopting a case study from the qualitative research models. A sample was not determined for the studies to be included in the research and the entire universe was reached. In this context, all documents in the Web of Science database were accessed through the library system of the university. In the document search, the keywords ‘higher educational’ and ‘theoretical and methodological’ were searched in all fields and studies were found by searching for the keyword ‘teaching literature’ in the title. All studies were analysed by year, document type, Web of Science category, research area, country and publication language. The findings obtained from the research were explained in detail with the content analysis method. In the research findings, 78 documents were reached. The findings obtained as a result of the research are given in detail in the findings and results section. Keywords: Human values, literature teaching, methodological and theoretical structure, Learning, University, Web of Science

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 275-283
Elen Karla Sousa da Silva ◽  
Ana Maria Bueno Accorsi

RESUMO   O presente artigo propõe uma reflexão acerca da importância do ensino da literatura dentro de uma proposta pedagógica na Educação Infantil preocupada com a Educação das relações étnico-raciais no Brasil. Ademais, busca pensar a formação do leitor literário numa perspectiva identitária para a promoção de uma Educação antirracista continuada. O trabalho reúne os seguintes aportes teóricos: Cosson (2012), Bordini e Aguiar (1993), Brasil (2004; 2017), Munanga (2005), entre outros. Quanto à metodologia, consiste em uma pesquisa bibliográfica e uma análise descritiva das seguintes obras literárias infantis: Amoras (2018), de Emicida, e Meu crespo é de rainha (2018), de bell hooks[1]. Conclui-se que esta pesquisa se torna relevante uma vez que segue as determinações da Lei 10.639/2003, que alude à obrigatoriedade do ensino da questão étnico-racial, temática que carece mais atenção na Educação Básica, desencadeando e propondo atender a questões presentes no ensino na Educação Infantil, oferecendo possibilidades por meio da literatura para um letramento étnico-racial efetivo e precoce.   Palavras-chave: Formação de leitores; educação infantil; representatividade; letramento étnico-racial.   ABSTRACT The present article aims at discussing the importance of teaching literature for children within the scope of a pedagogical approach concerned with ethnic-racial relations education, from children`s education on, in Brazil. Furthermore, it aims at thinking about the literary reader`s literacy according to an identity perspective so that it promotes antiracist education over the time. The paper brings the following authors together: Cosson (2012), Bordini e Aguiar (1993), Brasil (2004; 2017), Munanga (2005), among others. It consists of a bibliographical survey approach and a descriptive analysis of the following children books: Amoras (2018), by Emicida, and Meu crespo é de rainha (2018), by bell hooks. The relevance of the work lays on the fact it has followed Federal Law n. 10.639/2003, which has imposed the teaching of ethnic-racial issues in Brazil. This theme wants to be given more attention in Basic Education so that it answers issues that are present in early education, in order to offer children many possibilities through literature to ethnic-racial effective and early literacy.   Keywords: Training of readers; childhood education; representativeness; ethnic-racial literacy.  

Reflexia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Ljiljana Rakić

Everyday and public life, contents of newspaper headlines, films, internet contents, social networks and practically all segments of life abound in scenes and descriptions of violence. The paper presents the characters of women who are portrayed as persons subject to subordination and other forms of violence within the literary works represented in the teaching of Serbian language and literature. The structure of the paper shows the analysis of the characters of individual women from the point of view of gender equality and position in society, but also the contextualization of the work. Aspects of noticing domestic violence and subordination of women throughout history are given, in almost all epochs of Serbian literature. The role of teaching literature in the educational process is to point out to students the manifestation of different types of behavior and to prepare children to see reality in constant comparison with the theme of the work. In recent times, we are facing the problem of gender equality and the idea of gender equality is becoming more and more prominent. The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of the content of teaching units in creating student awareness that violence is an extremely negative trait and that every kind of such behavior should be suppressed. Through independent presentations of students based on the analysis of individual female characters, interdisciplinary competencies are developed: problem solving, communication skills, skills of cooperation and life in a democratic society.

Agnieszka Kania

Along with the successive reforms of education, the discussion on the method of teaching literature in high school returns, including the role of the history of literature in preparation for the matriculation examination. The article presents the advantages of a comparative approach to literary education in the core curriculum of the Polish language from 2008, which in individual programs prepared by teachers can also be successfully used in themed-chronological teaching, facilitating work with history of literature based, extensive in terms of issues and essential readingscore curriculum from 2018. Examples of original curriculum solutions come from the author’s own experience and were created during her classes of literature didactics at secondary school at the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 230-232
Svetlana Stoycheva

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (43) ◽  
pp. 79-90
Lok Raj Regmi

This study analyzes the approaches to teaching literature in terms of their major concerns in a literary text, the roles of teachers and students that these approaches demand while handling literary texts, and the limitations the approaches have. The data were gathered from existing theoretical and empirical literature and analyzed descriptively and critically. The study shows that the approaches to teaching literature acknowledge literary texts for their own purposes. For example, a language-based approach treats literature as one of the authentic sources of language teaching and learning to acquire better proficiency of language by students. Likewise, information-based and new criticism approaches regard literature as material to facilitate students to acquire the skills of appreciation. Response-based and other critical literary approaches support the analysis of literary texts using different critical lenses. Concerning the roles of students under the adoption of the aforementioned approaches to teaching literature, the reader-response approach could provide enough space for the students’ responses. The study emphasizes the use of multiple approaches for effective teaching learning of literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-180

Writing skill is one of the language skills that is no less important and must be mastered by students. Likewise, short story writing skills. Through teaching literature, students can instill cultural, religious, historical, social, ethical and aesthetic values. Meanwhile, learning to write short stories is a subject that students do not like. To overcome these problems, an appropriate learning model is needed. Direct learning combined with background and flow models is one of the models that can be used to overcome these problems. Direct teaching model (MPL) is learning that is specifically designed to develop students' learning about declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge, which is taught step by step. So that learning to write short stories is more focused, MPL is combined with a background and plot model. The problem in this study is how to increase the ability to write short stories by applying direct instruction to class IX A students of SMP Negeri 3 Ngrambe, Ngawi through the background and plot model? Based on the observations in the first cycle, student activity was 57.2% and in the second cycle it was 73%. While the results of the short story assessment in the first cycle the average value is 73.42 with a completeness of 66.1% and in the second cycle the average value of the class reaches 78.1 with a completeness of 85%. So it can be concluded that, by applying direct instruction in learning to write short stories in class IXA SMP Negeri 3 Ngrambe, Ngawi through the background and plot model, it can increase the activities of the learning process and can improve short story writing skills. ABSTRAKKeterampilan menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang tak kalah penting dan harus dikuasai oleh siswa. Demikian juga keterampilan menulis cerpen. Melalui pengajaran sastra dapat menanamkan nilai-nilai budaya, religius, historis, sosial, etika maupun estetika pada siswa. Sementara, pembelajaran manulis cerpen termasuk pelajaran yang tidak disenangi siswa. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan sebuah model pembelajaran yang tepat. Pembelajaran langsung yang dipadukan dengan model latar dan alur salah satu model yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Model pengajaran langsung (MPL) merupakan pembelajaran yang khusus dirancang untuk mengembangkan belajar siswa tentang pengetahuan deklaratif dan pengetahuan prosedural, yang diajarkan selangkah demi selangkah. Agar pembelajaran menulis cerpen lebih terarah, MPL dipadukan dengan model latar dan alur. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah peningkatan kemampuan menulis cerpen dengan penerapan pembelajaran langsung (direct intruktion) pada siswa kelas IX A SMP Negeri 3 Ngrambe, Ngawi melalui model latar dan alur? Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan pada siklus I, keaktifan siswa 57,2% dan pada siklus II menjadi 73%. Sedangkan hasil penilaian cerpen pada siklus I nilai rata-rata 73,42 dengan ketuntasan 66,1% dan pada siklus II nilai rata-rata kelas mencapai 78,1 dengan ketuntasan 85%. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa, dengan penerapan pembelajaran langsung (direct intruktion) dalam pembelajaran menulis cerpen pada siswa kelas IXA SMP Negeri 3 Ngrambe, Ngawi melalui model latar dan alur dapat meningkatkan aktivitas proses pembelajaran dan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menulis cerpen.

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