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Published By Perm State University (Psu)


Olga B. Burdina ◽  
Olga G. Olekhnovich ◽  

The research deals with the issue of terms and their functioning in professional discourse. According to the cognitive and discourse approach, a term is regarded as a representative of knowledge which participates in the processes of receiving, processing, storing and transmitting information about the world and human activity. The purpose of the research is to investigate the linguistic characteristics of terms belonging to the pharmaceutical terminology system at different stages of its development. The article contains analysis of two sets of terms introduced during two historical periods: at the stage of formation of the terminology system (17th century) and at the modern stage (since the beginning of the 21st century). Each of the stages is represented by its own type of terminologization. The research material is composed of Latin/Latinized and Russian terms with the meaning ‘dosage form’ found in pharmaceutical documents (handwritten recipes of the 17th century from the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts; State Pharmacopoeias of the Russian Federation). The first part of the study describes the thematic group ‘names of dosage forms’ of the 17th century. Latin and corresponding Russian terms and nomenclature names formed on their basis are analyzed in this part. The reason for the presence of variations within the terminology group is studied. In the second part of the paper, the linguistic and extralinguistic reasons for the transformation of this group of terminological units are studied, the productivity of new models for the denomination of dosage forms is analyzed. Methodologically, the study is based on the comparative, structural, etymological methods of analysis, the expert method (used when selecting terms from the collection of pharmaceutical texts) and terminological modeling. The authors came to the following conclusions: being an instrument of language of professional communication, a term expresses a special concept and develops in the process of functioning; due to its dynamic nature, a term develops in discourse and forms new connections within the terminology system of the professional discourse (pharmacy, in the case of our study); on the other hand, the development of the terminology system contributes to the process of ordering terminology.

Galina V. Kuchumova ◽  

The paper provides review of the monograph by Ekaterina Evgrashkina The Semiotic Nature of Semantic Uncertainty in Modern Poetic Discourse (based on German and Russian poetry), published in the Russian language as part of the series NEUERE LYRIK. Interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Studien. Herausgegeben von Henrieke Stahl, Dmitrij Bak, Hermann Korte, Hiroko Masumoto und Stephanie Sandler. BAND 5. Berlin: Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2019. 173 s. ISBN 978- 3-631-78193-7. The monograph deals with the main trends of German and Russian poetry of the last decades. The focus is on the phenomenon of hermetic poetry. Modern authors consciously choose writing strategies such as literary improvisation, language play, and various intermedial inclusions. The first chapter ‘The problem of poetic meaning’ provides a theoretical framework for the field of research. It introduces the definitions of discourse, the concepts ‘language games’ (developed by L. Wittgenstein), ‘text / discourse’, ‘text / work’, dialogical dimensions of poetic text. The second chapter ‘Semiotics of modern poetry’ covers the concept ‘mobile semiosis’ (J. Baudrillard) and some others. In hermetic poetic discourse, generation of meaning is based on mobile semiosis, in which the relationship of stability between the signifier and the signified is called into question. In The Role of the Reader, Umberto Eco describes two models of the reader, different strategies for interpreting text. Susan Sontag denies the possibility of final interpretation of a text, she suggests eroticism of art instead of hermeneutics. The third chapter ‘Linguistic installations’ considers various manifestations of poetic Hermeticism in modern poetry, the experience of concrete and visual poetry in German: Timm Ulrichs (1940), Klaus Peter Dencker (1941), Barbara Köhler (1959), Werner Herbst (1943–2008), Anatol Knotek (1977), Herta Müller (1953). The final chapter ‘The self-reflexive discourse’ deals with the trend of modern poetry towards free verse and construction of new complex poetic forms. The process of occasional word formation is shown in the lyrical texts by German poets Thomas Kling (1957–2005), Lutz Seiler (1963), Konstantin Ames (1979), Lioba Happel (1957), Thomas Böhme (1955), and by Russian authors Polina Andrukovich (1969), Alexander Ulanov (1963), Dmitry Vorobyov (1979). In poetic discourse, the constitution of the poetic subject correlates with the introduction of new elements of culture into the poetic text. Such innovations do not lead to a mechanical increment of the elementary meaning, but to a structural transformation of the whole picture. The reviewed monograph is significant in that it provides theoretical understanding of individual poetic practices and the analysis of specific empirical material – the latest German and Russian poetry.

Ekaterina V. Vasiljeva ◽  

The study is devoted to the analysis of methods and techniques of mythologization in the novel The Ground Beneath Her Feet written by the British author of Indian origin S. Rushdie. The paper explores the narrative organization of the novel, in which images and motifs of ancient mythology are used as a special code for artistic interpretation of European culture of the second half of the 20th century. The article examines the artistic reality of the novel, which combines the modern history of rock culture and classical mythology of Ancient Greece. S. Rushdie addresses problems related to the nature of creativity using as the main plot-forming motifs such mythologemes as the love story of Orpheus and Eurydice, the myth of alldevouring Tartarus, twin myths. The study shows that a typical technique for creating expressive threedimensional multivocal images in Rushdie's novel is a combination of real facts from the world of rock culture and mythological allusions, intertwining, overlapping and collision of various motifs and plots of Greek mythology, which, taken all together, generates the original artistic reality. The article analyzes how the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice acquires a cultural dimension in the novel and what techniques are used by the author to activate the extensive cultural memory of the Orphic myth. The concentration and interpretation of iconic images and motifs of ancient mythology are used in the novel for artistic analysis of the state of culture in the second half of the 20th century and of its attempts to counter the catastrophic tendencies of destruction and death of the modern civilization.

Tatiana I. Popova ◽  

The article deals with the use of metacommunicative pragmatic markers in the gender aspect, taking into account the social roles of the speaker. The research is carried out based on the data of the ORD corpus of Russian Everyday Speech, known as ‘One Speaker’s Day’, which contains transcripts of audio recordings obtained under natural conditions. The subsample includes about 200 thousand words. It features episodes of ‘speaker’s days’ of 15 women and 15 men belonging to three age groups. The informants act in various social roles, opposed by the principle of symmetry/asymmetry. Pragmatic annotation of the material and further discursive analysis have demonstrated that metacommunication is actively used in the speech of the informants, but it is much more common for the women’s speech. The men use markers of this type with specific speech tasks, for example, for a refusal (slushay / u menya net deneg <look / I have no money>); in the women’s speech, the variability of metacommunicative markers is wider but there is no functional diversity. This confirms the observations of linguists, obtained from the material of various languages, that women tend to cooperate and maintain dialogue to a greater extent than men. From the perspective of feminist linguistics, this feature of female speech is directly related to the issues of the women’s dependent position since it reflects their passivity and the habit of yielding. However, more than half of the detected uses belong to the speech of women of the older age group (from 55 years old) who communicate with relatives and friends, while in the younger age group the metacommunicative pragmatic markers become multifunctional and also act in speech as a start marker.

Natalia N. Bobyreva ◽  

The article deals with the problem of distinguishing between terminology and nomenclature in the eponymous lexis of sports. It starts with a review of research works concerned with the differences between terms, nomens, and pragmatonyms. As the extralinguistic factors influence research into peculiarities of a particular special language, including the status of its units, there is also provided a review of works covering the problems of special sports lexis classification. Eponymous lexis is considered as a special and significant inventory of special language units, from the historical, cultural, and professional points of view. The proper name as a constituent of eponymous terms, nomens, and pragmatonyms predetermines the similarities between these types of lexis. The functional features common for eponymous terms, nomens, and pragmatonyms are their international character and stylistic neutrality, i. e. the ability to function in all the registers of communication. Distinguishing between eponymous terminology and nomenclature is based on the semantic criteria, namely the idea of the referent’s oneness. The semantic meaning and thematic relatedness of the unit, as well as the nomination principles, are taken into account. Eponymous terms are the units formed on the basis of proper names and denoting actions, systems of exercises, equipment, rules, formulae for coun­ting the results. Eponymous nomens are the units naming sports facilities, competitions, prizes, teams, and clubs. The names of products manufactured in lots are considered to be pragmatonyms. The methodology upon which the suggested classification is based may be used in research on special languages of other spheres, eponymous units related to different themes, and while analyzing the linguistic features of units belonging to the special language of sports.

Сhunxia Kong ◽  

The article discusses unprepared reading in a non-native language and shows it to have all the signs of spontaneity that are traditionally considered integral characteristics of any spontaneous speech: hesitation pauses, both physical (ɭ) and filled with non-speech sounds (uh, m-m), word breaks, reading the whole word or part of it by syllables, vocalization of a consonant, and so forth. The material for the analysis included 40 monologues of reading the story by M. Zoshchenko Fantasy Shirt and a non-plot excerpt from V. Korolenko’s story The Blind Musician recorded from 20 Chinese informants. All the monologues are included in the block of Russian interfering speech of the Chinese as part of the monologic speech corpus Ba­lanced Annotated Text Library. As the analysis showed, it is more often that there is not one sign of spontaneity but a whole complex of such signs, and together they fill hesitation pauses, help the speaker to control the quality of speech or correct what was said, etc. In addition, the occurrence of various signs of spontaneity in the course of unprepared reading is closely related to the individual characteristics of the speaker/reader. In general, we have found that there are more signs of spontaneity in the speech of men (3,244 cases; 40.7 %) than in the speech of women (2,049; 27.7 %), in the speech of informants with a lower level of proficiency in Russian B2 (2,993; 37.9 %) than in the speech of informants with a higher level C1 (2,300; 30.8 %), in the speech of extroverts (1,521; 38 %) than in the speech of ambiverts (1,694; 35,2 %) and introverts (2,078; 31,7 %). As to the type of the source text, there turned out to be more signs of spontaneity in monologues of reading a plot text than in monologues of reading a non-plot text (3,031; 40.3 vs 2,283; 31 %). The paper concludes that reading should be recognized as a spontaneous type of speech activity.

Alexandra A. Lukina ◽  

The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the economics film discourse. Eleven feature films and documentaries of the economic genre in the English and Russian languages (total duration – 1,221 minutes) served as the material for the research. The article provides an overview of linguistic studies of the economic discourse over the past 20 years, describing three forms of its existence and functioning: scientific economic discourse, official business economic discourse, and popular economic discourse. Further, the author substantiates the feasibility of using film texts as material for linguistic research into the economic discourse, as well as its advantage – the possibility of studying three modes: oral, written, and gestural. The paper presents the following typological aspects of the economics film discourse: target audience, participants in communication, communication code, topic and precedent texts as the main idea. Based on those, the author identifies and describes the target audience of economics films, three binary models of interaction between participants in economic communication and their features. Further, the paper presents typological variety of discourses in which economic communication unfolds. There are considered everyday discourse, mass information discourse, and business discourse. In the last one, the author identifies the following genres: business conversation, business negotiations, office meeting, public speech, presentation, business discussion, press conference, business correspondence. In addition, the author has compiled terminological maps for economics films with the identification of key terms that determine the subject matter and the main problem of each film. The results of the analysis can be used not only in further research in the field of discourse and textual analysis but also as a basis for the formation of lecture and practical materials to be used for the course of business English and in the training of translators in the field of economics.

Iuliia A. Shkuratok ◽  
Anastasiia V. Krotova-Garina ◽  

The article deals with the names of mythological creatures in the Komi-Permyak language. We identified and analyzed almost 300 names of mythological beings gathered from various sources such as field notes, archival materials, articles, and publications. The vocabulary analyzed in the article is not homogenous. We divided it into groups in accordance with the source language; words formed in the Komi-Permyak language were further classified into subgroups according to the motivation. Substantial part of the lexis comes from the Russian language. These borrowed words are used to denominate creatures that have analogues in Russian folklore (домовöй, баннöй бес, водянöй, дошлöй, лешöй, нечистöй, колдун/ковдун, колдуння/ковдуння, суседко/суседку). In some cases, semantic changes are observed, new meanings are acquired. The second group of the lexis is comprised of the names of Komi-Permyak origin with the following meanings: “place of habitat” (ва олiсь ‘dweller of the water’, джоджулiсь ‘dweller of the underground’, баня чуд ‘banya spirit’, кузнеча чуд ‘spirit of a smithy’, öшымöс чуд ‘spirit living in a well’, вöрись ‘spirit of the forest’, вöрись дядь / вöрдядь ‘forest uncle’); “appearance” (кузь дядя ‘tall uncle’, ыджыт дядя ‘big tall uncle’, ыджыт морт ‘big tall man’, чочком морт ‘white man’, кöспель ‘having dry ears’), “time of appearing before others” (луншöрика/вуншöрика ‘midday spirit of fields and meadows’, лун/вун ‘day’, шöр ‘mid’); “action” (ворожитчись ‘diviner’, лечитчись ‘healer’, ‘witch doctor’, шопкись ‘whispering’, тöдiсь ‘knowing’, тшыкöтчись/тшыкöтiсь ‘spoiling’). The third group of words includes non-derivatives or/and names with 'obscure' etymology (абач ‘domestic goblin’, боболь ‘spirit for frightening the children’, калян ‘demon’, куль ‘devil, evil spirit’). The presence of this group is largely due to the de-etymologization process in the modern language. These being the key points, we observe heterogeneity of the names of Komi-Permyak mythological beings, reflecting the history of interactions between Russian and Komi-Permyak people.

Natalia V. Voronevskaya ◽  

This study aims to assess the adequacy of the form of German sonnets when reproduced in English translations. The focus is on interrogative sentences, which, together with the sonnet in the form of a macro-sentence, the shortened verse and enjambment, are the characteristics of the innovative features of Sonnets to Orpheus by R. M. Rilke. The lyrical cycle Sonnets to Orpheus is among the most translated into world languages of Rilke’s poetry works, as well as Duino Elegies. Both professional and amateur poets and translators have been competing to put the Austrian writer’s best poems into English. Here we examine more than twenty English translations of the Sonnets into English, made from 1936 to 2008. The importance of the comparative linguistic-stylistic study of the original and its translations is determined by the continuing interest in Rilke’s works in English-speaking countries and the necessity to understand the principles of reconstructing the features of Rilke’s poetics using the English language. The system of methods used in this work includes: historical and philological analysis, comparative linguistic and stylistic description, as well as comparative analysis of the original and translation in the form that was developed in the works of V. Bryusov (1905), N. Gumilev (1919), M. Lozinsky (1935), E. Etkind (1963), S. Goncharenko (1987). We have found that the innovative nature of German sonnets is not always reflected in English translations. In some translations, American and British translators significantly modified the form of the original: interrogative sentences dominating in XVII and XVIII sonnets of the second part of the lyric cycle were not reproduced in English translations made by G. Good, D. Young, C. Haseloff, N. Mardas Billias and others.

Kseniya V. Dementieva ◽  

The article analyzes web portals and public pages of regional media, which help the media adapt to modern communication conditions. The material under study is texts published in the five media sources most popular in Mordovia and on their public pages on the VKontakte social networking service. We carried out a content analysis of more than 1,000 media texts and a qualitative analysis of about 500 materials. Basing on that, we ranked the media according to the activity of their subscribers and identified characteristics that allow the media to increase the number of subscribers and promote their activity, such as the expressiveness of materials, the use of various stylistic devices aimed at attracting the attention of the audience. Regional media are successfully using the platforms of all social networking services and messengers, the number of subscribers to each of them is regularly increasing. We have also identified the prospects for the development of regional media: a greater diversity in genres, in stylistic, thematic and multimedia presentation of information, a prompt response to the requests of the audience and subscribers will help to increase the competitiveness in the information market of the region. In conclusion, we offer criteria for the effective presentation of information on public pages and web portals that promotes a response of the audience.

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