scholarly journals Writing a postgraduate literature review: challenges, concerns and some advanced approaches

2013 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
Jolanta Miliauskaitė ◽  
Albertas Čaplinskas

The aim of the paper is twofold. On the one hand, it reflects the experience gained supervising master and doctoral theses/dissertations in various Lithuania universities and highlights some common challenges and concerns. On the other hand, it acknowledges with some advanced library research methods and that facilitate writing of postgraduate literature reviews.

Felix Laufer ◽  
Daniel Roth ◽  
Hansgeorg Binz

AbstractLightweight potential is a powerful indicator – but not as powerful as it could be. Current methods for analyzing a product's potential to be reduced in mass only deal with a few of the most important criteria for lightweight design. The amount of literature dealing with lightweight design is significant, yet it can help to understand these versatile criteria. Firstly, the literature on this topic will therefore be reviewed to derive a broad set of criteria used in contemporary lightweight design. Secondly, a further review will reveal the criteria used to derive lightweight potential. Subsequently, both sets will be compared to identify the missing criteria used for the derivation of lightweight potential. This will support designers in two ways. On the one hand, matching and combining both criteria sets will enable the most representative criteria for a particular design case to be chosen, thus leading to a more comprehensible derivation of lightweight potential. On the other hand, the combination set will provide a basis for designers and design teams to refine their understanding of their own motivations for conducting lightweight design.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Arif Rahman

<div class="Section1"><p>Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji  pancasila dalam dimensi pendidikan Islam. falsafah Pancasila belum dijadikan primadona utama  dalam setiap diskusi pendidikan.  Pendekatan dalam peneltian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Lembaga-lembaga pendidikan belum begitu banyak memaknai Pancasila  bagian hal terpenting dan menjiwainya secara sadar. Apa yang digagas kemudian  adalah  bagaimana falsafah Pancasila   selayaknya dijadikan paradigma kritis dalam kondisi pendidikan saat ini. Hal yang demikian bisa jadi akan melahirkan sebuah pandangan yang genuine yang menawarkan sebuah gerakan dan kesadaran untuk menyelesaikan berbagai problem pendidikan. Perbedaan kondisi di bagian negara lain memberikan kita kesempatan menampilkan sebuah gagasan paradigma kritis pancasila.  Dalam kehidupan masyarakat  yang lebih luas Pancasila  yang menggema hanya sebatas nama kurang terlihat bentuknya seperti apa jika menjadi penawar obat kesembuhan pendidikan saat ini. Hasil dari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa posisi pancasila seharusnya memang mendapat ruang yang berarti, di satu sisi karena prinsip-prinsip Pancasila  terilhami dari Islam, disisi lain  Islam memberikan legitimasi yang kuat bagi terlaksananya prinsip Pancasila yang sejalan dengan landasan Islam.</p><p>Kata kunci: paradigma, kritis, Pancasila, pendidikan, Islam</p></div><p><em>CRITICAL PARADIGM  OF  PANCASILA IN THE DIMEN- SIONS OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION. This study aims to examine the Pancasila in the Islamic educational dimension.The philosophy of Pancasila  has not made a prima donna in any discussion  of education. This study  uses library research. Institutions  have not so many interpret Pancasila as the most important thing and make it as the spirit consciously. What was conceived then is how the philosophy of Pancasila should be made as a critical paradigm in the condition of education today. Such things could be going to deliver a view that offers a genuine movement  and awareness to resolve various problems in education. The difference of conditions in others countries gives us a chance to display a critical paradigm of Pancasila. In the life of the wider community, Pancasila that echoes only as the name. Its shape is less visible if it be the antidote to cure a disease of the current education. The result of tihis articel shows that the position of Pancasila indeed should get a meaning space, on the one hand it because the principles of Pancasila was inspired from Islam, on the other hand Islam gave strong legitimacy to the implementation  of the principles of Pancasila which is in line with Islam.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>critical, paradigm, Pancasila, Islamic, </em><em>e</em><em>d</em><em>u</em><em>c</em><em>a</em><em>t</em><em>io</em><em>n</em></p>

Zulaikhat Magomedovna Mallaeva

The article examines the relationship between the semantics of a sentence and its grammatical structure. The complexity of the research is due to the following factors: 1) the lack of own research methods for the grammat-ical structure of the sentence; 2) the absence of more or less fully explicated concepts and terms for the study of the semantics of the sentence. In the Dagestan languages of the ergative typology, such structural types of sentences are presented, which differ both in terms of content and in terms of grammatical design of this content. The peculiarities of the syntactic structure of the language of the Dagestan languages cannot be investigated without establishing the regular connections that exist between the structural types of the sentence and the logical content of the sentence, on the one hand, and between the semantics of the sentence and a special grammatical form of representation of this content, on the other hand.

Алексей Автономов ◽  
Alyeksyey Avtonomov

The article is devoted to theoretical issues of using one of the research methods — structural analysis — for legal culture studying. Legal culture is a kind of a layer in social environment that represents one of the regulatory types. Law in its functioning is closely connected with the state, but rules of that law are rooted in societal life, resting upon the ideas of fairness which are dominant in the society under specific historical conditions. Legal culture manifests itself in the samples (models) of behavior and values. Legal culture combines the rational and the irrational. Legal culture is formed and developed under concrete historical conditions and, on the one hand, relies on law, being one of the legal phenomena (hence, the existence of law is the indispensable prerequisite for the existence of legal culture), and on the other hand, it is a factor of ensuring law existence and enforcement, because any rules that do not meet the dominant society’s values and predominant behavior samples (models), would be invalid: either they will be ignored and not applied or attempts will be made to adapt them to the values and behavior samples (models) by means of interpretation, enforcement practices, etc. (but as a result of that, the content of the rules will be different), or such rules will be changed or cancelled.

Kurios ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Setrianto Tarrapa

Reality of pluralism in the contexs of Indonesia on the one hand, is a challenge towards the implementation of Christian Religious Education. However, on the other hand, Christian Religious Education is becoming very essential for Christians to demonstrate the love of God in the midst of society. Christians are always in touch with adherents of other religions, even that kind of relation feels so strong in various areas of life. This problem triggers how the idea of implementing the Christian Education is relevant in the pluralistic context in Indonesia. This study was analyzed using qualitative research methods through library research techniques. Findings showed that, in the pluralistic context, the implementation of Christian Religious Education in Indonesia as an integral part of the mission can be carried out through three aspects, namely: revitalizing the thinking paradigm about pluralism; interpreting the implementation strategy of Christian Religious Education in a pluralistic society; and mainstreaming and buliding the vision and mission of multicultural based Christian Religious Education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 223-236
Candra Bangun Setyawan

Purpose: This study is to understand the integration of music and technology that has broadened various perspectives in representing experiences into musical works. Research methods: This article is a literature review about Max/Msp. It is a software based visual programming language for music and multimedia. Results and discussion: The emergence of Max offers a variety of possibilities related to the space of creativity, as well as having an impact on the loss of the boundaries of the creativity process. On the other hand, from the many possibilities that can be offered, access and availability of books related to Max are still very limited in Indonesia. Implication: Max contributes in expanding musical works through various new perspectives.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-26
Deni Junaedi ◽  
Adnan Aditya K

Penelitian “Komposisi Efek Spontan Cat Air dengan Sulur Tradisional Yogyakarta pada Penciptaan Lukisan” ini paling tidak memiliki tiga urgensi untuk pendidikan seni lukis maupun dunia seni lukis pada umumnya. Pertama, perpaduan efek spontan cat air yang terjadi dengan sendirinya dengan sulur tradisional Yogyakarta yang memiliki pakem akan menghasilkan dinamika bentuk yang diperlukan untuk penciptaan seni lukis. Kedua, sulur biasanya menjadi penghias barang fungsional, dan dalam penelitian ini ia diangkat sebagai pembangkit pengalaman estetis itu sendiri; dengan kata lain ‘sulur dihadirkan sebagai sulur itu sendiri’, bukan sekedar penghias yang menempatkannya sebagai aspek kedua setelah barang yang dihiasi. Ketiga, penelitian ini menerapkan kaidah langgam seni postmodern shock of the old, bukan shock of the new.Rumusan penciptaan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana mengomposisi efek spontan cat air di kertas dengan bentuk sulur tradisional Yogyakarta untuk penciptaan lukisan. Data sulur diperoleh dengan kajian pustaka maupun observasi, yaitu di Keraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta, Makam Raja-Raja Mataram Kotagede, Makam Raja-Raja Imogiri, Museum Sonobudoyo, Taman Sari, Museum Kereta Keraton, dan Benteng Vredeburg.Hasil penciptaan lukisan kombinasi efek spontan cat air dengan sulur tradisional ini dikerjakan dengan dua cara yang berbeda. Cara pertama adalah menentukan bentuk sulur lalu diberi efek spontan cat air. Sebaliknya, cara kedua adalah membuat efek spontan cat air terlebih dahulu kemudian direspon dengan sulur. Kata Kunci: lukisan, sulur, efek spontan cat air, Yogyakarta  This research, “Compositions between Watercolor Effects and Yogyakarta Traditional Sulurs for Painting Creations”, has at least three urgencies for painting educations and art worlds generally. First, on the one hand, watercolor effects give spontaneous forms; on the other hand, Yogyakarta traditional Sulurs (spiral forms of floral ornamens) have certain patterns. Combinations of both of them produce dynamic compositions needed for creating paintings. Second, the function of sulurs usually are for decorating things, such as ornamens on buidings, furniture, or book illuminations; in this case, sulur is as the second thing. Meanwhile, in this research, sulurs are used for arousing aesthetic experiences; it is as itself. Third, this study applies the postmodern art value ‘shock of the old’, not ‘shock of the new’. The research question is how to compose the spontaneous watercolor effects with Yogyakarta traditional sulurs for painting creations. Sulur data is obtained by literature review and observations at Yogyakarta Sultanate Palace, Tomb of the Kings of Mataram Kotagede, Tomb of the Kings of Imogiri, Sonobudoyo Museum, Taman Sari, Keraton Carriage Museum, and Vredeburg Fort. The result of this research is, the combinations of watercolor effects and sulur can be created in two different ways. The first way is determining the shape of the sulurs then given with watercolor effects. Instead, the second way is creating watercolor effects first then responded with sulurs. Keywords: painting, sulur, spontaneous watercolor effect, Yogyakarta

2019 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 09009
Siswo Harsono

Ecocultural tourism is a hybrid of ecotourism and cultural tourism. This research deals with ecocultural tourism in Tegal Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to investigate the hybridity of ecotourism and cultural tourism in the Tegal Regency. This research uses ecocultural theory and ecocultural tourism theory. The methods applied in this research are library research and fieldwork. Library research is applied to collect informative data about ecocultural tourism. The fieldwork is applied to collect data by interviewing the informants of tourism in Tegal Regency. By applying the theory and the methods, it is found that the hybridity of ecotourism and cultural tourism becomes the strategy to develop ecocultural tourism in Tegal Regency. On the one hand, ecocultural events relate to natural conservations; on the other hand, the events related to cultural conservations. The ecocultural tourism events become the prime tourist attractions that are able to attract local, domestic, and foreign tourists.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Fitri Handayani ◽  
Mustari Bosra

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui latar belakang legalisasi Lotto di Makassar, dinamika penyelenggaraan Lotto di Makassar, serta dampak legalisasi Lotto dalam kehidupan masyarakat Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif-analisis dengan menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah melalui tahap heurisik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian yang disajikan dalam tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa Pola dasar pembangunan daerah Kotamadya Makassar yang berisikan pemberantasan kemiskinan, kebodohan dan kemelaratan (3K) sesuai dengan PELITA terhambat karena kurangnya dana. Walikota Kotamadya Makassar pada saat itu, H.M. Dg. Patompo mencari jalan keluar dengan mengumpulkan dana pembangunan inkonvensional berupa pajak perjudian dengan memilih Lotere Totalisator (Lotto) yang saat itu marak diselenggarakan di Kota lain. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyelenggaraan Lotto di Makassar pada satu sisi mampu membantu menambah pendapatan asli daerah, namun pada sisi lain Lotto ini juga menjadi virus yang membuat pemikiran spekulatif berkembang dikalangan masyarakat yaitu dengan mendapatkan untung dari hasil Lotto tanpa harus bekerja keras dan juga menghilangkan budaya siri’ yang dianut oleh masyarakat Bugis Makassar.Kata Kunci: Lotto, Makassar, dan PajakThis study aims to determine the background of Lotto legalization in Makassar, the dynamics of the implementation of Lotto in Makassar, and the impact of Lotto legalization on the lives of Makassar people. This research is a descriptive-analysis study using historical research methods through the heurisic, criticism, interpretation and historiography stages. The results of the study presented in this paper show that the basic pattern of regional development in the Municipality of Makassar which contains poverty, ignorance and poverty (3K) in accordance with PELITA is hampered due to lack of funds. The Mayor of Makassar Municipality at the time, H.M. Dg. Patompo sought a way out by collecting unconventional development funds in the form of a gambling tax by selecting Lottery Totalisator (Lotto), which at that time was rife in other cities. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the implementation of Lotto in Makassar on the one hand is able to help increase local original income, but on the other hand this Lotto is also a virus that makes speculative thinking develop among the community by getting profits from Lotto results without having to work hard and also eliminating siri’ culture adhered to by the Bugis Makassar community.Keywords: Lotto, Makassar and Tax 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-254
Pablo Medina Aguerreber ◽  
Toni González Pacanowski ◽  
Eva Medina

This paper aims to analyse how the 100 most reputed pharmaceutical companies in Spain use Facebook for improving their corporate reputation. To do that, on the one hand, we carried out a literature review about corporate communication, health organizations and social media; and on the other hand, we analysed their Facebook corporate profiles by using ten indicators related to corporate communication. This paper concludes that pharmaceutical companies in Spain does not consider Facebook any more like a strategic tool for their corporate communication strategies because only 18 companies manage actively a Facebook corporate profile from their headquarters in Spain.

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