scholarly journals The Synergy of Arts, Science, and Islam in Early Childhood Learning in Yogyakarta

Suyadi Suyadi

 Abstract Arts in Islam is an expression of tawheed (oneness of God) and prophetic, which is in neuroscience stated as able to activate the brain, affect emotions, and improve social skills, motivation, cultural awareness, and aesthetic appreciation. However some researchers still think that arts are less in accordance with the teachings of Islam, and also some scientists still regard arts as an enemy in science education. Uniquely, arts at the level of Early Childhood Education (Day Care-Play Group-Kindergarten/Islamic Kindergarten) are dominant in learning. Unfortunately, the higher the levels of education, arts are reduced. The purpose of this research is to analyze the synergy of arts and science in early childhood learning at three Early Childhood Education institutions in Yogyakarta, which has a variety of Islamic styles. The approach of this research was qualitative descriptive. Data collection techniques were conducted by observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique was done in descriptive, interpretative, and comparative with reference to neuroscience learning theory. The results showed that what makes art always controversial with the Islamic teachings is not in essence, but on other things that are often expressed unethically. Arts in Islamic education of early childhood are the religious arts that empathic and full-meaning, thus not only in accordance with Islamic teachings but becomes the basic needs of every people. The synergy of arts and science in early childhood learning can improve learning creativity.Abstrak Seni dalam Islam merupakan ekspresi tauhid dan profetik, yang dalam neurosains dinyatakan mampu mengaktivasi otak, mempengaruhi emosi, meningkatkan keterampilan sosial, motivasi, kesadaran budaya dan apresiasi estetika. Tetapi sebagian peneliti masih beranggapan bahwa kurang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam dan sebagian ilmuwan masih menganggap seni  sebagai musuh sain dalam pendidikan. Uniknya, seni pada jenjang Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD: TPA-KB-TK/RA/BA) sangat mendominasi dalam pembelajaran. Sayangnya, semakin tinggi jenjang pendidikan seni semakin menghilang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis sinergi seni dan sains dalam pembelajaran anak usia dini pada tiga lembaga PIAUD di Yogyakarta yang memiliki corak keisalaman beragam. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Teknik anailis data dilakukan secara deskriptif, interpretatif dan komparatif dengan mengacu teori pembelajaran neurosains. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yang menjadikan seni selalu kontroversi dengan ajaran Islam bukan pada esensinya, melainkan pada hal-hal lain yang sering kali diekspresikan secara tidak etis. Seni dalam pendidikan Islam anak usia dini adalah seni religi yang empatik dan meaning fullness sehingga tidak saja sesuai dengan ajaran Islam melainkan menjadi kebutuhan asasi setiap orang. Sinergi seni dan sains dalam pembelajaran anak usia dini dapat meningkatkan kreatifitas belajar.

Hasbi Sjamsir ◽  
Yuli ani

This study aims to describe the planning, implementation, and assessment of natural school-based learning in Early Childhood Education-Barokallah Samarinda. The research method used is qualitative research. Data collection techniques are through in-depth interviews, observation, documentation, and field notes. The data analysis technique used is the interactive flow model of Miles and Huberman (1994), by collecting data, reducting data, presenting data, and verifying or concluding. The credibility test uses data validity through triangulation. The results showed that 1) Nature-based learning planning in Early Childhood Education-Barokallah Samarinda, namely determining Basic Competence, determining teaching materials, learning activities, tools, and materials used to carry out activities. 2) Implementation of nature-based learning in Early Childhood Education-Barokallah, through playing ground. Nature-based learning is carried out in the classroom or outside the classroom and children learn about nature, using nature, and being with nature. 3) Evaluation of nature-based learning in Early Childhood Education-Barokallah uses assessment through observation, anecdotal notes, and portfolios.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Suyadi Suyadi

Religious, inspirational, and motivational storytelling can develop hard a work ethic, and also cultivate spirituality that implicates the nation's progress. On the contrary, storytelling that "lulled" people will make the nation's generation become lazy, thus do not have work hard ethic. Children's stories in Indonesia are still contaminated with Isra'iliyat stories and contain trickery, even mystique, and sexual contents. Therefore it has implications for the nation's condition which is corrupt, adolescent free-sex, and rampant practice of political shamanism. This research examines the storytelling in Early Childhood Education in the study of the neuroscience of Islamic education. The research setting was conducted at Early Childhood Education institutions in Yogyakarta. This research was using a descriptive qualitative approach. Research data were children's storybooks and storytelling methods in early childhood learning practices. Elements of children's stories were analyzed in descriptive, interpretative, and comparative ways based on neuroscience learning theories, thus can be known which stories fit the brain work characteristics. The results showed that children's stories can be divided into three, which are robotic stories, the stories that could be damaging children's brain potential; academic stories, stories that could be emasculating children's brain; and scientific stories or neurostory telling, the stories that have the potential to optimize the children's brain.

Nadwa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 01
Jazariyah Jazariyah

<p>This study based on the reality of learning in the early childhood level and the system has not noticed the potential of the brain learners. The potential and the working system of the brain is very important in early childhood. This paper aims to reveal the importance of brain-based learning in Early Childhood Education (ECD). The problem in this study are what the nature of early childhood education and how to use the potential and work system of the brain in early childhood learning. This study used library research. From the discussion showed that the brain-based learning was important for use in teaching and learning of young children. One of aplication, brain-based learning use quantum learning by optimizing learning with active learning strategies so that potential students can be optimized. This research had contribution to brain based learning<br /><br /></p><p><br /><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Kajian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh realitas masih adanya pembelajaran di jenjang PAUD yang belum memperhatikan potensi dan system kerja otak peserta didik. Padahal potensi dan system kerja otak sangat penting dalam pembalajaran di PAUD. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pentingnya brain based learning pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD). Rumusan masalah pada kajian ini adalah seperti apa hakikat Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan bagaimana penggunaan potensi dan system kerja otak dalam pembelajaran anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode library research Dari hasil pembahasan menunjukkan bahwa brain based learning penting untuk digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar anak usia dini. Salah satu pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis otak ini dapat menggunakan pembelajaran quantum dengan mengoptimalkan pembelajaran dengan strategi pembelajaran aktif sehingga potensi anak didik dapat dioptimalkan. Penelitian ini memiliki kontribusi pada pembelajaran berbasis otak.<br /><br /></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
J.M Tedjawati

AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis peran layanan Pos-Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Pos-PAUD) dalam meningkatkan akses PAUD yang meliputi dukungan orangtua dan masyarakat, serta pelaksanaan layanan Pos-PAUD. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Informasi layanan Pos-PAUD dikumpulkan dari empat kabupaten/kota pada tahun 2013. Hasil studi menemukan pertama, semua orang tua menyadari pentingnya dan bermanfaatnya. Selain itu, dukungan masyarakat didasarkan pada penerimaan program PAUD dan ikut serta dalam sosialisasi pentingnya PAUD. Kedua, layanan Pos-PAUD dilaksanakan dengan adanya peserta didik di sekitar lembaga; pendidiknya dari kader Posyandu, pembinaan kesejahteraan keluarga, bina keluarga balita, yang relatif hanya lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas dan bekerja dengan “sukarela” tanpa imbalan; sarana prasarana dan biaya masih terbatas dalam penyelenggaraannya. Tingkat capaian tumbuhkembang anak dipengaruhi oleh pemberian layanan dalam pendidikan dan kesehatan. Pendidikan dilaksanakan antara lain melalui penanaman nilai agama (berdoa), jalinan komunikasi dan kerjasama antar anak, sehingga anak lebih mandiri dan mengalami perubahan berpikir. Layanan kesehatan dilakukan dengan penimbangan berat dan tinggi badan, imunisasi dan pemberian makanan dengan gizi seimbang melalui pemberian sehingga diperoleh fisik yang sehat. AbstractThe purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the role of Early Childhood Education Post (ECD Post) in improving access to early childhood education including the parental and community support, as well as the implementation of ECD Post service. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach. Information about the ECD Post service was collected from four districts/cities in 2013. The study found, first, all parents were aware of the importance and benefits of early childhood education. In addition, public support was based on the acceptance of early childhood programs and participation in the importance of early childhood dissemination. Second, ECD Post service was conducted by the participation of learners living close to the institution; educators were from Posyandu, fostering family welfare, parenting education (Bina Keluarga Balita), who were relatively only high school graduates and working voluntarily without reward; the implementation was running on limited infrastructure and funding. The level of children’s growth and development were affected by the provision of services in education and health. Education was carried out through the cultivation of religious values (praying) and also communication and cooperation among children in order to encourage children’s independency and a better thought process. Health services were performed by weight and height control, immunization, and provision of balanced nutrition through various meal menu in order to obtain a healthy physique.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-32
Juana Maricela Quintana Loor ◽  
Jessica Lourdes Arteaga Mera ◽  
Luz Adriana Corrales Moreno ◽  
Josefa Katiuska Toala Palma ◽  
Lubis Carmita Zambrano Montes

It is intended to carry out a tour about the influence of neuroscience in early childhood education. It is important that all teachers, especially those working with infants, can know the fundamental principles of neuroscience and how the brain learns; thus have sufficient resources for decision making in school classrooms. This research paper attempts to make an introduction about the topic to be addressed and its focus on early childhood education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-87
Asep Hidayat

AbstractEducation obtained at an early age greatly affects the development of children both psychomotordevelopment of the brain, and child behavior and achievement when entering adulthood, especially thereach the future of the nation as the next generation must be equipped with education and cultivation ofhumanity values and personality and karaktek. Equity of early childhood education in various regions isnot evenly distributed there are only a few places for rural areas this is caused by the level of knowledgeand insight parents who do not understand and the environment that affect. While for urban areas,especially people, the importance of early education because the level of understanding and intellectual isso high, it is a motivation for the government to commit to early childhood education so important tomeet the needs of the community for education, policies that support this education has been issued basiclaw for the organizer, among others, the Decree of the Minister of Education, the Law on Education andthe regional level by the Decree of the Head of Region. Government dalah this course can facilitate bothbuilding facilities and play facilities for children's games in the room and outdoor games.AbstrakPendidikan yang diperoleh pada usia dini sangat mempengaruhi perkembangan anak baik psikomotorikperkembangan otak, dan perilaku anak serta prestasi anak ketika memasuki usia dewasa terutamajangkauan ke depan bangsa sebagai generasi penerus. Hal ini tentunya harus dibekali dengan pendidikandan penanaman nilai-nilai kemanusian serta kepribadian dan karaktek. Pemerataan pendidikan anak usiadini di berbagai daerah memang belum merata hanya ada beberapa tempat saja untuk daerah pedesaan halini diakibatkan oleh tingkat pengetahuan dan wawasan orangtua yang kurang paham dan lingkungan yangmempengaruhi. Sementara untuk daerah perkotaan khususnya masyarakat merasakan pentingnyapendidikan usia dini karena tingkat pemahaman dan intelektual sudah begitu tinggi. Hal ini merupakanmotivasi bagi pemerintah untuk berkomitmen terhadap pendidikan usia dini begitu penting untukmemenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan pendidikan, kebijakan yang mendukung terhadap pendidikan initelah dikeluarkan dasar hukum bagi penyelenggaraanya antara lain keputusan Menteri pendidikan,Undang-undang tentang pendidikan dan tingkat daerah dengan Surat Keputusan Kepala Daerah.Pemerintah dalam hal ini tentunya dapat memfasilitasi baik sarana bangunan maupun sarana bermain bagiana, alat permainan dalam ruangan maupun alat permainan diluar ruangan.Kata kunci: Kebijakan, pendidikan, anak usia dini

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Fauzi Fahmi ◽  
Rahmi Wardah Ningsih

Curriculum of Early Childhood Education is a set of plans about early childhood learning goals ranging from 0 to 6 years old which intend to develop children's potential optimally. Poor of teacher attention and unfortunate infrastructure lead to unappropriate children’s potential development. The objectives of this study are to: 1) describe the form of a curriculum development model for early childhood education, and 2) describe the implementation of the curriculum model for early childhood education. This research uses a literature study method that relies on bibliographical sources from books and articles in scientific journals related to the subject matter. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the curriculum development model for early childhood education can be changed by adding, reducing and improving the curriculum regularly, 2) curriculum models for early childhood education include: a) High / Scope curriculum, b) Creative curriculum, and c) The Vygotsky Curriculum. d) The Waldorf Curriculum.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Mohammad Fadlillah

The purpose of this study were (1) to know the perception of PGPAUD students toward early childhood education in Ponorogo District. (2) to know the obstacles of early childhood education in Ponorogo Regency based on perception of PG-PAUD students Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive involving 30 students. Data collection was done by interview technique. The interview was conducted directly to the students of PGPAUD Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. The results of this study are 1) PGPAUD student perception on the implementation of early childhood education in Ponorogo regency in general has not run well according to national standards of early childhood education. 2) the obstacles of early childhood education in Ponorogo District are a) there are some teachers of PAUD who have not S1 PGPAUD, the welfare of early childhood teachers are still low, facilities and infrastructure is not adequate, and mininya assistance from the government, both central and local.

2019 ◽  
pp. 80-91
Carolyn Bjartveit ◽  
Cheryl Kinzel

Professional learning communities (PLC) can build partnerships among diverse stakeholders that support transformative change and uphold social justice. In this dialogic, reflexive piece, the authors explore how a newly formed PLC in Alberta is engaging individuals in relational practices and discussions about cultural diversity in early childhood education. Through sharing their subjectivities, field experiences, and current research, the group members are defining and exploring ways to coplan transcultural curricula in culturally diverse education settings. By recognizing subjectivities and differences and honouring the needs of all learners, the PLC is raising cultural awareness and mobilizing efforts to build capacity and strengthen professional relationships across Alberta.

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