scholarly journals A Critical Investigation of English Subject Teaching at Two Types of Madrasas in Bangladesh

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Azam MD Golam

AbstractThis study aims to survey the secular subject, teaching of English, and learning in Qawmi Madrasas at grade 8 and Alia Madrasas in Bangladesh. Ethno-methodological surveys have been conducted in 2018 of the Southern region of Bangladesh, particularly among the students, teachers, and principals of eight Qawmi madrasas and five Alia madrasas. Findings revealed that Qawmi Madrasas do not have a conducive English learning environment for grade 8 level, class duration and schedule, teachers' salaries, as well as resources, found inadequate as opposed to the Alia religious schools. Unlike Qawmi Madrasas (Independent Islamic seminaries), Alia Madrasas (reformed religious schools) have so far, the privileges. Interviewees reported the immediate need for teacher training in English language learning for Qawmi religious schools. Moreover, students in the Qawmi schools also claimed that the resources used in the classroom, such as English textbooks should be employed more effectively. This research also found that internal and external factors forced them to include the secular subject, English in particular in their syllabi. Previous studies have focused mainly on religious schools through a sociological lens. However, this study addresses the secular subject, English teaching at unsecular religious schools in Bangladesh; hence, it provides values for avid readers, researchers and those who are involved in future studies of this country.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mensurvei mata pelajaran sekuler, pengajaran bahasa Inggris, dan pembelajaran di Madrasah Qawmi kelas 8 dan Madrasah Alia di Bangladesh. Survei etno-metodologi telah dilakukan pada tahun 2018 di wilayah selatan Bangladesh, khususnya di antara siswa, guru, dan kepala sekolah dari delapan madrasah Qawmi dan lima madrasah Alia. Temuan mengungkapkan bahwa Madrasah Qawmi tidak memiliki lingkungan belajar bahasa Inggris yang kondusif untuk tingkat kelas 8, durasi dan jadwal kelas, gaji guru, serta sumber daya, ditemukan tidak memadai dibandingkan dengan sekolah agama Alia. Berbeda dengan Madrasah Qawmi (seminari Islam Mandiri), Madrasah Alia (madrasah yang direformasi) sejauh ini memiliki keistimewaan. Orang yang diwawancarai melaporkan perlunya segera pelatihan guru dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk sekolah agama Qawmi. Selain itu, siswa di sekolah Qawmi juga mengklaim bahwa sumber daya yang digunakan di kelas, seperti buku teks bahasa Inggris harus digunakan dengan lebih efektif. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa faktor internal dan eksternal memaksa mereka untuk memasukkan mata pelajaran sekuler, khususnya bahasa Inggris dalam silabus mereka. Studi sebelumnya berfokus terutama pada sekolah agama melalui lensa sosiologis. Namun, penelitian ini membahas subjek sekuler, pengajaran bahasa Inggris di sekolah agama unsecular di Bangladesh; karenanya, ini memberikan nilai bagi pembaca, peneliti dan mereka yang terlibat dalam studi masa depan negara ini.How to Cite: Golam, A. Md. (2020).  A Critical Investigation of English Subject Teaching at Two Types of Madrasas In Bangladesh. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 7(1), 1-15. doi:10.15408/tjems.v7i1.13041.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-140

Based on the 2013 curriculum 2016’s revision, there are subject materials that demand about local content in English subjects at the level of SMP Class VII. Teachers need many researches and practices integrating and implementating these subjects. Basically,  it needs to be done in-depth study in the form of content analysis. This research was conducted on content and learning English in SMP Negeri 5 Sigi. This study aims to find out 1) how many percentage of local content in English lesson material Class VII SMP in the curriculum 2013 revision 2016; 2) how to integrate local content in English subject matter in SMP Negeri 5 Sigi; 3) how the implementation of material with local content in English learning in SMP Negeri 5 Sigi, and; 4) how to integrate local content in effective and efficient English lessons in SMP Negeri 5 Sigi. The study used a qualitative descriptive approach with the method of collecting document studies, interviews, and observation. The research results are 1) the proportion of local content that can be integrated into English language learning material SMP is 95%; 2) the integrity of local content in English learning materials in SMP Negeri 5 Sigi can be found in the lesson plan; 3) implementation of materials with local content in English learning attached to KTSP, Syllabus, lesson plan and learning resources enrichment book.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-28
Rezky Oktarin ◽  
Syahrial . ◽  
Alamsyah Harahap

The design of this research is quantitative-qualitative descriptive research. The purpose of this research are first to analyze the English learning needs of students in Tourism Study Program and second to analyze the suitability of existing English textbook used. The subjects of this research are students of SMKN 7 Bengkulu 12th grade, English teachers in SMKN 7 Bengkulu, graduates of Tourism Study Program, and the English language users in the field of Tourism. In this study, researcher used the needs analysis to find what are the need, lacks, and want of students in learning English. The instruments that used in this study are questionnaires, interview, and existing English textbooks used in English language learning. The result of the research indicate that the needs of the Tourism Study Program student grade XII of SMKN 7 Kota Bengkulu are materials and activities that support their activities to work in the tourism field and the existing English textbook used by Tourism Study Program student grade XII of SMKN 7 Kota Bengkulu that is English textbook from Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia (2015) do not cover the students’ need.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Eka Nurhidayat ◽  
Agus Rofi'i

<p>This study aimed to develop English supplementary materials to meet the needs of nursing students on English learning through Instructional Conversation (IC) method. This research was categorized into research and development. The materials were validated by two experts to come to the final product. This research conducted at the Nursing Study Program involving students of the second semester. The data collected from classroom and checklist observation, questionnaire, an interview.  Considering the data collected, the English textbooks available and used in the Nursing Study Program contains English language learning materials that are still common and less specific for students used in the nursing study program. Therefore, English supplementary materials through Instructional Conversation (IC) method should be developed by considering the needs of lecturers and students. English supplementary materials through the Instructional Conversation method were developed by considering several aspects.</p>

Needs Analysis in the context of language-learning-teaching is an important process to design a certain course and syllabus. It helps course designers to set objectives, choose content, method of instruction, appropriate teaching aids, and classroom activities for different courses. This paper reports the perceptions of the researchers on the English language learning needs of the English undergraduate students of Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Sheringal, Pakistan. The data is based on the researchers’ personal experience and first-hand observation of the population as the researchers have been teaching in the target context for about a decade. Furthermore, the researchers have always been in discussion with their students and colleagues about the target students’ English learning needs, preferred learning styles, motivation in learning English, interest, strengths/weaknesses, and attitude toward English learning in the target setting. Learners’ assignments, exam answer sheets, and presentations have also been used is a source of data collection. A needs analysis model proposed by Hutchinson and Waters (1987) has been applied in order to analyze the data. The results show that the students lack well grammatical sentences, have poor spellings, capitalization problems, limited vocabulary, unaware of collocations, poor/slow reading comprehension, and lack of effective presentation skills. Furthermore, most of the students have a lack of involvement in classroom activities and feel shy about speaking the English language. It was reported that the provision of authentic material, interesting activities, suitable audio-visual aids, relevant texts, language labs, and other logistic arrangements can better help them in learning the English language. The findings demonstrate that the students wished to have a learner-centered-course that helps them excel in their academic life and learning the English language.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Ida Royani ◽  
T. Silvana Sinar

This study investigated the English students’ attitudes of IAIN Padangsidimpuan towards both English language teaching in terms of (a) language-centered, (b) learner-centered, and (c) learning-centered method; and learning English in terms of scales (a) attitudes toward long-term English learning, (b) interest in culture and communication, (c) perception about studying in school context, (d) images associated with English, (e) English learning activities, (f) exposure to English outside school, (g) self-rated four English skills, (h) self-reported academic English grade, and (i) identification of English role models. The data were obtained by questionnaire and interview from 10 selected students in which 4 male and 6 female students in 7th semester and were analyzed by steps provided by Gay, L.R and Airasian (1996). The result showed:  first, English students’ attitudes towards English language teaching had been found highly onlearning-centered method, followed by learner-centered method in second range, and almost negative view in language-centered method.Second, English students’ attitudes towards English language learningwere positivein scales; long-term English learning, interest in communication, and images associated with English.  Third, role of students’ gender on English language learning were not found. Reasons for this statement are (i) status of English as international language and (ii) equalization of getting education for male and female. Keywords: attitude, language teaching, language learning, and gender

Fahad SS Alfallaj ◽  
Ahmed AH Al-Ma'amari ◽  
Fahad IA Aldhali

This study aims to identify the epistemological and cultural beliefs that act as barriers in English learning by Saudi undergraduate learners. English is a compulsory component of education from the early school years in Saudi Arabia, and the Ministry of Education invests a great deal of workforce and financial resources in this sector in a concerted effort to ensure that Saudi students attain language proficiency. The study employed a mixed-method research design and was conducted with 85 undergraduate learners at Qassim University. It used a questionnaire and interviews to obtain insight into the factors that inhibit the English learning experience. Results revealed that the respondents' resistance to the learning of others' culture stems mainly from the epistemic and cultural barriers embedded in English language learning. Implications of the study will provide the basis to policymakers, educationists, institutions, and learners for contextualizing the English language curriculum of Saudi Arabia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (18) ◽  
pp. 7359
Chen Li ◽  
Shahid Abrar-ul-Hassan ◽  
Fei Gao

Transitioning from high school to university presents a significant challenge for many students on multiple fronts, including language learning. This mixed-method study draws on an ecological perspective to investigate students’ English learning experiences during the transition from high school to university in China, focusing on teaching content, teaching approach, assessment and feedback, and self-regulated learning. Data is collected from six universities at three different academic levels in China, and analyzed using both statistical and thematic analysis. The research finds that there are differences between high school and university English language education in the above-mentioned four areas, and students’ ecopotentials are of critical importance for their adaptation to university English learning. These findings suggest the necessity of the continuity of teaching content, the promotion of individualized curricula, and the cultivation of self-regulated learning capacities to support students’ sustainable English learning during the transition from high school to university.

Yangting Wang ◽  
M. Sidury Christiansen

A majority of research on mobile-assisted language learning focuses on traditional English language learners: thus, little attention has been paid to older adult learners. The purpose of the study is to explore the learning experiences of Chinese older adults using the free and popular English learning mobile apps, Duolingo/Hello English, Baicizhan, and Liulishuo, in a self-directed learning (SDL) context. A 17-week sequential mixed-methods study was designed. 55 older adults from age 45 to 85 participated. The informed grounded theory was used and Saldana's coding techniques for qualitative analysis. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired sample t-tests. Findings demonstrate that older adults persisted in learning using mobile apps for 17 weeks and increased their vocabulary significantly. Finally, a transformational learning model called MISAPP was created based on the empirical data and the SDL theory.

Liheng Yu ◽  
Zhonggen (中根) Yu (于)

Mobile English language learning has drawn global attention. This study systematically examined the literature in the past 11 years. It visualized the general trend of the number of related publications in a decade, discussed the attitudes of teachers and learners toward mobile device-assisted English learning, explored the effect of motivation on mobile device assisted English learning, discussed the influence of mobile device-assisted English learning on output and input English language skills, presented the influence of mobile device-assisted English learning on vocabulary knowledge acquisition, demonstrated the factors influencing the effectiveness of mobile English language learning, showed the general learning outcomes in mobile device-assisted English learning, together with the disadvantages of mobile technology-assisted English learning and co-citations of publications. When designing mobile devices, designers could include and optimize learning functions based on the findings.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 71-88
Zhonggen Yu

Mobile English language learning has drawn global attention. This study systematically examined the literature in the recent eleven years. It visualized the general trend of the number of related publications in a decade; discussed the attitudes of teachers and learners toward mobile device assisted English learning; explored the effect of motivation on mobile device assisted English learning, discussed the influence of mobile device assisted English learning on output and input English language skills; presented the influence of mobile device assisted English learning on vocabulary knowledge acquisition; demonstrated the factors influencing the effectiveness of mobile English language learning, showed the general learning outcomes in mobile device assisted English learning; together with the disadvantages of mobile technology-assisted English learning and co-citations of publications. When designing mobile devices, designers could include and optimize learning functions based on the findings.

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