scholarly journals Performance of Participants on Multiple Answers Type Item in Research Methodology as a Function of Discipline, Gender and their Interaction

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-53
DN Sansanwal

Examination is a part and parcel of Teaching-Learning Process. In examination or tests different types of question are asked by teachers. These are Essay, Short Answer, Multiple Choice, Fill-in the Blanks, and Matching Types. These are not very suitable for Open Book Examination. Multiple Answers Type Items in Research Methodology were developed for the research. It is a new type of question which can be used by school, College and University teachers irrespective of the subject taught by them. The objective of this research was to study the influence of Discipline, Gender and their interaction on Performance of participants on Multiple Answers Type Items in Research Methodology. The Hypothesis formulated in null form was there is no significant influence of Discipline, Gender and their interaction on Performance of participants on Multiple Answers Type Items in Research Methodology. This study was conducted on Sample of 423 Deans, Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Research Fellows and Postgraduate students from 26 states and six countries. Data were collected online using WhatsApp and emails during Covid-19 period. The findings were: (1) Social Science participants were found to have better understanding of Research Methodology than Science as well as Humanities participants. Further Science as well as Humanities participants were found to similar understanding of Research Methodology. (2) Male and Female Participants were found to perform equally well on Multiple Answers Type Items in Research Methodology. (3) Performance on Multiple Answers Type Items in Research Methodology was found to be independent of interaction between Discipline and Gender of Participants.

2015 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 913-930 ◽  
Neiva Furlin

This article aims to contribute to the studies of research methodology. To this end, we seek to reflect on the experience of an engaged research that clearly shows the influence of the researcher’s existential trajectory on the choice of her object of study, as well as the methodological perspectives that favor the experience of intersubjectivity in the production of knowledge. The ultimate goal is to show that scientific research can be conducted based on a methodological paradigm that breaks with the subject-object dichotomy. As a reference to this discussion, we take an investigation that sought to understand how women constitute themselves as female subjects of theological knowledge and what power dynamics pervade the processes of entering and constructing a female faculty career in a place marked by hegemonic discourses and gender logics of a male social order. Therefore, we emphasize the hermeneutic perspective, as it allows to capture the meanings that female professors assign to their actions and experiences in the universe of theological knowledge. Hermeneutics as a research methodology favor the production of knowledge that is not intended as universal, but rather situated, subjective, and open to new interpretation perspectives. Such characteristics are central in the feminist epistemologies that seek to demystify the pure objectivity and universality of knowledge, showing that the subjects of knowledge are always immersed in a certain situation, position, and circumstance, and that, therefore, no knowledge is produced from nowhere.

2020 ◽  
Rohit Mahawar ◽  
Priyanshu Dwivedi ◽  
Raghav Agrawal ◽  
Ashish Karn

This paper presents an investigation about utilizing computational tools applied to specific issues of the Turbo machinery. This subject is concentrated by third-year understudies in B.S. Mechanical Engineering Program. These understudies have previously learned the Fluid mechanics, which is required in structuring distinctive machine components. While teaching Turbo machinery, understudies frequently become overpowered by an incredible number of hypothetical ideas, loads of recipes, and references from information handbooks. In some cases it is helpful to utilize an intuitive learning condition, for example, a computing environment. In this way, activities utilizing computers are required to upgrade dynamic learning. This paper will give another method of showing the turbo machinery through Excel/VBA. A capable computer program which can change the method of your comprehension of the subject and assignments which won't be restricted to the classroom. This tool can be introduced among the students as well as among teachers. Providing students with this tool help them in getting rid of large calculations and it will also help them to see different variations in values which will help them to understand the concepts as well as it is a good way to improve the motivation of students towards the subject. It will also help teachers to teach different types of concepts not only just few concept as it takes time due to its lengthiness. Students can also use it as a tool in designing parts of the project. Besides solving the equations this tool can also provide how each parameter affects different forces. Therefore students can perform as many calculations just with a single click and without any mistake or being bored.

Envigogika ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
Jana Dlouhá ◽  
Eduard Petiška ◽  
Jiří Dlouhý ◽  
Dana Kapitulčinová

The expansion of open educational resources (OER) in documents and practice at various levels is related to, among other things, the options these resources offer for the study, sharing, and possibly joint creation of information materials. This has important implications for the knowledge economy, but also the ways of its production and reproduction in education. The article introduces the concept of OER from a legislative perspective (copyright issues), its role in global commitments to sustainable development and particularly in relation to the teaching/learning methods and approaches in the process of their current transformation; the innovative potential of OER for the multidisciplinary field of environment and sustainable development is highlighted. A brief overview of the types of OER which are available in the Czech Republic for the study of environmental and sustainability fields is provided, and qualitative methods of analysis are used to develop a set of criteria through which the quality of the resource can be easily assessed. Different types of OER are evaluated according to these criteria and the overall character of the information environment available to university students is discussed. This brief overview is concluded by underlining significant opportunities of OER particularly in the environment and sustainability oriented disciplines owing to the multidisciplinary nature of these fields. These opportunities, however, are not fully exploited especially because the quality of these resources available on the internet is difficult to assess. Another issue is also the possibility that students themselves are not skilled in distinguishing the quality of resources, and perhaps the reluctance of university teachers to encourage and support students in applying consistent ethical standards in their use of materials in their studies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Hussein A. Ahmed ◽  
Hawar Sh. Mohammed Salih

Engagement is broadly defined as learners’ involvement in activities that bring about high-quality learning. Educationally speaking, learners’ engagement outlines the degree of attention, curiosity, interest and passion that learners display as they are learning or being taught. Recently, learners’ engagement has been researched quite intensively as it plays a crucial role in the acquisition of knowledge and duly achievement in the field of teaching/learning foreign languages. The current research attends to English as a foreign language university teachers’ use of a set of strategies/techniques to make learners’ do some actions so as to be prepared for engagement in the ongoing teaching/learning activities and exercises related to their “Conversation” classes. It further aims at identifying the actions done by the teachers of “Conversation” themselves to engage learners. Based on the preceding aims, it is hypothesized that the researched sample of teachers does not require learners to do certain actions as preparation for engagement in the relevant learning activities and do not do what is required from them to engage learners in their classes and duly do not enhance learners’ engagement in the different learning activities To validate the hypotheses, a sample of 12 English as a foreign language university teachers (6 males and 6 females) specialized in linguistics and teaching the subject “Conversation” has been given a 43-item questionnaire, prepared by the researchers and validated through distribution to a panel of juries in the first place and then piloted to a number of English as a foreign language university teachers, to state their responses to a five-point scale that ranges from “always’ to “never”. The results show that the sample of teachers ask learners to do a set of actions as preparation for engagement in the relevant learning activities; they also do what is required from them to engage learners and duly enhance their engagement in the different learning activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Francisca Alanny Rocha Aguiar ◽  
Raimunda Magalhães da Silva ◽  
Indara Cavalcante Bezerra ◽  
Luiza Jane Eyre de Souza Vieira ◽  
Ludmila Fontenele Cavalcanti ◽  

Abstract Objectives: To understand the meanings of sexual assault against women in the point of view of students, professors and university managers of undergraduate nursing; and to understand how the contents on this subject are approached in undergraduate courses in Nursing in Higher Education Institutions. Method: A qualitative study, with data collection from March to November 2018, through interviews with ten students, ten teachers and seven managers from two private institutions. Data was treated by the modality of thematic content, with a theoretical-analytical reference of 'gender violence' and 'rape culture'. Results: The topic is approached in a fragmented way in different academic contexts, which leads to the reflection of the topic in the training of nurses, extending to their professional performance. Conclusion and implications for practice: The possibilities of incorporating the subject in the teaching-learning scenarios and practices converge to approach the content about the different types of violence in the undergraduate subjects, with educational actions with the population, potentializing the deconstruction of the culture of female subordination. In addition, the study is aligned with the appropriate time in which the reorientation of the curricular guidelines for the health courses is discussed.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 152-164
Oleg Gorelov

The object of this research is the surrealistic code of Russian contemporary poetry. The subject of this research is the authorial version of revolutionary surrealism and the techniques of its realization in the poetry of Galina Rymbu. The article examines such aspects of the topic as female optics, feminist writing, gender issues, as well as the interaction of aesthetic and political, imagery and empirical, subjective and objective. Special attention is given to the consequences of the divergence of surrealistic development trends – aesthetic and revolutionary surrealism in the poetic practice of G. Rymbu, as well as to the increase of anti-surrealistic tendencies in her poetry. The research methodology is based on the comparative approach, within the framework of which the philological analysis of the text is conducted with the use of narratological, motivic, phenomenological, and elements of hermeneutic methods. The scientific novelty of this work consists in interpretation of the contemporary left-wing poetry and namely feminist poetics of G. Rymbu through the prism of surrealistic code. The position of women in surrealist history and theory is deconstructed by the new realizations of revolutionary surrealism, associated with the feminist project and gender problematic. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of the concepts of transformation and childhood alongside the frequency narrative instance (surrealistic type woman – child) in the poetic texts of Galina Rymbu.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Jean André De Souza ◽  
Eliene Maciel Cirilo ◽  
Nathalia Diogo Da Silva ◽  
Maria Fernanda Caravana de Castro Moraes Ricci ◽  
Marinéa Figueira Rodrigues

Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar a importância das Tecnologias de Comunicação e Informação (TIC) como ferramenta pedagógica no processo ensino aprendizagem na Educação Infantil e nas Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa de cunho bibliográfico, baseada em renomados autores no assunto, a saber: Almeida (2004), Alonso (2012), Barros (2005) (Dowbor (2001), Thomé (2015) dentre outros. As TIC auxiliam a prática docente, possibilitando o professor trabalhar com diversos tipos de ferramentas e aplicativos que tornarão suas aulas mais interessantes e motivadoras e a aprendizagem do aluno mais produtiva e interativa.Palavras chave: Educação; Ensino e Aprendizagem; Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação. Abstract:This research aims to investigate the importance of Communication and Information Technologies (ICT) as a pedagogical tool in the process of teaching learning in Early Childhood Education and Early Years of Primary Education. To that end, a bibliographic research was carried out, based on renowned authors in the subject, namely: Almeida (2004), Alonso (2012), Barros (2005) (Dowbor (2001), Thomé (2015) among others. ICT help teachers, enabling the teacher to work with different types of tools and applications that will make their classes more interesting and motivating and student learning more productive and interactive.Keywords: Education; Teaching and learning; Technology of Information and Communication. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 85
Patricio Sebastián Henriquez ◽  
Vicente Arámburo Vizcarra

The results of a study conducted at the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC) and the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) are presented. The objective was to analyze the teaching-learning strategies and the methods of evaluation of learning that are used by university teachers who train educational agents. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 24 teachers (19 from the UCM and 5 from the UABC). The findings related to the dimension of teaching strategies are reported: three subdimensions, eight categories and six sub-categories of analysis were identified. The implementation of teaching strategies focused on the students and their learning process (identified with the constructivist theories of knowledge generation), on the teachers and their teaching action (aligned with behavioral perspectives), together with strategies focused on the nature of educational content. It is hoped that these findings will provide elements to better understand the strategies that teachers use to train future educational agents, adapting to the cognitive profiles of students and the different types of knowledge taught.

Thao A. Nguyen

It is well known that the large deviations from stoichiometry in iron sulfide compounds, Fe1-xS (0≤x≤0.125), are accommodated by iron vacancies which order and form superstructures at low temperatures. Although the ordering of the iron vacancies has been well established, the modes of vacancy ordering, hence superstructures, as a function of composition and temperature are still the subject of much controversy. This investigation gives direct evidence from many-beam lattice images of Fe1-xS that the 4C superstructure transforms into the 3C superstructure (Fig. 1) rather than the MC phase as previously suggested. Also observed are an intrinsic stacking fault in the sulfur sublattice and two different types of vacancy-ordering antiphase boundaries. Evidence from selective area optical diffractograms suggests that these planar defects complicate the diffraction pattern greatly.

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