scholarly journals The Ilyinetsmeteorite crater - geological structure unique in Europe and a promising destination for international tourism

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 656-672
Kateryna I. Derevska ◽  
Vitalii V. Sukach ◽  
Kseniia V. Rudenko ◽  
Roman O. Spytsia

The Ilyinets meteorite crater is located in Lypovets and Ilyinets districts of Vinnytsia region. It is accessible for examination in quarries near Luhova and Ivanky villages in the Sobok River valley. This site currently has the status of a geological natural landmark of local significance. The crater appeared as a result the impact of a meteorite on Precambrian surface of the Ukrainian Shield 445 million years ago. The impact of the explosion caused the formation of a typical ring structure about 8.5 km diameter and 600-800 m deep. The denudation level in the crater area is estimated at about 300-400 m. Thus, the preserved part of the crater has a diameter of about 3.2 km and is 400 m deep. Target rocks are represented mainly by granitoids of the Haisyn (Sobite) complex. The meteorite crater consists of impactites: shock-melt rocks, impact bombs, allogenic and authigenic breccia (suevite, tagamiteetc). Genesis of impactites is confirmed by the findings of stishovite, koesite, impact-type diamond, the presence of metallic and silicate spherules, planar structures in quartz, feldspars and other characteristic features. Overlap rocks are represented by sporadically distributed Devonian and widespread Quaternary sediments. Their thickness reaches 13 m, and it decreases to 3 m in the Sobok River valley. The Ilyinets meteorite crater is the most representative in Europe because it is easily accessible for examination and study, and available for sampling. Undoubtedly, it is a promising unique geological object that can attract attention of tourists around the world, as well as geoscientists interested in studying unique natural sites and phenomena in Europe and on the Earth in general.

Анастасия Анатольевна Хустенко

Введение. Активная деятельность профессиональных групп в медиасреде породила гибридные профессиональные дискурсы, сохраняющие в себе типологические признаки соответствующих институциональных дискурсов, в то же время изменение способа и канала общения привело к значительным преобразованиям в строе дискурса и развитию характерных черт, свойственных медиадискурсу. Цель – определить статус и типологические особенности разновидности юридического дискурса, производимого и потребляемого в пределах медиапространства. В задачи исследования входят вопросы соотношения параметров профессионального дискурса и медиадискурса, влияние каждого из них на структуру гибридного дискурса. Материал и методы. Контент аккаунтов профессиональных юридических сообществ в социальной сети Instagram: интернет-мемы; нарративы, представляющие описание случаев из профессиональной практики. Всего 300 текстов различных по стилистической и жанровой принадлежности. Ведущим методом в исследовании является дискурс-анализ, включающий стандартные приемы коммуникативно-прагматического и семантического анализа. Результаты и обсуждение. В настоящем исследовании разновидность юридического дискурса, производимого и потребляемого в пределах медиапространства, определяется как неофициальный юридический дискурс (НЮД) на основании того, что его ядро составляют дискурсообразующие категории институционального юридического дискурса. Сферой функционирования НЮД выступает массовая коммуникация, влекущая изменения в концептуальной организации дискурса и параметрах коммуникации. Тексты НЮД обретают признаки медиатекста, в котором сочетаются вербальные и медийные компоненты. Специфический способ общения обуславливает ряд характеристик, которые сближают юридический неофициальный дискурс с обыденным и юмористическим дискурсом и обуславливают изменения стилистических и лингвистических параметров. Заключение. Исследование дало представление о соотношении параметров институционального юридического дискурса и медиадискурса. Медиасреда является фундаментальным условием, определяющим такие параметры описания дискурсов, как способ коммуникации и модус. Указанные параметры повлияли на изменения в структуре институционального юридического дискурса на коммуникативном уровне и повлекли существенные сдвиги в коммуникативной модели за счет расширения понятия «адресат». Медиасреда является решающим фактором в расширении возможностей профессионального текста. Специфический способ общения обусловил ряд характеристик, которые сближают неофициальный юридический дискурс с обыденным и юмористическим дискурсом и обуславливают изменение языковой нормы. Introduction. The activity of professional groups in the media environment has generated hybrid professional discourses that retain the typological features of the corresponding institutional discourses, while modified method and channel of communication has led to significant transformations in the structure of discourse and development of characteristic features peculiar to the media discourse. Aim and objectives. The study aims to determine the status and typological features of legal discourse produced and consumed within media. The objectives of the research include the correlation of the parameters of institutional discourse and media discourse, the role of each of them and the impact on the structure of hybrid discourse. Material and methods. The data include 300 texts of various styles and genres, constituting the content of professional legal groups on the social network Instagram: such as Internet memes; narratives representing the description of cases of professional practice. Results and discussion. In this study, the variety of legal discourse produced and consumed within the media is defined as an informal legal discourse on the basis that its core consists of the discourse-forming categories of institutional legal discourse. The sphere of functioning of the informal legal discourse is mass communication, which entails changes in the conceptual organization of discourse and the parameters of communication. The texts of the informal legal discourse acquire the characteristics of a “media text”, in which the verbal and media components are closely interrelated and combined with each other on the basis of a variety of principles. A specific way of communication determines a number of characteristics that bring legal informal discourse closer to everyday and humorous discourse and causes changes in stylistic and linguistic parameters. Conclusion. The analysis revealed the relationship between the parameters of the institutional legal discourse and the media discourse. The media environment is a fundamental condition that determines such parameters of the description of discourses as a method of communication and a mode. These parameters influenced changes in the structure of the institutional legal discourse at the communicative level and led to significant shifts in the communicative model due to the expansion of the concept of addressee. The media environment is a decisive factor in expanding the capabilities of a text that develops the characteristics of a “media text”. The specific way of communication has caused a number of characteristics that bring the legal informal discourse closer to the ordinary and humorous discourse and causes a change in the language norm.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-72
Herlin Hamimi ◽  
Abdul Ghafar Ismail ◽  
Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam which has a function of faith, social and economic functions. Muslims who can pay zakat are required to give at least 2.5 per cent of their wealth. The problem of poverty prevalent in disadvantaged regions because of the difficulty of access to information and communication led to a gap that is so high in wealth and resources. The instrument of zakat provides a paradigm in the achievement of equitable wealth distribution and healthy circulation. Zakat potentially offers a better life and improves the quality of human being. There is a human quality improvement not only in economic terms but also in spiritual terms such as improving religiousity. This study aims to examine the role of zakat to alleviate humanitarian issues in disadvantaged regions such as Sijunjung, one of zakat beneficiaries and impoverished areas in Indonesia. The researcher attempted a Cibest method to capture the impact of zakat beneficiaries before and after becoming a member of Zakat Community Development (ZCD) Program in material and spiritual value. The overall analysis shows that zakat has a positive impact on disadvantaged regions development and enhance the quality of life of the community. There is an improvement in the average of mustahik household incomes after becoming a member of ZCD Program. Cibest model demonstrates that material, spiritual, and absolute poverty index decreased by 10, 5, and 6 per cent. Meanwhile, the welfare index is increased by 21 per cent. These findings have significant implications for developing the quality of life in disadvantaged regions in Sijunjung. Therefore, zakat is one of the instruments to change the status of disadvantaged areas to be equivalent to other areas.

2012 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-72
Morteza Karimi-Nia

The status of tafsīr and Qur'anic studies in the Islamic Republic of Iran has changed significantly during recent decades. The essay provides an overview of the state of Qur'anic studies in Iran today, aiming to examine the extent of the impact of studies by Western scholars on Iranian academic circles during the last three decades and the relationship between them. As in most Islamic countries, the major bulk of academic activity in Iran in this field used to be undertaken by the traditional ʿulamāʾ; however, since the beginning of the twentieth century and the establishment of universities and other academic institutions in the Islamic world, there has been increasing diversity and development. After the Islamic Revolution, many gradual changes in the structure and approach of centres of religious learning and universities have occurred. Contemporary advancements in modern sciences and communications technologies have gradually brought the institutions engaged in the study of human sciences to confront the new context. As a result, the traditional Shīʿī centres of learning, which until 50 years ago devoted themselves exclusively to the study of Islamic law and jurisprudence, today pay attention to the teaching of foreign languages, Qur'anic sciences and exegesis, including Western studies about the Qur'an, to a certain extent, and recognise the importance of almost all of the human sciences of the West.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-151
Andrea Circolo ◽  
Ondrej Hamuľák

Abstract The paper focuses on the very topical issue of conclusion of the membership of the State, namely the United Kingdom, in European integration structures. The ques­tion of termination of membership in European Communities and European Union has not been tackled for a long time in the sources of European law. With the adop­tion of the Treaty of Lisbon (2009), the institute of 'unilateral' withdrawal was intro­duced. It´s worth to say that exit clause was intended as symbolic in its nature, in fact underlining the status of Member States as sovereign entities. That is why this institute is very general and the legal regulation of the exercise of withdrawal contains many gaps. One of them is a question of absolute or relative nature of exiting from integration structures. Today’s “exit clause” (Art. 50 of Treaty on European Union) regulates only the termination of membership in the European Union and is silent on the impact of such a step on membership in the European Atomic Energy Community. The presented paper offers an analysis of different variations of the interpretation and solution of the problem. It´s based on the independent solution thesis and therefore rejects an automa­tism approach. The paper and topic is important and original especially because in the multitude of scholarly writings devoted to Brexit questions, vast majority of them deals with institutional questions, the interpretation of Art. 50 of Treaty on European Union; the constitutional matters at national UK level; future relation between EU and UK and political bargaining behind such as all that. The question of impact on withdrawal on Euratom membership is somehow underrepresented. Present paper attempts to fill this gap and accelerate the scholarly debate on this matter globally, because all consequences of Brexit already have and will definitely give rise to more world-wide effects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 800-821
E.V. Popov ◽  
K.A. Semyachkov

Subject. The article addresses economic relations that are formed in various areas of economic application of digital platforms. The target of the research is the modern economy of digital platforms across different economic activities. Objectives. The aim is to systematize principles for share economy formation in the context of the digital society development. Methods. We employ general scientific methods of research. Results. The study shows that the development of digital platforms is one of the most important trends in the development of the modern economy. We classified certain characteristic features of modern digital platforms, analyzed principles for their creation. The paper emphasizes that the network effects achieved through the use of digital platforms are an important factor in the development of the share economy. The network effect describes the impact of the number of the platform users on the value created for each of them. The paper also considers differences in the organization of traditional economy companies and companies that are based on the digital platform model, reveals specifics of changes in socio-economic systems caused by the development of digital platforms, systematizes principles of the sharing economy formation in the context of the digital society development. Conclusions. The analyzed principles for sharing economy development on the basis of digital platforms can be applied to create models for the purpose of forecasting the transformation of economic activity in the post-industrial society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-143
Elena I. Yaroslavtseva

The article examines the impact of digitalization on human life and intellectual experience. The development of computer technology demands an understanding of new aspects of human development and requires a capability to overcome not only external conditions but also ourselves. Entering a new level of development cannot imply a complete rejection of previous dispositions, but should be accompanied by reflection on personal experience and by the quest for new forms of interaction in society and with nature. Communicative and cognitive activity of a person has an ontological basis and relies on processes that actually evolve in nature. Therefore, the creation of new objects is always associated with the properties of natural material and gives rise to new points of support in the development of man. The more audacious his projects, the more important it is to preserve this connection to nature. It is always the human being who turns out to be the initiator who knows how to solve problems. The conformity of complex technical systems to nature is not only a goal but also a value of meaningful construction of development perspectives. The key to the nature orientation of the modern digital world is the human being himself, who keeps all the secrets of the culture of his natural development. Therefore, the proposed by the Russian philosopher V.S. Stepin post-non-classical approach, based on the principle of “human-sizedness,” is an important contribution to contemporary research because it draws attention to the “human – machine” communication, to the relationship between a person and technological systems he created. The article concludes that during digital transformation, a cultural conflict arises: in an effort to solve the problems of the future, a person equips his life with devices that are designed to support him, to expand his functionality, but at the same time, the boundaries of humanity become dissolved and the forms of human activity undergo simplification. Transhumanism engages society in the fight against fears of vulnerability and memory loss and ignores the flexibility and sustainability of natural foundation.

Shalakha Rao ◽  
Shivani Kushwaha

The connection between poverty and women's lack of power over resources and decision-making has now caught the attention of policymakers in government and mainstream development all over the world. Women empowerment issues perceived nationally or locally are being addressed by both state and non-state agencies. Beside the government intervention, NGOs are implementing various types of Women Empowerment Programmes including IG Programmes. Women Empowerment Programmes in India include livelihood support Programme, rehabilitation and job placement for rescued women, safe motherhood Programme and so forth. In spite of involvement of various NGOs in women empowerment through Income Generation and Skill Development Programmes, the status of women is still not satisfactory in India as various official as well as unofficial reports claim and the outcomes against the stated objectives of the NGOs' Women Empowerment Programmes are often questioned. Therefore, the present study is focused in assessing the impact of IG Programmes run by non-government organizations in empowering women. The researcher hypothesizes that IG Programme with its components viz., skill training, resource inputs of loan and equipment help to increase income to the women through independent business or work in the related field; the increased income lessens their dependence on family heads and enables to spend for personal expenses; gives them certain freedoms as individuals; enables them to contribute to family affairs financially, which creates an environment in the family in favor or the women to accept her views and participation in family matters like education, marriage, purchase etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Tino Herden

Purpose: Analytics research is increasingly divided by the domains Analytics is applied to. Literature offers little understanding whether aspects such as success factors, barriers and management of Analytics must be investigated domain-specific, while the execution of Analytics initiatives is similar across domains and similar issues occur. This article investigates characteristics of the execution of Analytics initiatives that are distinct in domains and can guide future research collaboration and focus. The research was conducted on the example of Logistics and Supply Chain Management and the respective domain-specific Analytics subfield of Supply Chain Analytics. The field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management has been recognized as early adopter of Analytics but has retracted to a midfield position comparing different domains.Design/methodology/approach: This research uses Grounded Theory based on 12 semi-structured Interviews creating a map of domain characteristics based of the paradigm scheme of Strauss and Corbin.Findings: A total of 34 characteristics of Analytics initiatives that distinguish domains in the execution of initiatives were identified, which are mapped and explained. As a blueprint for further research, the domain-specifics of Logistics and Supply Chain Management are presented and discussed.Originality/value: The results of this research stimulates cross domain research on Analytics issues and prompt research on the identified characteristics with broader understanding of the impact on Analytics initiatives. The also describe the status-quo of Analytics. Further, results help managers control the environment of initiatives and design more successful initiatives.

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