scholarly journals Substitution of milk allergen ingredient by blood plasma powder in custard with different sweeteners

Tamás Csurka ◽  
Fanni Szücs ◽  
Barbara Csehi ◽  
László Ferenc Friedrich ◽  
Klára Pásztor-Huszár

Abstract Animal blood is a by-product, which can be utilized in a value-adding way instead of being wasted. Allergen substitution is a good possibility especially for a substance that is difficult to substitute, such as milk. Blood plasma is a fluid with high protein content without blood (iron) taste and colour, so it is similar to milk in several ways. While investigating the substitution of milk, it is advisable to investigate the substitution of sugar as well because a lot of consumers who exclude milk from their diet find the glycaemic index and energy content of foods important. The investigated model food is a simple, homogeneous matrix: vanilla custard with milk and with and without sugar and vanilla custard with blood plasma and with and without sugar. Colour, pH and rheological attributes of custard sample groups were measured. According to the results the used protein source as well as sweetener significantly determine the colour, pH and texture of the final product. However, colour and pH are easy to change with other components (food colours, acidity regulators) and the effect of milk and sugar substitution on rheological attributes might not be possible to detect without instrumental analysis.

2015 ◽  
Vol 754-755 ◽  
pp. 990-997 ◽  
Zainab Hamzah ◽  
Sarojini Jeyaraman ◽  
Othman Hashim ◽  
Kamarudin Hussin

Edible bird nest (EBN) is a product obtained from the salivary excretion of different species of swiftlets during the breeding season. It is an expensive health food product. The raw EBN needs intensive cleaning before it can be consumed. Currently, EBN is increasingly used in cosmetic products. The cleaning procedure generally produced about 30 % (w/w) of waste. To date, there is no work conducted to study the composition of the waste recovered from the cleaning process and converting the waste into useful downstream products. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the composition of the EBN wastes and to formulate a value added facial cream product from the EBN waste. EBN waste (residues) was collected from the cleaning water of EBN samples from the swiftlet species Aerodramusfuciphagus using the centrifugation method. The chemical composition of the EBN waste (residues) was analyzed qualitatively using the FTIR technique. Similarly, the different grades of processed EBN samples (2A, 3A, 4A, 5A and biscuit white) from the swiftlet species Aerodramusfuciphagus were quantitatively analyzed using the elemental analyzer. The residual EBN showed high protein content (47.33±3.09 %) and carbohydrate content of 2.4±0.37 %. Interestingly, nitrite, nitrate and lead were not present in the EBN waste. Thus, EBN waste is considered safe to formulate a facial cream. The collagen content in EBN is good as an anti-aging beauty cream. Since the EBN is a very expensive product, the residual EBN waste has good potential to formulate a value added product without any loss in its nutritional health benefits to achieve a similar effect as EBN. The high protein content retained in EBN waste makes the wash off water from EBN washings a suitable nutrient – rich component for the formulation of health and beauty products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (S1) ◽  
pp. 87-98
Tamás Csurka ◽  
Fanni Szücs ◽  
Barbara Csehi ◽  
László Ferenc Friedrich ◽  
Klára Pásztor-Huszár

AbstractAnimal blood is a by-product, which can be utilized in a value-adding way instead of being wasted. Allergen substitution is an obvious possibility because many properties of blood plasma are similar to egg white. Techno-functional and sensory attributes (water activity, moisture content, colour and texture related properties) were measured by instrumental methods. The allergenic egg powder can be substituted by non-allergenic blood plasma powder in sponge cakes, but the change in the ingredient has an effect on hardness and tolerating compressive stress until the breaking. In the case of water activity and moisture content, sponge cakes with blood plasma were as desirable as sponge cakes with egg.

Proceedings ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
Loulouda Bosnea ◽  
Antonia Terpou ◽  
Eleni Pappa ◽  
Efthymia Kondyli ◽  
Marios Mataragas ◽  

Spirulina platensis, the most popular microalgae species known for its high protein content and bioactive compounds such as phycocyanin and allophycocyanin, has been studied for cheese fortification. Incorporation of spirulina in dairy products poses major sensorial challenges due to its characteristic odor and its insolubility in food formulation, thus limiting consumer acceptance. The main objective was the production of a novel spread cheese fortified with spirulina, so powdered spirulina was added at different concentrations (0.25, 0.5, and 1%), and the effect on physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory characteristics was assessed. Cheese samples were examined for pH, fat (Gerber-Van Gulik method), salt (Volhard method), protein (Kjeldahl), and moisture content by drying to constant weight at 102 ± 1 °C. Cheeses were also assessed organoleptically by five experienced panelists. Generally, the addition of spirulina slightly increased the protein content and affected the color of the cheeses. The cheeses achieved a good microbiological profile and were all characterized as acceptable for consumption by the panelists. However, the cheeses with 0.25 and 0.5% spirulina were mostly preferred by the evaluation panel due to the less intense characteristic odor and taste of spirulina. We conclude that it is possible to produce an acceptable spread cheese with the addition of spirulina without significant changes in the cheese production line.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 1186
Fidel Toldrá ◽  
Leticia Mora

Foods and their industry by-products constitute very good sources of bioactive peptides, which can be naturally generated during processing but are also extensively produced through enzymatic hydrolysis, microbial fermentation, and even during gastrointestinal digestion in the human body [...]

Revista CERES ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-166 ◽  
Helton Santos Pereira ◽  
Renata Cristina Alvares ◽  
Leonardo Cunha Melo ◽  
Antônio Félix da Costa ◽  
Hélio Wilson Lemos de Carvalho

ABSTRACT The objectives of this work were to study the genetic variability and the interaction between genotypes and environments for cooking time and protein content of bean grains as well as to identify elite lines of Carioca grain type with short cooking time, high protein content and high adaptability and stability for these two traits. Sixteen experiments were conducted in a complete randomized block design with three replications during the rainy, dry and winter seasons, in Goiás, Distrito Federal, Pernambuco, Sergipe, Bahia and Paraná States, in 2009 and 2010. Each trial was composed by 16 elite lines of Carioca grain type and the data of cooking time and protein content were obtained. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and to stability and adaptability analysis, according to the methodology proposed by Annichiarico. Genetic variability was found for cooking time and for protein content among Carioca common bean elite lines; however, for protein content this variability is lower. The environmental effect is important for the expression of these traits and is larger than the genetic effect. The interaction between genotypes and environments is important for cooking time and for protein content of common beans. The lines CNFC 11951 and CNFC 11962 presents short cooking time, high protein content and high stability and adaptability for both traits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 108
D Yadi Heryadi ◽  
Ristina Siti Sundari ◽  
Rini Agustini ◽  
Andang Hidayat

The agribusiness of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) is getting interested due to an increase in demand. It has almost complete nutrients, high protein content that can substitute animal protein for vegetarians. The growth medium for oyster mushrooms commonly uses sawdust. The cocopeat waste medium is an innovation. The research descriptively compares production cost, yield, revenue, income, and feasibility throughout both mediums. Findings that the total cost of sawdust medium was higher 750,000IDR than cocopeat waste. In terms of income, sawdust medium earned 140.72%, while cocopeat waste earned 133.29%. The feasibility of sawdust waste was 2.41 while cocopeat waste was 2.33 as well. Otherwise, the cocopeat waste medium was higher 99.21IDR than sawdust waste in cost/kg yield. Net income using cocopeat waste medium was 2,739,694.50IDR, and cocopeat waste was 2,511,769.50IDR on average. Both cocopeat waste and sawdust waste medium are very feasible to be an agribusiness. The consideration is that the availability surrounds the production site, and cocopeat waste is cheaper than sawdust waste. Agribisnis jamur tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) semakin diminati oleh karena permintaan terus meningkat. Kandungan gizinya lengkap dengan protein yang tinggi. Bahkan bagi vegetarian menjadi pengganti protein hewani. Media pertumbuhan jamur tiram biasanya menggunakan limbah serbuk gergaji. Media limbah serbuk sabut kelapa merupakan inovasi baru. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui biaya-biaya hingga kelayakan usaha agribisnis jamur tiram menggunakan media limbah serbuk sabut kelapa dan yang biasa yaitu limbah serbuk gergaji Ternyata, Biaya total setahun menggunakan media limbah serbuk sabut kelapa lebih hemat Rp750.000 dibandingkan dengan media limbah serbuk gergaji. Biaya per kilogramnya sedikit lebih mahal Rp99.21 tetapi hasil panen lebih rendah dari limbah serbuk gergaji. Jamur tiram media limbah serbuk sabut kelapa memberikan keuntungan 133.29% dan media limbah serbuk gergaji 140.72%. Jamur tiram media limbah serbuk gergaji memberikan keuntungan bersih/bulan rata-rata Rp2,739,694.50, sedangkan media limbah serbuk sabut kelapa rata-rata Rp2,511,769.50.Kedua media untuk jamur tiram sangat layak diusahakan dengan R/C ratio 2.33 dan 2.41. Pengusaha bisa mempertimbangkan media limbah serbuk sabut kelapa atau limbah serbuk gergaji tergantung ketersediaan di sekitar lokasi dengan informasi harga limbah sabut kelapa lebih murah daripada limbah serbuk gergaji.

В. І. Козечко

Результати проведених експериментальних дослі-джень свідчать, що за вирощування різних сортівпшениці озимої після ріпаку ярого в умовах північногоСтепу України одержання найбільш якісного зерна(третього класу якості) забезпечує сівба 25 вереснята 5 жовтня. Сівба 5 та 15 вересня забезпечувалаодержання зерна, здебільшого, п’ятого й четвертогокласів якості. Із-поміж досліджуваних сортів пше-ниці озимої найбільшим вмістом білку (11,2–13,0 %) іклейковини (17,5–22,7 %) у зерні вирізнявся сорт Се-лянка. Найменшими ці показники були у сорту Подо-лянка – 10,6–12,5 та 17,1–21,9 % відповідно. Об¢ємхліба, отриманого з борошна пшениці озимої сортуСелянка, був найвищим. Так, у середньому за 2008–2010 рр. він коливався від 495 см3 за сівби 5 вереснянормою висіву 4 млн схожих насінин/га до 612 см3 засівби 5 жовтня цією ж нормою. Встановлено впливнорм висіву насіння на показники якості зерна. Так,найвищий вміст білку і клейковини в зерні, а такожоб’єм хліба відмічено на варіантах досліду, де сівбупроводили нормою 4 млн схожих насінин/га. Збіль-шення норми висіву призводило до зменшення данихпоказників. У середньому за роки досліджень найвищуврожайність формував сорт Селянка (4,89 т/га) засівби 25 вересня нормою 5 млн схожих насінин/га.Максимальну врожайність рослини сорту Золотоко-лоса – 4,20 та 4,19 т/га – формували, відповідно, засівби 5 жовтня нормою 6 млн схожих насінин/га та 25вересня нормою висіву 5 млн схожих насінин/га. Най-нижчу серед сортів урожайність формував сортПодолянка, що коливалася за період проведення до-сліджень у межах 2,99–3,75 т/га. Results of the conducted pilot researches testify that at cultivation of various sorts of wheat winter after a spring rape in the conditions of the northern Steppe of Ukraine, receiving the most qualitative grain, the third class of quality, provides sowing on 25 September and on 5 October. Sowing on 5 and 15 September provided grain, generally the fifth and fourth classes of quality. Among sorts of wheat winter which were studied in the experiences, the greatest protein content (11,2–13,0%) and glutens (17,5–22,7%) in grain Selyank's sort differed. The smallest Podolyank's sort of – 10,6–12,5 and 17,1–21,9% had these indicators respectively. The volume of the bread received from a flour of wheat of winter of a sort of Selyanka, was the highest. So, on the average for 2008–2010 it fluctuated from 495 cm3 when sowing on 5 September seeding rate of 4 million units germinating seeds/ha to 612 cm3 when sowing on 5 October the same norm. Influence of seeding rate on indicators of quality of grain is established. So, high protein content and glutens in grain, and also the volume of bread are noted on experience options where sowing carried out norm of 4 million units germinating seeds/ha. The increase in seeding rate led to reduction of these indicators. Average, over years of research, the highest yield sort Selyanka formed (4,89 t per ha) when sowing on 25 September norm of 5 million units germinating seeds/ha. The maximum productivity of a plant of a grade of Zolotokolosa – 4,20 and 4,19 t per ha formed, respectively, when sowing on 5 October norm of 6 million units germinating seeds/ha and on 25 September seeding rate of 5 million units germinating seeds/ha. The low among grades productivity was formed by a sort of Podolyanka at which it fluctuated, during carrying out researches, within 2,99–3,75 t per ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 455-464
Emma Suri Yanti Siregar ◽  
Tengku Muhammad Ghazali ◽  
Rosmasita Rosmasita ◽  
Dian Fitria ◽  
Juliana Pebrina Siburian ◽  

 Indonesia is a maritime country that has many marine natural resources. Central Tapanuli Regency has a position close to the sea. Even though fish has a high protein content with amino acids, students or young people still like to eat fish a little. So it is necessary to provide information and at the same time invite the younger generation to like to eat fish to increase their intelligence. This community service activity was carried out at MTS Al-Maidar Pandan, Pandan District, Central Tapanuli Regency. The method of implementing this service activity is done by providing socialization about the importance of eating fish for MTS Al Maidar students. The outcomes achieved are increasing students' knowledge about the benefits of fish consumption and the nutritional value contained in fish as well as providing students' understanding with the knowledge to be able to distinguish between fish that are suitable for daily consumption or not.

2021 ◽  
pp. 407
Wibawa Prasetya ◽  
Yanto Yanto ◽  
Christine Natalia ◽  
Agustinus Silalahi

This time, rubbish is a very serious environmental problem for the people of Kampung Baru, Sampora Village, Tangerang. The increase in population results in an increase in the amount of rubbish. According to data, rubbish production in Tangerang in 2020 reached 22,873 tons, while the rubbish handled was only around 937 tons (4%).This problem needs to be solved immediately. Rubbish generated by households can be in the form of organic or inorganic. If rubbish is not managed properly, it can damage the surrounding environment.The method   used to solve the problem of organic rubbish can be done through bioconversion of organic rubbish into maggot.Organic rubbish is often considered safe because it is easily biodegradable, even though organic rubbish has the potential to damage the environment, This method has advantages, because during the bioconversion process it does not cause unpleasant odors Bioconversion of organic rubbish can be a rubbish management solution that can be offered to the residents of Kampung Baru..Every 1 kg of maggot requires 2 kg of organic rubbish/hour as food. The speed of maggot using organic rubbish  as feed can be an alternative to reduce the amount of organic rubbish.Maggot that is ready to be harvested has a very high protein content, so it can be used as feed for catfish or  poultry.Catfish fed with maggot as feed, at the age of 100 days, each kilogram contained 6 catfish, while catfish fed only with pellets, at the age of 100 days, each kg contained 7-8 catfish. Thus maggot can increase the weight of catfish significantly.In addition, maggot can reduce pellet consumption by up to 75 percent, so it can help catfish farmers in saving feed costs.Saat ini sampah merupakan masalah lingkungan yang sangat serius bagi masyarakat Kampung Baru, Desa Sampora, Tangerang. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk mengakibatkan pertambahan jumlah sampah. Menurut data produksi sampah di Tangerang pada tahun 2020 mencapai 22.873 ton, sedangkan sampah yang tertangani hanya sekitar 937 ton (4%). Permasalahan ini perlu segera dicari solusinya. Sampah  yang dihasilkan oleh rumah tangga dapat berupa sampah organik maupun anorganik. Jika sampah tidak dikelola dengan baik, maka sampah dapat merusak lingkungan sekitar. Sampah organik sering dianggap aman karena mudah terurai, padahal  sampah organik memiliki potensi untuk merusak lingkungan.Metode yang digunakan untuk memecahkan permasalahan sampah organik dapat dilakukan melalui biokonversi sampah organik menjadi maggot. Metode ini mempunyai kelebihan, karena selama proses biokonversi tidak menimbulkan bauyang tidak sedap. Biokonversi sampah organik dapat menjadi  solusi pengolahan sampah yang dapat  ditawarkan kepada penduduk Kampung Baru, Setiap 1 kg maggot membutuhkan 2 kg sampah organik/jam sebagai makanannya. Kecepatan maggot menggunakan sampah organik sebagai pakan, dapat menjadi alternatif untuk mereduksi jumlah sampah organik.  Maggot yang siap dipanen mempunyai kandungan protein yang sangat tinggi, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai pakan lele atau ternak unggas lainnya. Lele  yang diberi maggot sebagai pakan, pada usia 100 hari, setiap kilogram berisi 6 ekor lele, sedangkan lele yang hanya diberi pakan pelet, pada usia 100 hari,setiap kg berisi 7-8 ekor lele. Dengan demikian maggot dapat meningkatkan berat lele secara signifikan. Selain itu maggot dapat mengurangi konsumsi pelet sampai 75 persen, sehingga dapat membantu peternak lele dalam menghemat biaya pakan.

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