scholarly journals Környezeti hatások a gyermekkori kezdetű, 1-es típusú diabetes epidemiológiai változásainak hátterében

2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
Krisztina Lukács ◽  
Pál Pánczél ◽  
Nóra Hosszúfalusi

Összefoglaló. A Nemzetközi Diabetes Szövetség (International Diabetes Federation, IDF) legutóbbi becslése szerint napjainkban több mint 600 000, 15 év alatti 1-es típusú cukorbeteg gyermek él a világon, az új esetek száma pedig évi 98 200-ra tehető. Az elmúlt évtizedekben az 1-es típusú diabetes incidenciája világszerte jelentősen nőtt ebben a korosztályban: Európában az 1989 és 2013 közötti periódusban átlagosan évi 3,4%-kal, ami 20 éven belül a betegek számának duplázódását vetíti előre a kontinensen. Az epidemiológiai vizsgálatok kezdete óta nyilvánvaló, hogy a gyermekkori kezdetű, 1-es típusú diabetes előfordulási gyakorisága széles határok között ingadozik, amit egyaránt befolyásolnak geográfiai és klímaviszonyok, etnikai és demográfiai hatások. Bár az 1-es típusú cukorbetegség kialakulása során az autoimmunitás primer kockázati tényezője a genetikai háttér, mégsem a genetikai terheltség populációszintű fokozódása okozza az incidencia robbanásszerű növekedését, hanem a környezeti tényezőknek a betegség penetranciáját megváltoztató hatása. A környezeti hatások oki tényezőkként, akcelerátorokként és védőfaktorokként is hozzájárulhatnak mindehhez, sőt akár a betegség patogenezisében egyszerre több ponton, több mechanizmussal is részt vehetnek. Ugyanakkor a nemzetközi kutatások ellenére a legnépszerűbb háttérelméletek (például vírusinfekció, higiéniahipotézis, bélmikrobiom, áteresztő bél, D-vitamin-hiány) máig nem szolgálnak kielégítő magyarázattal az epidemiológiai észlelések többségére (például földrajzi régiónként jelentősen eltérő incidenciaértékek, geográfiai „forrópontok”, az új esetek megjelenésének szezonális ingadozása, az incidenciacsúcsok ciklicitása). Összefoglalónk célja a gyermekkori 1-es típusú diabetes epidemiológiájára vonatkozó aktuális adatok és háttérelméletek áttekintése. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(1): 13–22. Summary. According to the latest report of the IDF (International Diabetes Federation), more than 600 000 children under the age of 15 years are living with type 1 diabetes in the world and the number of new cases is estimated to be 98 200 annually. In recent decades, a significant increase in the incidence has been observed globally: during 1989–2013, the annual rate of increase was 3.4% in Europe, suggesting a doubling in the number of patients within approximately 20 years on the continent. The wide variation in incidence has been well documented by epidemiological studies and influenced by geographical and climatic conditions, ethnic and demographic factors. Although the genetic background is the primary risk factor for beta-cell autoimmunity, such dynamic changes in incidence are more likely to be associated with the higher environmental pressure than the increase in genetic load at population level. Environmental factors can also contribute to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes as accelerators, causal or protective factors, moreover may even be involved at several points and with several mechanisms at the same time. However, despite the extensive international research on environmental factors, the most popular hypotheses associated with them (e.g., virus infections, hygiene hypothesis, intestinal microbiota, leaky gut, lack of vitamin D) have not yet provided a satisfactory explanation for most epidemiological observations (e.g., geographically significant variability of incidence rates, geographical “hotspots”, seasonal fluctuations in new cases, cyclical trends of incidence peaks). In this article, recent data and hypotheses about the epidemiology of childhood type 1 diabetes are summarized. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(1): 13–22.

2021 ◽  
Johannes O Ferstad ◽  
Jacqueline Jil Vallon ◽  
Daniel Jun ◽  
Angela Gu ◽  
Anastasiya Vitko ◽  

Objective: To develop and scale algorithm-enabled patient prioritization to improve population-level management of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in a pediatric clinic with fixed resources, using telemedicine and remote monitoring of patients via continuous glucose monitor (CGM) data review. Research Design and Methods: We adapted consensus glucose targets for T1D patients using CGM to identify interpretable clinical criteria to prioritize patients for weekly provider review. The criteria were constructed to manage the number of patients reviewed weekly and identify patients who most needed provider contact. We developed an interactive dashboard to display CGM data relevant for the patients prioritized for review. Results: The introduction of the new criteria and interactive dashboard was associated with a 60% reduction in the mean time spent by diabetes team members who remotely and asynchronously reviewed patient data and contacted patients, from 3.2 +/- 0.20 to 1.3 +/- 0.24 minutes per patient per week. Given fixed resources for review, this corresponded to an estimated 147% increase in weekly clinic capacity. Patients who qualified for and received remote review (n=58) have associated 8.8 percentage points (pp) (95% CI = 0.6-16.9pp) greater time-in-range (70-180 mg/dL) glucoses compared to 25 control patients who did not qualify at twelve months after T1D onset. Conclusions: An algorithm-enabled prioritization of T1D patients with CGM for asynchronous remote review reduced provider time spent per patient and was associated with improved time-in-range.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Gábor Ternák ◽  
Károly Berényi ◽  
Szilárd Kun ◽  
Nóra Szigeti ◽  
Tamás Decsi ◽  

AbstractIncreasing incidence of type 1 diabetes is supposed to be induced by environmental factors. Microbiome modulated by antibiotics seems to serve as one of the environmental factors which could influence the development of T1DM. Mitochondria, as autochthonous environmental bacteria living in our cells, and other bacteria share many common enzymes including beta-lactamases and it is supported by evidence that some beta-lactamase inhibitors are able to interact with counterpart enzymes. Thus, antibiotics may utilize two different pathways influencing the development of T1DM; one through modulation of microbiome and a second one via the interaction of mitochondrial enzymes. Data of consumption of penicillin (both narrow and broad spectrum) and beta-lactamase inhibitors in 30 European countries were collected from the database of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. These data were correlated with the prevalence reported by the International Diabetes Federation (2019) referring to type 1 diabetes in Europe. No correlation was found between total penicillin consumption or use of broad spectrum penicillin and the prevalence of type 1 diabetes. Nevertheless, broad spectrum penicillin, in combination with beta-lactamase inhibitor, was in inverse correlation with the prevalence of type 1 diabetes (r = − 0.573, p = 0.001). On the other hand, narrow spectrum penicillin was in positive correlation with type 1 diabetes (r = 0.523, p = 0.003). Prevalence of type 1 diabetes showed an inverse correlation with the use of beta-lactamase inhibitors and a positive one with that of narrow spectrum penicillin. Such a detailed analysis has not so far been provided referring to the penicillin group. In the background of this association either microbiomal or direct mitochondrial effects can be supposed.

Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 107-111
С.И. Сабирова ◽  
С.Г. Надырова ◽  
А.Б. Жанзак ◽  
А.Е. Манасбаева ◽  
Ж.Ж. Нургалиева

Целью научной работы является изучение структуры заболеваний щитовидной железы у больных сахарным диабетом 1 типа. В данной статье мы ретроспективно проанализировали 972 историй болезни больных детей с СД 1 типа, находившихся на стационарном лечении в ДГКБ №2 г. Алматы (Казахстан) в период с 2014 по 2019 гг. Были изучены и оценены показатели физического развития, объективные данные (кожные покровы, ЧСС, АД, пальпация ЩЖ), лабораторно - уровней гормонов ТТГ, свТ4, свТ3, а/т к ТПО, а/т к ТГ в сыворотки крови, инструментально - УЗИ ЩЖ. Всего за 2014-2019 гг. через отделение эндокринологии ДГКБ №2 прошли 972 детей с диагнозом СД 1 типа. Большинство детей (382 человек, 79,9%) имели стаж болезни СД до 5 лет. 88 детей (18,5%) со стажем от 5 до 10 лет, 8 человек (1,7%) страдали СД более 10 лет. СД1 в основном был диагностирован в возрасте 7-12 лет (245-51,3%), меньше всего выявили СД 1 типа у детей до 3 лет (21 - 4,4%). Из общего количества пациентов с СД1 (972) было обследовано на функцию ЩЖ 478 детей (49,2%). Среди них было выявлено 319 детей с дисфункцией ЩЖ, что составляет 66,7%. Так, за 2014 год из 92 детей - 7 (7,6%), обследованных на функцию щитовидной железы, в результате чего было выявлено 6 (85,7%) детей с дисфункцией щитовидной железы. С каждым годом росло количество детей, которых направляли на обследование ЩЖ, так в сравнении с 2014 годом, когда из 92 детей - 7 (7,6%) были обследованы на функцию щитовидной железы, в 2019 году были обследованы уже 222 (92,1%) детей из 241. Симптомы как гиперфункции, так и гипофункции ЩЖ, особенно их субклинические варианты протекают под маской других заболевании и не сразу обнаруживаются, исходя из этого следует сразу обследовать на функцию ЩЖ при поступлении и в дальнейшим их наблюдать в динамике. В ходе исследования дисфункция щитовидной железы диагностирована у 319 (67,7%) пациентов, что должно привлечь внимание не только эндокринологов, но и врачей общей практики, педиатров и настроить их на прицельный поиск этой патологии и своевременную коррекцию гипотиреоза или другой патологии ЩЖ при его наличии The purpose of this research is to study the structure of thyroid diseases in patients with type 1 diabetes. In this article, we retrospectively analyzed 972 case histories of sick children with type 1 diabetes who were treated in the children's city clinical hospital No. 2 in Almaty (Kazakhstan) in the period from 2014 to 2019. Physical development indicators, objective data (skin, heart rate, blood pressure, thyroid palpation), laboratory levels of TSH, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, antibodies to thyroperoxidase, antibodies to thyroglobulin in blood serum, instrumental ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland were studied and evaluated. In total, in 2014-2019, 972 children with a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus passed through the endocrinology Department of the children's city clinical hospital No. 2.The majority of children (382 people, 79.9%) had a history of diabetes up to 5 years. 88 children (18.5%) with experience from 5 to 10 years, 8 people (1.7%) had diabetes for more than 10 years. Type 1 diabetes was mainly diagnosed at the age of 7-12 years (245-51. 3%), the least detected type 1 diabetes in children under 3 years (21 - 4.4%). Out of the total number of patients with type 1 diabetes (972), 478 children (49.2%) were examined for thyroid function. Among them, 319 children with thyroid dysfunction were identified, which is 66.7%. So, in 2014, out of 92 children, 7 (7.6%) were examined for thyroid function, as a result of which 6 (85.7%) children had thyroid dysfunction. Every year, the number of children referred for thyroid examination increased, so compared to 2014, when out of 92 children - 7 (7.6%) were examined for thyroid function, in 2019, 222 (92.1%) children out of 241 were examined. Symptoms of both hyperfunction and hypofunction of the thyroid gland, especially their subclinical variants, occur under the guise of other diseases and are not immediately detected, so you should immediately investigate the function of the thyroid gland at admission and further observe them in dynamics. During the study, thyroid dysfunction was diagnosed in 319 (67.7%) patients, which should attract the attention of not only endocrinologists, but also General practitioners, pediatricians and set them up for a targeted search for this pathology and timely correction of hypothyroidism or other thyroid pathology if it is present.

Emre Sarıkaya ◽  
Dilek Çiçek ◽  
Ebru Gök ◽  
Leyla Kara ◽  
Uğur Berber ◽  

Abstract Objectives Coronavirus disease 2019 has caused a major epidemic worldwide, and lockdowns became necessary in all countries to prevent its spread. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of staying-at-home practices on the metabolic control of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes during the pandemic period. Materials and Methods Eighty-nine patients younger than 18 years old who were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at least one year before the declaration of the pandemic were included in the study. The last visit data of the patients before and after the declaration of the pandemic, and the frequency of presentation of diabetes-related emergencies from one year after diagnosis of type 1 diabetes to the declaration of the pandemic, and from the declaration of the pandemic to the last visit after the pandemic declaration were compared. Results The total number of patients was 89, and 48 (53.9%) were boys. The mean (± standard deviation [SD]) age at diagnosis was 8.4 ± 3.7 years (boys 7.9 ± 3.6 years; girls 8.9 ± 3.9 years). There was no statistically significant difference when the SD values of the anthropometric measurements, and the glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and lipid profile tests were compared. However, the frequency of admission to the emergency service related to diabetes was significantly different. Conclusions Although the pandemic did not significantly affect the metabolic and glycemic controls of the children with type 1 diabetes included in this study, an increase in the frequency of diabetes-related emergency admissions was noted.

2017 ◽  
Vol 08 (02) ◽  
Basma Abdelmoez Ali ◽  
Mostafa Ahmed Elfoly ◽  
Eman Ramadan Ghazawy ◽  
Rania Rashad Bersom

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Wei Peng ◽  
Jinna Yuan ◽  
Valentina Chiavaroli ◽  
Guanping Dong ◽  
Ke Huang ◽  

BackgroundDiabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a potentially life-threatening complication of type 1 diabetes (T1D), and a leading cause of death in children aged <15 years with new-onset T1D.Aimsi) to assess the incidence of DKA in children and adolescents newly diagnosed with T1D over a 10-year period at a large regional center in China; and ii) to examine the clinical symptoms and demographic factors associated with DKA and its severity at diagnosis.MethodsWe carried out a retrospective audit of a regional center, encompassing all youth aged <16 years diagnosed with T1D in 2009–2018 at the Children’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine (Hangzhou, China). DKA and its severity were classified according to ISPAD 2018 guidelines.Results681 children were diagnosed with T1D, 50.1% having DKA at presentation (36.0% mild, 30.0% moderate, and 33.9% severe DKA). The number of patients diagnosed with T1D progressively rose from approximately 39 cases/year in 2009–2010 to 95 cases/year in 2017–2018 (≈2.5-fold increase), rising primarily among children aged 5–9 years. DKA incidence was unchanged but variable (44.8% to 56.8%). At T1D diagnosis, 89% of patients reported polyuria and 91% polydipsia. Children presenting with DKA were more likely to report vomiting, abdominal pain, and particularly fatigue. DKA was most common among the youngest children, affecting 4 in 5 children aged <2 years (81.4%), in comparison to 53.3%, 42.7%, and 49.3% of patients aged 2–4, 5–9, and ≥10 years, respectively. Children with severe DKA were more likely to report vomiting, fatigue, and abdominal pain, but less likely to report polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia than those with mild/moderate DKA. Rates of severe DKA were highest in children aged <2 years (51.1%).ConclusionsThe number of children diagnosed with T1D at our regional center increased over the study period, but DKA rates were unchanged. With 9 of 10 children reporting polyuria and polydipsia prior to T1D diagnosis, increasing awareness of this condition in the community and among primary care physicians could lead to earlier diagnosis, and thus potentially reduce rates of DKA at presentation.

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