Uro-mechanics: Technical solutions in the development of a new urological catheter

2009 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-145
Árpád Dani ◽  
Péter Szendrő

The authors developed and constructed a new type of urological catheter, named “short catheter”. Experiments were performed with the new catheter and the valves developed for the catheter. Based on the results, one can conclude that the material Sh°60 seems to be suitable for constructing valve for short catheter. It meets the basic requirements made for the valve: less than 100 water cm pressure it is able to discharge 300 ml urine within 2 minutes. However, the valves made of material Sh°40 are better for the circumferential ribs and concerning elasticity. Because of the theoretical considerations and the conducted experiments, the form and the structure of the prototype short catheter was constructed. This prototype meets the requirements for the catheter and it is eligible to be the subject of further experiments. The experiments will focus on the determination of the flow rate through the whole catheter. In vivo experiments are planned with the new catheter.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-257 ◽  
Vyacheslav A. Lipatov ◽  
Aleksey A. Kryukov ◽  
Dmitry A. Severinov ◽  
Araik R. Saakyan

History of experiments on animals began since the time of the anatomist Andreas Vesalius (XVII century) when experiments on animals (vivisection, from Latin vivus, meaning «alive» and sectio, meaning «cutting», literally «cutting the living tissue») were conducted without anesthesia and were extremely cruel. Nowadays use of laboratory animals considerably differs from that in the time of the first experiments and is regulated by certain legal enactments. The aim of the second part of our work is analysis of legal aspects of using animals in in vivo experiments, in particular, provision of them with adequate anesthesiological support. Normative acts regulating principles of work with laboratory animals in different stages of an experiment are considered: animal care, inclusion into experiment, implementation of experiment, withdrawal of animals from the experiment and determination of animals’ fate after the experiment. International and Russian regulatory framework on this issue, in particular, such documents as European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes (March 18, 1986, Strasburg), Directive 2010/63/EU on Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes, etc., are considered. Conclusion. At present there exists a sufficient amount of normative enactments regulating implementation of in vivo experimental research. However, most of them require further finalization taking into account recent innovations in medical science and technology. The problem of control of execution of the normative enactments which are in most cases advisory rather than mandatory, remains actual.

2014 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-60 ◽  
Joanna Orlowska ◽  
Urszula Kurczewska ◽  
Katarzyna Derwinska ◽  
Wojciech Orlowski ◽  
Daria Orszulak-Michalak

Abstract The aim of this study was in vitro evaluation of the level of the immune response in relation to wound dressings composed of alginate, calcium carboxymethylcellulose, and dibutyrylochitin and determination of the direction of response, which will make referring next to the results of in vivo phase possible. The subject of the experiments was to examine the commercially available, biodegradable alginate dressing, commercially available but not biodegradable dressing constructed from the sodium carboxymethylcellulose, and synthesized in house biodegradable dressing constructed of the dibutyrylchitin. To determine the direction of the immune response, the degree of secretion of pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL-1, IL-6) and antiinflammatory (IL-10) interleukin from murine fibroblasts having contact with the tested dressings (ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay), was tested.

Shaboldov O.V.

Purpose. The task of this article is to analyze the manifestations of masculinity in A. Harasevych’s poems of of the interwar period by identifying various manifestations of masculinity in the works of the poet, studying their connection with ideological guidelines of A. Harasevych, analysis of the change and evolution of masculine images at different periods of the artist's creative path.Methods. The research uses the following methods: descriptive, historical-biographical, comparative-historical (to compare different types of masculinity), archetypal and textual analysis (determination of the symbolic meaning of artistic images) and elements of masculine studies (study of masculinity as gender, compliance of its manifestations with gender stereotypes in society), stylistic, mythoanalysis, etc.Results. During the research it was revealed that the first period of A. Garasevich's work was marked by the expressive influence of state-building ideas, which were characteristic for the whole «Prague school». The subject of most works of this period is military-historical. Masculinity in them is manifested mainly in the form of hegemonic heroic masculinity, and its ideal carrier is the Warrior. At the second stage, religious motives played an important role in the poet's work. The poet is experiencing a worldview crisis, which is reflected in his works by the crisis of masculinity. Most often it is embodied in the images of a wanderer, a fugitive, whose features are fatigue, helplessness and illness. The last stage of the poet's poetic work is characterized by significant ideological influences of K. Hamsun and F. Nietzsche. There is a certain return to the heroic masculinity of the early works, but such masculinity is asserted not on the battlefield, but by victories over oneself, the element or a wild beast. This is the masculinity of a Nietzschean who hardens the superman in himself, feeling the joy of the process of overcoming. Thus, the concept of masculinity in the works of A. Harasevych has evolved from the romanticized heroic masculinity of the Warrior through the crisis of masculinity to the establishment of a new type of heroic masculinity in peacetime.Conclusions. Studies of gender issues in the works of the representative of the younger generation of the Prague SchoolA. Harasevych allow to form a more complete and holistic picture of this phenomenon and the Ukrainian national myth, an important aspect of which is gender.Key words: gender, gender stereotype, identity crisis, worldview, symbol, vision, archetype, statehood idea. Мета. Метою розвідки є аналіз виявів маскулінності в поетичній творчості А. Гарасевича та їхньої еволюції шляхом ідентифікації різних виявів маскулінності у творах поета; дослідження їхнього зв’язку зі світоглядними ідейними настановами А. Гарасевича; аналізу зміни й розвитку маскулінних образів на різних етапах творчого шляху митця.Методи. Під час дослідження використано такі методи: описовий, історико-біографічний, порівняльно-історичний (для порівняння різних типів маскулінності), архетипний і текстуальний аналіз (визначення символічного значення художніх образів) та елементи маскулінних студій (дослідження маскулінності як ґендеру, відповідності її проявів наявним у суспільстві ґендерним стереотипам), стилістичний, міфоаналіз тощо.Результати. У процесі дослідження виявлено, що перший період творчості А. Гарасевича позначений виразним впливом державницьких ідей, які були характерні для всієї «Празької школи». Тематика більшості творів цього періоду воєнно-історична. Маскулінність у них виявляється переважно у вигляді гегемонної героїчної маскулінності, а її ідеальним носієм є Воїн. На другому етапі важливу роль у творчості поета відіграють релігійні мотиви. Поет переживає світоглядну кризу, що відбивається у його творах кризою маскулінності. Найчастіше вона утілюється в образах мандрівника, утікача, рисами яких є втома, безсилля та хворість. Останній етап поетичної творчості поета характеризується значними світоглядними впливами К. Гамсуна та Ф. Ніцше. Відбувається певне повернення до героїчної маскулінності ранніх творів, але така маскулінність стверджується не на полі бою, а перемогами над собою, стихією чи диким звіром. Це маскулінність ніцшеанця, що гартує в собі надлюдину, відчуваючи радість від самого процесу долання. Отже, концепт маскулінності у творчості А. Гарасевича пройшов еволюцію від романтизованої героїчної маскулінності Воїна через кризу маскулінності до утвердження нового типу героїчної маскулінності мирного часу.Висновки. Дослідження ґендерної проблематики у творчості представника молодшої генерації «Празької школи» А. Гара-севича дозволяють сформувати більш повну й цілісну картину цього феномену та українського національного міфу, важливим аспектом якого є ґендерний.Ключові слова: ґендер, ґендерний стереотип, криза ідентичності, світогляд, символ, візія, архетип, ідея державності.

2004 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-32 ◽  
Sigrid Kastl ◽  
U. Kotschenreuther ◽  
B. Hille ◽  
J. Schmidt ◽  
H. Gepp ◽  

Small-animal intubation is often necessary during inhalation anesthesia to allow steady-state conditions for large operations and in vivo experiments in all fields of experimental surgery. In rats, placing an orotracheal tube is technically difficult primarily because of the small size of the subject and the lack of equipment specifically designed for this task. We describe a simple rat intubation technique in which the animal is suspended in dorsal recumbency on an inclined metal plate. The animal, anesthetized with ether, is fixed to a 70°-inclined metal plate in a dorsal position by means of a Mersilene ribbon hooked around the upper incisors. This method of positioning the animal is the most important step in the intubation process and further facilitates the technique already described by other authors. A human otoscope was used as a laryngoscope, intubation was performed using the Seldinger technique, and a 14-gauge intravenous catheter served as an endotracheal tube. This inexpensive technique is quickly learned and can be used in any laboratory. Safe and reliable airway management can thus be achieved, permitting in vivo examinations and operations.

2006 ◽  
Vol 06 (03) ◽  
pp. 297-315 ◽  

This paper presents the new type of head loading the columns, comprising of elements making a side surface of circular cylinders. It demonstrates a constructional solution of forcing and receiving heads, as well as theoretical considerations related to the determination of boundary conditions, taking into account the loading of needle rolling bearings or rigid elements in the loading heads. Results of experimental investigations of the free vibration of columns having various constructions of receiving heads were presented. In the case of columns for which rigid elements were installed in the receiving heads, the rigidity of equivalent rotational spring is determined, which takes into account the rigidity of the free end of the column caused by sliding friction existing in the loading head elements. The value of critical force and the course of the natural frequency against external load for given geometry and physical constants of the column are determined.

Biologia ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
Nidhi Gupta ◽  
Sandeep Kumar ◽  
Arun Saxena

AbstractThe incubation period of eggs, duration of three nymphal instars, adult longevity and the daily egg-deposition rate of the ischnoceran Phthiraptera, Brueelia amandavae, were determined by rearing the louse in vitro (35 ± 1°C, 75–82% RH, feather diet). The data obtained were utilized for life table construction and determination of the intrinsic rate of natural increase (0.031 per day) and the doubling time (23.45 days) of the louse population. The doubling time of the louse in in vivo experiments was 21.5 days.

2020 ◽  
pp. 77-87 ◽  
Ekaterina Dorozhkina

“Green architecture” gains more and more popularity worldwide. In many ways, this relates to the need for improving environmental quality of urban area. Often, enviromentalization is used for creating green spaces on buildings, including vertical or with significant inclination. This article is dedicated to studying the questions of the structure of greening of vertical surfaces of the buildings (green facades) for medium and high-rise buildings. The research is aimed at determination of technical characteristics of designing green facades. The subject of this article is building structures of various designation (architectural, load-bearing and enclosing) that serve for the formation of greening. The author examines their potential in the formation of objects of "green architecture". The key research method is the analysis of normative and scientific framework for the design of vertical greening. The existing experience in designing green facades is explored. The scientific novelty of this work consists in systematization of the applied design concepts and engineering solutions. As a result of the study, the two types of structures are determined: supporting and maintaining. The author reviews structural systems characteristic to each type, outlines the assortment of greenery, engineering and technical solutions for maintaining plants, as well as forming capacities of the types of design solutions of green facades.

2020 ◽  
Vol 212 ◽  
pp. 02004
Xinli Cai ◽  
Fei Liu ◽  
Fakang Pan ◽  
Bai Sun ◽  
Fangwen Xu ◽  

The content of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the atmosphere will endanger the health and safety of human beings which makes it very important to develop a simple and rapid method for the determination of gas pollutants. Based on this, a new type of gas sensor was proposed for the detection of trichloroethylene in air. PEG200/ZnO nanocomposite were prepared by hydrothermal method. The materials were characterized by scanning electron microscope, X-ray energy spectrum and fourier infrared spectrum. The high selectivity of the materials was verified by using the cataluminescence (CTL) intensity of 9 kinds of VOCs on the surface of the materials as a reference. The results show that trichloroethylene can produce CTL response on the surface of PEG200/ZnO nanocomposite. Temperature, air flow rate and detector concentration all have certain effects on the CTL intensity. By comparing the CTL intensity under different reaction conditions, it is found that the suitable temperature and air flow rate are 120 °C, 180 mL/min and there is a good linear relationship between the relative CTL intensity and the concentration of the detected substance (y = 28.588 x - 285.56, R=0.9593). The gas sensor has the advantage of rapid response, and trichloroethylene can produce the maximum CTL on the surface of the material within 3 ~ 5 s.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 147
Alexander Pekarsky ◽  
Herwig Michor ◽  
Oliver Spadiut

Recent findings have sparked great interest in the putative magnetic receptor protein MagR. However, in vivo experiments have revealed no magnetic moment of MagR at room temperature. Nevertheless, the interaction of MagR and MagR fusion proteins with silica-coated magnetite beads have proven useful for protein purification. In this study, we recombinantly produced two different MagR proteins in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) to (1) expand earlier protein purification studies, (2) test if MagR can magnetize whole E. coli cells once it is expressed to a high cytosolic, soluble titer, and (3) investigate the MagR-expressing E. coli cells’ magnetic properties at low temperatures. Our results show that MagR induces no measurable, permanent magnetic moment in cells at low temperatures, indicating no usability for cell magnetization. Furthermore, we show the limited usability for magnetic bead-based protein purification, thus closing the current knowledge gap between theoretical considerations and empirical data on the MagR protein.

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