2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 277
Andi Akhmad Mustafa ◽  
Tarunamulia Tarunamulia ◽  
Hasnawi Hasnawi ◽  
I Nyoman Radiarta

Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara Barat (MTB) memiliki potensi untuk pengembangan budidaya ikan dalam keramba jaring apung (KJA), tetapi belum tersedia data karakteristik perairannya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji kesesuaian dan daya dukung perairan berdasarkan karakteristik perairannya untuk budidaya ikan dalam KJA di kawasan pesisir Kabupaten MTB Provinsi Maluku, Indonesia. Data karakteristik perairan yang dikumpulkan berupa pasang surut, kecepatan dan arah arus, kedalaman, kecerahan, suhu, salinitas, oksigen terlarut, pH, nitrat, nitrit, nitrogen amonia total, fosfat, padatan tersuspensi total, dan bahan organik total air, serta jenis substrat dasar. Kesesuaian perairan ditentukan melalui analisis dengan weighted linear combination dalam sistem informasi geografis (SIG) dan luasan daya dukung perairan untuk budidaya ikan dalam KJA didasarkan pada referensi yang telah ada. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum karakteristik perairan Kecamatan Tanimbar Utara, Wuarlabobar, dan Selaru, Kabupaten MTB dapat mendukung kegiatan budidaya ikan dalam KJA, namun kedalaman perairan yang relatif dangkal yang menjadi faktor pembatas dalam kesesuaian perairan untuk kegiatan budidaya ikan dalam KJA. Dari 67.287,84 ha kawasan pesisir yang diteliti di Kabupaten MTB dijumpai yang tergolong sangat sesuai seluas 1.564,43 ha; cukup sesuai seluas 10,687,78 ha; kurang sesuai sesuai 2.103,92 ha; dan tidak sesuai seluas 52.931,71 ha untuk budidaya ikan dalam KJA. Di kawasan pesisir Kecamatan Tanimbar Utara, Wuarlabobar, dan Selaru dapat dilakukan budidaya ikan dalam KJA dengan daya dukung perairan masing-masing seluas 363, 292, dan 570 ha yang dapat digunakan untuk masing-masing 5.445; 4.380; dan 8.550 unit KJA ukuran 8 m x 8 m.Maluku Tenggara Barat District has potential waters for the development of floating net cage mariculture. However, the characteristics and quality of the waters have not been well studied. This study was aimed to assess the suitability and carrying capacity of coastal waters of Maluku Tenggara Barat based on the requirements of net cage mariculture. The measured waters characteristics included tidal, current velocity (speed and direction), water depth, transparency, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate, nitrite, total ammonia nitrogen, phosphate, total suspended solids, and total organic matter as well as bottom substrate types. The weighted linear combination (WLC) method in geographic information system (GIS) was used to determine the level of waters suitability and carrying capacity to support floating net cage mariculture operation. The WLC criteria used were based on the existing standard environmental criteria. The results showed that the coastal waters of Tanimbar Utara, Wuarlabobar, and Selaru sub-districts were suitable for fish culture in floating net cage. Nevertheless, the relatively shallow water depth in the study area was identified as the primary limiting factor of suitability. Of the total of the coastal areas studied (67,287.84 ha), 1,564.43 ha; 10,687.78 ha; 2,103.92 ha; and 52,931.71 ha were respectively categorized as very suitable, moderately suitable, marginally suitable, and not suitable for fish culture in floating net cage. The carrying capacity of the coastal waters of Tanimbar Utara, Wuarlabobar and Selaru sub-districts were estimated able to support 5,445; 4,380; and 8,550 floating net cage units sized 8 m x 8 m distributed in total farm areas of 363, 292, and 570 ha, respectively.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Janu Dwi Kristianto ◽  
Sunardi Sunardi ◽  
Johan Iskandar

AbstrakDanau merupakan salah satu bentuk ekosistem yang menempati daerah yang relatif kecil pada permukaan bumi dibandingkan dengan habitat laut dan daratan. Bagi manusia kepentingannya jauh lebih berarti dibandingkan dengan luas daerahnya. Sejak tahun 1985 Danau Teluk di Kota Jambi mulai digunakan sebagai lokasi budidaya ikan dengan karamba jaring apung (KJA) dengan jumlah KJA yang beroperasi pada tahun 2012 mencapai + 878 unit dari 64 pembudidaya ikan dan akan meningkat terkait penetapan Propinsi Jambi sebagai salah satu kawasan minapolitan perikanan budidaya guna peningkatan produksi perikanan. Pemanfaatan Danau Teluk sebagai media untuk budidaya ikan di KJA diperlukan upaya untuk mendorong pengelolaan terhadap sumberdaya milik umum ini agar terus bekelanjutan. Kajian mengenai dukung perairan dan pemanfaatan daya Danau Teluk Kota Jambi untuk budidaya ikan sistem KJA bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya dukung Danau Teluk yang digunakan untuk kegiatan budidaya ikan di KJA, bagaimana deskripsi pemanfaatan danau untuk budidaya ikan di KJAyang selama ini dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat sekitar dan merumuskan pola pemanfaatan Danau Teluk untuk budidaya ikan di KJA yang berbasis masyarakat secara berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa  daya dukung perairan Danau Teluk Kota Jambi untuk budidaya ikan di KJA adalah sebesar 517,617 ton ikan  per tahun dengan estimasi jumlah pakan di KJA yang diberikan pada ikan sebanyak 931,710 ton pakan ikan per tahun dengan asumsi kadar total P yang masuk ke perairan danau melalui limbah ikan sebanyak 20 kg P/ ton ikan. Jumlah ideal unit KJA yang seharusnya beroperasi di Danau Teluk berdasarkan penghitungan daya dukung danau sebanyak 862, 695 unit ~ 862 unit. Saat ini jumlah KJA yang beroperasi adalah sebanyak 878 unit sehingga perlu dilakukan pengurangan jumlah sebanyak 16 unit. Pemanfaatan Danau Teluk untuk budidaya ikan oleh masyarakat dilakukan secara sederhana dan jumlah KJA yang terdapat ternyata sudah sedikit melebihi daya dukung perairan jika dilihat dari konsentasi Total P yang ada di perairan. Peningkatan jumlah KJA yang ada di danau perlu mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah dan masyarakat setempat. Pola pemanfaatan danau untuk budidaya ikan berbasis masyarakat yang direkomendasikan adalah dengan mengeluarkan ijin usaha budidaya ikan agar kegiatan budidaya ikan dapat terkendali dan tidak merusak lingkungan, menggunakan pola pemeliharaan ikan dengan jaring ganda sehingga biaya operasional lebih efisien dan produksi ikan dapat ditingkatkan, membuat manajemen pakan dalam penerapan budidaya ikan dalam KJA, meningkatkan SDM pembudidaya ikan dan mengaktifkan kembali kelompok pembudidaya ikan sehingga koordinasi antar pembudidaya, pemerintah dan stakeholder terkait dapat terjalin serta pengaturan tata ruang KJA.Kata Kunci : pemanfaatan danau, daya dukung, Danau Teluk, budidaya ikan KJA, berbasis masyarakatAbstracLake is one of ecosytem form than occupies a relative small area on the surface of the earth as compared to sea and land habitats. For humans, utilization  is more important than the expanse of lands. Since 1985, Teluk Lake began to be used as the location of fish cultivation with floating net cage culture (FNCC). The number of FNCC in 2012 reached ± 878 unit of 64 fish farmers and it will increase related to determination of Jambi Province as one of Minapolitan fishery cultivation in order to increase fish production. Utilization of Teluk Lake as media for fish cultivation on floating cage is necessary to encourage the management of common resources is to be kept sustainable.  Studies on carrying capacity and utilization of Teluk Lake Jambi City for community-based fish cultivation on FNCC aims to know how the use of this lake that have been implemented by the local community and to find out patterns of Teluk Lake utilization to fish culture in floating cage sustainable community-based  and to find out how the carrying capacity Teluk lake that used to fish farming activities in floating cage. Methods used in this study is qualitative and quantitative methods with a descriptive approach. 1Result showed that carrying capacity of Teluk lake for fish farming in FNCC is equal  517,617 tons of  fish per year with estimate amount of feed given to fish in floating cage is as many as  931,710 ton per year assuming total P were entered into the lake through fish waste as much 20 k P/ton of fish. Ideal number of floating cage based on lake  carrying capacity accounting should be 862,695 unit ~ 862 unit. Operating floating cage currently  is  878 unit so that it is necessary reduction in the amount of 16 unit and if they want to add a new one, it should be an improvement or replacement of existing floating cage at lake. Utilization of Teluk Lake for fish farming is done simple by local communities and number of existing floating cage already slightly exceed the carrying capacity of lake if related from existing concentration of total P in water. The increasing amount of floating cages in lake should be attend from goverment and local communities, so it is necessary to manage the use of lake for fish cultivation. Pattern of lake utilization for fish farming  based- community ist recommended to issue a business licence, in order to control fish farming activity, and not damage the environment, using growt out pattern by double nets so that more efficient operating cost and fish production can be increased, making management of feed in fish farming at floating cage, develop capability of human resouces, activate again POKDAKAN so coordination between farmers, goverment and stakeholder can be build and layout arrangement FNCC. Keywords : Lake utilization, carrying capacity,Teluk Lake, fish culture on floating cage,community based

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 197
Siti Nurul Aida ◽  
Agus Djoko Utomo

Waduk Pondok seluas 407 Ha berada di Ngawi Jawa Timur, beroperasi sejak 1995 dan merupakan waduk serbaguna. Kegiatan budidaya ikan dengan keramba jaring apung (KJA) di Waduk tersebut sudah berkembang, hingga mencapai 126 petak pada tahun 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kesuburan perairan, total fosfor yang terlepas dari KJA ke peraian dan mengestimasi daya dukung perairan untuk KJA. Tingkat kesuburan perairan dianalisa dengan nilai index status trofik (TSI). Estimasi daya dukung perairan untuk KJA menggunakan pendekatan model keseimbangan total fosfor (P) yang terlepas ke parairan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perairan waduk Pondok sudah termasuk dalam katagori perairan eutrofik dengan nilai TSI 62,1.Total P yang terlepas ke perairan sebesar 15,04 kg ton ikan. Daya dukung perairan untuk KJA adalah 195,2 ton /tahun (130 petak KJA). Jumlah KJA di Waduk Pondok ada 126 petak (189 ton) atau sudah mendekati daya dukung perairan, sehingga jumlahnya tidak dapat ditambah lagi.Pondok Reservoir as large as 407 hectares is located in Ngawi, East Java. The Reservoir was functionally started in 1995, is a multipurpose reservoir. Fish culture in Pondok Reservoir in 2016 reached 126 cages. The aim of this research is to evaluate the trophic status, the total of phosphorus released into the waters from floating net cage, and carrying capacity of the reservoir for fish culture. Trophic status of reservoir was analyzed trough calculating the TSI (Trophic Status Index). A phosphorus mass balance model was used in assessing the carrying capacity of the reservoir. Research hypotesis in this research is Pondok reservoir has reached eutrophic status, and cages number in Pondok reservoir has alreday exceeds carriying capacity. Pondok reservoir have been categorized as eutrophic status, with the value of TSI 62.1. Total P released to the waters is 15.04 kg P / ton of fish. The carrying capacity of Pondok Reservoir for fish culture is 195,2 ton / year (130 cages). The number fish culture in Pondok Reservoir is 126 cages (189 ton), has already approaching maximum number can not be added anymore.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Fatmawati Fatmawati ◽  
K Soewardi ◽  
T Kusumastanto ◽  
L Adrianto

The purpose of this study was to estimate the carrying capacity of coastal waters of the pond effluent. The data required for analysis of mass balance models of carrying capacity is based on the total ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration in coastal waters. Estimation of carrying capacity with the concept mass balance model using the formula Tchobanoglous (1990) and Predalumpaburt (1996) in Tookwinas (1998) which has been modified by including the formula Widigdo and Pariwono (2001). Carrying capacity of coastal waters of Sebamban Baru Village, Tanah Bumbu Regency maximum pond area calculation may be developed for aquaculture area of 412,583 hectares, this shows that the concentration of ammonia released by the pond has not been an impact on the quality of coastal waters because the existing pond area is new opened an area of 368.542 ha has not exceeded the carrying capacity of the mass balance.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 479
Julian Laabs ◽  
Daniel Knitter

In this study, we present a transparent and reproducible approach to model agricultural production with respect to environmental characteristics and available labour. Our research focuses on the city of Pergamon and its surroundings, with an emphasis on the transition between the Hellenistic and Roman Imperial Period, where widespread demographic changes took place. We investigated the degree of local self-sufficiency using different concepts of a city’s complementary region. Using simple topographic derivatives, we derive a measure of environmental suitability that we translate into a carrying capacity index. Our results show that workforce was not a limiting factor for local self-sufficiency. However, environmental carrying capacity may have been limiting in a scenario with a large population. An active investment into the environment, e.g., by the construction of terraces, could have helped to increase the degree of self-sufficiency. Future research should investigate the level of resilience of such a coupled socio-ecological system in relation to environmental and socio-cultural dynamics.

A. Bouzekri ◽  
H. Benmessaoud

The objective of this work is to study and analyze the human impact on agro-forestry-pastoral ecosystem of Khenchela region through the application of multi-criteria analysis methods to integrate geographic information systems, our methodology is based on a weighted linear combination of information on four criteria chosen in our analysis representative in the vicinity of variables in relation to roads, urban areas, water resources and agricultural space, the results shows the effect of urbanization and socio-economic activity on the degradation of the physical environment and found that 32% of the total area are very sensitive to human impact.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1010-1012 ◽  
pp. 635-638
Yan Juan Xi ◽  
Zhen Liang Zhao ◽  
Chun Long Zhao ◽  
Yan Qin Xi ◽  
Li Yan ◽  

Based on the environmental survey data in off-shore of Qin Huangdao from May to June 2011,correlation analysis was made between population density of Noctiluca scintillans and environmental factors. The results indicates that population density of Noctiluca scintillans does not exist linear correlation with nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, nitrogen, phosphate,dissolved oxygen and PH ,it is positive correlation with temperature and silicate noctiluca and negatively correlation with transparency and salinity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 589-601 ◽  
Sung-Han Kim ◽  
Hyung Chul Kim ◽  
Sang-Hwa Choi ◽  
Won-Chan Lee ◽  
Rae-Hong Jung ◽  

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