Ahmad Saifuddin

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p>Sebagai<strong> </strong>lembaga pendidikan Islam asli Indonesia, pondok pesantren sudah menunjukkan keberhasilan dalam menjaga eksistensi diri. Sejak zaman sebelum merdeka sampai orde reformasi, pesantren semakin diakui keberadaannya dalam perundang-undangan Indonesia, terutama terkait pendidikan. Sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam, pesantren memiliki unsur kyai, santri, pondok, masjid, metode pembalajaran dan kitab kuning. Variasi pondok pesantren menjadi salafiyah dan khalafiyah. Namun keduanya tetap memakai ketiga metode pembelajaran, yaitu sorogan, bandongan dan wetonan. Kurikulum pesantren merupakan alat untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan, sekaligus sebagai pedoman dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan yang mencerminkan pandangan hidup bangsa. Lingkungan kebijakan pendidikan adalah ruang lingkup yang berada pada lingkungan dari sistem pendidikan tersebut, baik terpusat maupun bersifat lokal. Masalah dan agenda kebijakan pendidikan terdiri dari isu-isu yang sedang dibahas serius dalam hubungan domain kebijakan di bidang pendidikan. Sistem dan prosedur perumusan kebijakan pendidikan meliputi fungsi alokasi, fungsi inquiri dan fungsi komunikasi. Kajian metodologi dalam kebijakan pendidikan tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan pembahasan mengenai subtansi pendidikan itu sendiri. Pondok pesantren –meskipun merupakan model pendidikan asli pribumi- namun dalam dinamikanya selalu tidak dapat lepas dari kebijakan pendidikan secara nasional.</p><p> </p><p><strong>English:</strong></p><p>As a native Islamic educational institution in Indonesia, Pesantren has showed its success in preserving its existentialism. From the colonial period to the reformation period, Pesantren is getting more recognition in Indonesian legal system, particularly in the act of national education. As an Islamic educational institution, Pesantren has several element in its body, such as the kyai (the orthodox teacher), santri (the disciples), pondok, (the dorms), mosque, teaching methods, and kitab kuning (the yellow scriptures). The Pesantren has the salafiyah and khalafiyah as the variants. However, both of them implement the same teaching methods such as sorogan, bandongan, and wetonan. The Pesantren curriculum is a way of achieving educational goals and a direction of education with nation philosophies. The educational policy area in the Pesantren education exists both in national and local level. Issues and policy of education consist of actual problems in educational policy domain. The system and procedure of educational policy making involves several functions, such as allocation, inquiry, and communication. Methodological discourse in educational policy cannot be separated from the discourse of education itself. Pesantren –despite as a native educational system- cannot be separated from the dynamics of national education policy.</p>

Ahmad Saifuddin

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p>Sebagai<strong> </strong>lembaga pendidikan Islam asli Indonesia, pondok pesantren sudah menunjukkan keberhasilan dalam menjaga eksistensi diri. Sejak zaman sebelum merdeka sampai orde reformasi, pesantren semakin diakui keberadaannya dalam perundang-undangan Indonesia, terutama terkait pendidikan. Sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam, pesantren memiliki unsur kyai, santri, pondok, masjid, metode pembalajaran dan kitab kuning. Variasi pondok pesantren menjadi salafiyah dan khalafiyah. Namun keduanya tetap memakai ketiga metode pembelajaran, yaitu sorogan, bandongan dan wetonan. Kurikulum pesantren merupakan alat untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan, sekaligus sebagai pedoman dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan yang mencerminkan pandangan hidup bangsa. Lingkungan kebijakan pendidikan adalah ruang lingkup yang berada pada lingkungan dari sistem pendidikan tersebut, baik terpusat maupun bersifat lokal. Masalah dan agenda kebijakan pendidikan terdiri dari isu-isu yang sedang dibahas serius dalam hubungan domain kebijakan di bidang pendidikan. Sistem dan prosedur perumusan kebijakan pendidikan meliputi fungsi alokasi, fungsi inquiri dan fungsi komunikasi. Kajian metodologi dalam kebijakan pendidikan tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan pembahasan mengenai subtansi pendidikan itu sendiri. Pondok pesantren –meskipun merupakan model pendidikan asli pribumi- namun dalam dinamikanya selalu tidak dapat lepas dari kebijakan pendidikan secara nasional.</p><p> </p><p><strong>English:</strong></p><p>As a native Islamic educational institution in Indonesia, Pesantren has showed its success in preserving its existentialism. From the colonial period to the reformation period, Pesantren is getting more recognition in Indonesian legal system, particularly in the act of national education. As an Islamic educational institution, Pesantren has several element in its body, such as the kyai (the orthodox teacher), santri (the disciples), pondok, (the dorms), mosque, teaching methods, and kitab kuning (the yellow scriptures). The Pesantren has the salafiyah and khalafiyah as the variants. However, both of them implement the same teaching methods such as sorogan, bandongan, and wetonan. The Pesantren curriculum is a way of achieving educational goals and a direction of education with nation philosophies. The educational policy area in the Pesantren education exists both in national and local level. Issues and policy of education consist of actual problems in educational policy domain. The system and procedure of educational policy making involves several functions, such as allocation, inquiry, and communication. Methodological discourse in educational policy cannot be separated from the discourse of education itself. Pesantren –despite as a native educational system- cannot be separated from the dynamics of national education policy.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-116 ◽  
Rajan Gurukkal

As the introductory to the Special Issue reviewing the Draft National Education Policy (NEP), 2016, the article seeks to provide a theoretical framework of critical political economy in examining the context, compulsions, quality implications, and social consequences of the policy document. It mentions certain social theories that compliment the framework of critical political economy by explaining subtleties in the inter-relationship between the economy and educational policy. As background factors essential for a critique of the policy document the special demographic situation, features of national socio-economics, the problem of low GER, dominance of Techno-capitalist Knowledge Economy on the educational policy, and the possible consequences have been summarised. A very brief statement of the purport of articles that make the Special Issue is given at the end.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-46
Kálmán Tóth

Abstract In my study, through the example of the free royal city of Sopron, I am searching for an answer to the question how the Reformation influenced the political actions of the city’s leading body and its room for movement within the frameworks of estates. I will attempt to show in sketches how the intellectual horizon that can be reconstructed behind the city’s government is connected to the mentality of Lutheran Reformation. By focusing on one particular field, the educational policy of the town council, I will try to disclose how this manifested in practice in view of Sopron’s new educational institution (the lycée) established and maintained by the town council without any aristocratic patronage, unparalleled at that time. Finally, in a short outlook beyond the boundaries of the investigated period and by focusing on the activities of one former teacher (János Ribini) and two alumni (Baron László Prónay and János Kis), I will give evidence for the continued existence of the lycée’s mentality – which I will call confessional-patriotic – even after the town council had lost its supervision of the educational institution.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-50
Faizin Faizin ◽  
Wardatus Sholehati

Implementation of ISO 9001: 2008 quality management system will be a solution for educational institutions in dealing with problems and threats that can reduce the quality of educational institutions. Institutional marketing and student output generated through a good learning process will result in good academic and non-academic achievements. To realize a better quality educational institution, an institution should always evaluate the quality improvement program continuously, this system will become a strategic tool in increasing the institution's competitiveness in accordance with the demands of the times and the desires of customers, educational institutions as a form of service services are required to form good and capable human resources that are competitive in accordance with educational goals. Adopting the ISO quality management system and implementing its principles well will improve management within an institution so that its management is good and the performance of internal and external members can collaborate well to realize the goals of the institution in accordance with National Education Standards.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-148
M. Fahim Tharaba

This research aims to excavate the meaning and substance contained in the entire thought of Islamic boarding school and madrasah in the politic of educational in Indonesia. The method of research use bibliografic research with content analysis. The results of study revealed that Islamic boarding school and madrasah in politic of education in Indonesia experienced tremendous dynamics, especially starting from the colonial period, namely the pioneering stages of the establishment of madrasah; the old order. Islamic boarding school and madrasah are not only recognized, but also in the form of coaching and guidance; the new order, madrasah is aimed to build an intact national education system completely. Therefore, madrasah has extra burden of considerable weight, because it must provide curriculum of level public school completely, he also had to provide the essential materials of Islam that had been taught; the reformation period. Islamic boarding school and madrasah diniyah received recognition juridically; and the period after reform. Islamic boarding school and madrasah are faced with a touch of technology.

Tirath Das Dogra ◽  
Astha Chaudhry

The teaching and learning principles followed in the Ancient Indian Education System were largely based on the student centric teaching and learning principles as advocated in the modern system of education. The overall development of the student including the inner and outer self was largely practiced in our ancient education system. Also, the principles and practices discussed in Andragogy bears striking similitude with the practices followed in the ancient system. The relevance of understanding these traditional Indian teaching and learning principles increases with the introduction of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 by Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India as it highlights that all these principles are required to be adopted by the Higher Educational Institutions. This article aims to discuss some of the teaching and learning principles of the Ancient Indian Education system and their relevance in contemporary times along its coherence with NEP.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-106
Zaka Ardiansyah

The educational policy applied in a country has significant implications in education. The national educational goals of a country can be easily achieved if the state plays an active role in education. The active role is not only in the determination of curriculum and model of education, but also on the level of education budget and the direction of education policy in that country. This article discusses the comparison of education in two countries with the majority Muslim population, namely Iraq and Oman. This article is an online data-based study. The results of the study in this study concluded that the role of government is very urgent in determining the success of national education. Another conclusion of the comparison of education in the two countries is that education in both countries is not capitalist, and Education is not used as a business field to reap profits for the stakeholders.

Muhammad Alqadri Burga ◽  
Azhar Arsyad ◽  
Muljono Damopolii ◽  
A. Marjuni

<p class="abstrak" align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong><strong></strong></p><p>This research was aimed at analyzing the 1) existence of the Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso as a traditional Islamic educational institution; 2) the dynamic policy of national education in the period of 1989-2018; 3) various national education policy accommodating by the Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso; and 4) varied obstacles and experienced by the pesantren in accommodating national education policy and the solutions. The results of this research show that the Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso is still kept existing as a traditional Islamic educational institution by preserving five roles: a place transforming classical Islamic sciences, Da’wah institution, Islamic tradition conservationists, Islamic scholar generating center, and community service and empowerment. The position change of pesantren in the national educational policy during 1989 – 2018 implicates dynamiclally to the Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso. The accommodation forms of national education policy conducting by the Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso are classical system, national education curriculum implementation, and standardizing the learning process and educators. Some obstacles facing in accommodating these forms are like culture and organizational structure wrestling, limited resource, and lack of community participation. This research has implications for the importance of the accumulation of cultural values, religious values, and modern values in pesantren so that it can compete amid the progress of educational institutions in general</p><p> </p><p class="abstrak"><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan </em><em>untuk menganalisis 1) eksistensi Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso sebagai representasi lembaga pendidikan Islam tradisonal; 2) dinamika kebijakan pendidikan nasional kurun waktu 1989-2018; 3) ragam kebijakan pendidikan nasional yang diakomodasi oleh Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso; dan 4) ragam hambatan Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso dalam mengakomodasi kebijakan pendidikan nasional beserta solusinya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan feno­menologi</em><em>.</em><em> Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso tetap eksis sebagai lembaga pendidikan Islam tradisional meski melakukan pengembangan yang sifatnya modern dengan mempertahankan lima peran, yaitu: Tempat transmisi ilmu-ilmu Islam klasik, lembaga dakwah, peles­tari tradisi Islam, pusat reproduksi ulama, serta tempat pengab­dian dan pengem­bangan masyarakat. Perubahan posisi pesantren dalam kebijakan pendidikan nasional kurun waktu 1989-2018 berimplikasi terhadap kebijakan pendidikan Pondok Pesantren DDI Mangkoso yang dinami­kanya dibagi ke dalam tiga tahap, yaitu: transformasi kelembagaan, pemaduan kurikulum, dan penerapan paradigma inklusif berbasis budaya. Berbagai hambatan dalam akomodasi tersebut adalah pergumulan kultur dan struktur organisasi, keterbatasan sumber daya, dan minimnya partisipasi masyarakat. Penelitian ini berimplikasi pada perlunya akumulasi nilai tradisional, nilai agama, dan nilai modern oleh pesantren agar mampu bersaing bahkan menjadi inspirasi di tengah kemajuan lembaga pendidikan pada umumnya.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 365-400
Auliya Ridwan

In its early periods, pesantren as a type of Islamic educational institution focused merely on religious teachings. Socio-political pressures and the need to carry out Islamic outreach have pushed kiai as pesantren leaders to negotiate their idealism according to the circumstances in different historical periods. Historical accounts from the Dutch colonial period to Indonesian independence show that kiai leadership becomes the decisive factor as well as the legitimation for pesantren to take certain actions during precarious situations. To examine the institutional development of pesantren in the post-reformation era, a recent ethnographic fieldwork has been carried out in three pesantren in Madura, Java, and Lombok. This paper discusses the development and transformation of pesantren as an institution from the Dutch Ethical Policy Period until today. It demonstrates pesantren’s involvement in anti-Western campaigns and trials of affiliation with oppositions in the colonial period. This paper shows how Islamic virtues remain the heart of pesantren education and examines how innovation in contemporary pesantren regarding pedagogies and values translated in seemingly non-religious areas is substantially based on religious values.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-72
Ninik Hidayati ◽  
Akhmad Zaini

In the field of education, the planning process is one of the key factors in the effectiveness of the implementation of education activities to achieve the expected educational objectives for each level and type of education at the national, as well as local level. However, when viewed in reality everyday, elements of the process of education planning is still more used as a complement or elaboration of policy leaders, so often the goal set is not achieved optimally. One of the reasons is that educational planners still lack understanding of planning processes and mechanisms in a more comprehensive context. In addition, the position of the planning field is not a "key factor" of the existence of an educational institution, both at the macro and micro level, so that the contribution of education planning to the achievement of vision, mission, and educational goals has not been felt optimally.

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