scholarly journals Studying standard and rheological quality parameters of winter wheat by Python visualisation

Zoltán Magyar ◽  
Peter Pepo

This study was carried out to present an innovative solution for interpreting large data sets in agri-statistics with the invocation of programmed visualisation. Moreover, the following polyfactorial long-term experiment embodies a comprehensive study of 18 wheat quality parameters. The effect of increasing dosages of fertiliser (control, N<sub>90</sub>PK, N<sub>150</sub>PK) was examined on 3 winter wheat cultivars (KG Kunhalom, GK Csillag, Hybiza) in two consecutive growing seasons (2018–2019). The ecological conditions of 2018 gave a significantly higher yield, meanwhile 2019 significantly augmented gluten spread, alveographic tenacity, alveographic deformation work, valorigraphic stability and quality group and loaf volume. N<sub>90</sub>PK dosage was enough to realise yield and quality potential as well. Fertilising significantly improved 13 indices, namely yield, crude protein, Zeleny index, wet gluten content, alveographic extensibility, alveographic deformation work, valorigraphic water absorption, quality number and group, dough development time, stability, softening and loaf volume. Considering yield, cv. Hybiza performed better, while cvs. KG Kunhalom and GK Csillag possessed significantly better protein-linked postharvest attributes. One of the most important findings is that waffle chart, joint plot, correlation matrix and complexradar of Python provide a very powerful tool in agri-statistics. Also, the results can potentially improve the knowledge about cultivar-specific agronomy practice, wheat quality and the connections between these parameters.  

Myoung-Ah Kang ◽  
François Pinet ◽  
Sandro Bimonte ◽  
Gil De Sousa ◽  
Jean-Pierre Chanet

More and more data are collected via sensors. Wireless networks can be implemented to facilitate the collection of sensors data and to reduce the cost of their acquisition. In this chapter, we present a general architecture combining Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) and Spatial Data Warehouse (SDW) technologies. This innovative solution is used to collect automatically sensor's information and to facilitate the analysis of these data. The WSN used in this application has been deployed by Irstea and tested during several years in vineyards in South of France. The novel contribution presented in this chapter is related to the use of a SDW to manage data produced by geo-referenced sensor nodes. SDW is one of the most appropriate modern technologies for analyzing large data sets at different temporal and spatial scales. This type of databases is a specific category of information system used to integrate, accumulate and analyze information from various sources. These data are usually organized according to a multidimensional schema to facilitate the calculation of indicators. In this chapter, we introduce the development of a SDW storing the data collected by this WSN. The implemented data warehouse can allow users to aggregate and explore interactively data produced by sensors. With this system, it is possible to visualize on a map the results of these aggregations.

Zoltan Gyori ◽  
P. Sipos

The technology quality parameters of winter wheat were analysed on the results of a variety and cropping site experiment and a variety and mineral fertilizer field plot experiment. Results proves that the examined quality parameters suit the requirements of the intervention standard of European Union and international requirements for bread flour at average, but to reach safely the so called milling quality by the Hungarian Standard required higher input, especially mineral fertilizer supply. Results also show that the performance of newly bred and registered varieties is better in numerous parameters in common conditions. Results clearly show that the response of varieties to increasing mineral fertilizer doses is advantageous, and an adequate nutrient supply is guided by the requirements of selected varieties makes the results of quality more secure and the production more economical

2019 ◽  
pp. 100-107
Árpád Tóth ◽  
Zoltán Győri

The demand of modern societies for high food quality is evident. Thus, it is important for agriculture to produce row materials that are valuable for nutrition and have favourable characteristics for food processing. For this we need a knowledge about the factors which determine the quality of products. One of the main features of plant production is the “immobility”. This way the characteristics of the field influence the quality of the product, like example winter wheat, which is the main cereal in Hungary and Europe.The Concordia Co. has charged the Central Laboratory of Debrecen University, Agricultural Centre with laboratory testing of the 2002/2003 winter wheat crop. The samples consist of thirteen winter wheat varieties from six different sites under the same cultivating conditions. Therefore, the important wheat quality factors were analysed solely against site conditions with the use of Győri’s “Z” index, which contains these parameters.Soils were tested first. In this experiment excepting the negligible differences between the sites, there were no linear relations found between quality factors, productivity and soil features. The case is the same with the relation between precipitation, temperature and quality parameters. However, it must be noted that additional soil analyses are required to interpret the extreme results obtained from Karcag.The calculated Győri’s Z-index shows relative stability concerning certain varieties, although considerable deviation can be found in varieties related to the sites. According to these results, it can bestated that winter wheat quality was not linearly influenced by soil and weather in the 2002/2003 vegetation period. As the same cultivation technology was used in the experiment, the index was determined by genetic features. It must be noted that these findings are relevant only to this experiment.

1971 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 219-227

Interrelationships of the wheat quality parameters, mixograph development, centrifuge absorption, protein content and loaf volume were investigated. Protein content has been shown to influence baking strength. Results of this investigation demonstrate that differences in the values obtained for the centrifuge absorption test reflect differences in protein quality. It is therefore possible, with centrifuge absorption and protein content data, to separate the effects of protein quality and protein quantity on baking strength. The Protab index, a new wheat strength factor which is derived from the combination of protein content and centrifuge absorption data, is introduced and evaluated.

2011 ◽  
Vol 29 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 420-429 ◽  
L. Papoušková ◽  
I. Capouchová ◽  
M. Kostelanská ◽  
A. Škeříková ◽  
E. Prokinová ◽  

The aim of our work was to assess the possibility of detecting the changes in the baking quality of winter wheat with different levels of Fusarium spp. contamination using a new rheological system Mixolab, and to determine the correlations between the Mixolab characteristics and other quality parameters of wheat flour and grain. The standard technological characteristics (crude protein, Zeleny sedimentation index, wet gluten, falling number), loaf volume, shape features of bread (height and diameter), Mixolab parameters, and mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) content were determined in 3 winter wheat cultivars (Akteur &ndash; quality group E &ndash; elite; Eurofit &ndash; quality group A; Meritto &ndash; quality group B) with different levels of Fusarium spp. contamination (8 variants) in two years. Increasing intensity of Fusarium spp. contamination evidently worsened the rheological quality and its negative effects on protein and mainly on the starch part of the grain was obvious in Mixolab curves. High correlations were found between Mixolab characteristics and standard technological parameters, as well as between Mixolab parameters and the main baking criterion &ndash; loaf volume.

John A. Hunt

Spectrum-imaging is a useful technique for comparing different processing methods on very large data sets which are identical for each method. This paper is concerned with comparing methods of electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) quantitative analysis on the Al-Li system. The spectrum-image analyzed here was obtained from an Al-10at%Li foil aged to produce δ' precipitates that can span the foil thickness. Two 1024 channel EELS spectra offset in energy by 1 eV were recorded and stored at each pixel in the 80x80 spectrum-image (25 Mbytes). An energy range of 39-89eV (20 channels/eV) are represented. During processing the spectra are either subtracted to create an artifact corrected difference spectrum, or the energy offset is numerically removed and the spectra are added to create a normal spectrum. The spectrum-images are processed into 2D floating-point images using methods and software described in [1].

Thomas W. Shattuck ◽  
James R. Anderson ◽  
Neil W. Tindale ◽  
Peter R. Buseck

Individual particle analysis involves the study of tens of thousands of particles using automated scanning electron microscopy and elemental analysis by energy-dispersive, x-ray emission spectroscopy (EDS). EDS produces large data sets that must be analyzed using multi-variate statistical techniques. A complete study uses cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, and factor or principal components analysis (PCA). The three techniques are used in the study of particles sampled during the FeLine cruise to the mid-Pacific ocean in the summer of 1990. The mid-Pacific aerosol provides information on long range particle transport, iron deposition, sea salt ageing, and halogen chemistry.Aerosol particle data sets suffer from a number of difficulties for pattern recognition using cluster analysis. There is a great disparity in the number of observations per cluster and the range of the variables in each cluster. The variables are not normally distributed, they are subject to considerable experimental error, and many values are zero, because of finite detection limits. Many of the clusters show considerable overlap, because of natural variability, agglomeration, and chemical reactivity.

2013 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 311-330
Jakab Loch ◽  
János Lazányi

Az Országos Műtrágyázási Tartamkísérletek (OMTK) tizenkét NPK kezeléskombinációjában, kilenc termőhelyen vizsgáltuk az NPK-trágyázás hatását az őszi búza és a kukorica termésére és a talajok 0,01 M CaCl2-oldható tápelemtartalmára. A termőhelyek: Bicsérd (BI), Hajdúböszörmény (HA), Iregszemcse (IR), Karcag (KA), Keszthely (KE), Kompolt (KO), Mosonmagyaróvár (MO), Nagyhörcsök (NA), Putnok (PU). Az NPK kezelések: 000, 101, 111, 121, 201, 220, 221, 222, 331, 341, 421, 441. A N- és P-kezelések a kódoknak megfelelően 50 kg N, ill. P2O5·ha−1, a K-adagok 100 kg K2O·ha−1 hatóanyag-mennyiséggel növekszenek. Az őszi búza termésadatok a 23., 24., 27., 28. és 31. évi kísérletekből, a kukoricatermések a 25., 26., 29. és 30. évből származnak.Az NPK-kezelések jelentősen növelték az őszi búza és a kukorica öt-, illetve négyéves átlagtermését, szignifikáns különbségek jöttek létre a termőhelyek átlagában. Az NPK-kezelések különböző érvényesülése az egyes termőhelyeken az eltérő ökológiai viszonyok, köztük a különböző eredeti tápelemtartalom és szolgáltató képesség következménye.Az NPK-kezelések hatására a talajok 0,01 M CaCl2-oldható tápelemtartalma is jelentősen változott. A növények tápelemigényét meghaladó kezelések tartamhatásaként tápelem-felhalmozódás igazolható mindhárom tápelem esetében. A növények szükségletét meghaladó N-adagok, a karbonátos talajokat és a nagy agyagtartalmú kompolti (KO) talajt kivéve csökkentették a talaj pH-t. A másodfokú görbék az őszi búza ötéves termésátlaga és a 0,01 M CaCl2-ban mért összes-N, P- és K-tartalom közötti összefüggéseket szemléltetik termőhelyenként.A legnagyobb kezeléshatások azokon a talajokon igazolhatók, melyeken a kontroll 0,01 M CaCl2-oldható összes-N értéke kisebb, mint 5–10 mg·kg−1. A 15,0 mg·kg−1 érték felett altalaban nem érvényesült a nitrogén termésnövelő hatása. Kivételt képez a tápanyagban gazdag, hajdúböszörményi nem karbonátos réti talaj. A foszfor termésnövelő hatása 2,0 mg P·kg−1 érték felett — a karbonátos réti talaj kivételével — általában nem érvényesül. Az összefüggéseket jellemző R2 meghatározottsági tényezők a legkisebbek az őszi búza és a talaj 0,01 M CaCl2-oldható K-tartalma között, ami az egyéb tényezők nagyobb szerepére utal.A bemutatott eredmények igazolják, hogy a 0,01 M CaCl2-oldható N-, P- és Kfrakciók alkalmasak a tápanyaghiány és -felesleg jellemzésére. Egyben igazolják, hogy az eltérő ökológiai viszonyok között nagyobb terméskülönbségek jöhetnek létre, mint a kezelések hatására. A környezetkímélő tápanyag-gazdálkodás megköveteli a tápanyagok eltérő érvényesülésének figyelembevételét.A termésadatok átengedéséért köszönet az OMTK Hálózati Tanács elnökének, titkárának, és valamennyi kísérletfelelősnek.

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