Irina A. Kuklinova ◽  

This paper discusses the history of the use and specific understanding of one of the new museology terms – mediation. The terms of museology as an academic and university discipline still need perfecting, and this is vividly manifested in the use and treatment of the notion of mediation. The term originated in the French-speaking world, and it entered the Russian language in the 2010s. Currently, it is being developed by theoreticians and is also often used by practical workers describing the experience of a museum’s interaction with the surrounding world, there is training in this field for a master’s degree in many higher educational establishments in France (over 1,000 graduates every year). It has been noted that mediation is becoming urgent when a museum finally stops being an “ivory tower” focused on its inner life and opened for an exclusive circle of the initiated. In the second half of the 20th century, the museum turned into an institution opened to the general public. In recent decades, society has been deeply transformed, and cultural institutions in this environment can and should play a special role. Society views them as significant public spaces capable of being a place supporting a certain number of values, inherited from previous generations, and establishing new common values. At the same time, changes in society have touched museums as cultural institutions. They were significantly updated, and a new communicative strategy determined by the term mediation replaced traditional forms of working with visitors. Interactions of the museum with society are becoming more socially focused. And the original understanding of a mediator’s importance as an arbitrator dealing with irreconcilable conflicts, harmonizing the dialogue between individuals and organizations plays an important role in this environment in comprehending the special features of intermediary functions traditional for museums in the context of museum items, individual visitors, and various communities. Various forms of cultural mediation both inside the museum and beyond it are reviewed. They are intended for big audiences and single functions if they are such popular parts of events in modern society. Or they are focused on the long-term interaction of a museum with a limited circle. They can be both the traditional for a museum’s educational services audience (e.g. children) and previously marginalized population groups (convicts, migrants), with whom the museum had had no dialogue in the past.

2020 ◽  
pp. 9-22
V.F. Chertov ◽  
V.P. Zhuravlev

First published in 1914, the journal “Mother Tongue at School”, which examined the issues of studying the Russian language and literature, became the basis for creating two respected research and methodological journals: “Russian Language at School” and “Literature at School”. The article presents the analysis of the main periods in history of the journal “Literature at School”, notes special role of the chief editors in shaping the concept and periodical issues. Based on the comparative historical method, the authors of the article examine the continuity in the development of the journal, the most significant areas, topics, and relevant issues of teaching literature, which are reflected in publications of different years. In the final part of the article, the tasks of maintaining continuity in the development of the magazine (traditional rubrics “Our Spiritual Values”, “Search. Creativity. Mastery”, “Methodical Heritage”) and addressing the acute issues of reading and studying literature in the modern information society (rubrics “Point of View”, “Commonwealth of Arts”, “Literary Map of Russia”, “Media Education”).

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 147-153

The study is devoted to the currently popular issue of memory and forgetting. In connection with the resonant global events on the demolition of monuments, the socio-philosophical analysis of this problem seems relevant. The research methodology is Niklas Luhmann's theory of “autopoietic” social systems. Within the framework of this concept, it is paid a special role to memory as a regulator of intrasystem reference. It works as a function of forming the boundaries of the system based on past events and distinctions. Memory is understood as a necessary tool that constitutes the current state of the system. Within the framework of the trend of “social constructivism”, to which N. Luhmann's theory belongs, language is considered the basis of social “framing”, memory captured in words. Therefore, considerable attention is paid to the etymology and history of the concepts of memory/forgetting, as well as the dynamics of changes in semantic connotations. On the example of the distinctions adopted in archaic Greece, which is the “cradle” of Western European culture, the main mechanisms of memory/forgetting are considered and the semantic core of this opposition is indicated. Particular attention is paid to the objects and methods of memorization in an archaic society. Memory as a regulator of semantic distinctions in ancient Hellas kept the basic principles in society that determined the sphere of right behavior. The external expression of these principles was allowed to be fixed in material objects if it satisfied the criteria of significance for the polis. In the conclusion of the study, an analogy with modern society is proposed, in which the “monopoly” on socially significant memory belongs to the state, which seeks to preserve its “imaginary” construction of social reality.

Л.В. Лукьянова

В статье впервые представлена попытка обобщить опыт преподавания русского языка и других филологических дисциплин в первом лесном российском вузе с начала XIX века до настоящего времени. Историография лингвистического образования в СПбГЛТУ опирается не только на открытые информационные источники, но и на недавно обнаруженные ведомственные и государственные архивные материалы. Обращение автора статьи к найденным документам позволяет уточнить не только определенные этапы истории преподавания русского языка, основные виды деятельности преподавателей, но и представить яркие личности педагогов, в разные годы преподававших русский язык российским и иностранным студентам. Уже в первые десятилетия существования Лесного института уделяется большое внимание и собственно языковому развитию и образованию. Студенты Лесного института изучают русский язык, занимаются сочинением деловых бумаг и риторикой. Изучение русского языка в XIX веке подчинено главным образом прагматике обучения, однако не меньшую роль играет и знание родного языка для общекультурного уровня студента. Смена идеологической парадигмы, снятие образовательных ограничений, установка на организацию подготовки пролетарского студенчества после революции 1917 г. влияет и на гуманитарное образование новых студентов. Специалист нового типа, с марксистским мировоззрением, должен быть грамотным и обладать широким кругозором. Несмотря на насущную потребность в языковом образовании, в практическом обучении русскому языку студентов и аспирантов, специальной кафедры русского языка в Лесотехнической академии (ЛТА) не было до середины ХХ века. Осознание особой роли русского языка в профессиональной подготовке, в формировании мировоззрения иностранных студентов привело к созданию кафедры русского языка в ЛТА только в сентябре 1955 года. За истекший с образования кафедры период неоднократно менялось штатное расписание, перечень закрепленных дисциплин, цели, задачи и требования в подготовке обучающихся. Однако преподавание филологических дисциплин коллективом кафедры русского языка в Лесотехническом университете всегда было связано с широким контекстом культурного развития человека, со стратегической целью повышения уровня речемыслительной культуры, обеспечивающей эффективную современную коммуникацию языковой личности. The article presents for the first time an attempt to summarize the experience of teaching the Russian language and other philological disciplines in the First Forest Russian University from the beginning of the XIX century to the present. The historiography of linguistic education at SPbFTU relies not only on open information sources, but also on recently discovered departmental and state archival materials. The author's reference to the founded documents allows us to clarify not only certain stages in the history of teaching the Russian language, the main activities of teachers, but also to present the bright personalities of teachers who in different years taught Russian language to native and foreign students. Already in the first decades of the existence of the Forest Institute, much attention is paid to the actual language development and education. Students of the Forestry Institute study Russian, are engaged in writing business papers and rhetoric practice. The study of the Russian language in the XIX century is mainly subordinated to the pragmatics of teaching, but knowledge of the native language plays an equally important role for the general cultural level of the student. The change of the ideological paradigm, the removal of educational restrictions, the installation on the organization of the training of proletarian students after the revolution of 1917 also affects the humanitarian education of new students. A specialist of a new type, with a Marxist worldview, must be literate and have a broad outlook. Despite the urgent need for language education, for the practical teaching of the Russian language to students and postgraduates, there was no special department of the Russian language at the Forestry Academy (LTA) until the middle of the twentieth century. Awareness of the special role of the Russian language in professional training, in the formation of the world outlook of foreign students led to the creation of the Department of the Russian language in LTA only in September 1955. During the period that has elapsed since the formation of the department, the staffing table, the list of fixed disciplines, goals, tasks and requirements in the training of students have been repeatedly changed. However, teaching philological disciplines by the staff of the Russian Language Department at the Forestry University has always been associated with a broad context of human cultural development, with the strategic goal of raising the level of speech-thinking culture that ensures effective modern communication of a linguistic personality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-272
David Martens ◽  
Galia Yanoshevsky

In the literary history of French-speaking countries, and France in particular, the appearance and development of illustrated pocket-sized collections is an editorial phenomenon typical of the boom decades of the post-war era (les trentes glorieuses). Initially devoted to writers, series of this type were later opened to philosophers and artists. While these projects of intellectual and cultural mediation may seem relatively simple, both in their form and in the issues they raise, they do present a diversity of points of view. They are also in fine part of a literary heritage – and more broadly, a cultural industry. These books have actively contributed to the development and dissemination of authors’ images, and have thus shaped the literary canon. Indeed, the very principle of the collection has a canonizing effect.

Evgenii V. Palamarenko ◽  

The lack of Russian-language research on the features of the economic development of Israel as an OECD member state underlines the urgent need to identify new trends in the Israeli economy. Not taking into account the existing variety of humanitarian studies, and especially the concentration of studies on the political history of Israel and its modern component, we can recognize a clear lack of work that would cover Israeli economy. Current trends in Israeli trade relations, which have begun to make the mselves clear, require both consideration of effective trade and economic interaction between Israel and Palestine, and identification of the peculiarities of hidden regional trade and economic ties. Israel and Palestine are in close cooperation on the exchange of labor and goods, despite the lack of a political settlement. For Palestine, Israel is a major trading partner, and Palestine plays a key security role for Israel. The second important aspect in covering new trends in the Israeli economy may be the need to study the nascent format of cooperation between Israel and the Middle East. The article explores the specifics of economic relations between Israel and the countries of the Middle East, reveals the growing role of economic relations between Israel and the countries of the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 120-124
Latofat Tajibayeva ◽  

This article discusses the importance of Furkat's work in the semantic renewal of classical literature. Furkat's work, which played a special role in the development of enlightenment literature, has a strong place in the history of culture in the second half of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century. Critical thinking prevailed in the poet's lyrics, which glorified universal ideas. The expression of social consciousness in an objective and truthful way, the stabilization of realistic principles, begins with Furkat's poetry.

2018 ◽  
pp. 1254-1265
Vitaly G. Ananiev ◽  

The article is devoted to the work Alexander S. Nikolaev (1877 – 1934) in the Petrograd Institute of Out-of-School Education in late 1910s – early 1920s. His teaching activities at the Institute and the place of archival issues in the program of its museum department have been studied on the basis of archival documents. The Institute initially focused on training of instructors and employees of cultural institutions, school teachers for adults and universities professors. The Institute had a museum section (department – faculty), on the basis of which several exemplary workshops for creating of manuals and their mastering were to be organized. That is the context in which A. S. Nikolaev’s projects of archival museum creation should be studied. One of such projects worked out by Nikolaev at that time has gone unnoticed until its publication in the Appendix. The connection of this project with the development level of museum affairs of the period is shown. Nikolaev's aspiration to show evolution of archiving and to follow fond formation stage by stage and his use of photographic and graphic materials are also noted. Moreover, it is the first assessment of the work of the Institute as one of the centers for teaching archiving in late 1910s – early 1920s.Training at the museum department of the Institute included a number of courses in both archiving and preservation of documentary monuments. This was due not only to the traditional proximity of archiving and museum work, but also to the circumstances of the first post-revolutionary years. Many museums (located in palaces and mansions of nobility) acquired valuable archival collections. They looked for an opportunity to use these in their scientific activities and exhibitions. The latter was due to the emphasis put on history of daily life and introduction of sociological method in museum work.

2018 ◽  
pp. 306-312
Veniamin F. Zima ◽  

The reviewed work is devoted to a significant, and yet little-studied in both national and foreign scholarship, issue of the clergy interactions with German occupational authorities on the territory of the USSR in the days of the Great Patriotic War. It introduces into scientific use historically significant complex of documents (1941-1945) from the archive of the Office of the Metropolitan Sergius (Voskresensky) of Vilnius and Lithuania, patriarchal exarch in Latvia and Estonia, and also records from the investigatory records on charges against clergy and employees concerned in the activities of the Pskov Orthodox Mission (1944-1990). Documents included in the publication are stored in the archives of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Estonia, Lithuania, Leningrad, Novgorod, and Pskov regions. They allow some insight into nature, forms, and methods of the Nazi occupational regime policies in the conquered territories (including policies towards the Church). The documents capture religious policies of the Nazis and inner life of the exarchate, describe actual situation of population and clergy, management activities and counterinsurgency on the occupied territories. The documents bring to light connections between the exarchate and German counterintelligence and reveal the nature of political police work with informants. They capture the political mood of population and prisoners of war. There is information on participants of partisan movement and underground resistance, on communication net between the patriarchal exarchate in the Baltic states and the German counterintelligence. Reports and dispatches of the clergy in the pay of the Nazis addressed to the Metropolitan Sergius (Voskresensky) contain detailed activity reports. Investigatory records contain important biographical information and personal data on the collaborators. Most of the documents, being classified, have never been published before.

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