2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Mustika Suci Yuniar ◽  
Darmiyati Zuchdi

This research aimed to: (1) develop nonfiction texts of writing learning textbook based on process approach for the eleventh grade of senior high school; (2) find out the quality of nonfiction texts of writing learning textbook based on process approach that has been developed; and (3) find out the effectiveness of nonfiction texts writing learning textbook based on process approach for the eleventh grade of senior high school. This research is research and development that refers to research and development model of Borg & Gall. The development design included: (1) information collecting; (2) product development; (3) product testing; and (4) product revisions. Before the tryout, the textbook were validated by material and graphic experts, and practitioners. The data were collected using an interview guide, questionnaires, observation sheets, and test. The interview data in the infomation collecting stage and observation data in the implementation of the product were analyzed using the qualitative descriptive technique. The questionnaires data were analyzed using five scale score conversion. The t-test with a significance level of 0.05 was used to find out the effectiveness of the textbook.  The research finding revealed that the textbook which had been developed considered good with the percentage of quality 83.34% based on the questionnaire results analysis by the material and graphic experts, practitioner’s opinion, and student’s responses to the developed textbook.  Thus, it can be concluded that the nonfiction texts writing learning textbook based on process approach for the eleventh grade of senior high school was effectively used in nonfiction texts writing instruction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-116
Mesiono Mesiono

The quality of education is strongly influenced by teacher performance. One factor that supports the improvement of teacher performance is job satisfaction. When job satisfaction is high, it will affect job performance and achieve goals optimally. This study aims to determine the effect of job satisfaction on teacher performance in the state Islamic Senior High School in Medan, Indonesia. The research method used is quantitative methods with a sample of 45 teachers taken from Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Medan. Data analysis was performed using a t-test with a significance level of 95 %. Based on the test result, it is obtained that tcount > ttable. This shows that there is a significant correlation between job satisfaction and teacher performance. Based on the analysis results, it is concluded that job satisfaction is one of the factors that increase teacher performance where the higher the job satisfaction, the better and the performance of the teachers. This study provides recommendations for educational policyholders to increasingly pay attention to the factors that can increase teacher job satisfaction in state Islamic High School public in particular or other educational institutions in general.

Riza Hayyuningtias ◽  
Joko Purwanto

<p><em><strong>Abstract: </strong>This research aims to design a quality of alophysics web as a source of independent learning for Senior High School Class X based on expert judgment and student responses. The research belongs to Research and Development (R&amp;D). This development is done using Plomp research model which includes 5 steps, namely (1) Prelimenary Investigation (2) Design (3) Realization/Construction (4) Evaluation and Revision (5) Implementation. These research instruments are validation sheet, Alophysics web quality assessment sheet, student response sheet. The quality of Alophysics web used 4 Likert scale and student response used Guttman scale, both are in checklist forms. The final result of this study is the web of Alophysics as a source of independent learning for Senior High School Class X on the subject of momentum and impulses. The quality of the web of Alophysics based on expert material assessment obtained a mean score of 3.2 with good category (B), media expert judgment obtained an average score of 2.9 with good category (B), and the physics teacher assessment obtained a mean score of 3.83 with the very good category (SB). At the implementation stage produces the responses of students agree (S) with a mean score of 1.00 in limited trials and 0.95 in broad trials.<strong></strong></em></p><p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain web alofisika yang berkualitas sebagai sumber belajar mandiri untuk SMA/MA Kelas X berdasarkan penilaian ahli dan respon peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian <em>Research and Development (R&amp;D). </em>Pengembangan dilakukan dengan menggunakan model penelitian Plomp yang meliputi 5 langkah yaitu (1) <em>Prelimenary Investigation </em>(2) <em>Design </em>(3) <em>Realization/Construction </em>(4) <em>Evaluation and Revision </em>(5) <em>Implementation</em>. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar validasi, lembar penilaian kualitas web alofisika, dan lembar respon peserta didik. Penilaian kualitas web alofisika menggunakan skala <em>Likert </em>dengan skala 4 dan respon peserta didik menggunakan <em>Guttman </em>yang dibuat dalam bentuk <em>checklist.</em> Hasil akhir penelitian ini adalah web alofisika sebagai sumber belajar mandiri untuk SMA/MA Kelas X pada pokok bahasan momentum dan impuls. Kualitas web alofisika berdasarkan penilaian ahli materi diperoleh rerata skor 3,2 dengan kategori baik (B), penilaian ahli media diperoleh rerata skor 2,9 dengan kategori baik (B), dan penilaian guru fisika diperoleh rerata skor 3,83 dengan kategori sangat baik (SB). Pada tahap implementasi menghasilkan respon peserta didik setuju (S) dengan rerata skor 1,00 pada uji coba terbatas dan 0,95 pada uji coba luas.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Junias Polin

This study is aimed at finding out how need analysis is conducted for developing communicative grammar materials for teaching speaking in the eleventh grade of Kalam Kudus senior high school;  how Communicative Grammar Materials developed; and analysing the quality of the developed Communicative Grammar Materials for teaching speaking skill in the eleventh grade. This study applied Research and Development design proposed by Sugiyono (2010) which simplified into six steps, and Borg and Gall (1983) model was adapted to do need analysis. The study found that the obtained need analysis were conducted through observation, questionnaire, document analysis, and interview. The Communicative Grammar materials were developed using criteria proposed by Leech (2013) that is designed based  on Hutchinson and Waters (1987) by considering the basic competency and indicators in the KTSP 2006 syllabus used at school and they topics developed; (1) giving and asking for opinion, (2), Expressing satisfaction and dissatisfaction, (3) Giving advice and responding to advice, (4) Expressing warning and responding to warning, (5) Accepting Invitation, (6) Expressing feeling of relief, pain, and  pleasure, (7) Expressing love, (8) Expressing sadness, (9) Expressing Embarrassment, (10) Expressing anger and annoyance. The product of this study follows good criteria of teaching material which proposed by Leech (2013) and The quality of the product perceived by the expert judges was in a good category that is shown in the criteria and interval of 229 (X=229) using Gregory (20l0) formula.

Zuriati Muhammad ◽  
Sri Sumarmi

Female undergo menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, which bring about the need to consume blood cell tablet in order to provide extra iron and further replace lost blood, as a preparation through adolescence. Furthermore, females tend to suffer from anemia, exhibit retarded learning, working competence, quality of human resources and overall wellbeing of their offspring hence the promotion of nutritional status and health is essential (Warsiti, 2013). This study therefore aims to investigate the effect of knowledge and attitudes of female adolescents on the consumption of Fe tablet at Public Senior High School 1 of Gorontalo, applying a quantitative approach with cross-sectional method. With a sample of 72 students, the study involved the use of a questionnaire to obtain data, which were analyzed using the Fisher Ex cact (X2) test at the significance level of 95% (α=0.05). The analysis results revealed no influence of knowledge, toward the behavior of consuming Fe tablet with p-value = 0.355. Furthermore, there was a correlation between attitudes and consumption behavior, with p-value = 0.003 among young women in Public Senior High School.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-150
Alimin Alimin

This study is intended to develop listening materials. The research problem was “What is the appropriate listening material for the tenth graders of Islamic Senior High School of MA Ma’arif 7 Banjarwati. The study was designed in the form of Research and Development (R & D). The steps were need analysis, developing listening materials, expert and teachers’ validation, revision, try out, and final product. In collecting the data, several instruments were used. They are try-out, questionnaire, observation, and field notes. After the materials have been developed and validated by the expert and teacher, then it is tried out. Ten students were involved the try out. After the try out, the students stated their opinion. For the attractiveness, clarity of the recording, speed of delivery, vocabulary usage, and difficulty. Most the students stated that the materials were very good. For the result of the try out, the students made the most mistakes on ticking true or false activities. The steps of the research are need analysis, developing materials, expert and teachers’ validation, revision, try out and the final product. The product of this study is teacher’s book, student’s worksheet, and the listening materials. The materials are compiled in the form of CD. They are the language, length, content, style, and speed of delivery, the style of delivery and the quality of the recording. The materials are suitable with the students’ need, interest, and level of students’ ability in English. Listening activities can motivate students’ interest in learning English. Listening materials can give teachers a lot of input to be better in preparing listening activities

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 143-148
Johnsen Harta ◽  
Novena Tesalonika Rasuh ◽  
Angela Seriang

High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are a significant part of the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum to develop student competencies in the 21st century. Not only in the context of learning are HOTS considered important. They contribute to the National Examination held in Indonesia, so careful preparation for this exam is needed. Chemistry has basic concepts that require students to search and find facts, understand concepts, apply them procedurally, and analyze deeply. This study aims to map the analysis ability of students in Yogyakarta in working on HOTS-based chemistry national exam questions. This research is a quantitative-qualitative descriptive study with XII year students at a senior high school in Yogyakarta. The instruments used in this study were HOTS essay questions, interview sheets, and questionnaire sheets, analyzed with the Rasch Model. The results show that the students' analysis ability was still relatively low, with person reliability values of 0.56 and 0.39, and a Cronbach's alpha of 0.78. The quality of the HOTS questions was very good, with item reliability 0.97 and 0.95. Not many students in the two senior high schools have good analysis ability, so students must be better trained to optimize their potential in HOTS-based chemistry learning.

Anggi Yulihar And Nora Ronita Dewi

The study deals with the developing interactive media for senior high school students. The objective of this study is to find out how to develop interactive media for better speaking skill of senior high school students. The research was conducted by using Research and Development (R&D). The subject of this research was 2016/2017 students of the eleventh grade of Class XI IPA4 in SMAN 1 Batang Kuis. The number of the students was 30 students. The data of this study was collected by using need analysis questionnaire and experts’ judgment. Need analysis questionnaire was calculated by using percentage to get the information of students’ need before developing interactive media. Experts’ judgment was calculated by using likert data, mean and criteria interval of expert judgment to know the validity of interactive media which has been developed. After the data analyzed, it was found that the experts’ judgment result was 4.80 which had a very good criteria interval. The result of the research find that interactive media is a very good to be used in teaching speaking skill.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-45
Atikah Wati

Indriyani et al, (2013) stated that many students had dificulty in understanding the generic structure of analytical exposition text. Therefore, the present study tried to investigate the correlation between students understanding in writing generic structure of analytical exposition and the quality of students’ writing in second grade of senior hight school. Grounded in explanatory correlational research design by Creswell (2011), this study conducted over two weeks in one of senior high school in Indramayu. Close-ended questionnaire and writing test were instruments to collect the data and it was analyzed  by using SPSS 22. The statistical calculation from students understanding in writing generic stucture of the text and writing test indicated that the value of tcount was 3.23 and the value of ttable was 0.361. It can be concluded that the hypothesis was accepted because tcount 3.23 > ttable 0.361. The finding reveal that there was middle correlation or middle prediction in students understanding of generic structure of analytical exposition and students writing quality with the score 0,52.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 26-37
Rana Wijaya ◽  
M.Ihsan Dacholfany

Reading is one of the important aspects of language learning. By reading, the learners get knowledge and information. But in reality, students are often ignoring to mastering this skill. It is the researchers found in the second grade of SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Kartikatama Metro Lampung Indonesia, where students have difficulty in reading comprehension, so this leads to lower their learning. Therefore, to improve students' reading comprehension ability, researchers used Written Retelling Strategy (WRS) in the learning process.        The purpose of this study was to determine whether the use of Retelling Written Strategy (WRS) has a positive effect on students' reading comprehension in learning English. Written Retelling Strategy (WRS) considered as one strategy that makes students more active and fun in the learning process to comprehend some text.        Forms of this research are Quantitative Research conducted in two classes. Each class is divided into the trial and reserve grade. Author implements True Experimental Design (Pure Research) by applying a pre-test and post-test as an instrument. In accordance with the method of this study, the data were analyzed using t-test that allows knowing the difference between the experimental group that used a class of written retelling strategy and the control group who did not use written retelling strategy. Finally, the research data show that t observations = 3,590 and is included in the category of high impact. Furthermore, t observation T Table consult with a significance level of 5% = 2.010 and 1% = 2,682, the data states that t observations greater than the T Table, this could mean that Hi is received. And could mean that there is a positive and significant influence between experiment class and class control on the use of written retelling strategy at second grade of Senior High School  Kartikatama Metro.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 258-264
Stevani Lika Sari Tarigan ◽  
Marta Rejeki Manalu ◽  
Ayu Supriani Tampubolon ◽  
Yenita Br Sembiring

The research aims to find out the student's strategies in translating idioms. The method used in this study qualitative descriptive, this study was conducted at SMA SwastaPencawan Medan with the samples were 23 students of XI-MIA-2. The researcher used an essay test with 25 questions to translate idioms sentences. The result collection collected data from the students convert sentence researchers provided the database on the results of students' strategies in translating idioms on an essay test. Using a phrase of similar meaning in form result show there were 61 (34,27%), using a language of same meaning but dissimilar form in form show there were 19 (10,67%), translating by paraphrase in form result show there were 70 (39,33%) and translation by omission in form show there were 28 (15,73%). The result showed that many students translate idioms sentences with translation by paraphrase. The dominant strategies students are predominantly translation by paraphrase, and most students cannot turn the idiom in to the sentence that has been given. Keywords: strategies, translation idiom sentences, senior high school

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