dominant strategies
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2022 ◽  
Carmen Lișman ◽  

Marital infidelity is both socially perceived as immoral and very frequent. This contradiction might be explained through the process of moral disengagement, specifically by the use of certain socially shared moral justifications of infidelity, which consequently foster unfaithful behavior. This research developed and examined the Infidelity Moral Disengagement Scale (IMDS), aiming to capture the strategies of morally legitimizing infidelity used among people engaged in marital relationships. Across two studies (total N = 609 married participants) we investigated the dimensions and psychometric properties of the IMDS. Results showed that the dominant strategies of legitimizing marital infidelity are the diffusion of responsibility, the attribution of blame on the cheated partner, advantageous comparisons with other immoral acts, justifying infidelity through certain benefits, and minimizing its negative consequences. The IMDS emerged as negatively related to moral identity and strongly associated to people’s past infidelity and to their tendency to engage in unfaithful behaviors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 430-430
Jolanta Perek-Białas ◽  
Maria Varlamova

Abstract Poland's relatively young population in the past, is aging rapidly, which provokes a growing interest in the realisation of the older population's potential within the framework of the concept of active ageing. From 2012, when the first Governmental Program on Social Participation (ASOS 2012-2013) was introduced, the active aging framework remains one of the dominant strategies in developing and implementing social policies for the older generation. In the current paper, the focus is made on the employment and social participation of older citizens policies, showing the considerable gap in the prioritisation and hence in the outcomes, highlighted both by Active Ageing Index (AAI) indicators and more in-depth analysis. We will discuss the perceived risks and pitfalls of the current long-term ageing policy approach in Poland and provide recommendations for improvement.

K ta Kita ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-143
Eldi Valerian

This study discusses the use of translation strategies in translating Indonesian culture-bound words in two Indonesia tourism website articles. By using a descriptive qualitative analysis method, the translation strategies found in the Indonesian culture-bound words were observed using the theory from Mona Baker (2018). The rank of the most dominant strategies, from the most frequent to the least, used by both translator teams of Wonderful Indonesia and Enjoy Jakarta are loan word with an explanation, word-for-word, cultural substitution, and general word. In the Indonesia culture-bound translation, the most strategy used the culture-bound words is loan word strategy. It is better because instead of translating the Indonesia culture-bound word, the writer keep the culture-bound word in the english version and explain the meaning of the culture-bound word from explaining the history or the ingredients behind the culture-bound words so the international tourists can know the meaning behind the Indonesia culture-bound words without changing the names. In conclusion, both translator teams mostly used loan word strategy as their main strategy in the English translation, but still used other strategy in certain Indonesia culture-bound words.Keywords: translation, translation strategies, culture-bound words

2021 ◽  
pp. 204361062110275
Soledad Magnone

By 2015, one-third of internet users around the world were under the age of 18, almost half of which were living in the so-called ‘Global South’. In light of this, literature from the field of children’s online rights has become increasingly critical of the lack of engagement in internet governance discussions globally with the United Nations (UN) Convention of the Rights of the Child (CRC). Revisions of the CRC for its 25th anniversary influenced scholarship proposing using it as a guiding framework to identify and regress current deficits amongst its pillars of provision, protection and participation. This has triggered debates by evidencing how dominant strategies have been overly focused on facilitating access, with issues of online protection often being ignored and at times even hindering the almost absent considerations to child’s right to participation. Framed within a national Digital Agenda initially based on a One-Laptop-Per-Child program (Plan Ceibal), the Uruguayan government managed to effectively bridge the ‘digital divide’ in access to laptops and internet amongst its youngest population. This yielded significant impacts on low-income households and its achievements allowed the country to receive frequent praise by International Organisations. This study consists of an analysis of government digital policies focused on children in Uruguay between 2009 and 2019. To facilitate this, the CRC was used as a framework to categorise key features of the principal strategies that have been implemented. It argues that while great advances have been made in terms of digital access, this has not been sufficiently accompanied with comprehensive and child-centred solutions that encompass regulations and children and adult digital education. These are fundamental aspects for promoting a critical engagement with digital technologies and tailoring strategies for digital policies championing the best interest of children and Uruguay’s digital future.

Евгения Владимировна Волкова

Введение. Представлен коммуникативно-прагматический анализ медиакоммуникации врача в соцсети. Цель – выявить и описать способы реализации коммуникативных стратегий в медиатексте, созданном на основе информационного повода COVID-19. Материал и методы. Материалом выступили посты врачей о коронавирусе в Instagram. Анализ осуществляется при учете композиционной и смысловой целостности уровней стратегической вербальной коммуникации и поликодовых компонентов в медиатексте. Методика анализа стратегического планирования заключается в выявлении коммуникативных стратегий, определении их иерархической упорядоченности, описании номенклатуры и способов языковой репрезентации реализующих их тактик. Результаты и обсуждение. Медиатекст о COVID-19 позволяет врачу решить несколько стратегических задач: создание профессионального имиджа, просвещение массового адресата, формирование целевой аудитории блога. Основной стратегией является самопрезентационная, реализующаяся в коммуникативных тактиках апелляции к профессии (через образы «Я – врач», «Я – эксперт в области медицины», «Мы – медицинское сообщество»), актуализации преданности профессии, демонстрации преодоления профессиональных трудностей, передачи субъективной информации (через образы «Я – пациент» и «Я – личность»), а также невербальными способами (размещением фотографий врачей в условиях борьбы с COVID-19). Информационно-просветительская стратегия в текстах о коронавирусе становится вспомогательной и способствует реализации стратегии самопрезентации через обращение к тактикам дефиниции, краткой справки, инструкции, апелляции к авторитетным источникам, рекомендации, дискредитации медицинских мифов. Обнаруживается, что коммуникативный успех данных тактик достигается при их сочетании с самопрезентационными, а также при определенной последовательности их использования в одном медиасообщении. Вспомогательная стратегия вовлечения в диалог и удержания адресата, выполняя диалоговые и риторические функции, реализуется параллельно со самопрезентационной и информационно-просветительской стратегиями на уровне композиции медиатекста посредством вынесения в заголовок темы и изображения, отсылающего к COVID-19; реализации тактик анонсирования актуальной темы и апелляции к выгоде от прочтения текста во вступлении текста; использования в основной части тактик коммуникативного сближения, языковой оригинальности и ориентации на языковую моду; а также обращения в заключении к этикетной тактике и тактике приглашения к диалогу. Заключение. Реализация доминирующих стратегий медицинской медиакоммуникации осуществляется параллельно на разных уровнях медиатекста о коронавирусе, посредством использования вербальных и невербальных тактик персуазивного и суггестивного воздействия на аудиторию. Отмечается эффективность обращения к информационному поводу COVID-19 как инструменту стратегического планирования для достижения основной цели медиакоммуникации врача в соцсети – продвижения профессионального бренда. Introduction. The article presents a communicative and pragmatic analysis of the doctor’s media communication in the social network. Aim and objective. The aim of the article is to identify and describe the ways to implement communication strategies in a media text created on the basis of the news story COVID-19. Material and methods. The material was the doctor’s posts about the coronavirus on Instagram. The analysis is carried out taking into account the compositional and semantic integrity of the levels of strategic verbal communication and polycode components in the media text. The methodology for analyzing strategic planning consists in identifying communicative strategies, determining their hierarchical ordering, describing the nomenclature and methods of linguistic representation of the tactics that implement them. Results and discussion. The media text about COVID-19 allows the doctor to solve several strategic tasks: creating a professional image, educating the mass address, forming the target audience of the blog. The main strategy is selfpresentation, implemented in communicative tactics of appeal to the profession (through the images of «I am a doctor», «I am an expert in the field of medicine», «We are the medical community»), actualization of dedication to the profession, demonstration of overcoming professional difficulties, the transmission of subjective information (through the images «I am a patient» and «I am a person»), as well as non-verbal methods (posting photos of doctors in the fight against COVID-19). The information and educational strategy in the texts about the coronavirus becomes auxiliary and contributes to the implementation of the strategy of self-presentation through the appeal to the tactics of definition, brief information, instructions, appeals to authoritative sources, recommendations, discrediting medical myths. It is found that the communicative success of these tactics is achieved when they are combined with selfpresenting ones, as well as with a certain sequence of their use in one media communication. An auxiliary strategy for engaging and retaining the addressee, performing dialogue and rhetorical functions, is implemented in parallel with self-presentation and informational and educational strategies at the level of media text composition by placing a topic and image referring to COVID-19 in the title; implementation of tactics for announcing a topical topic and appealing to the benefits of reading the text in the introduction of the text; using in the main part of the tactics of communicative rapprochement, linguistic originality and orientation towards linguistic fashion; as well as appeals in the conclusion to etiquette tactics and tactics of invitation to dialogue. Conclusion. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the implementation of the dominant strategies of medical media communication is carried out in parallel at different levels of the media text about the coronavirus, through the use of verbal and non-verbal tactics of persuasive and suggestive influence on the audience. The effectiveness of referring to the information occasion of COVID-19 as a strategic planning tool to achieve the main goal of the doctor’s media communication in the social network – creating a professional brand.

Alyona Vavilova

The article is devoted to the study of student's coping strategies influence on the level of their subjective well-being in conditions of distance learning. It was found that student's coping strategies have an impact on the level of their psychological comfort. Using regression analysis it was revealed that the variability of student's life well-being is determined by the following coping strategies: positive self-esteem; responsibility; planning; escape and self-control. It was developed the typology of students in the conditions of distance education, which includes such indicators of dominant coping strategies: the level of psychological comfort, dominant coping and measure of stress tolerance. According to the certain typology, three types of students were defined: 1) adaptive type (high indicators of well-being, high indicators of tolerance to stress, dominant strategies “self-esteem”, “responsibility” and “planning” ); 2) maladaptive type (low indicators of well-being, low indicators of tolerance to stress, dominant coping “escape”); 3) average adaptive type (average indicators of well-being, average indicators of tolerance to stress; dominant strategies “responsibility”, “self-control”, low indicators of coping “positive self-esteem”). The results of the study indicate that students who are best adapted to distance learning and have a high level of psychological comfort tend to evaluate themselves positively, treat work responsibly, plan their studies and have an average level of self-control.

2021 ◽  
Vol LXXXII (2) ◽  
pp. 113-126
Marcin Jurczyk

The paper discusses the analysis of the results of research carried out amongst youth offenders from correctional facilities for minors and high school students complying with the legal standards. The aim of the research was to present the differences in the coping strategy of adaptation to the strain caused by a difficult situation amongst the researched adolescents, taking into account the division into groups and the sex factor. In total 266 young people were assessed (133 ppl from both groups). The research was quantitative. Data analysis using Chi-square test revealed a number of significant differences in the selection of a coping strategy to the strain induced a difficult situation. The obtained data gave grounds for a partial acceptance of the research hypothesis. The analysis of the data, included the division into group and sex factor, showed that in the group of girls from correctional facilities for minors, drug and alcohol use and seeking revenge are predominant. In the group of offender boys, alcohol and drugs are predominant, as well as seeking to recover the loss and taking responsibility for one's own actions. In the group of high school students, the dominant strategies among girls and boys are: relaxing by listening to music, sport, walking, cinema, ignoring the situation that caused tension and taking responsibility for one's own actions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Vadim Loktionov ◽  
Elena Loktionova

According to the well-known statement of T. Friedman, the world has become flat: the development of technologies, transport and international institutions has created a single economic, political and cultural space in which all countries play a significant role. However, since the emergence of the idea of a flat world, it has become clear that globalization continues to change the world. The growing complexity of economic, social and technological processes leads to a change in the dominant strategies of company management and the emergence of new business models. A rethinking of the globalization at different stages of its historical development in the context of the ongoing changes will help to understand the current trends of this process. The article studies the subject-matter of the economic globalization process and the main stages of its development. Based on the historical and economic analysis, the authors' approach to the periodization of the economic globalization process is offered. The current socio-economic trends that are determining the future features of economic globalization are revealed. It is concluded that one of the most important criteria for making managerial decisions is the criterion of social responsibility.

Zyubina Irina A.

The article is devoted to the dominant strategies of the discourse of state power. The relevance of the study is due to the interest of modern scientists in the anthropocentric scientific paradigm. The focus is on the individuals and their individual qualities associated with the phenomenon of domination. The work was carried out in line with the Implicit Pragminguistics. To carry out an objective pragmalinguistic analysis, as the research material the texts that have the largest possible number of similar features were selected, for example, text content (all analyzed texts are devoted to issues related to the problems of state power), year of the presentation (2018-2020), age (50-57), gender (five men and five women) and nationality (Russian-speaking) authors; and also the similarity of addressees (speeches of the addressees at the meetings of the national Parliament of Russia). The analysis is carried out according to two dominant strategies: “Participation / non-participation of communicants in a speech event” and “Certain / uncertain speech behavior of an author in a speech event”. To confirm the diagnosed personality traits, the references are made to the memoirs of the contemporaries of the representative of the state power whose texts of speeches were submitted for analysis, and we can say that the results are objective and find confirmation in the words of their acquaintances, friends and families, as well as in their biographies. The analysis shows that the majority of the representatives of the state power have a dominant type of behavior, a pronounced individuality and are talented leaders and organizers. You can also highlight such traits of their professional personalities as determination, independence, authoritarianism and focus on the listener. Almost all the representatives of the state power have a lot of confidence in their words, as this is the main trait of a good leader.

Gordon Bowen ◽  
Deidre Bowen ◽  
Richard Bowen

Politicians tend to use the word opportunity as a catch-all term. This paper is contending that opportunities can be classified as tangible or intangible. Lawmakers do not appear to consider the idea that opportunities are hierarchical or link to a firms’ ability to leverage opportunities. The context for the paper is Brexit and its strategic implications. Furthermore, a hard Brexit will throw up more intangible opportunities than tangible opportunities, which suggests that firms will require different strategies for hard Brexit and soft Brexit environments. This paper suggests that there are two possible dominant strategies available to executives, namely leverage logic and opportunity logic, and the application of the strategies is dependent on the type of Brexit situation. The time horizon to develop and refine the dominant strategies is dependent on the type of Brexit environment, with a hard Brexit requiring the longest time horizon.

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