scholarly journals Ideologisasi Konsep Reformasi dalam Historiogra fi Buku Teks Pelajaran Sejarah di Sekolah

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Mi’raj Dodi Kurniawan ◽  
Andi Suwirta

<p><strong><em>ABSTRAKSI: </em></strong><em>Salah satu karya historiografi yang disusun dan dipublikasikan untuk tujuan pendidikan adalah buku teks pelajaran untuk SMA/MA (Sekolah Menengah Atas/Madrasah Aliyah), Kelas XII. Selain harus memenuhi syarat ilmiah, buku teks pelajaran sejarahpun disesuaikan dengan kebijakan dan kepentingan politik pendidikan dari pemerintah, yang termaktub dalam dan diwakili oleh kurikulum pendidikan sejarah. Dalam konteks ini, sejarah tidak diposisikan sebagai “sejarah untuk sejarah” atau sejarah dalam ruang kedap kepentingan, melainkan dijadikan alat pendidikan oleh pemerintah. Hal ini terlihat dari adanya ideologisasi (penyebarluasan ide dan pandangan) pemerintah terhadap peserta didik melalui buku teks pelajaran sejarah. Bentuk ideologisasi yang terdapat dalam historiografi buku teks pelajaran sejarah SMA/MA kelas XII diantaranya berupa ideologisasi konsep “reformasi”.</em><em> </em><em>Dalam buku teks ini, bukan saja konsep “reformasi” itu bermakna dan diopinikan baik, manakala pada zaman Orde Baru bersifat buruk, melainkan juga para pembacanya diarahkan untuk menyetujui sikap tim penulis yang adalah juga sikap resmi pemerintah, bahwa pemerintahan Orde Baru yang buruk itu harus dikoreksi oleh pemerintahan Reformasi. Betapa pun masih mengalami banyak kendala, namun dikatakan bahwa “reformasi” ialah langkah tepat dan memberi optimisme bagi bangsa Indonesia dalam mencapai tujuan pembentukan negara-bangsa.</em></p><p><strong><em>KATA KUNCI:</em></strong><em> Ideologisasi, buku teks, konsep reformasi, kepentingan pemerintah, dan politik pendidikan.</em><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong><em>: “The Ideologization Process of the Concept of Reform in the Historiography of History Textbooks in Schools”. One of the works of historiography which is prepared and published for the purpose of education is textbooks for SMA/MA (Senior High School/Islamic Senior High School), grade twelve. In addition to fulfilling scientific requirements, history textbooks are suited to the educational policies and the political interests of the government, embodied in and represented by the curriculum of history education. In this context, history is not positioned as a "history for history" or history in the tight space of interests; rather, it is an educational tool of the government. This is evident from the process of ideologization (the dissemination of ideas and views) of the government towards learners through history textbooks. The form of ideologization process contained in the historiography of the history textbooks of SMA /MA grade twelve, among others, is the ideologization of “reform” concept. In the textbooks, not only is the concept of "reform" meaningful and well-regarded, which the New Order government era was considered bad, but readers are also directed to approve the attitude of a team of writers who are also the official stance of the government, that the New Order government was bad, and it should be corrected by the Reform government. Although there are still many obstacles, it can be said that "reform" is the right step and it gives optimism to the nation of Indonesia in achieving the goal of establishing the nation-state.</em></p><p><strong><em>KEY WORD</em></strong><em>: Process of ideologization, textbooks, concept of reform, governments’ interests, and politics of education.</em></p><p><img src="/public/site/images/wirta/05.a_.miraj_.id_.ok_.jpg" alt="" />  <img src="/public/site/images/wirta/05.b_.mas_.upi_.ok_.jpg" alt="" /></p><p><strong><em>About the Authors:</em></strong> <strong>Mi’raj Dodi Kurniawan, S.Pd.</strong> adalah Alumni Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah UPI (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) dan Mahasiswa Program Magister S-2 Pendidikan Sejarah di Sekolah Pascasarjana UPI. <strong>Andi Suwirta, M.Hum.</strong> adalah Dosen Senior di Departemen Pendidikan Sejarah UPI Bandung. Alamat emel penulis: <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> dan <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p><p><strong><em>How to cite this article?</em></strong> Kurniawan, Mi’raj Dodi &amp; Andi Suwirta.<strong> </strong>(2016). “Ideologisasi Konsep Reformasi dalam Historiografi Buku Teks Pelajaran Sejarah di Sekolah” in <em>MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan</em>, Vol.1(1) Maret, pp.55-68. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI Press. <strong></strong></p><p><em><strong><em>Chronicle of the article:</em></strong> </em>Accepted (January 25, 2016); Revised (February 25, 2016); and Published (March 11, 2016).</p>

Wawan Darmawan, Scopus ID: 57192940869

This article reveals the results of research on the contents of history subjects in history textbooks for High School that issued in two different government, those are the New Order Government and Reformation Government, which are considered to contain ideological messages. History textbooks that flowed from the curriculum follows on government policies. That wasn’t surprising if the government changed, they will change the curriculum, and also change the content of text books, in this case includes the history text books. The change indicates that history text books cannot be separated from the interests of the government’s ideology. The aim of this research is wanting to reveal the forms of ideology that is present in the content of history text books. The method that used is critical discourse analysis to know the ideological discourse in history text books from two different government periods. The history text books that are examined based on the 1994 Curriculum and the 2013 Curriculum to indicate two curriculums results from two reigns. Based on the results of this research, it can be compared with the ideology of writing content of history text books in the New Order and Reformation period, there are includes communism and Pancasila, deceit democracy and freedom for democracy, militarism and anti-militarism, neoliberalism and anti-communism, liberalism and anti-liberalism. However, there is still a single narrative of the nation in the New Order that could not be replaced by the Reformation era.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Widyasari Usman ◽  
Endang Poerwanti ◽  
Atok Miftachul Hudha

Abstract: The subject of specialization can help the development of abilities possessed by students. Specifically, specialization subjects can be followed according to students' talents and interests. This study aims to describe (1) the implementation of the 2013 curriculum policy in specialization learning in Senior High School 1 Ternate. (2) differences in specialization management models are applied in Senior High School 1 Ternate. And (3) constraints and solutions in the implementation of specialization learning in Senior High School 1 Ternate. This research was conducted with a descriptive qualitative approach. Sources of data and information from three curriculum subjects and nine specialization subject teachers from each of the three schools. The results showed that (1) the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in specialization learning in Senior High School 1 Ternate was by Minister of Education and Culture Regulations number 69 of 2013 and schools only make policies based on the central government and adjust teaching hours and based on specialization manuals and cross-interests from the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2016 and 2017. (2) There are some differences from specialization management models such as specialization mechanisms/procedures in each school have different stages. (3) Obstacles in the implementation of specialization learning in Senior High School 1 Ternate include (a) constraints from teachers; (b) constraints in choosing teaching methods; (c) constraints from students; (d) the constraints of using learning resources; (e) facilities and infrastructure. The solution is that the teacher chooses the right teaching method and can improve the competency of the studentsKeywords: Learning, Specialization Subjects, 2013 Curriculum Abstrak: Diberlakukan mata pelajaran peminatan dapat membantu pengembangan kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh siswa. Secara khusus mata pelajaran peminatan dapat diikuti sesuai bakat dan minat siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tentang (1) pelaksanaan kebijakan kurikulum 2013 pada pembelajaran peminatan di SMA Negeri Kota Ternate. (2) perbedaan model manajemen peminatan diterapkan di SMA Negeri Kota Ternate. Dan (3) kendala dan solusi dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran peminatan di SMA Negeri Kota Ternate.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data dan informasi dari tiga masing-masing wakasek kurikulum dan sembilan guru mata pelajaran peminatan dari tiga masing-masing sekolah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013 pada pembelajaran peminatan di SMA Negeri Kota Ternate sudah sesuai dengan Permendikbud No. 69 Tahun 2013 dan sekolah hanya membuat kebijakan berdasarkan dari pemerintah pusat dan menyesuaikan jam mengajar serta berdasarkan buku pedoman peminatan dan lintas minat dari Kemendikbud tahun 2016 dan 2017. (2) Terdapat beberapa perbedaan dari model-model manajemen peminatan seperti mekanisme/prosedur peminatan di setiap sekolah memiliki tahapan-tahapan berbeda. (3) Kendala dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran peminatan di SMA Negeri Kota Ternate meliputi (a) kendala dari guru; (b) kendala memilih metode mengajar; (c) kendala dari siswa; (d) kendala menggunakan sumber belajar; (e) sarana dan prasarana. Solusi yang dilakukan yaitu guru memilih metode mengajar tepat dan dapat meningkatkan kompetensi peserta didikKata kunci: Pembelajaran, Mata Pelajaran Peminatan, Kurikulum 2013 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Lelya Hilda

This research is based on the problems on low economy of the societies that make the children help their parents to have working to fulfill their needs. Meanwhile, children still need to play and to study, it is not their responsible to join to handle the needs of their economy. The purposes of this research are to know the condition of education of the children workers in TPA Batu Bola Padangsidimpuan. Beside, the researcher also wanted to know the factors caused them doing work in that place, and the parents and government effort to protect the children. The research is qualitative descriptive. The informant are children workers (pick workers/pemulung), their parents, as the primer source and other pick workers, and the district government (lurah) as the secondary source. The instruments used are questionnaires, interview, observation, adn documentation. Based on the research, it is found that the children are 12 persons from Junior High School (40%), 9 persons from Junior High School (30%), 2 persons from Senior High School (6.67%), and out of school 7 persons (23.33%). The main factors that make them work is because of the pressure of the economic needs. The reasons are asked by their parents (80%), their wants (13.33%), and asked by their friends (6.67%).  The parents effort by giving advises to their children, and the government didnot have hard regulation and solution in order to make them always in that condition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 390-409
Mohammad Kosim

The new order government policy about religious education in state schools gradually led to an accommodative policy. If the old order government made religious education a facultative subject, then at the beginning of the new order the government strengthened the position of religious education by removing facultative provisions, even though they were not obligatory. Until finally, through Law number 2 (1989), the government required religious education to be taught in all channels, types, and levels of education. And the right of every student to get religious lessons by their religion and is taught by religious educators. This research includes historical research and policy studies, because it relies on past data,  whose steps consist of four main activities, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. This accommodative policy is influenced by several factors, including; the government’s determination to implement Pancasila purely and consistently after it was diverted in the old order era; the weakening of the government’s power at that time so that it required the political support of muslims as the majority population; There is an intellectual transformation of muslim thinkers and political activists towards harmonious and complementary political relations between Islam and the state so that Islamic ideas are more easily accepted; and muslims experience a process of rapid social, educational, economic and political mobilization and so that more and more people are involved in government and can influence policies in a pro-muslim direction.

Joshua-Luther Ndoye Upoalkpajor

As an individual goes through Senior High School education, s/he encounters situations which require them to take appropriate educational, vocational and social decisions. This highlights the need for guidance and counselling services in learning institutions. Its importance cannot be overstated. Research has shown that young people think about careers within the context of life more than in terms of qualifications and training. This study explored the knowledge of senior high school students in the Agona East district, about career counselling and how career guidance has been of benefit to them. The qualitative approach of descriptive survey using the purposive sampling technique was adopted. The data gathered was analysed using two main themes consisting of several sub-themes. It emerged from the study that for each occupation, different interests, abilities, personality traits and professional values are required. The findings also revealed that career counselling helps students to link what they learn to their interests, capacities, aspirations, and match these with existing opportunities. Going forward, the study recommends that schools                    assist students to identify their interests and make them aware of the importance of academic qualifications in making career choices. It further recommends to policy makers; especially the government of Ghana, to reinforce Guidance and Counselling programmes in senior high                       schools.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
M. Maman Sumaludin

This study aims to analyze national identity in history textbook at the level of senior high school. History textbooks contain material that influenced by ideology which closely related to national identity. The ideology is shown as a manifestation of the nation through history textbooks. The method used to find out the discourse of national identity in textbooks using Fairclough critical discourse analysis to analyze the contents and discourses of national identity in history textbooks. The results showed that the influence of the government is very strong on sample of history textbook. The influence is seen from the planting of the state ideology as a form of government obligation in an effort to shape the character and personality of the nation. In addition, it is done to strengthen national identity through education.

Franciscus Xaverius Wartoyo ,

<p>Abstract<br />Government has the legal responsibilities in the implementation of national education system to carry out the mandate set out in Section 31 of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 related to the intellectual life of the nation. This is confirmed and applied by The Indonesian Government Regulation 47/2008 regarding compulsory education and Indonesian Government Regulations 48/2008 related to the funding education of elementary school (SD) to high school (SMP) free made by the government through the School Operational Assistance (BOS) to make the education system based on the national human values and justice according to Pancasila ad realize the human rights set out in the Constitution Indonesian 1945 Article28 c paragraph(1) and Article 28d paragraph (3) stated that every citizen has the right to obtain equal opportunities in government. The free primary education can not be realized in a fair and equitable for the presence of education autonomy, every area is not the same policies and management education in many schools that are not transparent even still many schools to collect funds for the reason given by the government budget for operational costs is not enough.In addition, the9-year basic education which should be free up to secondary education (high school) born by either the state of infrastructure, teachers’ salaries, electricity, telephone, computer, books, stationery without distinguishing between public and private schools.<br /><em>Keywords: national education, justice, humanity,Indonesian contitution 1945</em></p><p>Abstrak<br />Pemerintah memiliki tanggung jawab hukum dalam implementasi sistem pendidikan nasional sebagai amanah (mandat) dari Pasal 31 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 yakni hak mendapatkan pendidikan yang layak. Mandat tersebut diturunkan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 47 Tahun 2008 tentang wajib belajar dan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 48/2008 tentang Pendanaan Pendidikan dari Sekolah Dasar ( SD ) hingga Sekolah Menengah ( SMP ) yang gratis ditanggung oleh pemerintah melalui Bantuan Operasional Sekolah ( BOS ) dalam rangka untuk menciptakan sistem pendidikan berdasarkan pada nilai-nilai kemanusiaan nasional dan keadilan dalam Pancasila, serta dalam rangka penegakan Hak Asasi Manusia berdasar Pasal 28C ayat (1) dan Pasal 28D ayat (3) dimana setiap warga negara memiliki kesempatan yang sama dalam pemerintahan. Pendidikan dasar gratis tidak dapat dicapai secara adil dan merata karena setiap daerah miliki kebijakan dan manajemen pendidikan yang berbeda, adanya ketidaktransparanan sekolah dalam mengelola dana, dan faktor alasan ketidakcukupan dana yang diberikan oleh pemerintah kepada sekolah. Pendidikan Dasar 9 (sembilan tahun) seharusnya gratis sampai pada Pendidikan Menengah Pertama (SMP) baik dalam hal infrastruktur pendidikan, honor guru, biaya listrik, telepon, pengadaan komputer, buku-buku tanpa ada pembedaan sekolah publik dan sekolah swasta.<br /><em>Kata kunci: Pendidikan Nasional, Keadilan, Kemanusiaan, UUD 1945</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Mirza Yuda Pratama ◽  
Budi Astuti

Successfully optimizing the right and left sides of the brain can help to improve intelligence, logic and social intelligence. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the brain gym game in optimizing the right and left sides of students’ brains. A quantitative approach was used with a pretest/posttest design. Random sampling was used to recruit participants and the sample consisted of 53 students at XI MIPA Senior High School. The results showed that the brain gym game was effective in optimizing students’ right and left sides of the brain. Based on these results, innovation is recommended that contributes to the novelty of guidance and counseling media using the brain gym game to reflect on the functions of students’ right and left sides of the brain. Keywords: brain gym games, right brain, left brain

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