2019 ◽  
pp. 102-111
Maryna Gutnyk

The work of the leading scientist in the field of mechanics – Vikentii Khomych Gerburt-Geibovych is analyzed. He became one of those who, after the successful graduation from the Kharkiv Practical Technological Institute, stayed in this educational establishment as a teacher. In addition, his further activities contributed to the establishment of higher technical education in Ukraine. It should be noted that for a long time the name of this scientist was out of the attention of historians of science and technology. Therefore, taking into account the scientific work by V. Gerburt-Geibovych, as well as the using of archival materials, it is worthwhile the outlining of the results of the scientific activity of this scientist. Information about the future scientist's family is provided. In particular, it is stated that he was from a noble family. The talented graduate of KhPTI was invited to work at this educational institution. It is shown what subjects the scientist taught. Heredity in teaching the course of flour-mill production from the teacher – Professor K. Zworykin to the student – V. Gerburt-Geibovych was traced. The information about the probation of a scientist at the enterprises of Russian Empire is considered. V. Gerburt-Geibovych᾽s formation as a scientist is shown. For example in 1902 the scientist withProfessor G. O. Latyshev, on behalf of the Kharkiv Agricultural Society, became one of the organizersof ploughs testing at Yankivsky Estate of the merchant P.I. Kharitonenko. In order to maintain an appropriate level of knowledge and exchange of information in 1909, the scientist visited the IX congress of flour mills and the 1st All-Russian flour-grinding exhibition held in St. Petersburg in the so-called «salt city». In 1911, the scientist was in a scientific trip in Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Holland, where he inspected the several mills, elevators and factories that produced machines for mills. The activity of the scientist in the development of a new course of lectures – wood technology is analyzed. His research not only in the field of mechanics but also in botany is shown. The expert work of the scientist, including in the equipping of the salt-making plant and in the designing of mills, is shown. The activity of the scientist at the posts of the deputy chairman of the Student technical society and the chairman of the Committee for the needy students of KhTI are considered. Every month Academic Committee received a request from the students for material assistance. Funds for such payments were provided by citizens from all over the Russian Empire who arranged special evenings, performances for the students of the KhTI, some of them left the wills, where the estates departing in favor of students. The scientist had to consider applications, manage the distribution of funds and made reports. On the pages of «Proceedings of South Russian Association of Technologists» the reports about received funds were published: sponsors were indicated by name and the amount of donations The information about cooperation of V.Gerburt-Geibovych with the Southern Russian Society of Technologists, the editorial office of the «Melnyk» magazine and the edition "People's Encyclopedia" was provided. In particular, in 1910, he published his articles «About the article A.M. Erlanger»,«Effect on the quality of the flour of forced work of roller machines and prepacking», «About the needing of thorough separation of small impurities before the grain delivering to cockler». Next year, in the magazine «Melnyk», he published his article «About cooklers and methods of grain cleaning». It was shown that the scientist was one of the founders of women's polytechnic education in Ukraine. The presence of five daughters in the family became a significant incentive for Vikentii Khomych to open the Women's Polytechnic Institute in Kharkiv. The first years of functioning of this newly created institution are considered. It is alleged that wife of a scientist and one of the daughters graduated from the Women's Polytechnic Institute. In addition, in June 1919 Vikentii Khomych elected the vice-rector of the Kharkov Technological Institute. Emphasis is made on significant stress in the work, which led to a weakening of the scientist's health. Thanks to interviewing of relatives of the scientist, the year of his death was ascertained. Despite a rather short life course, only 48 years old, the scientist has left a distinctive mark in the history of the Kharkiv Technological Institute, which he graduated from. The memory of prominent ancestor remains among his descendants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 266-280
Ihor Dvorkin ◽  
Artem Kharchenko ◽  
Svitlana Telukha

The article examines the history of establishment of the Kharkiv Practical Technological Institute in the broad context of modernization processes. The history of the Practical Technological Institute in Kharkiv is considered in the context of socio-economic changes in the South of the Russian Empire, primarily in the "Ukrainian provinces", in the last third of XIX – early XX centuries. The methodological basis of the article is the modernization approach. Changes that took place in the Russian Empire in the last third of the XIX – early XX century are considered as a modernization movement. Modernization is understood as a complex number of transformations that society is undergoing on the path of development from traditional agricultural to urban and industrial. We proceed from the fact that modern society of that time was aware of the speed of industrial production, the need for qualified engineering personnel. The training of such personnel required the opening of local higher education institutions. The processes of industrialization, migration and urbanization, due to the modernization theory, were the main components of social development in the XIX century. The approach chosen by the authors allowed to analyze the formation of higher technical institutions in the Russian Empire, on the example of the Kharkiv Practical Institute of Technology, within these changes. The approach within the new imperial history enabled us to take into account the socio-political subtext of the situation and the decisions that contributed to the establishment of technical universities in the south of the empire. An important aspect of our article is the European context. We investigated the general tendencies of opening similar to Kharkiv educational institutions. We can see certain commonalities, which allows us to explore the problem more deeply. We came to the conclusion that, the emergence of a higher technical educational institution ‒ Kharkiv Practical Technological Institute, in Kharkiv was due to the demand of local elites, which was met by the highest bureaucracy of St. Petersburg, as well as the situation in the city itself. This compromise did not cancel the rivalry, both at the highest bureaucratic level – the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of National Education, and at the regional level, in particular Kharkiv university elite and the inspirers of the idea of a separate technical institution.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (8) ◽  
pp. 5-12 ◽  
M. Gutnyk

The state of metallurgical industry of the Russian empire at the end of XIX century is analyzed. The reasons of intensification of researches in technical sciences are determined. It is presented the information about creation of technological higher educational establishment in Kharkiv city; in particular, it is shown the help in this question given by authoritative residents of Kharkiv, public of other provinces, representatives of the South of Russian Empire mining industry. It is proven that in the Kharkiv practical technological institute the first in Ukraine specialized department from training of specialists in the field of metallurgy was created. It is given the information about the first scientifically pedagogical staff of KhPTI in the field of metallurgy and attention is accented, that teachers were experienced specialistspractitioners. Basic directions of leading scientists-metallurgists scientific work by A.F Mevius, V.S. Knabbe, T.M. Ber are illustrated. Main directions of scientific interests of these scientists are found out; value of their fundamental works is shown. Provision of course of metallurgy in KhPTI by equipment for realization of research work, and also by scientific and educational literature is illustrated. Using materials of Archives, the information about opening and financing of the first industrial metallurgical laboratory is given. It is shown that the material and technical base of institute allowed carrying out researches not only for scientific and educational purposes but also by the orders of industry. The conclusion is done, that staffing at the beginning of XX century was carried out due to the graduating students of institute, but not due to invitation of graduating students of West European establishments, as it was from the beginning of KhPTI activity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 188-194
Anton Vladislavovich Kotov

This paper covers the main issues of the educational policy of the Russian Empire in the XVIII-XIX centuries in relation to the northern Kazakh steppes population. Examples of peaceful interaction of Russian settlers with the local Kazakh population are considered through the prism of cultural and educational influence, which was expressed at the basis of a number of educational institutions for the foreigners of the northern Kazakh steppes. The significance of the educational and cultural integration of the local population into the Russian society is revealed. The main aspects of the educational policy of the Russian Empire are investigated on the factual material of Russian-foreign schools. The problems of acculturation of the local population and ways to solve them in the works of contemporaries and direct participants in these events are given. Archival materials telling about the history of the educational institution - the Orenburg Kyrgyz School are introduced into scientific circulation. The work of the Orenburg Kyrgyz School is considered, which implied cultural and educational acculturation of the Kazakh population in the middle of the XIX century. The author also reveals the reasons for changing the educational and cultural orientations of the school at different periods of its existence, the results of its work and its role in the process of non-Russian peoples integration into the unified sociocultural space of the Russian Empire.

N. D. Borshchik ◽  

The peer-reviewed monograph is devoted to a number of topical issues, including the seizure and forced development of foreign territories and material resources, the existence of slavery, racial discrimination and even genocide of the local population. These phenomena in one form or another exist in modern reality. The merit of the author's team under the leadership of professor S. V. Lyubichankovskiy lies in the very formulation of a complex and debatable research problem: the relationship between the concepts of “acculturation” and “colonialism”, the existence of a state mechanism for the implementation of colonial policy and its evolution, the study of the phenomenon of the existence of the Russian Empire itself arouse keen interest of specialists in various branches of scientific knowledge. The authors did significant work to define the research terminology, to develop unified approaches and methods for solving tasks, which, in general, determined the quality of scientific work: the book under review can be evaluated as a major achievement of modern Russian historical science.

S. P. Volf ◽  

The article highlights the ways of resolving family conflicts nobles and peasants in the first third of the XIX century in the Russian Empire, against the background of the ongoing systematization of legislation. Based on examination of the letters and memoirs of the nobles and peasants we highlighted the methods, which are actually used to solve family conflicts. I conclude that nobles and peasants rarely used help of the state in resolving family conflicts. The sphere of family relations was sacred for these estates; therefore, they did not rope the authorities into family conflicts. I have identified the following ways to resolve family conflicts: duel; marriage, often in the form of a secret wedding; going to the monastery and punishing the unfaithful wife; different approaches to raising children by peasants and nobles. The author of the article pays attention to passivity of the peasants in resolving their family conflicts. The results of the study allow exploring the alternative ways of resolving family conflicts based on representatives of other classes of Russian society in the first third of the 19th century (clergy, merchants, philistines, foreigners) as well, using wider range of sources (journalism, normative acts, fiction, paperwork). This analysis contributes to the discussion about the limits of the government intervention into family affairs. The author of the article redlines that people did not trust the law and resorted to the personally legitimate sources of dealing with family conflicts. This conclusion presents a new perspective in the discussion of legal nihilism and real application of the law in life

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (XXIV) ◽  
pp. 183-196
Сергей Лазарян

The Russian authorities used repressive measures against the Poles, who were active partic-ipants in the November 1830 and January 1863 uprisings. These measures included arrest and ex-pulsion to the inner provinces of the Russian Empire under the supervision of the police without the right to return to their homeland; the inclusion in military garrisons stationed in various parts of the empire; the direction to serve in the troops in the Caucasus, where military operations were conducted against the local highlanders and expulsion to hard labour and settlement in Siberia or in the internal provinces of Russia.The severity of repressive measures was determined by the fact that, in the exiled Poles, they saw a source of hatred spreading towards the tsarist government. The authorities feared the influ-ence of their thoughts on the liberal strata of Russian society, especially on young people. With such measures, they tried to suppress the restless minds. The imperial authorities also feared the reaction of Europe, which threatened Russia with “anathema” and intervention.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-41 ◽  
Alexander N. Demidov

Introduction. The article considers the publication of a unique source for the history of the Mordovian people, the “protective memory” dated by 1572 addressed to the princes and Murzes of Mordovia. The “protective memory” is considered in comparison with the “romadanovsky” list belonging to the descendants of the Mordovian prince Romadan, seeking the return of the nobility, the non-criminal record of the Temnik-Kadom Mordva, published in the XVIII century, similar to the records of Tatar Sovereigns to the Temnik-Kadom Mordva. Materials and methods. The author focused on studying the content of the source, revealing the identities of the recipients, analyzing the composition of the princes and Murz of Mordovian records, spelling of the names, origin, and family ties. The genealogy of the princes Edelevs is being reconstructed, the history of their kind is described together with the history of Mordovian Murzas and their representatives in the context of social and historical ties. Results and discussion. The article describes the social situation of Princes Edelevs, the features of land ownership, land use, property and ownership of serfs. The article discusses the history of the discovery and use of the source in the clerical work of the aristocratic deputies’ assemblies and the Governing Senate at the request of the descendants of Mordovian princes and Muzes from the Edelev family to restore the rights of the noble state. It poses the problem of studying the social stratification in Mordovian society, the typology and origin of the Mordovian aristocracy, the peculiarities of the titling and inheritance of power, its role in the historical and social development of the Mordovian people, as well as its legal status in the Russian Empire. It compares the situation of the Temnikov-Kadom Mordovian Tarkhans, Cossacks, White Field and Alatyr princes and Mordovian Murzes, serving Mordovians and Tatars. Conclusion. “Protective memory” indicates that in the XVI century there was a national Mordovian aristocracy, collaborating with Moscow and being in the service of Great Sovereigns, and subsequently becoming part of the nobility and other classes of Russian society. The choice of Mordovian princes ensured the relatively peaceful entry of Mordovian lands into the Russian Empire.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S3) ◽  
Irina A. Konareva ◽  
Elena V. Baboshina ◽  
Tatiana N. Matyusheva ◽  
Vyacheslav L. Rasskazov ◽  
Aleksej P. Treskov

The political and legal ideology of Russian conservatism becomes more and more popular in modern conditions. This scientific work is devoted to the study of the political and legal positions of Russian conservatives in the second half of the 19th century, who made a significant impact on the development of legal science. The problem of judiciary development is taken as a basis. The purpose of the study is to analyze the positions of Russian scholars and public and political figures who proposed a special concept of views regarding the place and role of the judiciary in the state mechanism of the Russian Empire during the second half of the 19th century. The hypothesis of the study is the presentation of a special approach to the consideration of conservative ideology in relation to the creation and organizational activity of the judicial system through the prism of national problems that developed in the Russian Empire during the second half of the 19th century. The methodological basis of the study is made up of general scientific, private, as well as special methods of cognition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-169
Mikołaj Tarkowski

The article illustrates that property rights, including in particular property and the relationship between property rights and the category of freedom in the nineteenth-century Russian Empire, was one of the most important areas of scientific activity of Richard Pipes. For centuries, both the institution of freedom and property were highly politicised. Based on Richard Pipes’ findings, it can be concluded that the relationship between ownership and freedom manifested itself in the feature of relativity or ambivalence, depending on the time and individual parts of the Russian Empire. In the 19th century, the former mainly influenced the development of the monetary economy, while the latter strengthened the idea of samoderzhavyie in the political system. Richard Pipes noticed the sources of the antinomy between the idea of freedom and property in nineteenth-century Russia in the dynamically developing economic life and the “stillness” of the autocratic political power system. Following this concept, the article presents the doubts appearing among the St Petersburg ruling elite as well as provincial officials related to establishing the personal freedom of peasants in Russia, which finally took place in 1861. The system of tsarist autocracy in Russia, which was developing throughout history, noticed significant links between property and freedom. A good example of this process was the confiscation of land property. In this regard, the article mentions political premises, the impact of the phenomenon of “paradox and tragedy,ˮ as well as the socio-economic calculations carried out in the field of confiscating private property in the western governorates of the Russian Empire, after the January Uprising of 1863.

10.33287/1196 ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 58-70
І. С. Карпань ◽  
Н. С. Чернікова

The article deals with problems of the noble class in post-reform period in Russia (70–90-ies XIXth cent.) through A. Bobrinsky’s activity as the Leader of the St. Petersburg nobility. The study analyzed his activities towards the Nobility consolidation and involvement their representatives into development of Russian state policy. A. Bobrinsky belonged to the family of large landowners and successful sugar-growers of the Russian Empire. It greatly influenced to the formation of his political worldview and contributed to the growth of the young Count’s authority among the Nobility and Gentry. In the last quarter of the XIXth cent. A. Bobrinsky defended the dominant position of the Nobility as the provincial Governor (the Leader) of the St. Petersburg nobility. A. Bobrinsky’s main efforts were aimed to the consolidation of the Gentry to defend their own rights and privileges and their involvement to the Russian state authorities. He promoted the idea of founding a representative institution – the Duma or Zemsky Sobor – in Russian Empire. However, the purpose of its creation he was seen in the count in the redistribution of executive, judicial and punitive powers between government representatives and elected people from the Nobility. He was convinced that only the Gentry was worthy to represent the interests of Russian society in the state authorities. During this period, the young Bobrinsky attempted to unite the St. Petersburg nobility into the organization of «Svyataya Druzhyna». It was a semi-secret organization which established to protect of the Russian Tsar from possible terrorist acts. The purpose of the organization was rather limited and local, so it disintegrated soon. However, it contributed to the growth of A. Bobrysky’s authority as a loyal to the Tsar and autocracy personality. It had a great importance in the conditions of the economic and political crisis of the noble class. In the 90’s of the XIX cent. A. Bobrinsky took an active part in nobility meetings devoted to problems of the privileged class. Here he defended an idea of preserving the privileges and dominant position of the estate Nobility. He opposed the provision of political rights and state support to the estateless nobles-homeowners and representatives of the bourgeoisie. A. Bobrinsky didn’t reject an idea to create conditions for the nobility replenishment by the new social classes, but he saw it possibility only in the distant future. However, even government support didn’t contribute to consolidation processes and politicization among the nobility class. A. Bobrinsky with sadness stated that the meetings of the noble leaders continued to be only like private talks about preserving the nobility former positions in the social structure. So he had to change strategy and initiated the founding in 1906 a new organization – the United Nobility. During the next decade its existence largely predetermined the main directions of Russian government policy and as a whole.

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