scholarly journals Kajian Kualitatif Dampak Bantuan Pemerintah pada Peternakan Sapi Potong Menggunakan Pendekatan Model

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Novie Andri Setianto

ABSTRAK. Pemerintah telah mengimplementasikan banyak program untuk meningkatkan populasi sapi di Indonesia, namun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan daging nasional Indonesia masih tergantung pada impor. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dampak bantuan pemerintah terhadap kinerja kelompok peternak sapi potong, terutama pada aspek sosial ekonomi. Pemodelan kualitatif menggunakan Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) dipilih untuk memetakan hubungan antar elemen yang terkait. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi langsung, wawancara semi-terstruktur, dan lokakarya pada dua kelompok ternak di Kabupaten Banjarnegara dan Banyumas. Diagram menunjukkan bahwa dalam di dalam sistem teridentifikasi enam buah loops yang terbagi atas tiga loops penyeimbang dan tiga loops saling memperkuat. Berdasarkan studi ini dapat diketahui bahwa program pemerintah yang pada awalnya didesain untuk memacu populasi sapi potong, pada kenyataanya di level peternak tidak sepenuhnya teradopsi dengan baik. Peternak hanya mengadopsi aktifitas yang dinilai lebih mudah dan lebih cepat mendatangkan keuntungan. Besarnya nilai bantuan berupa uang tunai yang langsung masuk ke rekening kelompok memicu keinginan peternak untuk dapat memperoleh keuntungan secepat-cepatnya, sehingga peternak lebih memilih penggemukan yang memiliki siklus lebih cepat. (Qualitative modelling of the impact of government grant on beef cattle farming performance) ABSTRACT. The Government of Indonesia has introduced various programs to increase the cattle population. However, Indonesia still relies on imports to meet national demand. This study aimed to explore the impact of government program on the performance of farmer groups, particularly in socioeconomic aspect. Qualitative modelling using Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) of System Dynamics methodology was applied to connect the linkages among elements. A series of observations, semi-structured interviews, and workshops were undertaken involving two farmer groups from two districts; Banjarnegara and Banyumas. CLD showed a total of 6 loops; 3 balancing and 3 reinforcing loops. Each loop represented certain behaviour of the system. The study revealed that the program which initially designed to build engine of growth to boost population from farmers’ group level were not entirely implemented as it is. There were indications of selective adoption and side tracking. Farmers tended to prefer activities which more profitable and generate cash fasterly. A large amount of cash flow into farmers bank account provoked farmers to get immediate benefit, thus farmers choose the fattening over breeding which considered having shorter production cycle and disregarding the breeding which took longer time to produce cash.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Ahmad Irfangi ◽  
Fathul Aminudin Aziz ◽  
Wiwiek R. Adawiyah ◽  
Dwita Darmawati

The research on supply chain management had been carried out in both manufacturing andservices companies. In practice, supply chain management also could be applied to the education sector.Several researches related to supply chain management had been carried out in universities, especially inthe process admitting new student. The research on new student admintance supply chain management(PPDB) in schools, especially private vocational schools has never been done. In practice, PPDB inprivate vocational school turn out to have challenges, restrictions and obstacles in the process.New ideas and strategies began to emerge about how strategic efforts to increase the number ofnew student. To solve these problems, it is necessary to pay attention and consider the inhibiting factorsand the causes of PPDB. The maaping of inhibiting factors and the causes of PPDB supply chainmanagement was done through a system approach method with a causal loop diagram (CLD) model thatemphasizes the impact of dynamic factors associated with cause and effect problems that effect theadmintance of the quantity of new student. The result obtained were in the form of causal loop diagram(CLD) model as strategic effort in accepting the quantity of new students.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0262125
Rochelle Tobin ◽  
Gemma Crawford ◽  
Jonathan Hallett ◽  
Bruce Richard Maycock ◽  
Roanna Lobo

Introduction Public health policy and practice is strengthened by the application of quality evidence to decision making. However, there is limited understanding of how initiatives that support the generation and use of evidence in public health are operationalised. This study examines factors that support the internal functioning of a partnership, the Western Australian Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Applied Research and Evaluation Network (SiREN). SiREN aims to build research and evaluation capacity and increase evidence-informed decision making in a public health context. Methods This study was informed by systems concepts. It developed a causal loop diagram, a type of qualitative system model that illustrated the factors that influence the internal operation of SiREN. The causal loop diagram was developed through an iterative and participatory process with SiREN staff and management (n = 9) via in-depth semi-structured interviews (n = 4), workshops (n = 2), and meetings (n = 6). Results Findings identified critical factors that affected the functioning of SiREN. Central to SiREN’s ability to meet its aims was its capacity to adapt within a dynamic system. Adaptation was facilitated by the flow of knowledge between SiREN and system stakeholders and the expertise of the team. SiREN demonstrated credibility and capability, supporting development of new, and strengthening existing, partnerships. This improved SiREN’s ability to be awarded new funding and enhanced its sustainability and growth. SiREN actively balanced divergent stakeholder interests to increase sustainability. Conclusion The collaborative development of the diagram facilitated a shared understanding of SiREN. Adaptability was central to SiREN achieving its aims. Monitoring the ability of public health programs to adapt to the needs of the systems in which they work is important to evaluate effectiveness. The detailed analysis of the structure of SiREN and how this affects its operation provide practical insights for those interested in establishing a similar project.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 419-425
Musthaza Mohammad ◽  
Wan Laailatul Hanim Mat Desa ◽  
Norazura Ahmad ◽  
Norhaslinda Zainal Abidin

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
I Gede Yudi Pradnyana ◽  
I Wayan Widia ◽  
Sumiyati Sumiyati

ABSTRAK Kapasitas produksi beras yang terbatas dan konsumsi beras yang meningkat membuat kondisi rawan pangan berupa stok beras yang tidak mencukupi menjadi tidak terelakkan. Kompleksitas permasalahan beras di Provinsi Bali tidak hanya terkait dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat lokal tetapi juga bagi wisatawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dinamika hubungan sebab akibat dari variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi keadaan produksi, konsumsi, dan stok beras di Provinsi Bali dengan menggunakan pendekatan sistem dan penerapan teknik pemodelan sistem dinamik. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) dari sistem stok beras berdasarkan keterkaitan antara sub sistem produksi, sub sistem konsumsi dan sub sistem cadangan beras pemerintah yang melibatkan hubungan 24 variabel untuk menghasilkan output model berupa proyeksi stok beras di Provinsi Bali periode 2021-2030. Validasi hasil simulasi terhadap data aktual pada model dengan menggunakan metode RMSPE menunjukkan nilai 4,7062% (<5%), hal ini berarti model dikatakan sangat valid. Hasil simulasi model berdasarkan kondisi existing (skenario 0) menunjukkan bahwa stok beras mulai menurun sejak tahun 2018 dengan rata-rata laju penurunan sebesar 19,76% / tahun. Defisit stok beras mulai terjadi pada tahun 2026 sebesar 36.458 ton dan berlanjut pada tahun 2030 sebesar 448.162 ton. Kondisi tersebut dapat teratasi apabila Pemerintah Provinsi Bali melaksanakan kebijakan yang efektif dengan pilihan kebijakan peningkatan produktivitas padi dengan target minimal 6.7148 ton/hektar ((skenario 1 optimis) dan atau peningkatan intensitas tanam dengan target minimal 2.0622 (skenario 3 optimis). ABSTRACT Limited rice production capacity and increased rice consumption make food insecurity conditions in terms of insufficient rice stocks inevitable. The complexity of rice problems in Bali is not only related to fulfillment for local residents but also for tourists. This study aims to analyze the dynamics of the causal-loop relationship of variables that affect the state of production, consumption, and rice stock in the Bali Province using a systems approach and the application of dynamic system modeling techniques. In this study the Causal-Loop Diagram (CLD) of the rice stock system is formulated on the basis of the interrelationship of the production sub-system, the consumption sub-system and the government rice reserve sub-system which involves the relationship of 24 variables to produce a model output that is the projected rice stock in Bali for the period of 2021-2030. Validation of the simulation results against the actual data in the model using the RMSPE method shows a value of 4,7062% (<5%), this means that the model is said to be very valid. Model simulation results based on existing conditions (scenario 0), show that rice stocks begin to decline since 2018 with an average decline rate of 19,76% / year. The rice stock deficit begin in 2026 at 36.458 tons and continue in 2030 at 448.162 tons. This condition can be overcome if the provincial government of Bali implements an effective policy with a policy option that is to increase productivity of rice yields with a minimum target of 6,7148 ton/hectare ((scenario 1 optimistic) and or an increase in cropping intensity with a minimum target of 2,0622 (scenario 3 optimistic).

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 071
Ivonne Ayesha

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membangun pemahaman (understanding) tentang fenomena ekonomi rumah tangga petani penggarap secara clear dan distinct, dan menyusun model ekonomi rumah tangga petani penggarap yang dapat menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang penentu dan interaksi variabel-variabel yang saling terkait. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan jenis studi fenomenologi. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah petani padi yang tidak punya lahan (penyakap) yang melakukan usahatani di Kabupaten Indramayu, Provinsi Jawa Barat, sebanyak 7 orang dengan lokasi yang berbeda, namun masih dalam kabupaten yang sama. Di samping itu, responden juga diambil dari perangkat desa, tokoh masyarakat, dan PPL. Responen ditetapkan secara sengaja (purposive), sesuai dengan kebutuhan penelitian ini. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer, sedangkan analisis data menggunakan cara berfikir sistem (system thinking). Hasil analisis data ditampilkan dalam bentuk diagram sebab akibat (causal loop diagram), dengan menggunakan program Vensim PLE. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan: 1) Rumah tangga petani penyakap sebagai unit ekonomi terkecil yang memiliki sumber pemasukan dan pengeluaran rumah tangga, baik dari dan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan usahatani maupun non usahatani. Meskipun nilai penerimaan yang diperoleh sangat sedikit, namun petani penyakap tetap melaksanakan usahatani padi dari musim ke musim. Kekurangan uang dalam rumah tangga diatasi dengan melakukan pinjaman ke para pelepas uang (rentenir) dan tengkulak. Sedikit sekali petani yang memanfaatkan jasa keuangan formal dalam mengatasi masalah ekonomi rumah tangga. Pola hidup konsumtif sering menyebabkan petani terjebak dalam lingkaran hutang, dan 2) Model ekonomi rumah tangga petani penyakap yang disusun mengandung 2 lingkar sebab akibat positif dan satu lingkar sebab akibat negatif. Lingkar sebab akibat positif terdapat pada struktur pinjaman usahatani dan struktur pinjaman non usahatani. Lingkar sebab akibat negatif terdapat pada struktur pengeluaran. Model ini menunjukkan bahwa uang dalam rumah tangga bertambah dengan adanya pemasukan dan berkurang dengan adanya pengeluaran. Variabel pemasukan merupakan akumulasi dari penghasilan bersih, pinjaman usahatani dan pinjaman non usahatani. Variabel pengeluaran ditentukan oleh total pengeluaran rumah tangga. Total pengelaran rumah tangga merupakan akumulasi dari: pengeluaran usahatani, pengeluaran non usahatani, pembayaran iyuran desa, biaya sosial, konsumsi rumah tangga, dan pembayaran hutang non usahatani

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 204-216 ◽  
Stuti Saxena ◽  
Irfan Muhammad

Purpose Accountability, citizen participation and transparency are the three pillars on which open government data (OGD) is based. As such, OGD implies that the government shall provide data freely via the internet so that the same may be re-used for diverse purposes. It is hoped that by re-using government data, public value shall be co-created and government services might be improved upon with the involvement of different stakeholders. The purpose of this paper is to underline the impact of OGD on accountability and transparency in the context of Pakistan where OGD initiative is taking roots for quite some time now. In the present study, the authors seek to investigate the challenges being faced by the professionals in the private sector and nongovernment organizations (NGOs) in Pakistan. Besides, the authors also seek inputs from the respondents in the manner in which OGD initiative of Pakistan has impact on ensuring accountability and transparency. Design/methodology/approach For conducting the review of the national OGD portal of Pakistan, the authors invoke documentary analysis wherein the authors investigate the features of the national OGD portal of Pakistan. Furthermore, the authors conducted structured interviews with 49 senior management representatives from private sector and NGOs in order to gauge the challenges encountered by them in tapping OGD from diverse online public sources. Findings Respondents aver that robust statistical analysis is not feasible via the data sets being shared by the online sources. More initiatives are required on the part of the government bodies to release the data sets which have remained confined in silos. Government should institutionalize an OGD policy and promote the re-use of OGD by the professionals from diverse backgrounds. At present, only educational data are being shared by the OGD portal of Pakistan and it is important that more data sets are being released in the public domain. Furthermore, the respondents perceive that in a bid to be more accountable and transparent, the government bodies should release data sets via the online channels which are user-friendly. Research limitations/implications The present study conducted a qualitative research where the number of respondents was relatively less. Further research is required by adopting quantitative approach in order to accommodate more respondents and lend reliability to the study. Nevertheless, the study holds implications for academicians and practitioners in the sense that while it is needed that further research be conducted on the OGD initiative of Pakistan, it is imperative that policy makers get involved in institutionalizing the OGD initiative of Pakistan at national and local levels. Social implications Professionals might be better involved in creating and co-creating products and services by tapping OGD. Originality/value Given that OGD initiative in Pakistan is in a nascent stage and research is wanting in exploring the nature and scope of Pakistan’s OGD, the present study seeks to contribute toward the existing OGD literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-94
Pragya Arya ◽  
Manoj Kumar Srivastava ◽  
Mahadeo P. Jaiswal

Purpose Research on sustainability has progressed from a singular focus on one aspect to a simultaneous focus on more than one aspect of the triple bottom line. However, there is a dearth of research that explains why sustainability-related decisions in business often do not bear the expected results. Research that provides managers with a tool to achieve environmental sustainability of logistics without compromising the economic sustainability is scarce. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to bridge the above gaps and to explore the factors that affect investment in technology to balance environmental and economic sustainability of logistics. A model based on system dynamics approach explains the simultaneous interplay of these factors. Simulating the model helps the managers of logistics function decide the size of investment in technology, to achieve environmental efficiency without negatively influencing the economic performance. Design/methodology/approach A model based on system dynamics approach explains the simultaneous interplay of these factors. Simulating the model helps the managers of logistics function decide the size of investment in technology, to achieve ecological efficiency without compromising with the economic performance. Findings Collaboration with regulatory authorities and with players within the same industry and across industries is a must so that eco-logistics does not become an economic burden for businesses. The decision to invest in technology for eco-logistics is further accentuated if the technology promises some added economic benefits. Research limitations/implications From a theoretical perspective, the research has added to the less extensive literature on system dynamics modelling, which is a mixed methodology, combining both qualitative and quantitative techniques. The research is also one of the few attempts that have attempted to simultaneously study more than one aspects of sustainability in business, quantitatively through simulation. Simulation was demonstrated through a single case study, Future works can aim to apply the causal loop diagram to firms in varied sectors. Practical implications The managers can use the causal loop diagram to assess the environmental performance of logistics and decide on appropriate level of investment to balance ecological and economic performance of logistics. Originality/value The causal loop diagram has been developed through primary data collection via semi-structured interviews. The results were validated by presenting them to respondents to ensure they represent their view points. The results are, therefore, practical and original. This research does not build upon an existing data set or aims to test the applicability of any existing model. The model for this research has been developed from the grass-roots level.

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