Jurnal Teknologi dan Bisnis
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Published By STMIK Komputama Majenang

2716-1552, 2721-1487

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-174
Beny Riswanto ◽  
Rahardika Faisal Putra

In the agency administration, the letter is an important means. Important information related to the agency and the secret is embodied in it . The timeliness of receipt of both outgoing and incoming mail should also be considered, therefore the management of incoming and outgoing mail must be implemented correctly. At this time, the procedure is applied to the management of incoming and outgoing mail to the Division of Administration of the STMIK Komputama Majenang from receipt, manufacture, storage, documentation, to verify the letter, all done conventionally. Documentation of incoming and outgoing mail only in the form of writing in the ledger. While on the stage of filing a letter only a hardcopy document storage. The Administration of STMIK Komputama Majenang felt the need to change the mail management method they are currently using, into a computerized and automated mail management method. With the Incoming and Outgoing Mail Management Information System, it is expected to be able to manage incoming and outgoing mail according to the specified flow, and can solve current problems. The filing of letters is done electronically, namely the storage of softcopy documents, and is equipped with reports of incoming and outgoing letters both daily and per period. In addition, this application also helps monitor the disposition of letters at the verification stage. The research methods used to solve various problems that occur are literature, observation, interviews, data and system analysis, system design, program development, program testing, program implementation. The result of this research is to produce an application that can manage incoming and outgoing mail according to the specified flow, and can solve current problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-136
Yoyo Sudaryo ◽  
Nunung Ayu Sofiat ◽  
Ita Kumaratih ◽  
Astrin Kusumawardani ◽  
Ana Hadiana

Abstract                Financial distress starts from the company's inability to fulfill its obligations. Companies that have consecutively decreased, the company was in financial distress before the bankruptcy occurred.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of profitability ratios, activity ratios and leverage ratios on financial distress in property and real estate sub-sector service companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI).The research method used is a quantitative method with descriptive and verification approaches, quantitative research methods are research methods used to examine a particular population or sample. Descriptive research method is used to determine the value of the independent variable, while verification is used to determine the effect of two or more variables.The results showed the average value of each variable as follows: Financial Distress 4.52, Profitability Ratio 0.07, and Activity Ratio 17.13, Leverage Ratio 52.76. The results of the t test of the Profitability Ratio have an effect on Financial Distress, and the Activity Ratio has no effect on Financial Distress, the Leverage Ratio has an effect on Financial Distress. Based on the results of the f test, it shows that the profitability ratio, activity ratio and leverage ratio simultaneously (together) have a significant effect on financial distress.  Keywords: Profitability Ratio, Activity Ratio, Leverage Ratio, Financial Distress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-158
Ahmad Irfangi ◽  
Teguh Luqmanudin

Currently, MSMEs continue to make improvements so that their productivity continues to increase. From year to year there are no Micro Enterprises that are able to advance to class. The low performance and productivity of MSMEs, especially Micro Enterprises, is certainly caused by several things. This will be described in this paper. carried out on MSMEs assisted by the Nurjalin Cilacap Foundation, totaling 16 MSMEs and spread in 4 provinces throughout Indonesia. The method used for sampling is the purposive random sampling method, where the sampling is random, but there are certain limiting criteria related to the suitability of the research objectives and is only limited to MSMEs assisted by the Nurjalin Cilacap Foundation. The number of samples taken entirely from the existing population or known as saturated sampling technique. The conclusion of this study is that the Individual Characteristic variable has a positive and significant effect on Performance and the External Factor variable has a negative and significant effect on Performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-144
Aan Ansen Andryadi ◽  
Neng Hasri Fatonah

CV Tirta Kalimaya is a company engaged in Water Treatment which has products in two categories, namely Hexabion and Biotech. The marketing technique uses digital marketing, namely market places and websites. The current condition of the website has very few visitors, one of the factors is because the user interface and user experience are not quite right. It is important to pay attention to the user interface and user experience (UI/UX) so that the product can be used properly by users according to its functionality. This study aims to make the CV Tirta Kalimaya company website able to provide what users/website visitors need in terms of functional and visual design by analyzing and designing the user interface and user experience using the Google Design Sprint method, which consists of 5 stages namely, understand, diverge. , decide, prototype and validate. For the validate process using A/B Testing by displaying two variables to see which variable gets good performance. Based on the analysis, implementation and evaluation resulted in a final prototype that has been validated, in terms of appearance, duration of use to consideration of criticism and suggestions from users. And produce user interfaces with matching color schemes, consistent layouts and user experiences that match the respondent's mindset to get information or achieve goals

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  

Patient Visits Outpatient and inpatient insurance at Class C Hospitals is increasing from year to year. Increased visits to insurance patients will have an impact on the inpatient and outpatient health services provided. From the increase in patient visits, the data owned by the hospital is increasingly abundant. The data can be used to explore knowledge, find certain patterns. To explore knowledge about Inpatient and Outpatient Insurance patients, data mining clustering techniques are used with the Self Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm using R Studio tools. Clustering technique with the implementation of the Self Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm is a technique for grouping data based on certain characteristics which are then mapped into areas that resemble map shapes. The CRISP-DM method is used in this study to perform the stages of the data mining process. The results obtained from the implementation of clustering with the Self Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm are obtained 2 clusters representing dense areas and non-congested areas. Dense areas are represented by Internal Medicine Clinic, Surgery Clinic, Eye Clinic, Hemodialysis, Melati Room, Orchid Room, Bougenville Room, Flamboyan Room. Non-crowded areas are represented by General Clinics, Dental Clinics, Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics, Children's Clinics, Mawar Room and Soka Room

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Dina Merlinda Izzah

Kesesuaian antara kompetensi yang dimiliki oleh seorang lulusan dengan kebutuhan dunia kerja sangat penting agar dapat saling bersinergi dalam menjalankan keberlangsungan di dalam suatu lingkungan kerja. Hal ini perlu untuk dikaji dan diketahui ketercapaiannya sebagai bahan evaluasi baik dari pihak sekolah agar lebih relevan dengan kebutuhan dunia kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kompetensi Keamanan Jaringan yang dibutuhkan oleh industri ISP dari lulusan SMK kompetensi keahlian Teknologi Komputer dan Jaringan (TKJ). Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran SMK kompetensi keahlian TKJ. Adapun objek penelitiannya adalah kompetensi Keamanan Jaringan lulusan SMK kompetensi keahlian TKJ yang dibutuhkan oleh industri ISP. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket yang terdiri dari kompetensi pengetahuan, keterampilkan, sikap, dan moral. Kompetensi pengetahuan mengacu dari Kompetensi Dasar (KD) pada Kompetensi Keahlian (KI)-3, dan keterampilan mengacu dari KD pada KI-4. Kurikulum yang diimplementasikan pada penelitian ini adalah Kurikulum 2013 (K-13) sebelum revisi dan K-13 Revisi 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa kompetensi Keamanan Jaringan yang dibutuhkan oleh industri ISP dari lulusan SMK kompetensi keahlian TKJ yang terdapat pada KD mata pelajaran. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-55
Aan Ansen Andryadi

Berdasarkan pada undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Perusahaan diwajibkan untuk menjaga lingkungan  disekitarnya. Untuk itu limbah hasil produksi yang dihasilkan harus diuji terlebih dahulu sebelum dibuang ke alam dan harus dipastikan aman serta tidak berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Berdasarkan undang-undang tersebut, PT. Shafco Multi Trading menganalisis limbah hasil produksinya agar memenuhi ketentuan. Dari hasil analisis didapatkan bahwa limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses cutting dan sewing yang biasa disebut dengan majun, memiliki nilai jual. Selain itu sampah kertas hasil dari kegiatan administrasi perkantoran, cones yang digunakan untuk menggulung kain, plastik pembungkus kain, kardus dari hasil kiriman supplier yang digunakan untuk mengirim accessories juga memiliki nilai jual. Sehingga di PT. Shafco Multi Trading relatif tidak memiliki limbah hasil produksi. Agar laporan penjualan limbah hasil produksi dapat terpantau lebih baik lagi, dibuatlah sebuah sistem informasi berbasis web agar top level management dapat melihat berapa jumlah limbah yang dihasilkan dari satu job/design busana yang ingin dibuat dengan quantity yang telah ditentukan serta berapa hasil penjualan limbahnya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-118
Slamet Cahyo Edy Sahputro ◽  
Muhamad Aznar Abdillah ◽  
Edgar Niko Fernanda

  This research is motivated by the owner of a wholesale pen trading business, so far CV. SARWODADI is still doing promotions and sales manually, so the range of promotions and sales is still limited and cannot be extended to several areas which causes the products produced to be less well known by the wider community. Troubleshooting solutions in CV. SARWODADI, namely by implementing a website-based sales application, so that it is expected to increase sales and marketing of CV. SARWODADI. The goal achieved is as a promotional media on the CV. SARWODADI and make it easier for consumers to see and buy products without having to go to the store. The research method used is the interview method, namely by asking questions directly to the owner of the UD. Irma Jaya Pen about how the flow of sales transactions, purchases, availability of goods, and the reporting process in CV. SARWODADI. Library Method by reading books and understanding materials related to Web-Based Wholesale Sales Applications on CV. SARWODADI is to learn the manual system that is running on CV. the SARWODADI. The result to be achieved is that it is hoped that the Web-Based Wholesale Sales Application can overcome the problems that exist in the old system so that it is able to meet all system needs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-32
Diky Setiawan

Student activity unit (UKM) STMIK KOMPUTAMA MAJENANG is a student organization outside the classroom that is engaged in various fields, such as Wanacetta, Racana Pramuka, Sports, Web Programing, etc. Information dissemination to UKM itself is not yet fully effective, it needs information media to publish information related to UKM. Among other things, to find out information related to the field of UKM, participate in UKM, and can also participate in managing UKM management. Therefore, this system was created to help students and lecturers to get information about UKM and facilitate data management that can be accessed via a Web browser. This information system was created using the Waterfall method, Boostrap Framework, Html, Css, PHP programming language and MYSQL database. This system is still in the form of a design or prototype that has not been fully completed, it is still in the development process. So that there is still a need for further processes in completing the Prototype of this System both from Design, Content of the website, Testing, and also maintenance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-109
Ratih ◽  
Ajeng Diana Sukma

Perkembangan teknologi saat ini mengalami kemajuan yang pesat dan berdampak pada dunia bisnis bahkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu kegunaan internet adalah sebagai sarana pemasaran produk. Pemasaran merupakan hal yang penting bagi pemilik usaha, terutama pada usaha kecil atau biasa disebut dengan UMK (Usaha Kecil Mikro). UMK Organik Hebat adalah UMK yang memproduksi pupuk organik dan menjual bibit pohon perkebunan. Saat ini proses bisnis di UMK Organik Hebat masih menggunakan sistem manual. Pembeli datang langsung ke penjual untuk melakukan transaksi. Promosi produk juga masih tradisional dari mulut ke mulut. Selama ini kendala yang dialami antara lain kurangnya pemasaran dan tidak adanya laporan yang dapat dicetak melalui sistem sehingga pemilik UMK Organik Hebat hanya menyimpan catatan penjualan yang kemudian direkap di buku besar.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan CMS Wordpress untuk membantu mempromosikan sekaligus mempermudah penyusunan laporan bisnis untuk meningkatkan penjualan dengan membuat website E-Commerce yang mengimplementasikan plugin CMS WordPress dan WooCommerce serta My SQL sebagai sistem manajemen database sehingga pelaku usaha dapat mengelola bisnis mereka secara lebih efektif. dan efisien. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan, observasi dan wawancara. Sedangkan untuk metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode waterfall. Hasil penelitian dari implementasi e-commerce menggunakan WordPress CMS dan plugin WooCommerce di UMK Organik Hebat dapat digunakan untuk membuat toko online dan membantu mempromosikan pemasaran produk serta mengelola laporan bisnis

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