scholarly journals Perlindungan Hukum Peserta Program Jaminan Hari Tua pada Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial Ketenagakerjaan atas Penunggakan Pembayaran Iuran oleh Pemberi Kerja

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Andryawan Perdana Dista Agara ◽  
Budi Santoso ◽  
Dhiana Puspitawati

The research objectives were to analyze the legal protection of participants of the old age guarantee program as well as the threat of sanctions for companies that delinquent payment of Social Security Agency for Employe (BPJS Employment) dues. The research used a juridical-sociological approach with a type of sociolegal research. Data sources in the form of primary, secondary, and tertiary data were analyzed qualitatively. Legal protection of participants of the old age guarantee program consisted of preventive legal protection, namely through Government Regulation Number 60 of 2015, and repressive legal protection based on internal Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) from BPJS Employment provided if the company in question delinquent dues payment. The threat of sanctions for companies that delinquent payment of BPJS Employment dues was in the form of administrative sanctions, although in practice the sanctions were considered ineffective to be applied.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 266-286
Yusriadi Yusriadi ◽  
Sri Walny Rahayu ◽  
Taqwaddin Taqwaddin

Undang-Undang No 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa dan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 43 tahun 2014 tentang Peraturan Pelaksanaan Undang-Undang nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa, dimana kerjasama antar Desa dilaksanakan oleh Badan Kerjasama Antar Desa (BKAD) yang dibentuk melalui peraturan bersama antar kepala Desa melalui kesepakatan Musyawarah Antar Desa. BKAD bertanggung jawab untuk mengimplementasikan kerja sama Desa berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri nomor 38 tahun 2007 Tentang Kerjasama Desa dan di dalam Undang-Undang Desa dan BKAD tidak mengatur secara tegas tentang Perjanjian dikarenakan setiap melakukan kerjasama pihak BKAD harus membuat perjanjian untuk memikat antara pihak BKAD dengan kelompok masyarakat gampong di Pidie sebagaimana perjanjian diatur dalam Pasal 1313 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata menyebutkan: “Suatu perjanjian adalah suatu perbuatan dengan mana satu orang atau lebih mengikatkan dirinya terhadap satu orang atau lebih. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui implementasi perjanjian dana bergulir antara Badan Kerjasama Antar Desa (BKAD) dengan kelompok masyarakat dan untuk mengetahui hambatan yang ditemukan dalam implementasi perjanjian dana bergulir antara Badan Kerjasama Antar Desa (BKAD) kepada kelompok masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian hukum empiris (yuridis empiris) dengan mengunakan data primer, data sekunder dan tersier. Hasil penelitian bahwa pelaksanaan perjanjian dana bergulir sudah berjalan sesuai dengan mekanisme yang dituangkan dalam Standart Operasional Prosedur ( SOP) perguliran pola syari’ah dan menggunakan sistem murabahah yaitu akad jual beli barang dengan menyatakan harga perolehan dan keuntungan (margin) yang disepakati oleh penjual dan pembeli, hambatan yang terjadi disebabkan oleh gagalnya usaha, lambat lakunya produk usaha, tidak tepat dalam penggunaan dana untuk modal usaha, tidak jujurnya anggota dalam pengembalian utang jual beli.The Act Number 6, 2014 regarding Village. and Government Regulation number . 43, 2014 on the Implementation of Act number . 6, 2014 on Villages where inter-village cooperation is carried out by the Inter-Village Cooperation Agency (BKAD) established through a joint regulation between village heads through an Inter-Village Deliberative Assembly. BKAD is responsible for implementing the Village Cooperation based on the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation number. 38, 2007 on Village Cooperation and in Village Law and BKAD does not expressly stipulate the Agreement due to any cooperation the BKAD has to make an agreement to lure between the BKAD community groups in Pidie as arranged in Article 1313 the Civil Code states: "A covenant is an action by which one or more persons commit themselves to one or more persons. This research aims to know the agreement implementation of rotational budget between the inter-village cooperation board and people groups of village and to explore the obstacles faced in the implementation of the agreement implementation of rotational budget between the inter-village cooperation board and people groups of village. This is doctrinal legal research and juridical empirical research by applying primary, secondary and tertiary data.The research shows that the implementation of the agreement implementation of rotational budget has been going as demanded by the rules which are worded in the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) the rotational pattern of Sharia and using murabahah principle that is the trading agreement by using the statement of basic prices and margin which is consented by both buyers and traders, the obstacles faced are enterprise’s’ failure, lack of products’ sale, inaccurate in using fund for capital of enterprise, lack of honesty of members in paying loan of trading.

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
Sabungan Sibarani

Malpractice case is a criminal offense that is very common in Indonesia. Malpractice is essentially an action of the professional personnel which is contrary to the standard operating procedure (SOP), the code of ethics, and the laws that apply, whether intentional or due to negligence that resulted in harm or death to others. The aspects of legal protection towards the patients as the victims of malpractice by a doctor under the laws of Indonesia are namely: (1) in a preventive manner: using the regulations that govern the malpractice actions, namely in the Book of the Law of Civil Law (Civil Code), Act on Health, Law Consumer protection Law Medical Practice and the Penal Code, and (2) in a repressive manner: the existence of action that resulted in a loss, the person who performed the action shall be imposed sanctions in the form of civil sanctions, namely by giving compensation, either administrative sanction and criminal sanction. Keywords: Legal Protection, Patient, Malpractice Victims. INTISARI Kasus malpraktik merupakan tindak pidana yang sangat sering terjadi di Indonesia. Malpraktik pada dasarnya adalah tindakan tenaga profesional yang bertentangan dengan standard operating procedure (SOP), kode etik, dan undang-undang yang berlaku, baik disengaja maupun akibat kelalaian yang mengakibatkan kerugian atau kematian pada orang lain.       Aspek perlindungan hukum terhadap pasien korban malpraktik oleh dokter berdasarkan hukum Indonesia, yaitu: (1) secara preventif: dengan adanya peraturan-peraturan yang mengatur mengenai tindakan malpraktik, yaitu dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (KUH Perdata), Undang-Undang Kesehatan, Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen, Undang-Undang Praktik Kedokteran, dan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP), (2) dan secara represif: dengan adanya tindakan yang mengakibatkan kerugian, maka seseorang yang melakukan tindakan tersebut dijatuhkan sanksi berupa sanksi perdata, yaitu dengan mengganti kerugian, baik sanksi administratif dan sanksi pidana.  Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Pasien, Korban Malpraktik. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 671-676
Berliana Indah Sari ◽  
Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi Dewi ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

In the jurisdiction of the Bali Police, there are also VIP and VVIP escorts which are special escorts from the Police for working visits of government officials visiting the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In carrying out these mentoring activities, it must be in accordance with the established Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). This study aimed to examine the legal arrangements regarding the security of escorts carried out by Polri members on the way to their destination and reveal the sanctions received by Polri members in carrying out escorts that are not in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures. This study used a normative legal approach to problems and legislation. Sources of data used were primary data and secondary data obtained through reading and taking notes. Furthermore, the data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results of the study indicated that the right to escort is also regulated in Law No. 22 of 2009 Article 134 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. Sanctions received by Polri members who do not enforce discipline in escort are contained in Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 2003 concerning Discipline of Polri Members or sanctions for violating the implementation of Polri's professional code of ethics as regulated in National Police Chief Regulation Number 14 of 2011 concerning Polri's Professional Code of Ethics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 601
Eka Damayanti Damayanti ◽  
Aryani Witasari

The problems of this study are: view of the living norms of public life related to the legalization of abortion under PP No. 61 of 2014 on Reproductive Health in the jurisdiction of Ex Residency of Cirebon, Legal protection of children conceived for Pregnancy Preferred (KTD), form the legal protection of children conceived for Pregnancy Preferred (KTD), particularly rape victims in the future.The method used by researchers is sociological approach juridical law and specification in this study was included descriptive analysis. As for sources and types of data in this study are primary data obtained from interviews with field studies Cirebon MUI, and secondary data obtained from the study of literature. Data were analyzed qualitatively. The problems studied by the theory of effectiveness and progressive law.Based on the results of research that potentially incompatible with Islamic law if it does not pay attention to the provisions of law or the Fatwa of Indonesian Ulama Council, besides that government regulation is taking the authority of the judiciary by the executive branch, because the authority to determine a person can have an abortion only submitted to the doctor and known by the Health Department / districts forwarded to the Provincial Health Office, without having to get a judgment and / or determined by the court, including the MUI Fatwa can ignore. Abortion performed by a rape victim is allowed and does not constitute a crime, but as a special lex and Health Act Government Regulation No. 61 Of 2014 on Reproductive Health has taken over the authority of the judiciary, because abortion is performed by a rape victim does not need to get a determination from the court. Reflected Bill-September 2019-the Penal Code refers to the Law of Health and Government Regulation No. 61 of 2014 on Reproductive Health, so that the provision is contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945.Keywords: Provocate Abortion; Child; Rape; Legal Protection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-75
Wahyudi, Dhita Annisa

The research aims to determine the analiysis of informed consent to the health staff legal protection at bandung regional public hospital. Informed consent is an agreement of medical action through a process of communication between the doctor and the patient about the agreement of medical action that the medical staff would do to the patient. The research method used is a juridical normative qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used are by way of literature studies related to the subject, interviews and field observations. The results of the research showed that in general the informed consent at bandung regional public hospital had been optimally implemented and  in accordance with the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) in the hospital and there was also a General Consent, it’s a general agreement of the patient. Informed consent that has been optimally implemented and in accordance with the regulations in this hospital could protect the health staff and medical staff in carrying out medical actions on patients. For the suggestion given by researchers about health staff and medical staff have to give the socialization about the procedures of informed consent and medical staff have to understand about statute of law that exist, especially to the health staff and the hospital regulations

Bioanalysis ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  
pp. 1669-1678 ◽  
Michael H Buonarati ◽  
Dale Schoener

Internal standard response is routinely monitored in regulated studies to accept or reject individual samples with outlier results due to potential sample processing or instrumentation errors, and processes are typically governed by standard operating procedures. However, acceptance or rejection of individual samples is not always sufficient. Internal standard response trends and substantial systemic differences between spiked and incurred samples using a method with an otherwise stable internal standard response should be investigated. Investigations may range from informal evaluations to detailed studies with formal investigation reports. Atypical internal standard response can be an indicator of systemic problems with a bioanalytical method and modification to allow for a relatively stable internal standard response across an analytical run may be essential.

Wahyu Wahyu Wahyu ◽  
Marliyati Marliyati Marliyati ◽  
I. Nyoman Romangsi

The aim of this article is to analyze internal control in service company. The analyze used the components of internal control according to COSO: control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, monitoring. Analysis of internal control used the data obtained through observation, questionnaires, interview, and documentary. Based on this analysis results can be concluded, that the dual positions refer with company SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). Separation of task does not work because that the dual positions. Therefore, the component of control activities applied at company is not in accordance with the component of control activities according to COSO. Nonconformity components still results in very effective internal control because the purpose of the internal control still remains to be achieved even though there are components that are not in accordance with the internal control components according to COSO.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Elfan Winoto

<p>Abortion is the fifth highest cause of maternal mortality. Legal abortions are called <em>abortus provocatus medicinalis</em> and those that are illegal are called <em>abortus provocatus criminalis</em>. Indonesian law prohibits abortion except indications of medical emergencies and the consequences of rape. This study aims to determine the legal consequences of someone who failed an abortion and the legal protection of the doctor who treated her.</p><p>This legal research uses a juridical normative with a conceptual and legislative approach.</p><p>The results of the perpetrators and those who helped the abortion that caused medical emergencies to be threatened with Criminal Code Article 53. They cannot be convicted if in accordance with professional standards and standard operating procedures.</p><p>The conclusion and suggestion are the doctor cannot be convicted as a criminal offender or as an assistant to an abortion crime if it can be proven that an abortion is carried out in emergency condition to save mother or fetus and prevent disability. The government needs to make laws that regulate who will carry out safe, qualitative and responsible abortions.</p><p> </p><p>Abortion is the fifth highest cause of maternal mortality. Legal abortions are called <em>abortus provocatus medicinalis</em> and those that are illegal are called <em>abortus provocatus criminalis</em>. Indonesian law prohibits abortion except indications of medical emergencies and the consequences of rape. This study aims to determine the legal consequences of someone who failed an abortion and the legal protection of the doctor who treated her.</p><p>This legal research uses a juridical normative with a conceptual and legislative approach.</p><p>The results of the perpetrators and those who helped the abortion that caused medical emergencies to be threatened with Criminal Code Article 53. They cannot be convicted if in accordance with professional standards and standard operating procedures.</p><p>The conclusion and suggestion are the doctor cannot be convicted as a criminal offender or as an assistant to an abortion crime if it can be proven that an abortion is carried out in emergency condition to save mother or fetus and prevent disability. The government needs to make laws that regulate who will carry out safe, qualitative and responsible abortions.</p>

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