scholarly journals Review of accessibility and usability guidelines for website design for the elderly people

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (42) ◽  
pp. 9-29
Diego Fernando Aguirre ◽  
Iván Abadía

By 2050, the growth of the elderly population in Colombia is estimated at 10% and thus a greater demand for special services (such as health services) for the elderly. This justifies the exploration of digital health content as an important source of information for this population. The accessibility and usability guidelines for website design –e.g., TAW and WACG– do not have specific guidelines to mitigate the motor, cognitive or visual disabilities characteristic of aging, which become a barrier for this group to consult necessary information for administrative processes that involve health. This review of accessibility and usability guidelines is presented, facilitating the consumption of specific contents and generating better interactions with such systems, which will lead to the construction of guidelines based on existing recommendations that allow the development of aspects related to interaction, legibility and usability in digital content for the elderly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 52
Minna Korpela ◽  
Piia Holmström

ABSTRACTThis thesis describes health care services for elderly people in Finland and Brazil, as well as health technology in both countries. The aim of the thesis is to provide information on the health technology for the elderly and to bring out their opinion about the need for digital services and what kind of digital solutions they would find useful as they get older. Our thesis is a qualitative research in which the observation material is in form of a questionnaire. The material is compared between the target countries. The target group is people who are over 75 years old in Finland and over 65 years old in Brazil and who are still living at home. The main objective is to identify the need for digital health services and solutions expressed by elderly citizens living in Brazil and Finland. Our research tasks: What kind of digital services home living elderly over 75 years old in Finland and over 65 years old in Brazil think it might be useful in connection with their health care? What kind of health services and digital solutions have an offer in Brazil and Finland? How is customer- oriented service implemented with digital solutions? According to the results, both in Finland and Brazil, elderly people felt that technology could be useful in terms of access to information and security and they were looking for ways to get help in everyday activities. In Finland, more technological solutions were available than in Brazil for healthcare.Keywords: Digitalization. Ethics. Succesful aging. RESUMOEsta tese descreve os serviços de saúde para idosos na Finlândia e no Brasil, bem como a tecnologia em saúde nos dois países. O objetivo da tese é fornecer informações sobre a tecnologia de saúde para idosos e expor suas opiniões sobre a necessidade de serviços digitais e que tipo de soluções digitais eles acham úteis à medida que envelhecem. Nossa tese é uma pesquisa qualitativa na qual o material de observação é em forma de questionário. O material é comparado entre os países-alvo. O público-alvo são pessoas com mais de 75 anos na Finlândia e com mais de 65 anos no Brasil e que ainda moram em casa. O objetivo principal é identificar a necessidade de soluções e serviços digitais de saúde expressos por idosos residentes no Brasil e na Finlândia. Nossas tarefas de pesquisa: Que tipo de serviços digitais para idosos que têm mais de 75 anos na Finlândia e mais de 65 anos no Brasil acham que pode ser útil em conexão com seus cuidados de saúde? Que tipo de serviços de saúde e soluções digitais oferecem no Brasil e na Finlândia? Como o serviço orientado ao cliente é implementado com soluções digitais? De acordo com os resultados, tanto na Finlândia quanto no Brasil, os idosos sentiram que a tecnologia poderia ser útil em termos de acesso à informação e segurança e estavam procurando maneiras de obter ajuda nas atividades cotidianas. Na Finlândia, mais soluções tecnológicas estavam disponíveis do que no Brasil para a saúde.Palavras-chave: Digitalização. Ética. Envelhecimento bem-sucedido.

1997 ◽  
Vol 352 (1363) ◽  
pp. 1887-1893 ◽  
John Grimley Evans

Health services for older people in the NHS have developed pragmatically, and reflect the nature of disease in later life and the need to agree objectives of care with patients. Although services are likely to be able to cope with the immediate future, the growth of the elderly population anticipated from 2030 calls for long–term planning and research. The issue of funding requires immediate political thought and action. Scientifically the focus needs to be on maximizing the efficiency of services by health services research and reducing the incidence of disability in later life through research on its biological and social determinants. Senescence is a progressive loss of adaptability due to an interaction between intrinsic (genetic) processes with extrinsic factors in environment and lifestyle. There are grounds for postulating that a policy of postponement of the onset of disability, by modifications of lifestyle and environment, could reduce the average duration of disability before death. The new political structures of Europe offer underexploited–unexploited opportunities for the necessary research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 2008-2014

This research study focuses on the determination factors of elderly that still continue their work activities in the city of Palembang. The purpose of this study is to find out how the influence of Social Security, Education and Health on the decision of the elderly people to continue their work activities in Palembang. The method of data analysis in this study uses the binary logistic regression method in which all variables (independent and dependent) use 2 categories (binary). The results of the estimated data, it is known that the variable Social Security, Education and Health has a significant influence on the decision of the elderly people to continue their work activities in Palembang. Odds Ratio value of 0.046 means that the elderly population who have an elderly social security program have a probability of choosing not to work by 0.046 times when compared to the elderly population who does not have an elderly social security program. Odds Ratio value of 12.298 means that the elderly population completing tertiary education has a probability of choosing to continue working 12.298 times compared to the elderly population completing primary and secondary education. Odds Ratio value of 20.153 means that the elderly population who goes to the doctor/clinic for treatment at least once per 3 months has a chance of continuing to work 20,153 times compared to the elderly population who goes to the doctor/clinic for treatment more than once every 3 months. Nagelkerke's R-Square value is 0.524. This implies that 52.4% of the variation in the independent variable can explain the dependent variable, while the remaining 47.6% is explained by non-model factors or by other variables not examined.

Sergios Petridis ◽  
Theodoros Giannakopoulos ◽  
Constantine D. Spyropoulos

The need for low-cost health monitoring is increasing with the continuous increase of the elderly population. In this context, unobtrusive audiovisual monitoring methods can be of great importance. More particularly, the diameter of the pupil is a valuable source of information, since, apart from pathological cases, it can reveal the emotional state, the fatigue and the ageing. To allow for unobtrusive monitoring to gain acceptance, one should seek for efficient methods of monitoring using common low-cost hardware. This paper describes a method for monitoring pupil sizes using a common, low-cost web camera in real time. The proposed approach detects the face and the eyes area at first stage. Subsequently, optimal iris and sclera location and radius, modeled as ellipses, are found using efficient spatial filtering. As a final step, the pupil center and radius is estimated by optimal filtering within the area of the iris. Experimental results show both the efficiency and the effectiveness of our approach.

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. S794
M. Kolotourou ◽  
O. Konstantakopoulou ◽  
G. Charalambous ◽  
P. Galanis ◽  
O. Siskou ◽  

1992 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 35-47 ◽  
Jiska Cohen-Mansfield ◽  
Uriel Leviatan

This paper investigates the importance of the work role for elderly people and how it contributes to life satisfaction. Data from the kibbutz population, where gradual retirement is practiced, show that elderly people in the kibbutz clearly wish to continue work as long as possible. Results also indicate that the wish to continue working is coupled with the work domain having a primary importance in their lives. The societal arrangements of the kibbutzim with regard to the work of the elderly seem to facilitate utilization of the work role for the elderly population.

2000 ◽  
Vol 63 (6) ◽  
pp. 254-259 ◽  
Sue Kinn ◽  
Linda Galloway

Falling is a major problem for the elderly population and much research has been done to investigate the risk factors for and means of preventing falls. However, very little research has been carried out looking at if and how therapists teach elderly people how to rise after a fall. This postal survey was undertaken to investigate whether therapists do anything to try to prevent falls, assess elderly people for suitability and teach them how to rise after a fall. The results showed that almost all the respondents (127 of 137) identified falling as a problem that they had to deal with in their patients over 65 years. The main focus of occupational therapists was to prevent falls by making environmental changes (for example, removing hazards) whereas physiotherapists were involved in physical changes (for example, balance training). Over half the respondents had considered teaching people how to rise after a fall. A range of different methods was used, which broadly fell into physical and verbal instructions or referral to other health care professionals. The sources of knowledge for teaching how to rise after a fall came mainly from previous clinical experience. Falls are an acknowledged problem in the elderly population and among these hospital and community based therapists about half had considered teaching or had taught elderly people how to rise after a fall.

1989 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-156 ◽  
John A. Krout

This article examines data on rural versus urban differences in health dependency for a random sample of 600 western New York elderly people residing in a range of community settings from farm areas to a metropolitan central city. Data were collected via personal interviews, and health dependency was operationalized as an index composed of nine criterion measures. The nonmetropolitan elderly population is found to be less health dependent as are elderly persons who are younger, white, married, and have higher incomes. However, the rural/urban variable is not a significant predictor of health dependency when included in a multiple-regression analysis. These findings do not support the rural elderly health disadvantage argument and serve to illustrate some of the shortcomings of existing research on this topic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. 39-39
Malay Kanti Mridha ◽  
Md Mokbul Hossain ◽  
Md Showkat Ali Khan ◽  
Abu abdullah Mohammad Hanif ◽  
Mehedi Hasan ◽  

Abstract Objectives Though Bangladesh is passing through demographic, epidemiologic and nutritional transitions, national estimates on nutrition and health status of the elderly population are largely unknown. We aimed to determine the status of selected health and nutrition indicators among the elderly population in Bangladesh. Methods For the first time in Bangladesh, we included elderly population (≥60 years old females and males) as a separate population group in the national food security and nutrition surveillance round 2018–2019. We collected data on dietary diversity, nutritional status, behavioral risk factors of non-communicable diseases, blood pressure, and self-reported chronic diseases from 4,818 elderly people (48% female) living in 82 clusters (57 rural, 15 non-slums urban, and 10 slums) randomly selected from eight administrative division of Bangladesh. Results Majority (59% in rural, 53% in non-slum urban, and 69% in slums) of elderly people were consuming an inadequately diverse (4 or less food groups out of 10) diet. Overall, 89% of elderly people were malnourished (20%) or at risk of malnutrition (69%). The highest prevalence of malnutrition was in Mymensingh division (37%) followed by Sylhet division (27%). The prevalence of obesity was 5%, 16%, and 11%, in rural, non-slum urban, and slums, respectively. The national prevalence of smoking, smokeless tobacco consumption, physical inactivity was 18%, 52%, and 38%, respectively. There was a high burden of hypertension (49% in rural, 53% in non-slum urban, and 39% in slums). Overall, 16% of elderly people had heart diseases, 14% had chronic respiratory diseases, 3% had kidney diseases, 9% had diabetes, 8% had stroke, 0.5% had cancer and 1.4% had mental health problems. Conclusions The government of Bangladesh should design and implement health and nutrition programs among the elderly population. The regional differences in the prevalence of health and nutrition indicators should be considered while designing such programs. Funding Sources Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Bangladesh

Marco Aurelio Acosta ◽  
Filomena Aparecida da Silva Rodrigues ◽  
Anapaula Pastorio

resumo   Este artigo busca apresentar uma pesquisa sobre o uso dos meios de comunicação pelos idosos dos grupos de terceira idade. Diante da nova realidade social em que constatou-se um número cada vez maior de idosos, tornam-se necessários estudos que abranjam o envelhecimento em todos os seus aspectos, auxiliando a sociedade na busca pelo envelhecimento bem sucedido. Este estudo, que teve como objetivo analisar o uso dos meios de comunicação, enfocado sob diferentes variáveis, por idosos participantes dos grupos de atividades físicas para a Terceira Idade do município de Santa Maria/RS, justifica-se uma vez que, analisando-se a quantidade e a qualidade dos meios de comunicação que os idosos têm acesso, constitui-se numa valiosa fonte de informação sobre as necessidades, as motivações, as atitudes e os interesses nesse período da vida, o que poderá colaborar para entendermos e para que possamos interagir com a presente realidade. Para realização do estudo foi efetuada uma pesquisa qualitativa, onde foram entrevistados 128 idosos, comprovando-se a supremacia da televisão sobre os demais meios de comunicação, principalmente nos períodos da tarde e noite, tendo dentre outras motivações: manter-se informado, passatempo e entretenimento. Palavras-chave Idoso. Meios de Comunicação. Grupos de Atividades Físicas.   abstract   This article presents a survey on the use of media by seniors groups of elderly. Given the new social reality, which finds an increasing number of elderly people, it has become necessary studies covering aging in all its aspects, helping the company's bid for successful aging. This study aimed to examine the use of media, focusing on different variables of elderly participants in the groups of physical activities for the Third Age of the Santa Maria / RS, is justified since, by analyzing the quantity and quality of the media that the elderly have access, constitutes a valuable source of information about the needs, motivations, attitudes and interests in this period of life, which may help to understand and be able to interact with the this reality. For this achievement, it was made a qualitative research, where through interviews with 128 elderly, it was proved the supremacy of television over other media, mainly during the afternoon and evening, and among other reasons to stay informed, hobby and entertainment .   keywords Elderly. Media. Groups of Physical Activities.

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