scholarly journals Memory, Identity and Heritage: An Analysis of the Comments Posted on Tripadvisor Website about Casa da Tapioca [Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil]

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 965-981
Romário Oliveira de Sant'ana ◽  
Almir Félix Batista de Oliveira ◽  
Lissa Valéria Fernandes Ferreira ◽  

The aim of the study is to detect experiences related to memory, identity and heritage in comments posted on the TripAdvisor website about Casa da Tapioca. It is a predominantly qualitative research, using the comments from 2013 to 2019, with data analysis performed using the Iramuteq software and the content analysis technique. Of the 117 comments obtained, 51% were potiguares. In the word cloud and similarity analysis, <tapioca> stands out, indicating that it permeates people's imagination and evokes what is most rooted in local cuisine. Memories surfaced in the categories: old, traditional and country; identity in: rustic, simplicity, indigenous, original/handmade, Brazilian and Northeastern; heritage in: protection and maintenance. It is concluded that the cultural components present in Casa da Tapioca produce an atmosphere perceived by residents and tourists. There is a real appreciation of culture, while adding importance to the development of tourism with a strong gastronomic identity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Tian Setyanto ◽  
Andayani Andayani ◽  
Nugraheni Eko Wardani

The purpose of this research was to describe the image of women in Hanindawan's drama script Lampoe Plenthong 15 Watt. This research was a descriptive qualitative research with content analysis. The data was from Hanindawan's Lampoe Plenthong 15 Wattdrama script. Data collection techniques used library techniques, listen and take notes. The data analysis technique used an interactive technique with a stylistic approach. Based on the results of the research, it was found that the form of women's image included the role of women as individuals, the role of women as mothers, the role of women as wives, the role of women as workers and the role of women in community life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 64
Suryadi Suryadi ◽  
Sukamto Sukamto

Thinking and looking for the proposition to ma'rifat to Allah SWT is the first obligation for a Mukallaf (one who has received the burden of taklif). Knowing God means that someone also knows himself. Regarding knowing human self, there have actually been many theories that point to this, the proof is that there are many theories about good personality that were sparked by thinkers from the west or by Islamic scholars. In this study, researchers are interested in discussing one personality theory that is very rarely discussed, namely personality theory according to Taqiyuddin An Nabhani specifically his Islamic personality theory. The purpose of this study is as an additional reference and add Khazanah knowledge about human personality. Taqiyuddin An Nabhani is a contemporary cleric from the Palestinian area who has given birth to many works both in fiqh and politics. This research is a qualitative research with a type of library research. Data analysis technique used in this research is content analysis, namely by analyzing various reference sources both primary and secondary. After researchers examine several sources, it can be concluded that according to Taqiyuddin An Nabhani, humans have two elements of personality, namely thought patterns (‘aqliyah) and attitude patterns (nafsiyah). Mindset is a method used in understanding or thinking about something. In other words, mindset is a method used to associate facts with information, or vice versa, based on a certain basis or several methods. While the attitude pattern is a method used by humans by linking the impulse of distribution (fulfillment) with mafahim (understanding) or the way used by humans to meet gharizah (instincts) and physical needs. a person can be said to have an Islamic personality if he has ‘aqliyah Islamiyah (Islamic mindset) and nafsiyah Islamiyah (Islamic attitude pattern). If one of the two does not exist in a person then in fact he does not have an Islamic personality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 316
Firdaningsih Firdaningsih ◽  
Muhammad Sri Wahyudi ◽  
Rahmad Hakim

<p><em>This study aims to compare eight groups of zakat recipients in the opinion of ulama and the actualization of amil zakat institutions to eight groups of zakat recipients. This research used qualitative research with phenomenological approach as a part of qualitative research that explore a phenomena based on perspective and people awareness. The data collected are primary data and secondary data. The object used in this study is the opinion of ulama, Amil Zakat institution Nurul Hayat KC Malang and LAZISMU Malang Regency. Method of data collection are interview, documentation and observation. While data analysis technique uses content analysis techniques.</em><em>The results of this study, there are similarities in the analysis text that is based on the opinions of </em><em>ulama</em><em> and contexts which are actualization by the amil zakat institution, both Nurul Hayat KC Malang and LAZISMU Malang Regency.</em><em> </em><em>Except for the riqab group which in the actualization by LAZISMU Malang Regency which had expansion meaning, so that the distribution of zakat was not only for the people free from slavery but also for those who are in opressed.</em></p><br /><em> </em>

Emi Br Bukit ◽  
Berlin Sibarani ◽  
Rika Rika

This study aims at describing how the teachers teach reading comprehension of narrative text to the tenth grade students in Sibolangit and revealing the underlying reasons of why do they do that way. This study was conducted by using qualitative research design. The subject of this study were two english teachers who taught at tenth grade students of two SMA in Sibolangit they are : SMA Negeri  1 Sibolangit  and SMA RK Deli Murni Bandar Baru in academic year 2016/ 2017. The data were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman data analysis technique. The  technique of collecting the data was recorded from the classroom process in teaching reading comprehension of narrative text. The findings of the study show that most of teachers’ ways are not yet focusing on teaching reading comprehension but rather focusing teaching the knowledge of genre. The underlying reason of the teachers’ ways in teaching reading comprehension did not facilitate reading comprehension. It was due to the misperception of the concept of teaching reading comprehension.  Keywords : Teaching,Reading Comprehension,Narrative Text.

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-27
Suratiningsih Suratiningsih

The research aims to describe the puzzling media as a solution to increase the learning motivation of elementary /MI student. This research is library research. It is a method that the data which is needed in completing research comes from library sources i.e. include books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, documents, magazines, etc as well as various sources on the internet. The data collection technique used in this research is documentation. Documentation means looking for data about things in the form of notes, books, papers, articles, journal, and so on. Then, the data analysis technique used in this study is content analysis. In this analysis, the process of selecting, comparing, and combining various meanings will be found to be relevant. The media is an intermediary or introduction. Puzzle media can improve the students’ motivation to keep trying to solve problems. It is fun for students because it can be repeated. The challenges in the puzzle game will give you an addictive effect to always try and try until they are successful.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 195-211
Nur Ihsan Halil ◽  
Takwa ◽  

This research aims to investigate the implementation of politeness in the language of lecturers and students as well as students and students through online lectures at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka on the WhatsApp application. The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative with a focus on research, namely the fulfillment and violations of the principles of politeness in the language contained in online lecture conversations on WhatsApp. The data collection technique uses documentation or screenshots, and the data analysis technique uses content analysis methods with inductive procedures. The results indicate that the communication of lecturers to students and students to students based on the WhatsApp social network still pays attention to the principles of linguistic politeness in communication discourse. Based on the WhatsApp social network, students and lecturers can meet the principles of linguistic politeness, including maxim of wisdom, generosity, appreciation, simplicity, compatibility, and sympathy. However, there were also still some violations of the principle of politeness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-99
Mahide Özçelik ◽  
Mukaddes Sakallı Demirok

  The aim of this study is to examine the current research trends in graduate theses on preschool inclusion in Turkey. Document analysis technique, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the research. It was carried out on 31 graduate theses, which were obtained as a result of scanning the thesis archive of the Higher Education Council (YÖK) and were open to access between 2016 to 2020. The search was carried out by typing "pre-school integration" into the search engine of the Higher Education Institution's thesis archive. The theses included in the study were analyzed using the thesis analysis form prepared beforehand by the researchers. In the prepared form, the theses were analyzed according to the year, thesis level, university, institute, department, thesis supervisor title, research model, number of participants, data collection tool, data analysis method, and domestic and foreign references. The findings obtained within the framework of the examination were interpreted with percentage and frequency tables, and recommendations were made for future research. Key Words: Mainstreaming, preschool, thesis, document analysis.

Kandai ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Lusi Widia Ardianto ◽  
Syahrul Ramadhan

Pada era milenial saat ini masyarakat membutuhkan suatu iklan baik melalui media elektronik maupun cetak. Salah satu iklan yang digandrungi masyarakat Indonesia adalah toko jasa jual beli online. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menelaah struktur iklan “” menggunakan struktur model Van Dijk. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Teknik analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah iklan “”. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, pertama, superstruktur, yang terdiri atas struktur headline (kepala iklan), illustration (ilustrasi), body copy (isi iklan), dan signature line (logo). Kedua, struktur mikro, yang terdiri atas unsur verbal dan unsur nonverbal. Ketiga, struktur makro, yang terdapat unsur makna iklan dan pesan iklan. Struktur wacana iklan telah menggunakan struktur wacana iklan yang lengkap, sehingga pembaca dapat menirunya untuk memasarkan produk atau jasa dan mampu menarik minat pembeli untuk membeli produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan.(In the current millennial era, people need an advertisement either through electronic or printed media. One of the advertisement that is loved by the people of Indonesia is online buying and selling shop. The purpose of this study is to describe and examine the structure of the advertisements by using the Van Dijk model structure. The type of this research is qualitative research. The data analysis technique is done qualitatively. The object of this research is advertisement. The analysis results show three points. First, superstructure consists of the headline, illustration, body copy, and signature lines. Second, microstructure consists of verbal elements and nonverbal elements. Third, the macrostructure, there are elements of the meaning of  advertising and advertising messages. The discourse structure of the advertisement for store has used a complete structure of advertising discourse, so that it can emulate it to market a product or service and be able to attract buyers to buy the product or service offered.)  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 174-184
Adam Smith Bago

Based on preliminary observations, it was found that the people in Nias Islands,North Sumatra province had used medicinal plants for a long time and had inheritedthem from generation to generation. So that many people still use medicinal plants.This study aims to determine the types of family medicinal plants used by thecommunity, how to mix or process family medicinal plants, and public perceptionsof family medicinal plants. This research is a type of qualitative research withdescriptive methods with 125 respondents. Collecting data by observation,interviews, documentation. The data analysis technique uses three stages, namelydata reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. Fromthe research results, there were 23 plant species used by the community in NiasIsland as Family Medicinal Plants. The method of concocting family medicinalplants varies greatly, depending on the type of plant and disease, the people ofSambulu village have good perceptions about family medicinal plants. Suggestionsare expected to maintain the habit of using medicinal plants, and also teach them tochildren or young people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-209
Imanila Imanila ◽  
Hendra Hendra ◽  
Sisca Wulansari Saputri

This study is focused on analysis of the politeness expressed by the main characters and supporting characters in “Beauty and the Beast” Movie. The objective of this study are to know the politeness expressed by the main characters; Beauty (Belle) and the Beast (Prince) and to know the politeness expressed by the supporting characters in “Beauty and the Beast” movie. This Study is qualitative research that used content analysis method. Technique of data analysis in this study is using descriptive qualitative. The result of analysis are the sum of expression of politeness in saying thank you are 8 expressions, in saying hello are 7 expression, in answer the saying hello are 2 expressions, in use ‘I’m sorry’ are 5 expression and of how to sound more polite are 5 expressions. The sum of all expression of politeness that expressed by the characters in “Beauty  and the Beast” movie are 27 expressions. Based on the discussion of the result of analysis, It can be concluded that expression of politeness is important in communication and it usually use in conversation when people in saying hello or greeting, when people answer the saying hello or greeting from others, when people ask with the sound more polite, and the last when people saying use ‘I’m sorry’ to refused and ignore something and ask to forgiven by other people. This study can be applied to conduct the learning material in teaching about the  English expression in conversation, especially expression of politeness.

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