scholarly journals The Application of Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (Ecg) and Prostaglandin F2α to Increase the Rate of Pregnancy in Bali Cattle at Buleleng, Bali

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 734
Yugenthri A/P Chandran ◽  
Herry Agoes Hermadi ◽  
Eka Pramyrtha Hestianah

This research objective was to increase the rate of pregnancy in Bali cattle using eCG and PGF2 14α">  at Buleleng, Bali. The experimental animal used in this study comprised of 18 female Bali cattles, with normal estrus cycle and 18 months old of age. The Bali cattles are all healthy with a body score of at least 2. The Control Group was injected with PGF2α 25 mg intramuscular twice on day 0 and day 11. Treatment Group 1 was injected with PGF2α 25 mg and eCG dosage of 400 IU intramuscular. Treatment Group 2 was injected with PGF2α 25 mg and eCG dosage of 600 IU intramuscular. On day 14, the female Bali cattle both Treatment Group 1 and 2 respectively showed signs of estrus. Few hours’ later artificial insemination was performed on the same day. On Day 30, all 18 female Bali cattle were checked for pregnancy using Ultrasonography (USG). The female Bali cattle were assumed to be pregnant because there were signs of enlargement in cornua uteri unilaterally.  Therefore, this indicates that there was no significant difference between Treatment Group 1 and Treatment Group 2 in pregnancy rate. The results from Control Group showed 4 pregnant and 2 not-pregnant; Treatment Group 1 showed 6 pregnant; Treatment Group 2 showed 6 pregnant. Based on the results, Control Group showed 88% of the Bali cattle were pregnant. Meanwhile, Treatment Group 1 and Treatment Group 2 showed 100% pregnant from the total 18 Bali cattle. Therefore, this research showed a positive feedback consistent with the objective. Key words: Bali Cattle, eCG, PGF2 14α">  and The Rate of Pregnancy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 97
Eka Nasrur Maulana ◽  
Hermanto Tri Joewono ◽  
Widjiati Widjiati ◽  
Windhu Purnomo

Objectives: To analyze the optimal time to expose Mozart compositions(in the night/ dark) by measuring brain neural apoptotic index of Rattus norvegicus offspringsMaterials and Methods: This study used experimental random-ized post test only control group design in pregnant Rattus norvegicus. Subjects were divided into three groups at random, ie control group, 1 (1 hour Mozart exposure in dark) and 2 (1 hour Mozart in light), each comprised 8 females. After delivery, 2 heaviest Rattus norvegicus offsprings were chosen, totally 15 neonates in each group, then they were sacrificed with decapita-tion and the brain was prepared and stained using TUNEL assay method and the index of neurons cell apoptosis was calculated using microscope in 1000x magnification. This study was conducted at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Airlangga, after conducting ethical feasibility test.Results: There were no miscarriages, congenital malformation, preterm birth and deaths in all groups. The control group's neural apoptosis index was 55.98 ± 4.12, group one 24.87±3.45 and group two 23.82±3.89. Based on statistical test result, there was no significant difference of apoptosis index between treatment group 1 and treatment group 2, with p value 0,836 but significant difference was found between control group and treatment group 1 (p=0.002) and between control group and treatment group 2 (p=0.009). In dark group we found the lower average of apoptotic index, the lowest apoptotic index, 9 of 15 had the lowest, the heaviest head weight and 4 of 15 subjects had the heaviest head weightConclusion: There was no significant difference between the pro-vision of Mozart music in dark and light on brain neuron of Rattus norvegicus offsprings although lower average in the dark group especially if the extreme value exluded. In the dark group: we found  the lower average of apoptotic index, the lowest apoptotic index, biggest proportion of the lowest index, the heaviest head and biggest proportion of heaviest head.

Nugroho Setyowardoyo

The state of low oxygen levels known as hypoxia in humans is considered a dangerous condition is apparently a normal physiological condition and required by the stem cells as they are in the body. Mesencyimal Stem Cells (MSCs) require physiologically optimal conditions of low O2 tension of 1-3% in the bone marrow. The purpose of this study was to reveal the difference between in vitro culture of MSC in normoxia condition (20% O 2 concentration) with hypoxia condition (1% O2 content) especially in terms of viability, pluripotent properties, and MSC proliferation ability of the culture it produces. This research is an explorative laboratory research invitro on Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BMSCs) culture using hypoxia condition. The study design used Randomized Control Group Post-Test Only Design. This research was conducted for 2 months. There was a significant difference in mean slow proliferation based on the number of Least-like CFU-Cs between the control group, treatment group 1 and treatment group 2, the mean percentage of the number of cells expressing the OCT4 coding gene on immunofluorosense examination between the control group, 1 and the treatment group 2 and the mean percentage of cell numbers expressing the OCT4 coding gene on the immunofluorosense examination between the control group, the treatment group 1 and the treatment group 2 showing p <0.01. There was a significant difference of percentage of non-absorbing color cell number of trypsin blue (viable cells) between control group, treatment group 1, and treatment group 2 showing p value <0.05. This suggests that the precondition of culture with normoxia provides an opportunity for cells to adapt and proliferate before being conditioned in hypoxic cultures. Cultures with hypoxic conditions and preconditions of normoxia are the best culture conditions because they produce cells that are capable of maintaining pluripotency properties while still having better proliferation and viability capability compared with direct hypoxia conditions.Keywords: Hypoxia, normoxia, bone marrow, mesenchymal stem cells.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Aisyah . ◽  
Zainatul Mufarikoh ◽  
Ary Andini

ABSTRACTBackground: Collagen has vital role on healing process of burn injuries, mainly in connective tissue.Collagen triggers fibroblast proliferation, support to form new granulation tissue and epithelium aroundwound. Wound treatment through collagen extract of Sangkuriang catfish skin can increase healing process.It stimulates humidity on level II burn injuries and encourage re-epithelization, proliferation and cellmigration also increases growth. Methods: This is an experimental studies using 4 groups of RattusNorvegicus (Wistar strain). All of the group get a burn injuries in their back skin. Control group 1 (K1) wastreated by lidocaine for three days and control group 2 (K2) for ten days. Whereas treatment group 1 (P1) getlidocaine and collagen extract from Sangkuriang cat fish for 3 days and treatment group 2 (P2) for 10 days.Result: Number of fibroblast/field of view on treatment group showed significantly increased comparedcontrol groups on the 3rd days (P=0,046) and the 10th (P=0,004). Percentage of TNF-α on level II-burninjuries in wistar rats showed significant difference. Percentage of TNF-α lower than treatment group andshowed significant lowering level compared control groups on the10th (P=0,022). Conclusion: Increasing offiroblast number and lowering level of TNF-α significantly showed collagen extract of Sangkuriang cat fishskin accelerate wound healing process.

Isramilda . ◽  
Zulkarnain Edward

Stress can increase motor activity with the role of the hormones epinephrine, norepinephrine, and the sympathetic nervous system. This study aims to determine the effect of stress (electric shock) on the motor activity of mice using swimming endurance methods at Andalas University in 2019. This research is a pure experimental study with a research design is the Randomized Experimental Posttest Only Control Group Design. This research was conducted at the Pharmacology Laboratory of Andalas University, Padang in March 2019 to April 8, 2019. The population in this study was a group of male, healthy, mice (Mus musculus) mice aged 2-3 months, with an average weight of 30-40 grams. A sample of 30 was determined by the Federer Formula, divided into 3 groups which had been adapted for 1 week. Control group (K) without stress treatment, treatment group 1 (P1) with stress treatment (electric shock), and treatment group 2 (P2) with stress treatment (electric shock) and diazepam 0.26 ml. Analysis of the results using the statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. Stress treatment (electric shock) in the treatment group caused motor activity in mice to increase. The results showed a significant difference between the control group (K) with the treatment group 1 (P1) with a value of p = 0.046, the control group (K) with the treatment group 2 (P2) with a value of p = 0,000, and the treatment group 1 (P1) with treatment group 2 (P2) with a value of p = 0.006. Then Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that there is an effect of stress (electric shock) on the motor activity of mice with the swimming endurance method, where stress can increase the motor activity of the mice as evidenced by the rapid sinking of mice on the swimming endurance method.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. e000446 ◽  
Gafin Ericson Morgan ◽  
Rhodri Martin ◽  
Lisa Williams ◽  
Owen Pearce ◽  
Keith Morris

ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to establish quantitative values for asymptomatic and symptomatic Achilles tendons.DesignCohort study with a single (cross-sectional) time point of patients diagnosed with unilateral Achilles tendinopathy and an asymptomatic group with comparative homogeneity.MethodsA sample of 50 participants: 25 diagnosed with symptomatic unilateral Achilles tendinopathy (AT group) and 25 with asymptomatic Achilles tendons (control group 2). The asymptomatic side of the AT group was used as a control (control group 1). Measurements at 2 cm intervals on the tendon from its insertion at the calcaneum up to the musculotendinous junction were taken non-weight bearing (NWB) and weight bearing (WB) using the MyotonPRO.ResultsThere was a significant (p<0.005) decrease in natural oscillation frequency (F) at points 2, 3 and 4 of the AT group (NWB condition) and points 2 and 3 for the WB condition. There was a significant (p<0.005) increase in logarithmic decrement (D) at points 2 and 3 signifying a decrease in elasticity. Dynamic stiffness (S) was significantly (p<0.005) reduced in the AT group at points 2 and 3 WB and point 3 WB. There was no significant difference in creep (C) observed between the symptomatic and asymptomatic tendons. There was a significant (p<0.005) increase in mechanical stress relaxation time (R) at point 2 NWB.There was a correlation between body weight and gender on tendon mechanics, with the symptomatic tendons. No significant differences were observed between the control group 1 and control group 2.ConclusionsThe MyotonPRO measured decreased stiffness over a section of the tendon corresponding clinically with Achilles tendinopathy. This may have potential in identifying risk of injury and informing rehabilitation, however further extensive research is required to generate baseline data for specific population groups monitoring variables over time. Age, gender and body mass index appear to have some bearing on the mechanical properties of the tendon but mainly in the tendinopathy group.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 250-253
Cengiz Kara ◽  
Ozgu Aydogdu ◽  
Ural Oguz ◽  
Mehmet Giray Sönmez

The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of nocturnal sperm emissions (NSE) in varicocele patients after varicocele surgery. A total of 127 patients, 96 varicocele (Group 1) and 31 patients with inguinal hernia (Group 2) were included in this study. Mean age, laterality of surgical procedures, spermiogram results, marital status, and postoperative serum hormone levels were noted for all patients. Two groups were compared in terms of Beck depression score (BDS) and anxiety scores (AS). The frequency of NSE and libido changes in the patients during 10 days postoperatively was evaluated. The number of the patients who had NSE and increased libido were significantly higher in the varicocelectomy group when compared with the control group. No significant difference was noted between the groups in terms of BDS, AS, and serum hormone levels. No association was reported between BDS, AS, and serum hormone levels and the presence of NSE in Group 1. The incidence of NSE was higher in younger men. Increased libido was significantly associated with NSE in Group 1. Cord dissection during surgery may be a factor on increased frequency of NSEs in varicocele patients.

Mehmet Sahap ◽  
Handan Gulec ◽  
Esra ozayar ◽  
Ozlem zdemir ◽  
Merve Kacan ◽  

Purpose : Rocuronium bromide is a painful agent while general anesthesia induction. The aim of the study is to investigate the effects of cox inhibitors as a resque agent against the rocuronium pain Methodology : Sixty patients enrolled for the general anesthesia enrolled in this study. Patients were allocated into two groups (Group 1: Dexkethoprofen group, Group 2: Control group) .Pain was evaluated by during rocuronium injection, patients were scored by a scale showed below. 0;No movement response to injection 1;Mild movement response to injection 2;Hand withdrawal response to injection 3;Arm withdrawal response to injection We also evaluated the pain with 2 questions when the patient was in the recovery room.Question 1.What was the last feeling before you fall into sleep? and question 2. Did you feel any pain on your hand during medication injection for anesthesia? Results:There were differences between the groups in terms of total pain score for example in group 1 there were 16 (53%) patients who did not make any movement during rocuronium injection while there were 22 (73%) patients in group 2.There was significant difference in injection rocuronium bromide pain between group 1: dexkethoprofen group, Group 2: control group in terms of the answer to the second question.Patients felt less pain than the control group. Conclusion:The effect of cox inhibitors on rocuronium pain was seen in our study but check is also effective in reducing pain in vascular width.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 342-348
Nishat Tabassum ◽  
Sanghamitra Jena

Study Objective: To know about the effects of cryotherapy and active stretching together and active stretching alone for improving hamstring flexibility in asymptomatic individuals. Method: 22 subjects were participated in study of the age 18 to 40. Subjects were randomly and equally assigned to static stretching and cryotherapy (group 1) and only active stretching (group 2). Subjects in each group were given stretching and cryotherapy for three weeks. Pre and post assessment of ROM was measured by the KEA, SLR and Sit and reach test. Results: After three weeks of intervention there was a significant difference between pre intervention and post intervention score in both the group but in group 1 showed significant difference between KEA, SLR and SRT variables. Conclusion: Subject who received active stretching and cryotherapy showed better improvement than the control group who received only active stretching. Hence it can be concluded that active stretching along with cryotherapy can improve hamstring flexibility than the active stretching only. Key words: Cryotherapy, flexibility, ROM, active stretching.

2020 ◽  
Hacı Öztürk Şahin ◽  
Mehmet Nuri Duran ◽  
Fatma Sılan ◽  
Ece Sılan ◽  
Duygu Sıddıkoglu ◽  

Abstract Background: Premature ovarian failure is among the most important side effects of chemotherapy during reproductive period. Preserving ovarian function is gradually gaining importance during oncologic treatment. The present study aims to investigate the potential of melatonin to protect from cisplatin-induced ovarian toxicity in rats. Twenty nine female rats were divided to three groups: Saline control group (Group 1), cisplatin group (Group 2), and cisplatin+melatonin group (Group 3). While the rats in Groups 2 and 3 were administered 5 mg/kg single dose of cisplatin via intra-peritoneal (IP) route, the rats in Group 3 were started on melatonin (20 mg/kg IP) before cisplatin administration and continued during 3 consecutive days. Ovaries were removed one week after cisplatin administration in all groups. Blood samples were obtained before the rats were decapited. Histological evaluation, follicle count, and classification were performed. TAp63 mRNA expression was evaluated using mRNA extraction and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Serum estradiol (E2) and anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) values were measured with enzyme immune-assay technology. Results: While primordial follicles were seen to decrease in Group 2 as compared to Group 1 (p:0.023), primordial follicle count was observed to be preserved significantly in melatonin group as compared to Group 2 (p:0.047). Moreover, cisplatin-induced histo-pathological morphology was preserved in favor of normal histology in melatonin group. A significant difference was not observed between groups with regard to mean serum AMH and E2 values (p:0.102 and p:0.411, respectively). While TAp63 gene expression significantly increased in Group 2 as compared to control group (p:0.001), we did not detect a statistically significant difference in cisplatin+melatonin group, although gene expression decreased (p:0.34). Conclusion: We conclude that concurrent administration of melatonin and cisplatin may protect from ovarian damage.

Phlebologie ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 44 (01) ◽  
pp. 13-17
J. Duben ◽  
J. Gatek ◽  
T. Saha ◽  
G. Hnatkova ◽  
L. Hnatek

SummaryIntroduction: During the last years, many endovascular techniques have been developed in order to eliminate not only the reflux in stem veins but in perforating veins and their tributaries, too.Aim: The aim of this study was to use endo -vascular RFITT and the foam sclerotherapy for the occlusion of perforating veins as the prime source of reflux and their tributaries.Material and Methods: The Celon method was used for the thermal treatment. Polydocalon with the concentration 1% and 2% with DSS technique was used for the foam sclerotherapy. The RFITT was accomplished in 127 perforating veins in total. This group was divided into three subgroups. The first one consists of patients where only RFITT was carried out (n= 41), in the second, there were patients with RFITT realized with sclerotherapy during one session (n= 48), in the third, RFITT was completed with sclerotherapy in one month after the RFITT intervention (n= 38). The control group included perforating veins treated only with sclerotherapy (n= 81). The power setting 6W was used on the generator during the RFITT with CelonProSurge micro and 18W for usage of Celon ProCurve probe.Results: The effectiveness of the procedure in the group 1 was 8.8%, in the group two 93.7%, in the group three 92.1% and in the control group 76.5% in one year follow up. There was no significant difference between the effectiveness in groups 1, 2 and 3. The marginal difference was among all three groups with RFITT and the control group. Significant differences were in the parameter of the extinction of visible varicose veins with the reflux from perforators. The extinction was faster in group 3 than in group 2 and in the control group and the slowest was in group 1. The significant difference was observed between groups 2 and 3 compared with group 1 and the margin difference was between groups 2 and 3 compared with the control group. No significant difference was observed between groups 1 and the control group.Conclusions: All procedures are effective. The most important is the combination of RFITT and the sclerotherapy one month after thermal intervention. This is associated with a low risk of recanalization and the fastest extinction of visible varicose veins.

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