Roteiro ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 431
Lílian Bárbara Cavalcanti Cardoso ◽  
Roseane Maria de Amorim ◽  
Rosemeire Reis

<p><strong>Resumo</strong>: Buscamos, neste trabalho, compreender as origens das práticas escolares contidas no Ensino de História, por intermédio da análise do livro <em>Lições de História do Brasil</em>, de Joaquim Manoel de Macedo. Realizamos um estudo acerca do postulado histórico do Ensino de História, partindo do pressuposto de que a constituição da História como disciplina é de extrema importância para entendermos a persistência de certas práticas de ensino que se tornaram tradição nessa disciplina e promovem o fracasso dos alunos, que a rotulam como matéria “decorativa”. É possível afirmar que a tendência tradicional ainda é uma das abordagens do ensino contemporâneo. A perspectiva tradicional, originária da concepção positivista da história, está na prática de visualizar o passado como uma verdade absoluta e inquestionável.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave</strong>:<strong> </strong>Ensino de História. Identidade nacional. Manuais didáticos.</p><p><strong>THE HISTORY'S TEACHING AND DIDATIC MANUAL FROM JOAQUIM MANOEL DE MACEDO AT THE BEGINNING OF THE BRAZILIAN REPUBLIC (1889-1940)</strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong>: In this paper, we seek to understand the origins of school practices contained in the History Teaching with the analysis of the book <em>Lições de História do Brasil</em> [Lessons of History from Brazil] by Joaquim Manoel de Macedo. We conducted a study about the historical postulate of History teaching, assuming that the constitution of history as a discipline is utmost important to understand the persistence of certain teaching practices that have become tradition in this discipline and promote the failure of students, who label it as “decorative” themes. It is possible to affirm that the traditional trend is still one of the approaches of contemporary education. The traditional view, original from the positivist history conception, is in the practice of viewing the past as an absolute and unquestionable truth.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: History teaching. National identity. Didactic Manual.</p><p><strong>ENSEÑANZA DE LA HISTORIA Y MANUAL EDUCATIVO DE AUTORÍA DE JOAQUIM MANOEL DE MACEDO EN LA REPÚBLICA DE BRASIL (1889-1940)</strong></p><pre> </pre><p><strong>Resumen</strong>: Buscamos, en este trabajo, entender los orígenes de las prácticas escolares contenidos en la Enseñanza de la Historia, mediante el análisis del libro <em>Lecciones de la Historia de Brasil</em>, perteneciente al autor Joaquim Manoel de Macedo. Hicimos un estudio de la asunción histórica de la Enseñanza de la Historia, a historia de la historia es muy importante para la reflexión sobre las prácticas que se han convertido en tradición. Esta práctica ayuda a promover el fracaso escolar y la idea de que la historia es una disciplina decorativa. Es posible encontrar en las escuelas prácticas de enseñanza de la historia tradicional vinculados al método positivista, en esta vista el pasado es incuestionable y reconocida como verdad absoluta.</p><p><strong>Palabras clave</strong>: Enseñanza de la historia. La identidad nacional. Manual educativo.</p>

2014 ◽  
pp. 109
Carmen Alcaide García

Resumen En el estudio que se presenta se exploraron, a través del método cualitativo en su vertiente fenomenológica husserliana, los contenidos de la representación de identidad nacional que tienen los estudiantes de Pedagogía en Historia y Geografía y Educación Física, del nivel 900, de la Universidad Católica Cardenal Silva Henríquez, así como las variables que inciden en la elaboración de dichas representaciones, cuyos rasgos fundamentales son la suspensión de la aceptación de todos los prejuicios y preconceptos del objeto o tema considerado, para observarlo sólo en sí mismo y extraer la significación fundamental del tema o del objeto estudiado, es decir, a lo que Husserl denomina “intuición eidética”. Del análisis de las entrevistas semi-estructuradas que se aplicaron se pudo concluir que la representación de identidad nacional es una construcción en la que intervienen factores de carácter natural, históricos, políticos, educativos, religiosos, deportivos, económicos, simbólicos, valóricos y locales. Palabras clave: representación de identidad nacional; Pedagogía en Historia y Geografía y Educación Física, del nivel 900, de la Universidad Católica Cardenal Silva Henríquez; intuición eidética An exploratory study on the national identity of fifth-year students from the History and Geography and the Physical Education teaching training programmes of Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez Abstract This study uses a qualitative Husserlian phenomenological method to explore the contents of national identity representations of fifth-year students from the History and Geography and the Physical Education teaching training programmes of Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez. It also tackles the variables which influence the elaboration of such representations and their main characteristic which is the end of the acceptance of all prejudices and misconceptions about an object or subject in order to observe it by itself and obtain its fundamental signification, what Husserl calls “eidetic intuition”. Semi-structured interviews were applied and analysed to conclude that national identity representation is a social construction influenced by natural, historical, political, educational, religious, sports, economic, symbolic, value-related and local factors. Keywords: National Identity Representation; Fifth-year History and Geography and the Physical Education teaching training programmes of Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez; Eidetic Intuition

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (01) ◽  
pp. 130-155
Kárita de Fátima Araújo

Este trabalho, fruto da dissertação de Mestrado, tem como objetivo resgatar e compreender o modo pelo qual se processou a construção da identidade nacional e a formação territorial brasileira no contexto das Minas Gerais do século XVIII, buscou-se, desta feita, fazê-lo à luz das obras literárias dos poetas inconfidentes. Nesse sentido, a obra Vila Rica de Cláudio Manuel da Costa cumpre o papel de aliar Geografia e Literatura ao possibilitar o diálogo entre as manifestações artísticas do poeta e os componentes espaciais e temporais que compuseram a sociedade mineira do século XVIII. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, foi fundamental analisar alguns elementos, tais como, o conceito de sertão e sua condição de ocupação e isolamento para o período, diretamente relacionado ao desenvolvimento e decadência do chamado “ciclo do ouro”, além da formação daquela sociedade e do estabelecimento de uma “identidade nacional”, responsáveis por delinear para as Minas Gerais a possibilidade de compor uma nação independente de Portugal. Desta forma, o enredo literário permitiu observar qual compreensão do intelectual Cláudio Manuel da Costa acerca daquele aquele espaço e tempo. Sua visão do mundo refletiu-se nas entrelinhas do texto literário, revelando percepções, opiniões e posições diferenciadas acerca daquela realidade, aspectos fundamentais do processo de construção da nacionalidade e da territorialidade brasileiras. Palavras-chave: Geografia; Literatura; Vila Rica.   THE MINAS GERAIS OF THE XVIII CENTURY: NATIONAL IDENTITY AND TERRITORIAL TRAINING UNDER THE LOOK OF CLÁUDIO MANUEL DA COSTA Abstract This work, the result of the dissertation of Master, aims to rescue and understand the way in which the construction of the national identity and the Brazilian territorial formation in the context of the Minas Gerais of the XVIII century was processed, this time it was sought to do so in the light of the literary works of the poets of the Inconfidência Mineira. In this sense, the book Vila Rica by Cláudio Manuel da Costa fulfills the role of allying Geography and Literature by enabling the dialogue between the artistic manifestations of the poet and the spatial and temporal components that composed the mining society of the eighteenth century. To reach the proposed objective, it was fundamental to analyze some elements, such as the concept of sertão and its condition of occupation and isolation for the period, directly related to the development and decay of the so-called "gold cycle", besides the formation of that society and of the establishment of a "national identity", responsible for outlining for Minas Gerais the possibility of composing an independent nation of Portugal. In this way, the literary plot allowed to observe what understanding of the intellectual Cláudio Manuel da Costa about that space and time. His vision of the world was reflected in the lines of the literary text, revealing different perceptions, opinions and positions about that reality, fundamental aspects of the process of construction of Brazilian nationality and territoriality. Keywords: Geography; Literature; Vila Rica.   LAS MINAS GERAIS DEL SIGLO XVIII: IDENTIDAD NACIONAL Y FORMACIÓN TERRITORIAL BAJO LA MIRADA DE CLÁUDIO MANUEL DA COSTA Resumen Este trabajo, el resultado de la tesis de Maestría, pretende rescatar y entender la forma en la que demandó la construcción de la identidad nacional y la formación territorial de Brasil en el contexto de las Minas Gerais del siglo XVIII, se buscó, esta vez, lo hacen a la luz de las obras literarias de poetas de la Inconfidência Mineira. En este sentido, el trabajo de Vila Rica de Cláudio Manuel da Costa desempeña el papel de la combinación de Geografía y Literatura para facilitar el diálogo entre las expresiones artísticas del poeta y los componentes espaciales y temporales que componían la sociedad minera del siglo XVIII. Para lograr el objetivo propuesto, que era esencial para analizar algunos elementos, tales como el concepto de zona de influencia y su condición de ocupación y aislamiento para el período, directamente relacionada con el desarrollo y la decadencia de la "fiebre del oro", además de la formación de que la sociedad y el establecimiento de una "identidad nacional", responsable del diseño de Minas Gerais, la posibilidad de componer una nación independiente de Portugal. De este modo, la trama literaria ha observado que la comprensión intelectual de Cláudio Manuel da Costa acerca de aquél espacio y el tiempo. Su visión del mundo se refleja en las líneas del texto literario, que revela las percepciones, opiniones y posiciones diferentes sobre esa realidad, los aspectos fundamentales del proceso de construcción de la nacionalidad y territorialidad brasileñas. Palabras clave: Geografía; Literatura; Vila Rica.

Núria Soriano Muñoz

RESUMENEste artículo analiza la obra del jurista madrileño José de Olmeda y León (1740-1805). Sus aportaciones, analizadas por la historiografía desde el punto de vista del derecho, se interpretan como contribución a la construcción del imaginario nacional y la configuración de una memoria cultural de España. El magistrado —colegial mayor de Salamanca, oficial de la Audiencia de Sevilla desde 1778 y miembro de la Real Sociedad de Madrid desde 1779— dedicó su vida a la escritura de traducciones y tratados, siendo los «Elementos del derecho público» (1771) su publicación más célebre. Tras realizar un repaso por su trayectoria biográfica y situar su escritura en el debate sobre los «caracteres nacionales» y la defensa de España, mi objetivo es analizar cómo el autor percibe el pasado y fija su valor como reconocimiento identitario. Su aportación individual, vinculada otros textos —como el de José de Cadalso— permite comprender la complejidad de las diversas perspectivas que integran el movimiento apologético y crítico de España en la segunda mitad del siglo.PALABRAS CLAVEJosé de Olmeda y León, nación, pasado, memoria cultural, representaciones, identidad nacional. TITLEFor the good of the fatherland: The work of magistrate José Olmeda y León (1740-1805) and his perception of SpainABSTRACTThis article analyzes the work of the jurist José Olmeda y León (1740-1805). The magistrate —official of the Audience of Seville since 1778 and member of the Royal Society of Madrid since 1779— dedicated his life to the writing of translations and treaties, being «Elementos del derecho público» (1771) its publication most celebrated. His contributions, mainly analyzed by historiography from the point of view of law, are interpreted as a contribution to the construction of the national imaginary and the configuration of a shared cultural memory. After reviewing his biographical trajectory and contextualizing his writing, my objective is to analyze how the author perceives the past and fixes its value as an identity recognition. His individual contribution, linked to other texts, such as that of his colleague José de Cadalso, allows us to understand the complexity and breadth of the diverse perspectives that make up the apologetic movement of the second half of the 18th century.KEY WORDSJosé de Olmeda y León, nation, past, cultural memory, representations, national identity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
pp. 100
Hernan Cuevas Valenzuela

<p><em></em>Este artículo presenta un análisis del mural titulado Memoria Visual de una Nación (MVN), y en particular de su panel Los Conflictos, del reconocido artista chileno Mario Toral. Este análisis aplica algunos de los conceptos claves de la teoría del discurso post-fundacional y post-marxista (TDPP) de Ernesto Laclau e intenta probar su utilidad para el análisis cultural.  La representación de acontecimientos divisivos en MVN plantea las siguientes preguntas: ¿por qué Toral incluye temas conflictivos en un mural que representa la identidad nacional y memoria? Y, ¿cómo enfrentó Toral el problema de representar la identidad nacional ante una historia traumática? El artículo primero se ocupa de la interconexión entre la producción de significado y el contexto político y social, y aborda luego la tensión entre la producción cultural y política hegemónica.</p><p>Palabras clave: cultural studies, teoría del discurso, identidad, sociedad dividida /trauma, politica chilena, Ernesto Laclau, Mario Toral.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><em>Dislocations, discursive hegemonization and identity, A reading of</em> Memoria Visual de una Nación <em>from the view point of postmarxism of Laclau and Mouffe</em> </p><p><em>This article presents an analysis of the mural entitled Memoria Visual de una Nación (Visual Memory of a Nation) with a focus on its panel Los Conflictos (The Conflicts), by the renowned Chilean artist Mario Toral. This analysis applies some of the key concepts of Ernesto Laclau’s post-fundaitional and post-marxist discourse theory to a Cultural Studies problematic. The representation of divisive events in MVN raises the following questions: Why did Toral include conflictive issues in a mural representing national identity and memory? And, how did Toral deal with national identity and its demand for unity when faced with a divisive and traumatic history? The article deals first with the interconnectedness of meaning-making, social, and political context and then addresses the tension between the realm of cultural production and hegemonic politics. </em><br /><em></em></p><p><em>Keywords: cultural studies, discourse theory, identity, divided society/trauma, politics, Ernesto Laclau, Mario Toral.</em></p><p> </p>

Francisco Erice Sebares

This article examines the relevance of the concept of national memory and its limits, defending the convenience of using an idea of collective memory which includes nations, these understood as specific communities of memory. It also analyses some key mechanisms in the diffusion by the States of a narrative on the past that is linked to the construction of national identity and legitimation of politics in the present. This diffusion is regarded as in a usually conflictive interaction with memories of groups or smaller collectives, as well as with other national communities.Key WordsCollective memory, communities of memory, national memory, teaching of history, commemorations, national identityResumenEste artículo se interroga sobre la pertinencia del concepto de memoria nacional y los límites de su aplicación, y defiende la utilidad de una noción de memoria colectiva extensible a las naciones entendidas como especificas comunidades de memoria. También analiza a algunos mecanismos claves en la difusión, desde los Estados, de un relato sobre el pasado ligado a la construcción de la identidad nacional y la legitimación de las políticas del presente. La difusión de la memoria nacional se entiende en interacción, generalmente conflictiva, con las memorias de grupos y entidades menores, o con las de otras comunidades nacionales.Palabras claveMemoria colectiva, comunidades de memoria, memoria nacional, enseñanza de la historia, conmemoraciones, identidad nacional. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
pp. 30-57
Luis Fernando Tosta Barbato

O que pretendemos neste artigo é mostrar como os trópicos foram tratados pelos membros do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro de maneira a configurarem como elemento positivo, e assim, integrar-se como uma das bases da construção da identidade nacional brasileira. A partir da análise dos artigos publicados nas revistas do IHGB do século XIX, poderemos observar como o clima tropical, mesmo sendo objeto de detração na Europa, foi ressaltado como elemento capaz de despertar o orgulho nacional brasileiro. Palavras-chave: Clima Tropical; IHGB; Historiografia.   THE IHGB AND TROPICAL NOTION OF BRAZIL: the search for the "Alegres Trópicos" Abstract Our intention in this article is to show how the tropics have been treated by members of the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro in order to be configured as a positive element, and thus be integrated as one of the bases of the construction of Brazilian national identity. From the analysis of articles published in journals from IHGB the nineteenth century, we can observe how the tropical climate, even though detraction object in Europe, was highlighted as an element capable of awakening the Brazilian national pride. Keywords: Tropical Climate; IHGB; Historiography.   EL IHGB Y LA NOCIÓN TROPICAL DE BRASIL: la búsqueda por los "Alegres Trópicos" Resumen Nuestra intención en este artículo es mostrar cómo los trópicos han sido tratados por los miembros del Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, con el fin de ser tratado como un elemento positivo, y por lo tanto, ser integrado como una de las bases de la construcción de la identidad nacional brasileña. A partir del análisis de los artículos publicados en las revistas del IHGB el siglo XIX, podemos observar cómo el clima tropical, a pesar de la detracción en Europa, se destacó como un elemento capaz de despertar el orgullo nacional brasileño. Palabras-clave: Clima Tropical; IHGB; Historiografía. 

James J. Coleman

At a time when the Union between Scotland and England is once again under the spotlight, Remembering the Past in Nineteenth-Century Scotland examines the way in which Scotland’s national heroes were once remembered as champions of both Scottish and British patriotism. Whereas 19th-century Scotland is popularly depicted as a mire of sentimental Jacobitism and kow-towing unionism, this book shows how Scotland’s national heroes were once the embodiment of a consistent, expressive and robust view of Scottish nationality. Whether celebrating the legacy of William Wallace and Robert Bruce, the reformer John Knox, the Covenanters, 19th-century Scots rooted their national heroes in a Presbyterian and unionist view of Scotland’s past. Examined through the prism of commemoration, this book uncovers collective memories of Scotland’s past entirely opposed to 21st-century assumptions of medieval proto-nationalism and Calvinist misery. Detailed studies of 19th-century commemoration of Scotland’s national heroes Uncovers an all but forgotten interpretation of these ‘great Scots’ Shines a new light on the mindset of nineteenth-century Scottish national identity as being comfortably Scottish and British Overturns the prevailing view of Victorian Scottishness as parochial, sentimental tartanry

2014 ◽  
Vol 2013 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-14 ◽  
Kalerante Evagelia

AbstractThe present paper is involved with the Pedagogical faculties’ students’ critique on the current educational system as it has been altered after 1981. The research was carried out utilizing both quantitative and qualitative tools. Students-voters participated in the interviews whereas active voters were difficult to be located to meet the research requirements. The dynamics of the specific political party is based on a popular profile in terms of standpoints related to economic, social and political issues. The research findings depict the students’ strong wish for a change of the curricula and a turn towards History and Religion as well as an elevation of the Greek historic events, as the History books that have been written and taught at schools over the past years contributed to the downgrading of the Greek national and cultural identity. There is also a students’ strong belief that globalization and the immigrants’ presence in Greece have functioned in a negative way against the Greek ideal. Therefore, an overall change of the educational content could open the path towards the reconstruction of the moral values and the Greek national identity.

2018 ◽  
pp. 189-208
Patricia Aguirre

El siguiente artículo ejemplifica con tres elementos del servicio de mesa (la olla, la fuente y el plato) las formas características en que se despliega la comensalidad en diferentes sectores de ingresos, sexos y edades, en Argentina. Diferencia las prácticas, los actores y los sentidos ligados al repartir y al compartir, en cada sector, señalando que el reparto es una obligación ligada a las jerarquías mientras que compartir es una elección libre y afectuosa basada en la amistad y la confianza de la cual se espera reciprocidad. Se señala que tal como muestran el asado y el mate en el pasado, se puede compartir tanto con el alimento más prestigioso (la carne asada) como sin comida: en la ronda del mate. Palabras clave: Comensalidad, ingresos, compartir, repartir, representaciones   Abstract Through the pot, the platter and the dish —three objects used at meal times— this article exemplifies typical ways of commensality in Argentina, among groups whose income, sex, and age differ. The article points to the differences between practices, actors, and senses involved in distributing and sharing in each sector. It shows that distribution is an obligation related to hierarchy, whereas sharing is a free, loving decision based on trust and friendship and that reciprocity is expected. As shown by asado and mate in the past, it is possible to share regardless of what is being shared. In the example, asado stands for prestigious meat done on a charcoal grill, whereas the mate circle is not about food. Key words: commensality, income, share, distribute, representations

1996 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Alan Kirkaldy

I would argue that history students should understand that the whole body of historical writing consists of interpretations of the past. They should be able to analyse a wide variety of texts and form their own opinions on a historical topic, and should be able to construct a coherent argument, using evidence to support their opinion. In doing so, they should be actively aware that their argument is no more “true” than that offered by any other historian. It is as much a product of their personal biography and the social formation in which they live as of the evidence used in its construction. Even this evidence is the product of other personal biographies and other social forces.

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