Gabriella Alves Ferreira ◽  
Maria Núbia Barbosa Bonfim

Este estudo enfoca a relação professor/aluno e tem por principal objetivo analisar como se constrói essa relação no cotidiano da sala de aula do Curso de Licenciatura em Letras de uma Universi-dade Federal do Nordeste brasileiro. Insere-se no projeto de pesquisa intitulado “Projeto de Cooperação Acadêmica: Disciplinas da Licenciatura voltadas para o Ensino de Língua Portuguesa”, parceria entre as instituições Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA, Universidade de São Paulo - USP e Universida-de Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte - UERN, tendo a UFMA como proponente e contando com o apoio financeiro da CAPES/Procad – NF – 2008. A referida relação pode ultrapassar a sala de aula e tornar-se um ponto relevante no desenvolvimento do ensino-aprendizagem. O processo metodológico englobou o estudo do referencial teórico, a partir dos estudos realizados por Freire (1996), Gadotti (1999), Zuin (2008), Bonfim (2007;2010;2012), dentre outros. Para realizá-lo, levantamos algumas indagações que se-riam analisadas pela pesquisa: Como a relação professor/aluno afeta o processo ensino-aprendizagem? E com quais consequências? No desenvolvimento metodológico, realizamos observação participante, elaboramos e aplicamos entrevistas semiestruturadas com alunos e professores do 8º período do Curso de Letras no turno matutino 2012.2, assim como fizemos levantamento de perfil junto aos alunos para melhor conhecimento individual dos sujeitos. Para sistematização dos dados, utilizamos a técnica de Aná-lise de Conteúdo proposta por Franco (2005). Esperamos com este trabalho mostrar o quanto a relação professor/aluno ajuda a compreender algumas tessituras no processo ensino-aprendizagem e o quanto esse entendimento se torna importante para a solução de conflitos.Palavras-chave: Relação professor/aluno. Licenciatura. Cotidiano.TEACHER/STUDENT: WHAT RELATION IS THIS?ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the teacher/student relationship and its main objective is to analyze how this relationship is built in daily classroom of the Letters Course at the Federal University in Northeast Brazil. Is part of the research project entitled “Project Academic Cooperation: Disciplines of the Degree ai-med for Teaching Portuguese Language”, partnership between institutions Federal University of Maranhão - UFMA, University of São Paulo - USP and State University of Rio Grande do Norte - UERN, having UFMA as proposer and with the financial support of CAPES/Procad - NF - 2008. That relationship can overcome the classroom and become an important point in the development of teaching and learning. The methodo-logical process involved the study of the theoretical framework, based on studies by Freire (1996), Gadotti (1999), Zuin (2008), Bonfim (2007, 2010, 2012) among others. To accomplish it, we raise some questions that would be covered by the survey: As a teacher/student relationship affects the process of teaching and learning? And with what consequences? Methodological development, we conducted participant observa-tion, elaborated and applied semi-structured interviews with students and teachers from 8th period course on literature in 2012.2 morning shift, as did raising profile with students to better knowledge of individual subjects. To systematize the data, we used the technique of content analysis proposed by Franco (2005).We expect this work to show how the relationship teacher/student help understand some tessitura in the teaching- learning process and how this understanding becomes important for conflict resolution.KEYWORDS: Teacher/student relationship. Teaching. Daily.PROFESOR/ESTUDIANTE: ¿QUÉ RELACIÓN ES ÉSTA?RESUMEN: Este estudio se centra en la relación profesor/alumno y su principal objetivo es analizar cómo es construida esta relación en el curso de Licenciatura en Letras de la Universidade Federal do Mara-nhão. Este trabajo hace parte del proyecto de investigación intitulado “Projeto de Cooperação Acadêmica: Disciplinas da Licenciatura voltadas para o Ensino de Língua Portuguesa”, en colaboración con la Univer-sidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA, Universidade de São Paulo – USP, y la Universidade Estadual de Rio Grande do Norte - UERN , teniendo UFMA como proponente, y con el apoyo financiero de la CAPES / Procad - NF - 2008. La referida relación puede ir más allá del salón de clases, llegando a ser un punto importante en el desarrollo de la enseñanza y del aprendizaje. El proceso metodológico está basado en los estudios realizados por Freire (1996), Gadotti (1999), Zuin (2008), Bonfim (2007, 2010, 2012), entre otros. Para lograrlo, planteamos algunas preguntas analizadas por la referida investigación: ¿Cómo la relación profesor /alumno afecta el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje? ¿Y con qué consecuencias? En el desarrollo metodológico, realizamos una observación participante, donde construimos y aplicamos entrevistas semi-estructuradas con los estudiantes y profesores del octavo período del curso de Letras en 2012.2, en el turno de la mañana; además, hicimos un levantamiento que permitió un mejor conocimiento de los sujetos individuales. Para sistematizar los datos, utilizamos la técnica de Análisis de Contenido propuesto por Franco (2005). Esperamos con este trabajo mostrar cómo la relación profesor/alumno ayu-da a entender algunos tesituras en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y cómo este conocimiento se convierte importante para la resolución de conflictos.PALABRAS CLAVE: Relación profesor/alumno. Licenciatura. Cotidiano.

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Marcos Vinicius Francisco ◽  
Camélia Santina Murgo

 Desenvolveu-se esta pesquisa em uma escola de Ensino Fundamental e Médio de uma cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo. Assumiu-se como objetivo analisar o papel da educação escolar na vida de um adolescente autor de ato infracional que cumpriu medida socioeducativa de internação. Neste estudo de caso, assumiu-se como referencial a Teoria Histórico-Cultural que tem como base epistemológica o Materialismo Histórico-Dialético. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com o adolescente, análise de seu desempenho escolar e grupos focais com seus professores e a coordenadora da escola. No que tange à inserção escolar do adolescente, constatou-se um movimento de ambivalência com relação às instituições por onde ele passou. Nesse processo, reconhece-se a importância da escola atual, que ao recebê-lo, após o período de internação adotou uma postura de acolhida, assumindo a dimensão afetiva como central na relação professor-aluno. A dinâmica institucional foi positiva ao fazer com que o adolescente se sentisse confiante e percebesse a necessidade de terminar os estudos, almejando obter futura inserção profissional e o ingresso na universidade.Palavras-chave: Ato infracional. Educação escolar. Adolescente.THE EDUCATION ROLE IN THE LIFE OF A TEENAGER WHO IS AUTHOR OF AN INFRACTIONAL ACT: a case studyAbstract: This research was developed in an elementary and high education school in a country town of São Paulo State. It is assumed as objective to analyze the role of school education in the life of a teenager who has committed an infractional act and has fulfilled the socio-educational measure of internment. In this case study, it was assumed as reference the Historical-Cultural Theory whose epistemological basis is the Historical-Dialectical Materialism. Were carried out semi-structured interviews with the teen, analysis of his school performance and focus groups with his teachers and the school coordinator. Regarding the school insertion of the adolescent, it was found an ambivalence movement in relation to the institutions where he went. In this process, it is recognized the importance of the current school, which when received him after the internment period, adopted an attitude of welcome, assuming the affective dimension as central in the teacher-student relationship. The institutional dynamic was positive by making the teen feel confident and realize the need to finish school, aiming to obtain future occupational integration and entry into the university.Keywords: Infractional Act. Scholar education. Teenager. EL PAPEL DE LA EDUCACIÓN EN LA VIDA DE UN ADOLESCENTE QUE COMETE UNA INFRACCIÓN: un estudio de casoResumen: Esta investigación se desarrolló en una escuela de primaria y secundaria en una ciudad en el estado de Sao Paulo. Se asume como objetivo analizar el papel de la educación en la vida de un adolescente que cometió un acto de infracción y que ha cumplido medida socioeducativa de internamiento. En este estudio de caso, se asumió como referencia la Teoría Histórico-Cultural cuya base epistemológico es el Materialismo Histórico y Dialéctico. Hubo entrevistas semiestructuradas con el adolescente, el análisis del rendimiento escolar y grupos de discusión con sus profesores y el coordinador de la escuela. Com respecto a la inserción escolar de lo adolescente, se observó un movimiento de ambivalencia con relación a las instituciones donde estudió. En el proceso, se reconoce la importancia de la escuela actual, en recibirlo después del período de internamiento; la escuela adoptó una actitud de bienvenida, teniendo la dimensión afectiva como elemento central de la relación profesor-alumno. La dinámica institucional fue positiva, el adolescente ha sentido confianza a darse cuenta de la necesidad de terminar la escuela, con el objetivo de obtener una futura integración profesional además de la entrada en la universidad.Palabras clave: Ley infracional. Educación escolar. Adolescente.     

Aparecido dos Santos

O objetivo do presente estudo é o de identificar possíveis indícios de aprendizagem docente em um processo formativo com dimensões colaborativas. O processo de formação se pautou em dois pilares: na reflexão sobre o ensino e aprendizagem das estruturas multiplicativas e nas estratégias formativas empreendidas para o seu desenvolvimento (ação-reflexão-ação) a partir da análise da prática docente. O estudo foi realizado com um grupo de 14 professoras, atuantes nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola pública na cidade de São Paulo. Os resultados apontam que, para além, da ação e reflexão sobre a prática, que permitiu proceder análises conceituais, didáticas e cognitivas que, em última análise, qualificaram o repertório teórico-prático para o ensino das estruturas multiplicativas, foi possível identificar nos relatos descritos pelas participantes, na avaliação final do processo formativo, elementos que, a meu ver, foram potencilizadores e indicaram indícios da aprendizagem docente. Essa aprendizagem, na voz das professoras, se deu na interface de quatro dimensões: (a) na relação professor- aluno, (b) na relação professor-professor- formadores, (c) na relação teoria e prática, e (d) na reflexão sobre a prática pedagógica.Palavras-chave: Processo Formativo. Aprendizagem Docente. Reflexão. Prática. AbstractThe objective of the present study is to identify possible evidence of teacher learning in a formative process with collaborative dimensions. The formation process was based on two pillars: reflection on the teaching and learning of multiplicative structures and the formative strategies undertaken for its development (action-reflection-action) from the analysis of teaching practice. The study was performed with a group of 14 teachers, active in the initial years of Elementary School, of a public school in the city of São Paulo. The results show that, in addition to the action and reflection on the practice, which allowed us to proceed with conceptual, didactic and cognitive analyzes that ultimately qualified the theoretical-practical repertoire for the teaching of multiplicative structures, it was possible to identify in the described narratives by the participants, in the final evaluation of the formative process, elements that, in my view, were definitive and indicated indications of teacher learning. This learning, in the teachers’ voice, took place in the four-dimensional interface: (a) in the teacher-student relationship, (b) in the teacher-teacher-formers relationship, (c) in the relation theory and practice, and (d) reflection on pedagogical practice.Keywords: Formative Process. Teacher Learning. Reflection. Practice

Inaya Jaafar ◽  
Aubrey Statti ◽  
Kelly M. Torres

Using an interpretative phenomenological analysis, this research explored how technology affects the teacher-student relationship in the middle school classroom, and in addition, investigated the middle school teachers' perceptions of the teacher-student relationship when the technology was integrated. This chapter reports on data collected from 16 middle school teachers in Grades 6, 7, and 8 within one school district in northern New Jersey. The data sources included one-to-one semi-structured interviews and a focus group consisting of 10 out of the 16 middle school teachers from the various core subjects (English language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science). The data were analyzed by coding and generating themes in a qualitative approach as recommended in an interpretative phenomenological analysis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1156
Maria de Lourdes Da Silva Neta ◽  
Antonio Germano Magalhães Junior ◽  
Marcos James Chaves Bessa

The evaluation enables making decision by monitoring educational actions, pointing out the progress of students, as well as highlighting the gaps in teaching and learning, providing information for teachers, managers and students, giving opportunities for further training in higher education. With this, the research starts from the following question: how did the evaluative practices of the teachers in the Degree in History? The object of the research was based on evaluative practices in higher education, specifically in two undergraduate courses. The objective was to understand the evaluation practices in undergraduate courses in History, to conceptualize evaluation of teaching and learning and to describe the evaluation practices carried out by the coordinators. The research, of bibliographical and field character, has used the studies of Cavalcante and Mello (2015), Moraes (2014), Tardif (2008), Viana (2012) and others. The methodology of qualitative approach was developed through semi-structured interviews with the managers. The managers' revelations evidenced that the evaluation was carried out by the teachers, autonomously, without the assistance of the Coordination, being no longer characterized as didactic-pedagogical subsidy to foster improvements in teaching and learning in teacher training courses, reducing to measurement conception focused on the application of instruments, on the quantification of learning and without the conception of measurement focused on the application of instruments, the quantification of learning and without feedback students.Resumo A avaliação possibilita a tomada de decisão promovendo o acompanhamento das ações de ensino, apontando o progresso dos discentes, assim como releva as lacunas no ensino e aprendizagem, fornecendo informações para os docentes, gestores e estudantes, dando ensejo ao aperfeiçoamento formativo no ensino superior. Com isso a pesquisa parte do seguinte questionamento: como se desenvolveram as práticas avaliativas dos professores nos cursos de licenciatura em História? O objeto da investigação aportou-se nas práticas avaliativas no ensino superior, de modo específico, em dois cursos de licenciatura. Objetivou-se compreender as práticas avaliativas nos cursos de licenciatura em História, conceituar avaliação do ensino e da aprendizagem e descrever as práticas avaliativas pautadas pelos coordenadores. A pesquisa, de caráter bibliográfico e de campo recorreu aos estudos de Cavalcante e Mello (2015), Moraes (2014), Tardif (2008), Viana (2012), dentre outros. A metodologia de abordagem qualitativa foi desenvolvida mediante entrevistas semiestruturadas com os gestores. As revelações dos gestores evidenciaram que avaliação era realizada pelos docentes, de modo autônomo, sem o auxílio das Coordenações, deixando de ser caracterizada como subsídio didático-pedagógico para fomentar melhorias no ensino e aprendizagem nos cursos de formação de professores, reduzindo-se a concepção de medida centrada na aplicação de instrumentos, na quantificação das aprendizagens e sem feedback aos estudantes. Resumen La evaluación posibilita la toma de decisiones promoviendo el acompañamiento de las acciones de enseñanza, apuntando el progreso de los alumnos, así como releva las lagunas en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje, proporcionando informaciones para los docentes, gestores y estudiantes, dando lugar al perfeccionamiento formativo en la enseñanza superior. Con ello la investigación parte del siguiente cuestionamiento: cómo se desarrollaron las prácticas de evaluación de los profesores en los cursos de licenciatura en Historia? El objeto de la investigación se aportó en las prácticas evaluativas en la enseñanza superior, de modo específico, en dos cursos de grado. Se objetivó comprender las prácticas evaluativas en los cursos de licenciatura en Historia, conceptuar la evaluación de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje y describir las prácticas de evaluación realizadas por los coordinadores. La investigación, de carácter bibliográfico y de campo recurrió a los estudios de Cavalcante y Mello (2015), Moraes (2014), Tardif (2008), Viana (2012) y otros. La metodología de abordaje cualitativo fue desarrollada mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas con los gestores. Las revelaciones de los gestores evidenciaron que la evaluación era realizada por los docentes, de modo autónomo, sin el auxilio de las Coordinaciones, dejando de ser caracterizada como subsidio didáctico-pedagógico para fomentar las mejoras en la enseñanza y aprendizaje en los cursos de formación de profesores, reduciéndose concepción de medida centrada en la aplicación de instrumentos, en la cuantificación de los aprendizajes y sin retroalimentación estudiantes.Keywords: Teaching-learning assessment, Teacher education, Managers.Palavras-chave: Práticas avaliativas, Ensino e aprendizagem, Formação docente, Gestores.Palabras claves: Enseñanza-aprendizaje, Evaluación, Formación docente, Administradores.ReferencesBOGDAN, R. C.; BIKLEN, S. K. Investigação qualitativa em educação: uma introdução à teoria e aos métodos. Tradução Maria João Alvarez. Porto: Porto, 1994.CAVALCANTE, L. P. F.; MELLO M. A. Avaliação da aprendizagem no ensino de graduação em Saúde: concepções, intencionalidades, reflexões. Avaliação, Campinas; Sorocaba, SP, v. 20, n. 2, p. 423-442, jul. 2015.FONSECA, S. G. Didática e prática de ensino de História: experiências, reflexões e aprendizados. Campinas, SP: Papirus, 2003.  LUCKESI, C. C. Avaliação da aprendizagem escolar. São Paulo: Cortez, 2008.MINAYO, M. C. de S. O desafio da pesquisa social. In: ___________. Pesquisa social: teoria, método e criatividade. 30 ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2011.MORAES, D. A. F. de. Prova: instrumento avaliativo a serviço da regulação do ensino e da aprendizagem. Est. Aval. Educ., São Paulo, v. 22, n. 49, p. 233-258, maio/ago. 2014.MOREIRA, S. M.; RANGEL. M. A correção como processo avaliativo: diferentes percepções em diálogo.  Est. Aval. Educ., São Paulo, v. 26, n. 62, p. 520-540, maio/ago. 2015.POLTRONIERI, H.;  CALDERÓN, A. I. Avaliação da aprendizagem na educação superior: a produção científica da revista Estudos em Avaliação Educacional em questão. Avaliação, Campinas; Sorocaba, SP, v. 20, n. 2, p. 467-487, jul. 2015.SILVA NETA, M. de L.; MAGALHÃES JUNIOR. A. G. Práticas avaliativas na formação docente: teoria e prática.  Horizontes, v. 35, n. 2, p. 38-48, mai./ago. 2017.TARDIF, M. Saberes docentes e formação profissional. 9 ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2008.VIANA, C. M. Q. Q. Reflexões sobre avaliação da aprendizagem na visão de alunos de graduação. In: D’ÁVILA, C. M.; VEIGA, I. P. A. (org.). Didática e docência na educação superior: implicações para a formação de professores. Campinas: Papirus, 2012, p. 61-82. VILLAS BOAS, B. M. de. Portfólio, avaliação e trabalho pedagógico. Campinas: Papirus, 2004. WERLE, F. O. C. Avaliação em larga escala: foco na escola. Brasília: Liber Livros, 2010.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-168
Kazi Taslima ◽  
Md Humayun Kabir Talukder

Introduction: Teacher-student relationship is very important element in education to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning process. There are multiple factors affecting this relation. If we analyze these factors and take measures to improve these, there will be better relation; and teaching learning will be improved. Materials & Methods: This descriptive type of cross-sectional study was carried out in obstetrics and gynaecology department of selected medical colleges of Bangladesh. Five government & three non-government medical colleges were selected purposively situated both in Dhaka and outside during the period of July 2017 to June 2018. Total 170 students and 30 teachers were responded through self-administered semi-structured questionnaire with five points Likert scale. 20 teachers were responded through in-depth interview schedule. Quantitative data analyzed by SPSS version 19. Qualitative data analyzed manually. Results: Study revealed that multiple factors were related to the relation among medical teachers and students. Mutual respect, empathy, Good listening skill, mutual respect, sharing expectation, self-disclosure, awareness about own role are the most important influencing factors in this relation (mean score >4). Use of drugs/tobacco, speech difficulty, love affair of students, negatively affect communication. Study also revealed barriers of relation fear and shyness, language barrier and discrimination of students by the teachers. Friendly relationship, open minded behavior, student- teachers cooperation, open discussion, morality and religious practice, motivation of by teachers, understanding each other’s, avoidance of student’s politics, responsibility of students & teachers, teachers training with reduced workload have great impact on removing these barriers. Conclusion: Addressing these issues at all possible levels, proper measures should be taken to improve relation among teachers and students; so that teaching learning process can be enhanced and ultimate goal of medical education can be achieved. Medicine Today 2021 Vol.33(2): 165-168

2021 ◽  
pp. 669-675
Ren Lingling

The modernization of industry is inseparable from the development of English teaching.Under the background of "Internet plus", constructing an ecological mode of College English teaching has become an effective way to promote the reform of College English teaching. Based on the analysis of the imbalance of the function of the Internet plus teaching structure, the imbalance between the coordination functions of the ecological subjects, the imbalance between the ecological subjects and the Internet information technology, this paper puts forward the concept of improving the information literacy of the teaching subject and innovating the "teaching and learning". This paper expounds the idea of creating a network ecological teaching environment and giving full play to teachers' guiding role. At the same time, this paper constructs a multi-dimensional interactive ecological classroom, harmonious teacher-student relationship and other specific strategies to build an ecological model of College English teaching, in order to play the role of ecological subject and improve the effect of College English teaching.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 779-797 ◽  
Haijun Kang ◽  
Bo Chang

There is a lack of shared understanding of how culture impacts learning in online environment. Utilizing document analysis, the authors in this research study culture’s impact on the learning behaviors of student sojourners from Confucius culture studying in Western online learning context. The shared understandings of Confucius culture and Western culture are compared, contrasted, and synthesized through Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory. The learning behaviors of student sojourners from Confucius culture are examined from the following three dimensions: teacher-student relationship, curriculum development, and teaching and learning pedagogy. Practical implications of the findings are discussed.

10.28945/2329 ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 273-289 ◽  
Alona Forkosh Baruch ◽  
Arnon Hershkovitz ◽  
Rebecca P. Ang

Teacher-student relationships are vital for academic and social development of students, for teachers’ professional and personal development, and for having a supportive learning environment. In the digital age, these relationships can extend beyond bricks and mortar and beyond school hours. Specifically, these relationships are extended today while teachers and students communicate via social networking sites (SNS). This paper characterizes differences between teachers (N=160) and students (N=587) who are willing to connect with their students/teachers via Facebook and those who do not wish to connect. The quantitative research reported here within is based on data collection of personal characteristics, attitudes towards Facebook, and perceptions of teacher-student relationship. Findings suggest differences in characteristics of the two groups (willing to connect vs. not willing to connect) within both populations (teachers and students). Also, in both populations, those who were willing to connect, compared to those who were not willing to connect, present more positive attitudes towards using Facebook for teaching/learning and are more opposed to a banning policy of student-teacher SNS-based communication. We also found that students who were willing to connect showed a greater degree of closeness with their teachers compared to those who were not willing to connect. This study may assist policymakers when setting up regulations regarding teacher-student communication via social networking sites.

EAD em FOCO ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Cezar Fonseca ◽  
Catarina Costa Fernandes

O presente artigo visa analisar, na perspectiva dos alunos dos cursos deServiços Públicos e Administração, ambos na modalidade EaD, do Instituto Federal do Paraná: IFPR/Campus Foz do Iguaçu, quais as principais divergências e convergências quanto a estrutura pedagógica, metodologia de ensino, relação professor-aluno e avaliação do ensino-aprendizagem que existem entre a modalidade ensino a distância frente à modalidade presencial. Os alunos realizaram um comparativo entre as modalidades, por meio de suas experiências vividas na modalidade presencial em estudos anteriores. Também se verificaram, a partir dessa perspectiva, as desvantagens e vantagens que impactam o desenvolvimento da modalidade na visão do aluno, com quesitos de dificuldades encontradas. O estudo apontou que há 75%, 67%, 69% e 53% de convergência para estrutura pedagógica, metodologia de ensino, relação professor-aluno e ensino-aprendizagem, respectivamente.Palavras-chave: Educação a Distância, Educação presencial, Perspectiva do aluno EaD. Face-to- face Versus EaD: Perspectives of Students in Public Service Courses and AdministrationAbstractThe present article aims to analyze, from the perspective of the students ofthe Public Service and Administration courses, both in the EaD (Distance Learning) modality of the Federal Institute of Paraná - IFPR/Foz do Iguaçu Campus, what the main divergences and convergences are regarding pedagogical structure, teaching methodology, teacher-student relationship and teaching-learning evaluation that exist between modality of distance learning versus face-to- face modality. The students have made a comparison between the modalities, through their experiences lived in the classroom mode in previous studies. It has been also observed, from this perspective, the disadvantages and advantages that have impacted on the development of the modality in the student's vision, with problems encountered. Thestudy has pointed out that there are 75, 67, 69 and 53% convergence for,pedagogical structure, teaching methodology, teacher-student relationship andteaching-learning respectively.Keywords: Distance learning, Face-to- face education, EaD (Distance Learning)student perspective.

2016 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 382-391 ◽  

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the method of training and continuing education of 18 surgeons in 2014, and 28 surgeons in 2015, in the Holy Homes of Ribeirao Preto, Araraquara, Franca and San Carlos of São Paulo, in the performance of Lichtenstein inguinal herniorrhaphy, tutored by the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the São Paulo Holy Home and the organization HERNIA HELP - "Hernia Repair for the Underserved". Methods: the training was tutored and systematized through an active methodology of teaching and learning, aiming to offer competence, skills and attitudes, measured by a previously validated Qualification Form, qualifying leaders in trainees' improvement. Results: in 2014 the outcomes were: the difficulty of the case, direction, incision, dissection, mesh preparation, mesh cutting, mesh setting, closing, instruments, respect to tissues, flow, time and motion, and performance, all presented change in the general rating (p=0.000002); there was greater confidence in the execution of the procedure in 80% of trainees, considered "very valuable" in 93.3% of the interventions. In 2015, 28 surgeons were trained by ten surgeons previously qualified in 2014. The nerve identification rate, a relevant time the Lichtenstein technique, was 95.5% for the Iliohypogastric, 98.5% for the ilioinguinal and 89.4% for the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve. Conclusion: the applied teaching method is possible, reproducible, reliable and valid. The joint efforts offer enormous opportunity of directed education, reaching underserved populations, revealing the great teacher-student social responsibility.

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