scholarly journals Expansão da educação superior para o semiárido: Um debate necessário

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 334
Wagner Pires da Silva ◽  
Erlene Pereira Barbosa

A partir do primeiro governo Lula iniciou-se uma política pública de expansão da Educação Superior, com ampliação de vagas e criação de novas universidades e campi em regiões que tinham pouca presença de instituições desse nível de ensino. Essa expansão efetuou-se tanto por meio de instituições públicas, quanto por privadas, evidenciando-se dois modelos de educação superior, um notadamente mercantilista, e o outro, mesmo com suas contradições e recebendo pressões externas para que se aproxime mais do outro modelo, que se volta ao serviço à sociedade brasileira. Este trabalho procura registrar este momento da Universidade Brasileira, tomando por base o sul do Ceará, onde está instalada a Universidade Federal do Cariri, instituição criada por essa política de expansão. O trabalho fundamentou-se em uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema e na coleta de dados quantitativos do território. Sobre o material coletado foi realizada uma abordagem na perspectiva crítica, embasado na teoria marxista, para apontar as contradições dessa expansão e os pontos positivos da mesma. Os resultados do estudo apontam para a necessidade de um modelo diferenciado de Ensino Superior, que responda as demandas do Semiárido, embora o sistema capitalista exerça cada vez maior pressão para que o Ensino Superior se padronize de acordo com o projeto do capital para o território.Palavras-chave: Educação Superior. Políticas públicas. Financiamento. Fundo público.Expansion of higher education for the semiarid: a necessaryABSTRACTFrom the first Lula government onwards, a public policy of expansion of Higher Education began, with expansion of vacancies, creation of new universities and campuses in regions that had little presence of institutions of this level of education. This expansion took place both through public and private institutions, with two models of higher education, one notably mercantilist, and the other, even with its contradictions and receiving external pressures to get closer to the other model, which returns to service to Brazilian society. This work seeks to record this moment of the Brazilian University, based on the south of Ceará, where the Federal University of Cariri is located, an institution created by this expansion policy. The work was based on a literature review on the topic, and the collection of quantitative data from the territory. A critical approach was taken on the material collected, based on the Marxist theory, to point out the contradictions of this expansion and the positive points of it. The results of the study point to the need for a differentiated model of Higher Education, which responds to the demands of the Semiarid Region, although the capitalist system exerts increasing pressure for Higher Education to standardize according to the capital project for the territory.Keywords: Higher Education. Public policy. Financing. Public background.Expansión de la enseñanza superior para el semiárido: Un debate necesarioRESUMENDesde el primer gobierno Lula se inició una política pública de expansión de la Enseñanza Superior, con la ampliación de plazas, creación de nuevas universidades y campi en regiones donde había poca presencia de instituciones de dicho nivel de enseñanza. Esta expansión se efectuó tanto por medio de instituciones públicas como por privadas, evidenciándose dos modelos de enseñanza superior, uno especialmente mercantilista mientras que el otro con sus contradicciones y recibiendo presiones externas para que se acerque más del otro modelo se vuelve al servicio de la sociedad brasileña. Este trabajo busca registrar este momento de la Universidad Brasileña, tomando por base el sur de Ceará, donde está ubicada la Universidad Federal do Cariri, institución creada por dicha política de expansión. Basándose en una revisión bibliográfica sobre el tema y la recogida de datos cuantitativos del territorio. Sobre el material recogido fue realizado un abordaje en la perspectiva crítica, basado en la teoría marxista, para señalar las contradicciones de dicha expansión y sus puntos positivos. Los resultados del estudio evidencian la necesidad de un modelo diferenciado de Enseñanza Superior, que conteste a las demandas del Semiárido, aunque el sistema capitalista ejerza cada vez mayor presión para que la Enseñanza Superior se estandarice de acuerdo con el proyecto del capital para el territorio.Palabras clave: Enseñanza Superior. Políticas públicas. Financiación. Fondo público.

Valdemar Sguissardi

No âmbito do processo de modernização neoliberal que afeta todas as instâncias do Estado e da sociedade brasileira hoje, destaca-se o movimento de avaliação do ensino superior. Este artigo objetiva, por um lado, recuperar as origens, as motivações e a identidade desse movimento e, por outro, estabelecer alguns parâmetros para o exame crítico das diferentes propostas de avaliação desse nível de ensino, encaminhadas por instituições públicas e privadas e outras entidades ou organizações sociais. Concluindo, o autor propõe aos pesquisadores da área (ensino superior) uma pauta de pontos da temática da avaliação do ensino superior que, problematizados, poderiam tornar-se objetos de futuros estudos e pesquisas. Abstract Within the process of new-liberal modernization, which affects all levels of Brazilian society and government today, the movement related to the assessment of higher education is noteworthy. This article aims, on one hand, to retrieve the origins, motivations and the identity of this movement and, on the other hand, to establish some parameters for the critical examination of the different higher education assessment proposals presented by public and private institutions or others socials organizations. Concluding, the author suggests discussion topics related to the assessment of higher education for reserchers in the area, themes which, if analized and questioned, could become objects of future study and research. Résumé L'évaluation de l'enseignement supérieur est un mouvement qui gagne, à chaque jour, une place plus importante à l'intérieur du processus de modernisation néo-libérale, qui affecte toutes les instances de l'État et de la société brésilienne d'aujourd'hui. Cet article vise, d'un côté, à la récupération des origines, des motivations et de l'identité de ce mouvement et, de l'autre côté, à l'établissement de critères pour l'examen critique des différentes propositions d'évaluation de ce niveau d'enseignement faites par des institutions publiques et privées et par d'autres organisations sociales. Pour conclure, l'auteur propose aux chercheurs de ce niveau d'enseignement (enseignement supérieur) un certain nombre de problèmes liés à cette thématique qui pourraient être pris en tant qu 'objets de futures études et recherches. Resumen En el ámbito del proceso de modernización neoliberal, que afecta hoy a todas las instancias del Estado y de la sociedad brasileña, gana relieve el movimiento de evaluación de la enseñanza superior. Este artículo se propone, por una parte, recuperar los orígenes, motivaciones e identidad de ese movimiento y, por otra, establecer algunos parámetros para un examen crítico de las distintas propuestas de evaluación de ese nivel de enseñanza planteadas por instituciones públicas y privadas y otras entidades u organizaciones sociales. Para concluir, el autor propone a los investigadores del área (enseñanza superior) un punteo de tópicos temáticos para la evaluación de la enseñanza superior que, debidamente problematizados, podrían volverse objetos de futuros estudios e investigaciones.

Retos ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 742-747
Jayson Bernate ◽  
Ingrid Fonseca ◽  
Milthon Betancourt

El presente artículo ilustra aspectos de calidad, innovación e inclusión en la educación superior a través del deporte y la actividad física, es una divulgación y experiencia pedagógica didáctica basada en la sistematización, está yace desde la política pública colombiana del Ministerio de Educación Nacional, como respuesta para mejorar los procesos educacionales en la formación superior, la cual se lleva a cabo articulando los procesos de bienestar universitario y se incorporan diferentes programas de aprovechamiento del tiempo libre, desde allí que se consideren aspectos trascendentales de la formación docente hoy por hoy, ya que se busca proporcionar espacios donde se promueve la prevención y promoción de hábitos saludables. Desde las universidades se deben incentivar encuentros con la cultura y el deporte que faciliten el reconocimiento y la promoción de las habilidades; animar el fortalecimiento de la dimensión espiritual del ser humano; inculcar el ánimo por el emprendimiento y buscar alianzas con los sectores públicos y privados interesados en aportar al proyecto de vida personal y profesional de estudiantes y colaboradores, fundamentales para la gestación de seres proactivos y creadores de nuevas ideologías los cuales aporten a la sociedad como actores de un espacio para la socialización e integración de la comunidad colectiva.Abstract. This article illustrates aspects of quality, innovation and inclusion in higher education through sport and physical activity, it is an educational and didactic dissemination and experience based on the systematization of experiences. It is emerging from the Colombian public policy of the Ministry of National Education, as a proposal to improve educational processes in higher education, which is carried out by articulating the processes of university welfare and incorporating different programs to take advantage of free time. From there that transcendental aspects of teacher training are considered today, as it seeks to provide spaces where prevention and promotion of healthy habits are promoted. From the universities, meetings with culture and sports should be encouraged, which facilitate the recognition and promotion of skills. In addition to stimulating the strengthening of the spiritual dimension of the human being, instilling the spirit for entrepreneurship and seeking alliances with the public and private sectors interested in contributing to the project of personal and professional life of students and collaborators. These actors are fundamental for the promotion of proactive beings and creators of new ideologies, which contribute to society in a space for socialization and community integration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-245

AbstractThe application of behavioural insights to public policy has been a success story of recent years, in academia and in the civil service. Alongside this, a parallel group of practitioners has emerged, using the same underlying research to pursue commercial and marketing goals. Although the objectives are mostly different, many of the approaches are similar. This article contrasts public and private sector approaches and highlights lessons each group can learn from the other.

Ciencia Unemi ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 44 ◽  
Alvaro Saenz Andrade

y participación. Estos constan en la Constitución, y en leyes orgánicas, lo que da un marco normativo impulsor del ejercicio democrático. En la aplicación de la política de fortalecimiento de la democracia, se encuentran fuerzas y posiciones provenientes de diversos actores. Se puede observar que entre los activadores de la participación el más importante es el propio Gobierno, acompañado de actores sociales organizados, antiguos y nuevos. Otros actores exigen una participación más radical, por un lado, y terceros desprecian la presencia popular en el Estado. Los medios de comunicación convencionales han sido los principales voceros de esta última posición. En la aplicación de la política de participación, las diversas fuerzas han actuado desarrollando algunos mecanismos, ocultando otros o distorsionando su sentido original. En todo ello se han manifestado las posiciones e intereses de los actores. A pesar de estas tensiones, la política de participación como tal se ha dinamizado y fortalecido. AbstractThe new Ecuadorian institutionality has created a large number of mechanisms of representation, direct democracy and participation. These are contained in the Constitution and organic laws, which gives a regulatory framework that constitutes itself the promoter of the democratic exercise. In the applying of the policy of strengthening of democracy, there are forces and positions from various actors. It can be seen that among the activators of the participation of actors, the government itself is the most important, accompanied by organized, old and new social ones. Others demand a more radical participation on the one hand, and on the other hand another third group despises a popular presence in the state. The conventional communication media have been the main spokesmen of the last group. In the applying of the policy of participation, various forces have acted by developing some mechanisms, hiding others or distorting its original meaning. About all of these, the actors have expressed their positions and interests. Despite these tensions, political participation as such has become dynamic and strengthened.

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
Maria Gorete Ferreira ◽  
Elias Kallás Filho

O estudo discutiu a implementação de políticas públicas que asseguram o direito ao acesso no ensino superior, como meio de inserção na sociedade, buscando responder à seguinte questão: até que ponto o ProUni, como política pública contribui para o acesso ao ensino superior e a formação para a atuação profissional? Mediante o objetivo de conhecer os significados de ser estudante universitário beneficiado pelo ProUni, como política pública que pretende articular o efetivo exercício da igualdade. O trabalho desenvolveu-se em quatro capítulos. No primeiro, faz-se uma apresentação geral do direito à educação, fundamentado na CR e na LDB. No segundo, busca-se uma contextualização sobre o Programa, como política pública de ação afirmativa voltada à ampliação do acesso ao ensino superior. No terceiro, são demonstrados os resultados do estudo; no quarto capítulo, tratou-se da discussão. O estudo foi de abordagem qualitativa, do tipo descritivo, de campo e transversal. Empregou-se o método do DSC. A amostra compôs por 30 alunos de ambos os gêneros, bolsistas ProUni, com idade entre 23 e 40 anos. A conclusão aponta para o fato de que o ProUni, contribuiu de maneira significativa para os bolsistas, que pertencem a população de baixa renda, possibilitando o efetivo exercício da igualdade. Palavras-chave: Educação. Políticas Públicas. ProUni. Ensino Superior. Abstract RIGHT TO EDUCATION AND PUBLIC POLICY PROUNI The study discussed the implementation of public policies that ensure the right of access to higher education as a means of integration into society, seeking to answer the following question: to what extent ProUni, as public policy contributes to access to higher education and training for professional practice? By the aim of knowing the meanings of being college student benefited by ProUni, as a public policy that articulates the effective exercise of equality. The work developed in four chapters. In the first, an overview is made of the right to education, based on the CR and LDB. In the second, we seek a contextualization of the program, as a public policy of affirmative action aimed at broadening access to higher education. In the third, they are shown the results of the study; in the fourth chapter, this was the discussion. The study was a qualitative approach, descriptive, field and cross. We used the DSC method. The sample was composed by 30 students of both genders, ProUni fellows, aged between 23 and 40 years. The finding points to the fact that ProUni, contributed significantly to the stock, which belong to the low income population, enabling the effective exercise of equality. Keywords: Education. Public policy.ProUni.Higher education.

2012 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
Peter Smulders ◽  
Irene Houtman

Work in public and private sectors compared Work in public and private sectors compared During the past years, Dutch media made mention of work problems and social unrest in the public sectors. However, research did not focus very strongly on the quality of work in these sectors. Therefore the aim of this article is to describe working conditions and terms of employment in the public sectors in comparison with the private sectors in the Netherlands. The data used were gathered by TNO and Statistics Netherlands in 2010 with the annual Netherlands Working Conditions Survey. The 2010-sample contained 23.000 workers, representative for the Dutch work force.The analyses – centered on 10 public and 10 private sectors – show clearly that mental-emotional strain is higher in the public sectors than in private sectors. On the other hand, physical strain, dangerous work and irregular working hours, are encountered more frequently in the private sectors. In the public sectors employees work more with permanent contracts and in shorter working weeks. Work uncertainty is seen above average in the financial and commercial services and in the transportation sector, but also in government departments, the judiciary and the police. Feelings of burn out are found most often in the three educational sectors. Pay satisfaction is highest among workers in the financial services, higher education and government departments, and lowest in the police and the hotel and catering industry. On average overall work satisfaction is highest in the public sectors.In addition, the analyses show that the 10 public sectors cannot be seen as one whole; the same is true for the 10 private sectors. As far as the quality of work is concerned, government departments, local governments, provinces and higher education resemble commercial and financial services. But primary and secondary education, health care and the police differ significantly from the other public sectors.

Estelle James

During the 1950s and 1960s American higher education underwent a major change in size and structure, with a vast expansion in enrollments and increased emphasis on graduate training and research, relative to undergraduate teaching. This chapter explores the implications of this changing product mix for our understanding of costs, subsidies, financing methods, and decision-making structures in higher education. We ask the following questions: . . . 1. How did universities finance their production of graduate training and research (G and R), which usually do not bring in enough revenues to cover their costs? 2. What differences, if any, were there in the behavior of public and private universities regarding the shift toward G and R? 3. How did this change in product mix affect relative costs in universities versus two- and four-year colleges, which still specialize in undergraduate teaching? 4. What are the implications of this analysis for our understanding of the costs and benefits of education and for future public policy? For example, to what degree do state legislators and private donors control the product mix in higher education and who ultimately gains from the resources they provide?. . . Specifically, I characterize universities as multiproduct nonprofit organizations (NPOs) engaging in the teaching of undergraduates as a profitable activity, in order to subsidize graduate training and research, which are loss-making but yield direct utility to them. Cross-subsidization by NPOs, then, is an alternative to direct government funding of socially beneficial goods such as research, under certain circumstances. With certain differences that we shall note, this characterization applies to public and private institutions, and the term NPO is used for both in this chapter. At private universities, during the 1950s and 1960s, profits were generated mainly by huge tuition increases, made possible by rapidly rising demand, as we shall see below. State universities, too, engaged in cross-subsidization to finance G and R. However, since state universities often do not control or retain tuition revenue, their main device was a decrease in teaching cost per student.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
Telma Amorgiana Fulane Tambe ◽  
Fernando César Ferreira Gôuvea ◽  
Aline Silveira Tasmerão

Contextualizado nas políticas educacionais sobre a privatização da educação pública, este artigo de carácter qualitativo discute a privatização e a mercantilização do ensino superior (ES) moçambicano, como parte integrante de um novo acordo global político-ideológico, que valida ou legitima e compele em direção a certas ações- negócio e troca, competição-, anulando e inibindo outras- equidade, justiça social, distribuição igual de propriedade -, valorizando relações de produção privada e suas formas mercantis e “moral utilitária”, no campo e prática educacional. Utilizando-se de dados estatísticos sobre o ES (2018), da literatura sobre o ES e expansão, mercado (Lei 1/93; Neves e Pronko, 2008, Souza, 2015; Marx 1994; BM, 1995; Gonçalves, 2015) o modelo de ES moçambicano atual indica que a corrida às instituições públicas e privadas por parte dos estudantes e a consequente busca por diplomas- formação para o trabalho- secundarizou a procura do conhecimento, motivado pela expansão de acesso, assim como pela busca de cursos voltados para as exigências do mercado, geralmente em regime pós-laboral e especificamente, o ES moçambicano tornou-se em um dos lugares importantes da luta de classes para o consenso, mudando a própria educação, pois os mercados são uma das bases para a formação de grupos que perseguem interesses partilhados.Palavras-chave: Ensino superior; Privatização; Mercantilização da educação, Mercadoria. HIGHER EDUCATION IN MOZAMBIQUE: BETWEEN THE STATE AND THE ASTUCTION OF CAPITAL.Abstract Contextualized in educational policies on the privatization of public education, this qualitative article discusses the privatization and commodification of Mozambican higher education as an integral part of a new global political-ideological agreement that validates or legitimizes and compels to certain actions-business and exchange, competition-, nullifying and inhibiting others- equity, social justice, equal distribution of property, valuing relations of private production and its mercantile forms and "utilitarian morality" in the field and educational practice. Using statistical data on the ES (2018), on the literature on ES and expansion, market (Law 1/93, Neves and Pronko, 2008, Souza, 2015; Marx 1994; BM, 1995; Gonçalves, 2015). model of the current Mozambican ES indicates that the race to the public and private institutions by the students and the consequent search for diplomas - training for the work - secondarily the search of the knowledge, motivated by the expansion of access, as well as the search of courses directed to the market demands, particularly in a post-employment regime and specifically, the Mozambican ES has become one of the important places of the class struggle for consensus, changing education itself, since markets are one of the bases for the formation of groups pursuing shared interests. Keywords: Higher education; Privatization; Mercantilization of Education and Merchandise. EDUCACIÓN SUPERIOR EN MOZAMBIQUE: ENTRE EL ESTADO Y LA ASTÚCIA DEL CAPITAL.Resumen En el marco de las políticas educativas sobre la privatización de la educación pública, este artículo de carácter cualitativo discute la privatización y la mercantilización de la enseñanza superior (ES) mozambiqueña, como parte integrante de un nuevo acuerdo global político-ideológico, que valida o legitima y compite en dirección a ciertas acciones-negocio y cambio, competencia-, anulando e inhibiendo otras equidad, justicia social, distribución igual de propiedad-, valorizando relaciones de producción privada y sus formas mercantiles y "moral utilitaria", en el campo y práctica educativa. Utilizando datos estadísticos sobre la ES (2018), de la literatura sobre la ES y expansión, mercado (Ley 1/93, Neves y Pronko, 2008, Souza, 2015, Marx 1994, BM, 1995, Gonçalves, 2015) el modelo de ES mozambiqueño actual indica que la entrada en las instituciones públicas y privadas por parte de los estudiantes, se basa solo en la búsqueda de diplomas- formación para el trabajo- y dejó en segundo la demanda del conocimiento, motivado por la expansión de acceso, así como por la búsqueda de cursos orientados a las exigencias del mercado, generalmente en régimen post-laboral y específicamente, el ES mozambiqueño se ha convertido en uno de los lugares importantes de la lucha de clases para el consenso, cambiando la propia educación, pues los mercados son una de las bases para la formación de grupos que persiguen intereses compartidos. Palabras clave: Enseñanza superior; la privatización; Mercantilización de la educación y Mercancía.

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