scholarly journals GESTÃO E PLANEJAMENTO DO DESENVOLVIMENTO: análise das reestruturações espaciais ocorridas a partir da implantação da UHE Belo Monte (PA)

Michelle Sena da Silva

THE MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING OF DEVELOPMENT: analysis of the spatial restructuring which have been occurring since the implementation of the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant, Pará, BrazilGESTIÓN Y PLANIFICACIÓN DEL DESARROLLO: análisis de las reestructuraciones espaciales ocurridas a partir de la implantación de la UHE Belo Monte (PA)RESUMOPara a realização das discussões atuais que envolvem a gestão e o planejamento do desenvolvimento, no âmbito da intensificação do processo de globalização, torna-se imprescindível compreender a pertinência e os limites apresentados pelas discussões teóricas sobre o processo de reestruturação espacial materializado a partir da instalação de grandes empreendimentos hidrelétricos na Amazônia. Concernente a esta prerrogativa, o debate acerca da escala local como nível de análise da reestruturação espacial tem sido realizado nos diversos ramos científicos como princípio para o entendimento das repercussões das transformações político-econômicas e socioambientais, para as sociedades contemporâneas. A agenda normativa dos municípios brasileiros cada vez mais insere em suas discussões a problemática ambiental como possibilidade de se repensar as práticas espaciais que ao longo do tempo trouxe impactos negativos para o seu território local. Neste contexto, ao levarmos em consideração as transformações ocorridas no município de Altamira partimos do pressuposto de que a implantação da hidrelétrica segue uma proposta de desenvolvimento econômico elaborado em escala global/nacional que desconsidera os interesses dos grupos sociais preexistentes na região, desencadeando com isto uma nova dinâmica de (re) produção espacial que se materializará no município de Altamira com maior intensidade do que nos outros municípios.Palavras-chave: Desenvolvimento; Reestruturação Espacial; Amazônia; UHE Belo Monte.ABSTRACTIn order to discuss the current debate on the management and planning of development, considering the intensification of the globalization process, it is essential to understand the relevance and limits presented by the theoretical discussions on the process of spatial restructuring implemented from the building of large hydroelectric enterprises in the Amazon region. In this regard, the debate on the local scale as a level of analysis of spatial restructuring has been carried out in various scientific fields as a principle for understanding the repercussions of political-economic and socio-environmental changes in contemporary societies. The normative agenda of Brazilian municipalities has increasingly inserted in their discussions the environmental issue as a possibility to rethink spatial practices which have brought negative impacts to their local territory over time. In this context, considering the changes that have occurred in Altamira (Pará, Brazil) the text takes into account that the implementation of the hydroelectric plant was inspired by an economic development conception elaborated on a global/national scale that disregards the interests of pre-existing social groups in the region. It triggers a new dynamic of (re)spatial production which is going to develop with greater intensity there than in other municipalities.Keywords: Development; Spatial Restructuring; Amazon; Belo Monte hydroelectric plant.RESUMENPara la realización de las discusiones actuales que involucran la gestión y la planificación del desarrollo en el marco de la intensificación del proceso de globalización, resulta imprescindible comprender la pertinencia y los límites presentados por las discusiones teóricas sobre el proceso de reestructuración espacial materializado a partir de la instalación de grandes emprendimientos hidroeléctricos en la Amazonia. En el marco de esta prerrogativa, el debate sobre la escala local como nivel de análisis de la reestructuración espacial ha sido realizado en las diversas ramas científicas como principio para el entendimiento de las repercusiones de las transformaciones político-económicas y socioambientales, para las sociedades contemporáneas. La agenda normativa de los municipios brasileños cada vez más inserta en sus discusiones la problemática ambiental como posibilidad de repensar las prácticas espaciales que a lo largo del tiempo trajo impactos negativos para su territorio local. En este contexto, al tomar en consideración las transformaciones ocurridas en el municipio de Altamira partimos del supuesto de que la implantación de la hidroeléctrica sigue una propuesta de desarrollo económico elaborado a escala global / nacional que desconsidera los intereses de los grupos sociales preexistentes en la región, desencadenando con esto una nueva dinámica de (re) producción espacial que se materializará en el municipio de Altamira con mayor intensidad que en los otros municipios.Palabras clave: Desarrollo; Reestructuración Espacial; Amazonia; UHE Belo Monte.

Darlene Costa da Silva ◽  
Maria Madalena de Aguiar Cavalcante

BELO MONTE HYDROELECTRIC: study of deterritorialization of families in the Babaquara Community – Altamira/PAHIDROELÉCTRICA BELO MONTE: estudio de la desterritorialización de familias en la Comunidad Babaquara – Altamira/PARESUMOA territorialização da hidrelétrica de Belo Monte provocou profundas transformações no modo de vida da população da comunidade Babaquara. Entretanto, constata-se que, contraditoriamente, apesar da mudança, há uma resistência em permanecer nas margens direita do rio Xingu, onde metade do seu território foi inundado pela água do reservatório. Sendo assim, tem-se no escopo deste artigo o intuito de analisar as transformações ocorridas na comunidade Babaquara a partir da territorialização da Hidrelétrica Belo Monte, identificando as transformações no modo de vida desta população. Os resultados apresentados foram coletados entre novembro de 2014 e novembro de 2016, período no qual foram entrevistadas 12 famílias, com visitas sistematizadas à comunidade e vivência junto às famílias que foram indenizadas pelo processo de compensação das condicionantes atribuídas ao Consórcio Construtor. Para atualização dos dados, uma nova expedição foi organizada em junho 2020. Além disso, foi realizada revisão de literatura para definição do recorte teórico-metodológico que considere a realidade de pesquisa. Tal circunstância tem modificado o modo de vida, o trabalho, a produção de alimentos e as relações sociais da população. As transformações socioeconômicas e ambientais trazem em sua gênese conflitos sociais e culturais em razão da sobreposição de grupos econômicos exógenos com interesses destoantes aos percebidos nas populações locais. Deste modo, parte-se da premissa que as transformações socioambientais transcendem os aspectos sociais, produtivos e econômicos, afetando a relação das famílias com o ambiente. Historicamente, as famílias estabeleceram relação com o rio, praticando a pesca, com a floresta, se beneficiando dos recursos naturais para desenvolver atividades de extrativismo, a produção de farinha, hortas e frutas nativas nos quintais às margens do rio Xingu.Palavras-chave: Belo Monte; População Tradicional; Modo de Vida; Babaquara. ABSTRACTThe territorialization of the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant caused profound changes in the way of life of the population of the Babaquara community. However, it appears that, contradictorily, despite the change, there is a resistance to remain on the right banks of the Xingu River, where half of its territory was flooded by water from the reservoir. Therefore, the scope of this article aims to analyze the changes that have occurred in the Babaquara community from the territorialization of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant, identifying the changes in the lifestyle of this population. The results presented were collected between November 2014 and November 2016, during which 12 families were interviewed, with systematic visits to the community and experience with the families who were compensated for the process of compensating the conditions attributed to the Construtor Consortium. In order to update the data, a new expedition was organized in June 2020. In addition, a literature review was carried out to define the theoretical-methodological framework that considers the research reality. This circumstance has changed the way of life, work, food production and the social relationships of the population. Socioeconomic and environmental changes bring about social and cultural conflicts due to the overlapping of exogenous economic groups with interests that differ from those perceived by local populations. In this way, it is based on the premise that socio-environmental transformations transcend social, productive and economic aspects, affecting the relationship of families with the environment. Historically, families have established a relationship with the river, practicing fishing, with the forest, benefiting from natural resources to develop extractive activities, the production of flour, vegetable gardens and native fruits in backyards on the Xingu River.Keywords: Belo Monte; Traditional Population; Lifestyle; Babaquara.RESUMENLa territorialización de la central hidroeléctrica de Belo Monte provocó profundos cambios en la forma de vida de la población de la comunidad de Babaquara. Sin embargo, parece que, contradictoriamente, a pesar del cambio, existe una resistencia a permanecer en la margen derecha del río Xingú, donde la mitad de su territorio fue inundado por el agua del embalse. Por tanto, el alcance de este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los cambios que se han producido en la comunidad de Babaquara a partir de la territorialización de la Central Hidroeléctrica de Belo Monte, identificando los cambios en el estilo de vida de esta población. Los resultados presentados fueron recolectados entre noviembre de 2014 y noviembre de 2016, durante los cuales se entrevistaron a 12 familias, con visitas sistemáticas a la comunidad y experiencia con las familias que fueron compensadas por el proceso de compensación de las condiciones atribuidas al Consorcio Constructor. Con el fin de actualizar los datos, se organizó una nueva expedición en junio de 2020. Además, se realizó una revisión de la literatura para definir el marco teórico-metodológico que considera la realidad de la investigación. Esta circunstancia ha cambiado la forma de vida, el trabajo, la producción de alimentos y las relaciones sociales de la población. Los cambios socioeconómicos y ambientales generan conflictos sociales y culturales debido a la superposición de grupos económicos exógenos con intereses diferentes a los percibidos por las poblaciones locales. De esta manera, se parte de la premisa de que las transformaciones socioambientales trascienden los aspectos sociales, productivos y económicos, afectando la relación de las familias con el medio ambiente. Históricamente, las familias han establecido una relación con el río, practicando la pesca, con el bosque beneficiándose de los recursos naturales para desarrollar actividades extractivas, la producción de harina, huertas y frutos nativos en los patios.Palabras clave: Belo Monte; Población Tradicional; Modo de Vida; Babaquara.

Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Stella M. Moreiras ◽  
Sergio A. Sepúlveda ◽  
Mariana Correas-González ◽  
Carolina Lauro ◽  
Iván Vergara ◽  

This review paper compiles research related to debris flows and hyperconcentrated flows in the central Andes (30°–33° S), updating the knowledge of these phenomena in this semiarid region. Continuous records of these phenomena are lacking through the Andean region; intense precipitations, sudden snowmelt, increased temperatures on high relief mountain areas, and permafrost degradation are related to violent flow discharges. Documented catastrophic consequences related to these geoclimatic events highlight the need to improve their understanding in order to prepare the Andean communities for this latent danger. An amplified impact is expected not only due to environmental changes potentially linked to climate change but also due to rising exposure linked to urban expansion toward more susceptible or unstable areas. This review highlights as well the need for the implementation of preventive measures to reduce the negative impacts and vulnerability of the Andean communities in the global warming context.

2015 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 1728-1736 ◽  
Ana Carolina Rocha Lessa ◽  
Marco Aurélio dos Santos ◽  
John Edwin Lewis Maddock ◽  
Clauber dos Santos Bezerra

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Nindita Kresna Murti ◽  
Atiek Suprapti ◽  
Agung Budi Sardjono

Abstract: Many informal settlements in Indonesia have been unable to survive, this is due to changes that occur in the neighborhood. This change resulted in the not surviving of informal settlements, but this did not affect the informal settlements in the city of Palangkaraya, settlements on the banks of the Kahayan river were even more developed, and began to develop towards the mainland.As climate change and the global environment increase, there is a tendency for people to conceptualize adaptation in residential buildings as a process of survival and how adaptation is practiced by people who face the negative impacts of climate change, for example in informal settlements on the Kahayan river bank, where residents adapt to building their homes to be able to withstand environmental changes. Where the neighborhood is located there are tides of the river, as well as other environmental factorsThis study is to find out how the Kahayan River settlement communities can survive, with changes that occur in the environment by analyzing using 6 strategies in building adaptation, namely: Adjustable, Versatile, Refitable, Convertible, Scalable, and Movable (Robert Schmid, 2009). Adaptation that occurs in these settlements, namely on building houses that follow climate change, times, and the environment.Keyword: Informal Settlements, Kahayan River Edge, Adaptation, Transformation.Abstrak: Permukiman Informal di Indonesia banyak yang sudah tidak dapat bertahan, hal ini di karenakan adanya perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungan permukiman tersebut. Perubahan ini berakibat tidak bertahannya permukiman informal, namun hal ini tidak mempengaruhi permukiman informal di Kota Palangkaraya, permukiman yang berada di tepi sungai kahayan ini malah semakin berkembang, dan mulai berkembang menuju ke daratan.Seiring dengan meningkatnya perubahan iklim dan lingkungan global, ada kecenderungan masyarakat untuk membuat konsep adaptasi pada bangunan rumah tinggal sebagai proses untuk bertahan dan bagaimana adaptasi dipraktikkan oleh orang-orang yang menghadapi dampak negatif perubahan iklim, sebagai contoh pada permukiman informal yang berada di tepi sungai Kahayan, di mana warga beradaptasi pada bangunan rumah mereka untuk dapat bertahan terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Di mana lingkungan permukiman ini terdapat pasang surut air sungai, serta faktor lingkungan lainnya.Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui cara masyarakat permukiman tepi Sungai Kahayan dapat bertahan, dengan perubahan yang terjadi di lingkungan dengan menganalisa menggunakan 6 strategi dalam adaptasi bangunan, yaitu: Adjustable, Versatile, Refitable, Convertible, Scalable, dan Movable (Robert Schmid, 2009). Adaptasi yang terjadi pada permukiman ini, yaitu pada bangunan rumah yang mengikuti perubahan iklim, jaman, dan lingkungan.Kata Kunci: Permukiman Informal, Tepi  Sungai Kahayan, Adaptasi, Transformasi.

Naiara Angelo Gomes ◽  
José Cleidimário Araújo Leite ◽  
Camilo Allyson Simões de Farias ◽  
Ana Paula Oliveira Silva ◽  
Fernanda Carolina Monteiro Ismael

<p>A destinação ambientalmente inadequada de resíduos sólidos urbanos provoca diversos impactos negativos no meio ambiente, especialmente nos componentes ambientais: solo, água e ar atmosférico. Neste sentido, para que esses efeitos adversos sejam identificados, é necessário conhecer as características do ambiente na área em questão. Neste estudo, objetivou-se a elaboração de um diagnóstico ambiental qualitativo dos meios físico, biótico e antrópico da área do lixão da cidade de Pombal, Estado da Paraíba. A metodologia utilizada teve por base consultas a órgãos públicos, pesquisas bibliográficas, visitas de campo e fotodocumentação. De acordo com os resultados, verificou-se a ocorrência de várias alterações ambientais adversas significativas nos meios físico, biótico e antrópico, típicas da destinação ambientalmente inadequada de resíduos sólidos em “depósitos” a céu aberto, o que tem resultado em uma degradação ambiental local e acarretado danos sociais, sanitários e ecológicos para o município.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>Qualitative Environmental diagnosis in the “dumpsite” of city Pombal, Paraíba</em></strong></p><p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>: </strong>Environmentally inadequate disposal of municipal solid waste causes many negative impacts on the environment, especially in the environmental components: soil, water and atmospheric air. Then, for these adverse effects were identified, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the environment in the area in question. This study aims to develop a qualitative environmental diagnosis of the physical, biotic and anthropic environment of the dumpsite of <em>Pombal</em> in state of <em>Paraíba</em>, Brazil. The methodology used in the study was based on consultations in government agencies, bibliographic research, field visits and photo documentation. According to the results, it were noted the occurrence of a number of significant adverse environmental changes in the physical, biotic and anthropic environment, typical of solid waste disposal in "deposits" at  openwork, which has resulted in a local environmental degradation and have caused social, health and ecological damage to the municipality.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 34
José Queiroz de Miranda Neto ◽  
José Antônio Herrera

ResumoEste artigo analisa o processo de expansão urbana recente em Altamira – PA, de modo a verificar as novas tendências de crescimento a partir da instalação da usina hidrelétrica de Belo Monte. São utilizados como bases teóricas os conceitos ligados à morfologia urbana e à produção social do espaço urbano. A expansão urbana recente se constitui a partir de fatores articulados ao processo de instalação da usina hidrelétrica, onde se verifica um crescimento acelerado da malha urbana em várias direções, respeitando o sentido das vias estruturantes. Tal crescimento chega a ultrapassar 50% e se dá a partir de novas instalações urbanas para habitação e uso coletivo, públicas e privadas, que alteram o desenho da cidade, sua paisagem e estrutura urbana. Nesse novo cenário, cabe destaque ao papel dos agentes imobiliários e do poder público, bem como da empresa Norte Energia S.A como indutora de processos e agente ordenador do território.Palavras Chave: Expansão urbana, morfologia, Altamira, Belo Monte.  AbstractThis article analyzes the process of recent urban expansion in Altamira, Pará State, in order to check for new growth trends after the implementation of the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte. The concepts related to urban morphology and social production of urban space are used as theoretical basis to this study. The recent urban expansion is composed by factors related to the hydroelectric plant implementation process, which shows a rapid growth of the urban mesh in several directions, respecting the way of structuring roads. Such growth exceeds 50% and it happens by means of public and private new urban facilities for housing and collective use that alter the design of the city, its landscape and urban infrastructure. In this new scenario, it is highlighted the real estate agents’, government’s, and  Norte Energia corporation’s roles, being the former one considered an originator territory agent and responsible for  inducing this processes.Keywords: urban expansion, morphology, Altamira, Belo Monte.  ResumenEn este artículo se analiza el proceso de reciente expansión urbana en Altamira-PA, con el fin de comprobar si hay nuevas tendencias de crecimiento después de la instalación de la central hidroeléctrica de Belo Monte. Se utilizan como base teórica los conceptos relacionados con la morfología urbana y la producción social del espacio urbano. La reciente expansión urbana se constituye a partir de factores relacionados con el proceso de instalación de la planta hidroeléctrica, donde hay un rápido crecimiento de la red urbana en varias direcciones, respetando el modo de estructuración de las carreteras. Este crecimiento es superior al 50% y se produce a partir de nuevos equipamientos urbanos para viviendas y uso colectivo, públicos y privados, que alteren el diseño de la ciudad, su paisaje y la estructura urbana . En este nuevo escenario, hay que destacar el papel de los agentes de bienes raíces, el gobierno y también del Norte Energia S.A , que induce procesos y articula el territorio .Palavras Chave: expansión urbana, morfología, Altamira, Belo Monte. 

2023 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-39
Thanh Tuan Nguyen ◽  
Thanh Phuong Nguyen

Representing dynamic textures (DTs) plays an important role in many real implementations in the computer vision community. Due to the turbulent and non-directional motions of DTs along with the negative impacts of different factors (e.g., environmental changes, noise, illumination, etc.), efficiently analyzing DTs has raised considerable challenges for the state-of-the-art approaches. For 20 years, many different techniques have been introduced to handle the above well-known issues for enhancing the performance. Those methods have shown valuable contributions, but the problems have been incompletely dealt with, particularly recognizing DTs on large-scale datasets. In this article, we present a comprehensive taxonomy of DT representation in order to purposefully give a thorough overview of the existing methods along with overall evaluations of their obtained performances. Accordingly, we arrange the methods into six canonical categories. Each of them is then taken in a brief presentation of its principal methodology stream and various related variants. The effectiveness levels of the state-of-the-art methods are then investigated and thoroughly discussed with respect to quantitative and qualitative evaluations in classifying DTs on benchmark datasets. Finally, we point out several potential applications and the remaining challenges that should be addressed in further directions. In comparison with two existing shallow DT surveys (i.e., the first one is out of date as it was made in 2005, while the newer one (published in 2016) is an inadequate overview), we believe that our proposed comprehensive taxonomy not only provides a better view of DT representation for the target readers but also stimulates future research activities.

2019 ◽  
pp. 89-112
Sarah Robertson

This chapter interrogates the definitions of Grit Lit and Rough South and moves away from both categories to consider, via Raymond Williams and David Harvey, amongst others, the structures of feeling that emerge in contemporary southern literature to reveal the wider shift to liquidity in the form of financial capital and its socio-economic ramifications on poor whites. The chapter focuses on works by Toni Morrison, John Biguenet, Colson Whitehead, Barbara Kingsolver, and Tim McLaurin, and explores the ways these writers represent the impact of various political, economic and environmental changes and disasters including Reaganomics, Hurricane Katrina, and the 2008 financial crisis. It considers communalism and the alternatives that appear in these literary works for measuring time and worth beyond monetary values.

Patrick Saunders

Abstract Background Illegal high interest lending or ‘loan sharking’ exploits the vulnerable and has profound negative impacts on individuals and communities. The 2008 UK financial crash and subsequent austerity programme coupled with changes in the consumer credit market have fuelled an increase in predatory lending. Methods The study is a descriptive analysis of demographic, financial, health and behavioural data on 753 victims (2011–2017). A review of the causative factors and potential political, economic and public health responses is analysed. Results Most victims were female but males were considerably more indebted. Illegal loans are largely taken out for routine living expenses and over 70% of victims reported other serious debts. Victims are disproportionately poor, unemployed and on benefits but fewer than half have had financial or benefits advice. Despite 90% reporting they would not borrow illegally again, 30% had previously done so from the same shark and over half considered them a friend. Conclusions The increase in loan sharking has coincided with the withdrawal of traditional sub-prime lenders and local welfare assistance schemes, and the low penetration of Credit Unions in many areas. Conventional perceptions of loan sharks and their relationships with victims are largely incorrect. A range of coordinated financial, political and social interventions is required.

Insects ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 41 ◽  
Luis Chaves ◽  
Mariel Friberg ◽  
Jiun-Yu Jian ◽  
Kazuhiko Moji

The bamboo mosquito, Tripteroides bambusa (Yamada) (Diptera: Culicidae), is a common insect across East Asia. Several studies have looked at the ecology of Tr. bambusa developmental stages separately, but little is known about the factors associated with the persistence (how often) and abundance (how many individuals) of Tr. bambusa stages simultaneously studied across a heterogeneous landscape. Here, we ask what environmental and landscape factors are associated with the persistence and abundance of Tr. bambusa stages across the altitudinal gradient of Mt. Konpira, Nagasaki City, Japan. During a season-long study we counted 8065 (7297 4th instar larvae, 670 pupae and 98 adults) Tr. bambusa mosquitoes. We found that persistence and abundance patterns were not associated among stages, with the exception of large (4th instar) and small (1st to 3rd instars) larvae persistence, which were positively correlated. We also found that relative humidity was associated with the persistence of Tr. bambusa aquatic stages, being positively associated with large and small larvae, but negatively with pupae. Similarly, landscape aspect changed from positive to negative the sign of its association with Tr. bambusa pupae and adults, highlighting that environmental associations change with life stage. Meanwhile, Tr. bambusa abundance patterns were negatively impacted by more variable microenvironments, as measured by the negative impacts of kurtosis and standard deviation (SD) of environmental variables, indicating Tr. bambusa thrives in stable environments, suggesting this mosquito species has a finely grained response to environmental changes.

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