scholarly journals Legal Form, COVID and the Political: Notes Towards a Critique of the Corpus Iuris Pandemici

2021 ◽  
Vol 96 ◽  
pp. 33-46
Rafał Mańko

The scholarly analysis and critique of law always take place under circumstances of scarcity of academic resources. At any given moment, the number of academic jurists mastering a given legal system and being capable of analysing and critiquing it at a professional scientific level is limited. The pandemic of COVID-19 only exacerbated this phenomenon, exposing the importance of making methodological and paradigmatic choices. What critical legal theory teaches us is that the choice of method and approach to the analysis and critique of legal materials is not politically neutral. Asking about the political goals and choices behind solutions adopted by legislators, ministers, civil servants, law enforcement officers, and judges, and about the actual interests impacted by their decisions is much more important and topical in these difficult times. A sociologically oriented critical legal theory can provide the necessary tools for such an analysis of the corpus iuris pandemici.

2019 ◽  
Vol 89 ◽  
pp. 5-14
Rafał Mańko

Critical legal theory emerged in the United States in the 1970s, at a time when Central and Eastern Europe belonged to the Soviet bloc and was subject to the system of actually existing socialism. Therefore, the arrival of critical jurisprudence into the region was delayed. In Poland, the first texts on critical and postmodern legal theory began to appear at the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s. Lech Morawski’s monograph, characteristically entitled What Legal Scholarship Has to Gain from Postmodernism?, published in 2001, officially inaugurated a broader interest in postmodern legal theory. Adam Sulikowski has been the main representative of critical legal theory in Poland, developing a postmodern theory of constitutionalism. Other sub-fields of postmodern and critical legal theory, gradually developing in Central European jurisprudence, include such areas as law and literature, law and ideology, law and neocolonial theory, as well as feminist jurisprudence. There is a noticeably growing influence of critical sociology and critical discourse analysis which seem to be a promising paradigm for invigorating critical legal theory from an empirical perspective. The concept of “the political”, in the sense used by Chantal Mouffe, has been evoked to propose a “political theory of law” conceived as an analysis of the juridical phenomenon through the lens of the political. Recently, it has found its concrete applications in the political theory of judicial decision-making.

Emilios Christodoulidis ◽  
Johan van der Walt

This chapter traces the tradition of critical theory in Europe in the way it has informed and framed legal thought. A key, and distinctive, element of this legal tradition is that it characteristically connects to the state as constitutive reference; in other words it understands the institution of law as that which organizes and mediates the relation of the state to civil society. The other constitutive reference is political economy, a reference that typically grounds this tradition of thinking about the law in the materiality of the practices of social production and reproduction. It is in these connections, of the institution of law to the domains of the state and of the political economy, that critical legal theory locates the function of law, and the emancipatory potentially it affords on the one hand, and the obstacles to emancipation it imposes, on the other.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Lisma Lisma

Abstrak: Persoalan hukum yang terjadi di Indonesia seakan menjadi tanda tanya besar karena Indonesia merupakan Negara Hukum yang seharusnya dapat terjaga stabilitas, keamanan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.  Keadilan menjadi salah satu tuntutan dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia sehingga menimbulkan pertanyaan dimana letak persoalan ketidak adilan tersebut apakah pada substansi, strukture atau kulturenya ?. penegakan hukum seperti sebila pisau yang tumpul ke atas dan tajam ke bawah, persoalan ketidakadilan inilah yang menjadi dasar dalam penelitian ini sehingga dapat dirumuskan persoalan sebagai berikut, yaitu: (1) Bagaimanakah fungsi hukum progresif sebagai upaya menemukan keadilan?. (2) Bagaimanakah perwujudan Hukum Progresif dalam Hukum di Indonesia ?. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan sumbangsi pemikiran agar teori hukum progresif dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu solusi dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia.Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian normatif dengan melakukan deskripsi terhadap aturan-aturan, putusan-putusan hakim dan tindakan aparat penegak hukum yang bersifat progresif. Penelitian ini menggunakan 2 sumber hukum yakni bahan hukum primer: Pancasila, Norma atau kaidah-kaidah (UUD NRI 1945 dan UU No 48 Tahun 2009) dan bahan sekunder: literatur-literatur, hasil penelitian ilmiah, makalah dan seminar, artikel, jurnal, buku dan berita. Analisis terhadap permasalah dalam penelitian dapat disimpulkan: (1)  bahwa hukum yang dianggap tidak adil dapat diabaikan demi menumkan keadilan dengan menggunakan pendekatan hukum progresif karena teori ini bisa dipahami sebagai sosiologis normatif sehingga bisa diterapkan dalam tiga komponen hukum yakni substansi, structure, dan kulture. (2) Perwujudan hukum progresif dapat diupayakan dengan beberapa gagasanyaknimempergunakanperan moral danetika, melakukanpenafsiran yang progresif, pendidikandimulaipadafakultashukumdanmengangkat orang-orang baik. Perwujudan hukum progresif di Indonesia dapat direlevansikan dengan pembangunan hukum nasional di Indonesia dengan upaya pemeliharaan, pembaharuaan dan penciptaan seperti hukum progresif yang merobohkan dan membangun hukum.Kata Kunci: Negara Hukum, Keadilan, Hukum Progresif Abstract: Legal issues in Indonesia seemto be a big question mark because Indonesia is the State of Law that should be able to maintain the stability, security, and welfare of the community. Justice becomes one of the demands in law enforcement in Indonesia that raises the question where the problem of injustice was whether, on substance, structure or culture ?. law enforcement such as blunt knife is blunt upward and sharp downward.the problem of injustice was the basis of this researcbe formulated as follows: (1) How is the function of progressive law as an effort to find justice ?. (2) How is the embodiment of Progressive Law in Indonesian Law ?. This study was aimed to provide a contribution to the idea that progressive legal theory can be used as one of the solutions in law enforcement in Indonesia. The research method was normative research with the description of rules, judges' decisions and progressive actions of law enforcement officers. The researcher used  two legal sources: primary law materials: Pancasila, norma or rules (UUD NRI 1945 and UU No 48 the Year 2009) and secondary materials: literature, scientific research results, papers and seminars, articles, journals, books, and news. The analysis of the problems in the research can be concluded as the followingas the following: (1) the unfair law can be ignored in order to put forward justice by using progressive law approach because this theory can be understood as normative sociology so it can be applied in three legal components namely substance, structure, and culture. (2) The embodiment of progressive law can be pursued by several ideas, as such as, the use of moral and ethical roles, doing progressive interpretations, providing education in law faculties and hiring some good people. The implementation of progressive law in Indonesia can be relatedto the development of national law in Indonesia bymaintaining, reforming, and creatinglike how progressive law breaks down and builds the law. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 174387212093056
Matthew McManus

This paper defends the need for a comprehensive critique of liberalism and the liberal approach to rights from the political left, in the vein of classical critical legal theory. However, it argues that critical legal theory was limited by its frequent unwillingness to put forward a counter normative approach which could inspire interest and activism. The paper therefore concludes by sketching out a more leftist approach to rights centering on an expressivist account of human dignity.

Pólemos ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Jan-Patrick Oppermann

Abstract The first part of this essay means to make a modest contribution to the critical – that is to say investigative and non-traditional – study of the philosophical origin, sense, and parameters of the concept of equity. Its focus will at first be on Aristotle. Then I will seek to widen the Aristotelian concept of equity by a consideration of the moral and intellectual capacity of “enlarged mentality” as found in Hannah Arendt’s interpretation of Kant. In doing so, I will actively seek to loosen the legal or judicial bonds of this concept, instead allowing it to freely enter a larger conceptual space involving the political and the psychological. In the second part of the essay, this larger conceptual space leads me to a wider meditation with speculative moments concerning the possibility of an ontological extension of a trans-legal interpretation of equity through a consideration of some aspects of the work of French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy, particularly his notion of “exscription.” In the third part of the essay, I then supplement this Nancean meditation with a psychological turn focusing on Nancy’s commentary on Freud’s remark on the “extension of psyche.” I offer these speculative moments to step beyond Aristotelian and Arendtian/Kantian constraints and also in order to advance possible philosophical exploration of equity and justice against overly narrow containers in “legal philosophy” including “critical legal theory.”

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-66

Corruption is a crucial issue that requires extraordinary handling so that it is known as one of the extra ordinary crime regime, then made a special law on the issue of Corruption and created a special agency to handle corruption in this case is the Corruption Eradication Commission which in the process of handling rarely entrenched Corporations As the Subject of Law to be held accountable. This journal aims to find out Problems related to the problems of Corporations in Corruption as well as to know the steps to ensnare Corporations in corruption. This journal uses the normative juridical method. While the analysis with descriptive method. The results of this paper is in the case of corruption is the time to ensnare the corporation, where in the case of corruption involves many corporations, because one of the goals of handling corruption is the state financial recovery (assat recovery) and The efforts to ensnare corporations as subjects in corruption cases By using L.Friedman's legal system approach that is related to the substance or rules related to the corporation must be clear and detailed, both related to the structure, that there must be communication between law enforcement officers, and the last is the legal culture that is political will from law enforcement officers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-96
Aryanindita Bagasatwika

The practice of law enforcement on traffic violations committed by law enforcement officers is currently not enough to satisfy the expectations of the community. Problems often occur in current law enforcement practices, including vulnerability to corruption and convoluted bureaucracy in dealing with the process of law enforcement, especially for traffic violations. The practice of law enforcement itself cannot only be shackled in the current legal rigidity, in this condition a legal breakthrough or legal progression is needed, so that our law can adjust to the times and demands of society. The E-TLE (Electronic Traffic Law Enforcement) system created by the Semarang Traffic Police Unit is a breakthrough in law in law enforcement practices that are applied to traffic violations in the City of Semarang in order to bring a fast, precise, clean and transparent law enforcement system. In this context, progressive legal theory is used to create a breakthrough in progressive law enforcement in the E-TLE Satlantas Polrestabes Semarang system against traffic violations in the city of Semarang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Maulana Hasanudin

<p>The purpose of this paper is to determine the role of the judge in facing the development of society. Judges are part of the important structure of the judicial power branch in Indonesia. Judicial power is an independent power to administer justice in order to uphold law and justice. Judges are given the power to judge. Judges have an important role as law enforcement officers in the law enforcement process in Indonesia, so they must pay attention to legal objectives. The role of the judge has consequences for the responsibility of the judge which is very heavy, where the judge has responsibility to one God, to the nation and state, to himself, to the law, to the parties and to society. Judges and society are elements that cannot be separated in a legal system. The judge is a product of the society and culture where he comes from and is. The function of the judiciary is to decide disputes between individuals and individuals, individuals and communities, even individuals or society and the state; forming or making a policy or policy.</p><p align="center">[]</p><p><em>Tujuan penulisan ini adalah mengetahui peranan peranan hakim dalam menghadapi perkembangan masyarakat. Hakim merupakan bagian dari struktur penting cabang kekuasaan kehakiman di Indonesia. Kekuasaan Kehakiman merupakan kekuasaan yang merdeka untuk menyelenggarakan peradilan guna menegakkan hukum dan keadilan. Hakim diberi wewenang untuk mengadili. Hakim memiliki peranan penting sebagai aparat penegak hukum dalam proses penegakan hukum di Indonesia, sehingga harus memperhatikan tujuan hukum. Peranan hakim memiliki konsekuensi terhadap pertanggungjawaban hakim yang sangat berat, dimana hakim memiliki tanggung jawab terhadap tuhan yang maha esa, terhadap bangsa dan negara, terhadap diri sendiri, terhadap hukum, terhadap para pihak dan terhadap mayarakat. Hakim dan masyarakat merupakan unsur yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dalam suatu sistem hukum. Hakim sebagai produk masyarakat dan budaya tempat dia berasal dan berada. Fungsi kehakiman adalah memutus sengketa antara individu dengan individu, individu dengan masyarakat, bahkan individu atau masyarakat dengan negara; membentuk atau membuat policy atau kebijakan.</em></p>

Yunan Hilmy

Sistem peradilan pidana harus selalu mempromosikan kepentingan hukum dan keadilan. Tetapi terdapat pandangan salah bahwa ukuran keberhasilan penegakan hukum hanya ditandai dengan keberhasilan mengajukan tersangka ke pengadilan dan kemudian dijatuhi hukuman. Seharusnya ukuran keberhasilan penegakan hukum oleh aparat penegak hukum ditandai dengan tercapainya nilai-nilai keadilan di dalam masyarakat. Kepolisian sebagai alat negara yang berperan dalam menegakkan hukum diharapkan dapat merespon hal ini dengan menggunakan mekanisme restorative justice . Tulisan ini akan membahas mengapa mekanisme restorative justice bisa dijadikan alternatif penegakan hukum oleh polisi; bagaimana prospek penerapan mekanisme restorative justice yang dilakukan oleh Polisi; serta bagaimana mekanisme restorative justice yang dilakukan oleh polisi dalam sistem hukum nasional. Dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menjadikan restorative justice sebagai pendekatan maka ada beberapa keuntungan yang bisa didapatkan. Pertama , masyarakat diberikan ruang untuk menangani sendiri permasalahan hukumnya yang dirasakan lebih adil. Kedua , beban negara dalam beberapa hal menjadi berkurang. Polisi dapat melaksanakan mekanisme restorative justice melalui diskresi yang dimilikinya karena hal merupakan kelengkapan dari sistem pengaturan oleh hukum itu sendiri. Pelaksanaan restorative justice oleh Polri dalam perspektif sistem hukum nasional dapat diterima apabila dilaksanakan berdasar falsafah negara Pancasila, menjamin keadilan serta perlindungan hukum terhadap HAM. Untuk menjamin adanya keseragaman dalam implementasinya, diperlukan suatu norma atau kaidah untuk memberikan legitimasi agar segala tindakan yang dilakukan dalam implementasi restorative justice tidak dianggap ilegal.<p>The Criminal Justice System should be promoting interest of law and justice. However, there is a mistake of view that measuring success on law enforcement simply characterized with success filed a suspect to court and sentenced. Supposed to be success measure of law enforcement by law enforcement officers marked by the achievement of value of justice in society. The police as a state of tool who role in enforcing the law are expected respond by using restorative justice mechanism. Therefore, this paper focus on why restorative justice mechanism could be an alternative on law enforcement by the police; and how the mechanisms of restorative justice by the police in the national legal system. By using normative juridical methode, it can be conclude that by making restorative justice as an approach of, there are several advantages which can be found. First, public givenits own space to handles with his legal issues which preceived fairly. Second, burden on th estate in some way be reduced. The police could be implementing restorative justice mechanism through discretionbecause it is the completeness of regulation by the law itself. Implementation of restorative justice by the police in perspective of national legal system is acceptable if carried out based on the state ohilosophy of Pancasila, ensures of justice and legal protection of human rights.To ensure uniformity in implementation, needs a norm or rule to gave legitimacy that all actions which taken in implementation of restorative justice ha snot considered illegal.</p>

Dewi Ervina Suryani

Money Laundering is a double crime that is continued crimes that frequently occur in Indonesia. This is indicated by the form of illegal money laundering as a crime that is a follow-up crime, while the main crime or crime of origin is known as predicate offense or core crime or there are countries that formulate it as unlawful activity, namely predicate crimes that generate money which are then carried out in the money laundering process (Money Laundering). As for one form of money laundering crime (Money Laundering), namely forestry crimes which are considered as predicate of crimes in the legal system as referred to in Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering, of course it provides a legal basis for the law enforcement officers to carry out investigations and investigations as well as pursuing various suspicious transactions from financial institutions in order to seek cash flows that will eventually lead to intellectual actors holding funds for illegal logging activities. Although there are legal instruments that contain provisions of laws and regulations in the field of forestry and the environment, namely the Law Number 18 of 2013 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Forest Destruction and the Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management. However, in practice, the law enforcement has not been able to embrace the conception of understanding that in trapping perpetrators using the principle approach, it is suspected or should be suspected of having committed the crime of money laundering. What is being done now is to arrest the illegal logging actors who carry out

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