scholarly journals Al-Manhâj al-Fiqhî ‘Inda Jamâ’ah “Muassah al-Da’wah al-Islâmiyah al-Indûnîsiyah” (Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia) wa Âtsâruhu Fî Istinbâth al-Ahkâm al-Syar’iyyah

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 558-594
Moh. Abdul Kholiq Hasan ◽  
Iskandar Dzulkarnain ◽  
Muh. Nashirudin

Indonesian Islamic Da’wa Institution or Lembaga Dakwah Islam Indonesia (LDII) tends to embrace exclusivity and takfiri ideology. This article attempts to reveal the fiqh manhaj (method) that LDII employs and its influences on the legal decisions LDII takes by employing the library research method in descriptive qualitative type. The content analysis in tandem with document triangulation and structured interviews were applied to investigate the textual references LDII uses. The findings indicate that LDII employs a fiqh manhaj called manqul. This influences the law istinbath of LDII. Mandatory to remain in the congregation (jamaah), taking the oath of allegiance to the leader of the jamaah, the claim by the jamaah leader of the right to construct sharia law, license to lie, and takfiri are some controversial products of the manqul. With takfiri as the most dangerous product of the manqul, it befalls the government of Indonesia to watch over this jamaah. اشتهرت مؤسسة الدعوة الإسلامية الإندونيسية أو ما يسمى بـــ LDII بتكفيرها على جميع المسلمين سوى جماعتهم. وتهدف هذه الدراسة لمعرفة أصل المنهج الفقهي عند هذه الجماعة وآثاره في استنباط الأحكام الشرعية عندهم. واعتمدت الدراسة على منهج البحث الوصفي التحليلي، بطريقة تحليل المحتوي أو ما يسمى بــ (content analysis). وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى القول بأن أصل المنهج الفقهي عند هذه الجماعة هو ما يسمى بـ"المنقول". وإن لهذا المنهج الفقهي أثار كبير في استنباط الأحكام الشرعية عند هذه الجماعة. ومن بينها: لزوم الناس لجماعتهم، وجوب البيعة لإمامهم، وجوب الإنفاق، ادعاء إمامهم أن لهم حقّ في تشريع الأحكام، إباحة التقية أو الكذب على الآخرين. ومن أخطر هذه المخالفات تكفيرهم لجميع المسلمين ممن ليسوا من جماعتهم. لأن هذا الاستنباط له أثر سيئ لوحدة الشعب، ولذا على حكومة إندونيسيا أن تتنبه دائما تجاه هذه الجماعة المنحرفة.

I Wayan Juwahyudhi

ABSTRACTOne of the police authorities is a discretionary action, where the action can also be done at the time of the investigation in dealing the juvenile offenders to protect children’s right to get justice and maximum legal protection. In the Law Number 11 of 2012 on the Juvenile Criminal Justice System stipulate about the investigator authority to carry out action of diversion, but this only applies to children under sentence of less than 7 years in prison and does not apply in children who are subject to punishments of more than 7 years in prison. This is contrary to the 1945 Constitution and the Law Number 23 of 2002 which emphasizes the protection of children before the law an the efforts to avoid imprisonment of the juvenile offenders.The thesis describes the police authority and the legal mechanisms and policies by the investigator in protecting the right on the juvenile offenders that puts the principles of legal protection. In order to avoid negative effects on children, therefore the police discretion is needed to avoid restrictions on freedom of the children’s right. The method used is a normative legal research method, where the normative or library legal research method is done by examining existing library materials.The writer suggested to the government to be more serious in dealing with the problems of children, especially for the juvenile offenders so that the welfare and right of children are protected and to avoid restrictions on freedom and minimize for juvenile offenders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-153
Yuyun Ayu Lestari ◽  
Khamim Zarkasih Putro

Children as social beings who have the right to grow and develop and live freely and play according to their age without feeling uncomfortable. In big cities there are still many children who are forced to take to the streets and help their parents earn a living, regardless of their needs, healt, rights and risks. The purpose of this study is to find and explain the factors for the emergence of street children, the risks that can be obtained when children take to the streets, obstacles and efforts to handle the rise of street children. The method used in this research is the library research method which collects data or information through reviewing and exploring several printed and online references. The result is that the government had made efforts in handling and eradicating case of street children, Such as the construction of foster homes, community empowerment and other handling.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Maskur Rosyid ◽  
Anwar Hafidzi

This article discusses how al-Tufi's views on maslahat are the supremacy of the sharia law. This research uses library research method with the primary data source of this research is the book Sharh al-Arba'in al-Nawawi Mulhiq al-Maslahah fi al-Tashri 'al-Islami, and Sharh Mukhtasar al-Raudah, which is al-Tūfi. The findings of this study are that the maslahat in the view of al-Tufi is all the reason for delivering goodness both in the field of worship and mu'amalah as well as all efforts to realize the maqasid al-shari'ah. The concept of maslahatnya is based not only on the mind, but also based on nas}, both the Qur'an and Hadith and ijmak. The priority priorities with the takhsis method and the town referred to as al-Tufi only apply to naskah-nascans rather than the qat'i nas. Furthermore, the priority of al-Tufi's maslahat only applies to the field of mua'malah and which is attributed to him, not to the field of worship and to which it is attributed to the last cause given to the law and ijmak.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Sri Amlinawaty Muin

Tujuan Penelitian untuk menganalisis kedudukan hak angket sebagai fungsi pengawasan terhadap penyelenggaraan negara. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitan hukum mormatif. Hasil penelitian bahwa  Hak Angket Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (Pasal 20A ayat (2)) mengatur dan merekomendasikan diatur dengan Undang-Undang dengan asumsi dan dengan keinginan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dalam Sistem Pemerintahan Presidensil adalah juga Parlemen harus punya hak sebagai bagian dari Fungsi Pengawasan yang dimiliki Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan penggunaannya cenderung royal bahkan sasarannya melebar menjadi alat penekan terhadap Pemerintah. Ini terjadi sebagai akibat belum diaturnya dalam Undang-Undang tentang Hak Angket. The purpose of the study was to analyze the position of the questionnaire right as a function of supervision of state administration. The research method used is a normative legal research method. The results of the study that the House of Representatives' Questioning Rights (Article 20A paragraph (2)) regulates and recommends are regulated by law with the assumption and with the wishes of the House of Representatives in the Presidential Government System that the Parliament must have the right as part of the Oversight Function owned by the Council House of Representatives. Research results show that their use tends to be royal even the target is widening to be a pressure tool on the Government. This happened as a result of not having been regulated in the Law on Questionnaire Rights.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-136
Ronny Mahmuddin ◽  
Irsyad Rafi ◽  
Khaerul Aqbar ◽  
Azwar Iskandar

The objective of this research was to recognize the law of hastening the payment of zakat on wealth and zakat al-fitr in the midst of Covid-19 pandemic. This research used a descriptive qualitative approach which was an attempt to understand various concepts found in the research process by using content analysis techniques and library research. The results of the study show that: first, it is possible to immediately pay zakat on wealth on condition that the ratio must be sufficient, according to a strong opinion namely that is the opinion of the majority of scholars; second, as for zakat al-fitr, the opinion which is a view in the Shafi'i school can be a solution for the current situation that it is permissible to hasten zakat al-fitr since the beginning of Ramadan. But the stronger opinion is that zakat al-fitr can only be paid one day or two days prior to the id according to a clear argument and guidance. As for the urgency of the needs of the Muslims, this does not necessarily become a reason that allows the hastening of zakat al-fitr so that it becomes the only solution that must be taken. However there is another solution, it is enhancing the encouragement for those who have adequate amount to optimize charity and alms aimed at our brothers and sisters who are in need in the midst of Covid-19.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Muhammad Turhan Yani ◽  
Sri Abidah Suryaningsih

The purpose of article writing is to find out the impact of modernization on lifestyle in some Muslim societies that have a tendency to ignore the parameters of religion (Islam) in terms of consuming a food / beverage, medicine, even cosmetics product. The research method used is library research. The result of the analysis is that anything consumed in an Islamic perspective has implications for mental health. this is where awareness is needed that when Allah SWT. has given signs about halal and haram for food or drink, so there is a wisdom behind the provisions of Allah. In the context of normative law in Indonesia, halal standardization has also been strengthened by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 33 of 2014 concerning Guarantee of Halal Products as a whole to all levels of society. In addition, the Government has also formed a body called the Halal Product Guarantee Agency which has the duty to hold a Halal Product Guarantee. This shows that the Government is also very concerned about the needs of its citizens in meeting the consumption of all products with halal standards.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Sugeng Widodo ◽  
Mufidah Mufidah

The rise of corruption cases certainly forces the government to prevent corrupt measures, the wiretapping in Indonesia by the KPK, also in terms of tackling other criminal acts. So of course there is Ethics, Ethics so far has not been touched by the KPK because in conducting wiretapping it is only limited to following the laws and regulations even though in regard to laws and regulations there should be ethics that must be maintained to guarantee the right to life of one's privacy. The research method used in this study is the qualitative research method with the type of library research library research, using the statutory approach, and theories (conceptual approach), and the Case Approach (doctrinal approach) which is examined through various literatures relating to the regulation of privacy rights, also relating to the regulation of wiretapping of the KPK.Keywords: Ethics, Wiretapping by the KPK, Wiretapping in the Human Rights PerspectiveMaraknya kasus korupsi tentu memaksa pemerintah terhadap langkah-langkah preventive koruptor, maka penyadapan di Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh KPK, juga dalam hal menanggulangi tindakan-tindakan kriminal lainnya. Maka tentu ada Etika, Etika selama ini belum tersentuh oleh KPK karena dalam melakukan penyadapan hanya sebatas mengikuti peraturan perundang-undangan, padahal berkenaan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan seharusnya ada etika yang harus dijaga untuk menjamin hak kehidupan privasi seseorang. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan ( library research), menggunakan Pendekatan Perundang-undangan (statutory approach), dan Teori-teori (conceptual approach), serta Pendekatan Kasus (doktrinal approach) yang diteliti melalui berbagai literatur yang berkaitan dengan pengaturan hak-hak privasi, juga berkaitan dengan pengaturan penyadapan KPK.  Kata Kunci :  Etika, Penyadapan oleh KPK, Penyadapan dalam Presfektif  HAM   

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-302
Abdurrahman Hakim

This research aims to analyze the existence of the asynchronous between the reality of the law in society and the existing law in the legislation concerning early marriage. For this reason, this research will be examined using the anthropological of law as an approach to find out three important aspects as objects of study of legal anthropology, namely knowledge of the community about law, the culture of community law, and the behavior of community law. After that, the case of early marriage will be analyzed using the theory of Maqhasid al-sharia. There are two reasons why this research needs to be studied using the theory of maqasid shariah. First, Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage is a manifestation of Islamic Law. Second, the community considers that early marriage is part of the teachings of Islam because it was once practiced by the Prophet and Aisha. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the type of library research. The data used are legislation, books, newspapers, journals, and online media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-196
Muhammad Yusram

Azan is an important matter in performing obligatory prayers; it is an announcement of the beginning of five-time daily prayers. However, problems arise when covid-19 pandemic occurs in the midst of society and a particular way (kaifiyat) of azan recommended in the Shari'a is required. The aim of this research was to describe the law and the characteristics of azan during the covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, descriptive qualitative research methods were used in this study so were content analysis techniques and library research approaches in the analysis process. The results of the study show that the law of azan in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic is fardu kifayah (collectively obligatory), while the additional enunciations of azan that was prescribed in the excused condition of the congregational prayer include: Shallu> fi> riha>likum, Shallu> fi> buyu>tikum, Ala> Shallu> fir riha>l, and Ash Shala>h fir Riha>l. The pronouncement of the additional enunciations of azan is after the usual as usual, and this is based on the clearest passage according to the narration of Ibn Umar radhiyallahu anhuma. However, the scholars also allow the muezzin to pronounce those enouncements in place of "Hayya‘ ala ash shala> h" when azan is called out.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 161
Chamim Tohari

Relation between the different of religion comunity in the multicultural nation as in Indonesia be a natural phenomenon that it cannot be avoided. As to one of the problem that had appeared in this case is about wedding problem betweena moslem with the difference religion womans. Majority of the Indonesia religious scholars as scholar in Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah had been prohibiting wedding like that with various reason. while a part little of the contemporary moslem scholars have been permiting the wedding. The points which will discussed in this research is how is opinion of Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah about the law of wedding with the woman from Ahl Al-Kitab and its ijtihad methodology. This research should analyze the argumentation of the Majelis Tarjih that make forbidding a muslem married with the difference religion womans. This research using library research approach dan content analysis. The results of this research are: (1) Majelis Tarjih of Muhammadiyah forbidding the wedding with sad al-dzari’ah as its argumentation; (2) Majelis Tarjih’s opinion has been irrelevant because two reason, the mistake of methodology and the change of the Indonesian contemporary society (based on an empiric data). Keywords: Ahlu Kitab; Majelis Tarjih; Different Religion Marriage

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