2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Putri Saraswati ◽  
Arbi Alfarabi ◽  
Tri Dayakisni

Problems in education are students who experience boredom in the learning process, whereas in the learning required concentration, interest and motivation, which required students to experience flow. Flow itself blends in total concentration which refers to the solemn concept in religiosity. The purpose of this research is to know religiosity relationship with academic flow. The design of this study is non-experimental correlation type. The data retrieval technique uses cluster sampling technique. Totals subjects as many as 222 students in city of Malang. Data collection method used in this research is the scale of religiosity made by the researcher. Then the scale of academic flow using the scale of LIS (The flow inventory for student), the researchers add some items in the scale of LIS. Data analysis method used product moment. The results of data analysis obtained r = 0.508 p = 0.000 (sig <0.01) means that this study shows a significant positive relationship between religiosity and academic flow. While the effective contribution of religiosity to academic flow is 25.8% and the rest equal to 74.2%, influenced by other factors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-26
Bobi Januar Iskandar ◽  
Muhammad Noupal ◽  
Kiki Cahaya Setiawan

The independent variable in this research is the attitude of tawakal. While the dependent variable is anxiety facing the national exam. Hypothesis research there is correlation between attitude tawakal with anxiety face national exam at student class XII. The samples were taken using Cluster Random Sampling technique. The sample in this study amounted to 165 students class XII IPA 1, XII IPA 2, XII IPA 4, XII IPS 1 and XII IPA 3. Methods of data retrieval in this study using the scale of attitude tawakal and the scale of anxiety face the national exam. Data analysis method used to test the research hypothesis using Pearson Product Moment analysis. All data analysis calculations were performed using the SPSS (Statistical Packager For Social Science) software version 22.00. The conclusion of this research is there is a significant negative correlation between attitude tawakal with anxiety face national examination at student of class XII (r = -0,596; p = 0,000). This suggests that the role of tawakal attitude to anxiety is very important. Humans who have a high tawakal attitude will have a low anxiety and vice versa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-98
Bagus Nyoman Kusuma Putra ◽  
I Wayan Gede Antok Setiawan Jodi ◽  
I Ketut Merta

Organizational commitment is a level or awareness of a person to recognize the extent of an organization and is bound to its goals so as to accelerate the organization to achieve its objectives. Competence is knowledge, skills, and abilities that are mastered by someone who has become a part of him, so he can do cognitive, affective, and psychomotor behaviors as well as possible. Employee performance is the result of work in quality and quantity achieved by someone in carrying out their functions in accordance with the responsibilities given to him.The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of commitment and competence on employee performance at PT. BPR Duta Bali. The sampling technique used is a saturated sampling technique. The sample in this study was 40 employees. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis with the SPSS program. The results of the study state that the commitment variable has a positive effect on employee performance. Competency variables do not affect employee performance. Commitment and competency variables simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee performance

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 3828-3839
Reza Refki Tanggo ◽  
Salma Taqwa

The purpose of this study was to analyze: (1) The effect of profitability on firm value. (2) The effect of earnings quality on firm value. (3) The effect of investment decisions on firm value. The population in this study are all manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2014-2018. While the sampling technique in this study is using purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 300 samples. The data analysis method used is multiple regression using SPSS 25 software. The results of this study indicate that: (1) profitability has a positive and significant effect on firm value with a significance of 0.000 < 0.05. (2) earnings quality has a positive and insignificant effect on firm value with a significance of 0.757 > 0.05. (3) investment decisions have a positive effect and not on the value of the company with a significance of 0.418 > 0.05

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Clara Oktaviani ◽  
Maskuri Sutomo ◽  
Farid Farid

The purpose of this study is to find out what factors determine consumers in choosing the 88 Celebes Walet  cafe  in  Palu  City.  Types  of  Explorative research,  namely research  carried  out  because  this study tries to explore information or problems that are relatively new. In this study researchers used a sample  of  72  respondents.  The  sampling  technique  used  in  this study  was  accidental  sampling.  The data  analysis  method used  in  this study  uses  factor  analysis.  The  results  of  this  study  indicate  that there are 5 (five) factors that determine consumers in choosing the 88 Celebes Walet cafe in Palu City. The five factors are factor 1, factor 2, factor 3, factor 4 and factor 5 which is the result of 18 variables analyzed.Tujuan  dari  penelitian  ini  yaitu  untuk  mengetahui  faktor-faktor  apa saja  yang  menentukan konsumen  dalam  memilih  cafe  Celebes Walet  88  di  Kota  Palu.  Jenis  penelitian Exploratif, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dikarenakan penelitian ini mencoba menggali informasi atau permasalahan yang relatif masih baru. Penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan sampel sebanyak 72 responden. Teknik penarikan sampel  yang  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini  adalah accidental  sampling. Metode  analisis data  yang  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini menggunakan  analisis  faktor.Hasil  penelitian  ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat 5 (lima) faktor yang menentukan konsumen dalam memilih cafe Celebes Walet 88 di Kota Palu. Kelima faktor tersebut adalah faktor 1, faktor 2, faktor 3, faktor 4 serta faktor 5 yang merupakan hasil dari 18 variabel yang dianalisis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Pendi Hasyim ◽  
Nuridin Nuridin

<em>This study aims to determine the Effect of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance of PT. Kao Indonesia. The population in this study amounted to 300 employees. By using the Slovin formula a sample of 75 employees was obtained. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. This study uses a quantitative approach, data for this study were obtained through a questionnaire that was filled out by respondents who had been determined. The data analysis method used is a simple and multiple linear regression analysis method. The research results partially show that leadership has a significant effect on employee performance. Organizational culture has a significant effect on employee performance. While simultaneously leadership variables and organizational culture have a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of PT. Kao Indonesia.</em>

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-212
Taufik Tri Nur Hidayat ◽  
Chalil Chalil ◽  
Maskuri Sutomo

The purpose of this study is to simultaneously and partially determine and analyze the effect of accessibility and destination image toward the revisit to Tambing Lake. The variables of this research are accessibility (X1) and destination image (X2). While the dependent variable is the revisit (Y). This study used the research method of causal descriptive, with the sample size of 70 people. The sampling of this research used incidental sampling technique. The data analysis method in this research used multiple linear regression analysis method. The results showed that: 1). Accessibility and destination image simultaneously have significant effect on the revisit to Tambing Lake; 2). Accessibility partially have significant effect on the revisit to Tambing Lake; 3). Destination image partially have significant effect on the revisit to Tambing Lake. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh variabel aksesibilitas dan citra destinasi secara simultan dan parsial terhadap niat berkunjung kembali ke Telaga Tambing. Variabel penelitian ini yaitu aksesibilitas (X1) dan citra destinasi (X2). Sedangkan variabel dependen yaitu niat berkunjung kembali (Y). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kausal dengan jumlah sampel 70 orang. Bentuk pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik insidental sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: 1). Aksesibilitas dan citra destinasi secara simultan (serempak) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat berkunjung kembali ke Telaga Tambing; 2). aksesibilitas secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat berkunjung kembali ke Telaga Tambing; 3). citra destinasi secara parsial berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat berkunjung kembali ke Telaga Tambing.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Milana Prihatina D.T. ◽  
Dwi Putra Buana Sakti ◽  
Handry Sudiartha Athar

 This research is an associative study with a quantitative approach.With 89 sample of customers of PT. Pegadaian (Limited) which is obtained by cluster sampling technique, consisting of customers which has received a Partnership Program of CSR assistance in Lombok Island in last 3 (three) years (2014-2016). This study used a causal correlation, which have independent variables (influencing variables) and dependent variables (variables that are affected). This research aims to determine the causal correlation between independent variables, CSR on the loyalty of customers of PT. Pegadaian (Limited) on Lombok through the Corporate image variable.Based on the results of the research and discussion it is inferred that : 1) There is a direct, positive and significant influence between CSR variables on Corporate Image. The data analysis showed that there is a very strong correlation between CSR variables and Corporate Image. 2) There is a direct, positive and significant influence between the variables of Corporate Image on Customer Loyalty. The data analysis showed that there is a very strong correlation between the variables of Corporate Image on Customer Loyalty. 3) There is a direct, positive and significant influence between CSR variables on customer loyalty. The data analysis showed that there is a very strong correlation between CSR variables on customer loyalty. 4) There is a direct, positive and significant influence between CSR variables on Customer Loyalty through Corporate Image. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian asosiatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Dengan sampel 89 pelanggan PT. Pegadaian (Persero) diperoleh dengan teknik cluster sampling, terdiri atas nasabah yang telah menerima Program Kemitraan bantuan CSR di Pulau Lombok dalam 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir (2014-2016). Hubungan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah adalah hubungan yang bersifat sebab akibat (kausal), dimana ada variabel independen (variabel yang mempengaruhi) dan variabel dependen (variabel yang dipegaruhi). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan sebab akibat antara variabel independen yaitu CSR terhadap variabel dependen loyalitas pelanggan melalui variabel intervening Corporate image.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1) Terdapat pengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan antara variabel CSR terhadap Citra Perusahaan. Hasil analisis data juga menunjukan korelasi yang sangat kuat antara variabel CSR dan Citra Perusahaan. 2) Terdapat pengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan antara variabel Citra Perusahaan terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan. Dari hasil analisis data juga ditemukan korelasi yang sangat kuat antara variabel Corporate Image pada Loyalitas Pelanggan. 3) Terdapat pengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan antara variabel CSR terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Hasil analisis data juga menemukan korelasi yang sangat kuat antara variabel CSR terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. 4) Ada pengaruh langsung, positif dan signifikan antara variabel CSR pada Loyalitas Pelanggan melalui Corporate Image.Keywords : CSR ; Corporate Image ; Customer Loyalty

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 791
Ni Kadek Putri Sartika ◽  
I Nym Wijana Asmara Putra

This research was conducted at PT. Prosperous Indobali Trada all branches in Bali. Data collection is done by questionnaire with saturated sampling technique. The number of employees who become respondents is as many as 46 people. Data Analysis Method used in this research is to use multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis found Leadership Style has a positive and significant effect on company performance. This shows that the greater the leadership style the company will increase. Positive and significant organizational commitment to the company's performance. This shows the higher level of organizational commitment, the higher the company will be. Positive and significant work motivation on company performance. This shows the higher level of work motivation, the higher the increase in the company. Keywords : Leadership Style; Organizational Commitment; Motivation; Performance.

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Nyoman Riana Dewi ◽  
Hilda Sudhana

Marital harmony will be difficult to achieve without a good interpersonal relationship between husband and wife. In creating a good interpersonal relationship needs effective communication so as to prevent yourself from situation that could damage the relationship and can lead to not harmonious marriage. This study aimed to determine the relationship between interpersonal communication with marital harmony.   This study is a quantitative research that used a product moment correlation. The sampling technique used is the technique simple random sampling, with 110 subjects. The scale used in this research are scale interpersonal communication and scale marital harmony. Based on the results obtained correlation values (r) of 0,649 with probabilities of 0,000 (p<0,05). The result from test data analysis is that there is a positive and significant correlation between interpersonal communication with marital harmony. The effective contribution to interpersonal communication with marital harmony is 42,2% and the others are 57,8% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.   Keywords: Interpersonal communication, marriage harmony

1970 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-150
Titin Hartini

This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Firm Size and Profitability on Islamic Social Reporting, and see whether Earning Growth can strengthen or weaken the relationship between independent variables to the dependent variable. This research takes object in companies registered in Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) for period 2011-2015, amounted to 30 companies and obtained by 12 companies by using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis method used is multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of simultaneous research all the variables berpegaruh against Islamic Social Reporting, but partially, only Firm Size that affect the Islamic Social Reporting. In addition, Earning Growth can not strengthen or weaken the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables.

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