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2022 ◽  
Doaa Eissa ◽  
Rehab Hegab ◽  
Ahmed Abou Shady ◽  
yousra kotp

Abstract The term of nanotechnology has emerged recently in several fields of interest that refers to the researches and innovations that are concerned with making materials on a very small size close to the scale of atoms and molecules. In the present work, the effects of green synthesis of different nanoparticles on the quality of irrigation water, the availability of some heavy metals content in soil and the plant, and the productivity of Marjoram were studied in detail. The obtained results showed that the addition of nanoparticles (NPs) materials has resulted in noticeable variations in the removal percentages of Cu and Fe from aqueous solution. The maximum values obtained for adsorption of Cu (II) on ZnO, MgO, and SiO2 NPs, within pH (3–5) were 89.9%, 83.3%, and 68.36%, respectively. Whereas, the maximum adsorption values of Fe (III) at pH 3.3 were 82%, 80%, and 65% for ZnO, MgO, and SiO2 NPs, respectively. It was clearly seen that the effective of NPs application on reduction of the available Cu in the studied soil samples. The order of sequence for the effects of NPs application was found to take the following order Zn2 > Zn1 > Mg2 > Si2 > Mg 1 > Si1 > C (control). The highest values of the available Cu were observed in the control treatment, whereas the lowest values were obtained when Zn2 was added, and the same tendency was observed with the substantial concentrations of Fe. The addition of NPs to the soil samples had positively affected the Cu uptake via plant. The effects of NPs and the additions of Cu and Fe on the availability of NPK in the soil system were very completed and osculated from one treatment to another. The same tendency was observed with the total concentration of NPK in the plant.

Animals ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Kamila Pokorná ◽  
Jaroslav Čítek ◽  
Petr Doležal ◽  
Martyna Małopolska ◽  
Mirosłav Tyra ◽  

With the increasing age of boars, the possibility of androstenone (5α-androst-16-en-3-one (AND), 5α-androst-16-en-3α-ol (α-AND), and 5α-androst-16-en-3β-ol (β-AND)) occurrence increases as well. The aim of this study was to evaluate concentrations of androstenone compounds in the saliva of boars concerning the age of animals. In total, 72 boars were evaluated (24 boars per replication). The effect of age (three different ages—152, 163, and 172 days) was observed, and (Landrace × Large White) × Pietrain genotypes were used. Chemical analysis of saliva samples was conducted by multidimensional gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (MDGC/MS). Salivary α-AND increased with age (p < 0.05), and positive correlations were found between age and submaxillary salivary gland weight (p < 0.05), age, and salivary AND concentration (p < 0.05), body weight and submaxillary salivary gland weight (p < 0.05), submaxillary salivary gland weight and salivary β-AND concentration (p < 0.05), as well as submaxillary salivary gland weight and total salivary 5α-androstenone (AND total) concentration (p < 0.001). Nowadays, animal welfare is becoming a more and more discussed topic, and pig breeding is not an exception. Specifically, the castration ban is a current issue, so it is very important to know as much as possible about compounds responsible for boar taint. Androstenone’s appearance in boars’ saliva could be one of the most important precursors for future early detection of boar taint.

2022 ◽  

<p>The concentrations and comparisons of total and available metals Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb and the metalloid As were examined in two adjacent acid forest soils in Greece under oak and beech together with the dependency of their availability. It was found that the soil in the beech plot had higher concentrations of total elements with the exception of the litter layer (L) where most metals did not differ. It is probable that the parent material of the beech soil contained some metamorphic mafic material. The surface soils for both stands were moderately enriched with Pb, Cd and As, whereas for Cr and Ni the enrichment was minimal. The concentrations of available elements (extracted with DTPA) were higher in the beech soil. The availability of most metals was affected by the pH, the organic C, the ratio of C/N and the total concentration of the metals. Through a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) analysis, it was found that 63-75% of the concentrations variance of the available metals was explained. The percentages of available metals with regard to their total concentrations in soils were higher in the beech plot in the FH layer but in the mineral layers, they did not differ apart from Pb. The concentrations of the metals in the leaves of both species in three consecutive years did not differ with the exception of Cd, the concentration of which was higher in the beech leaves.</p>

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0261957
Abdulaziz G. Alghamdi ◽  
Mohamed H. EL-Saeid ◽  
Abdulhakim J. Alzahrani ◽  
Hesham M. Ibrahim

Depending on their particle size and concentration, heavy metals in urban dust pose a health hazard to humans. This study investigated the total concentration, health risk, integrated pollution load index (IPI), and enrichment factor (EF) of various heavy metals in urban dust at different locations in Riyadh City. Surface dust samples were collected from 50 different residential yards in the north, south, west, east, and central corners of the city and analyzed for cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn). With respect to concentrations heavy metals were in the following order Zn > Cu > Mn > Cr > Ni > Pb > Cd. The EF trends exposed repeated anthropogenic activities were responsible for Mn, Cr, and Ni, while Pb, Zn, and Cu appeared to come from Earth’s crust. Since the heavy metal concentrations were lower than the threshold values, children and adults are exposed to lower health risk in investigated area. Also, there are no pollution of heavy metals in the dust with respect to IPI which is less than the critical limit (<1) with the exception of a sampling location in north side of the city with higher IPI showed unhealthy respiration conditions in particular areas. It was concluded that rapid industrialization and urbanization and their concentrations in dust may cause health problems in near future in north side as well as other sides of Riyadh City.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 387-394
D. S. Galchenko ◽  
M. G. Smirnova ◽  
L. I. Sokolova

The problem of wastewater treatment from residual antibiotics is of particular relevance, since these drugs are used in many agricultural sectors. Antibiotics get into water, animal and human bodies, where they can accumulate negatively affecting health. The aim of this article is to study the possibility of using natural aluminosilicate vermiculite sorbent from the Koksharovskoye field (Primorsky Region) for purifying fish processing and fish farming enterprises’ waste water from antibiotics (chloramphenicol, tetracycline, cefazolin, cefuroxime, ceftriaxone, cefepime and and ciprofloxacin) under static and dynamic conditions. The study was carried out on a model wastewater system with injected antibiotics. The purification ability of the model system using the method of spectrophotometric antibiotics detection is analyzed. Under static conditions, the total content of antibiotics varied from 0.25 mg to 1.00 mg per 1 g of sorbent. Under dynamic conditions, the antibiotic content was 0.025 mg per 1 g of sorbent. High values of absorption for all studied antibiotics, except for chloramphenicol, were achieved both in static and dynamic modes. For chloramphenicol, when examined under static conditions, the maximum absorption rate was 45% with the minimum total concentration of antibiotics. With an increase in the load on the sorbent, the degree of absorption decreased to 3%. Thus, vermiculite modified with 7% hydrochloric acid is a promising sorbent for cleaning water bodies from residual antibiotics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
A. P. Pinchuk ◽  
I. V. Ivanyuk ◽  
M. O. Shevchuk ◽  
M. Yu. Dubchak ◽  
A. F. Likhanov

In the plant body, phenolic compounds nonspecifically affect the processes of morphogenesis and perform a wide range of regulatory and protective functions. Of particular interest are the processes involved in the complexation of flavonoids as a result of their interaction with ammonium forms of nitrogen. Polar compounds, which are formed in tissues as a result of chemical transformation, are quite mobile in soil solutions and show high biological activity. The properties of phenol-ammonium complexes are of considerable interest in terms of morphogenesis, physiology of stability, as well as in the system of interaction of plants with soil microorganisms. Studies of the effect of phenol-ammonium complex were performed on seeds and seedlings of Scots pine. Quantitative indicators of germination energy and germination were determined by seed germination. Biochemical profiling of seedling tissue extracts was performed by high-performance thin layer chromatography. It has been experimentally confirmed that rutin (quercetin-3-O-rutinoside) after interaction with 10% aqueous ammonia solution forms a complex of substances, among which the chromatography revealed polar products that potentially affect the regulation of growth. At a total concentration of 15 mg/l, these substances significantly increased germination energy and seed germination. In pine seedlings, they stimulated the growth of roots and shoots. The effect of the complex of organic compounds on seedlings depended on the concentration, duration of seed treatment and had a prolonged effect. The obtained phenol-ammonium complex at a concentration of 10-15 mg/l contributed to an increase in the amount of chlorophylls, carotenoids in the tissues of seedlings, and at 20-40 mg/l increased the content of phenolic synthesis products.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 415-420
S. K. PAUL ◽  

Measurements o f clo ud drop ..ire spectra on non-preci pitating cumulus clouds, 1·2 km thick,were made at differe nt levels o ver the Arabian Sea (maritime) and over r une (inland) regio n during the end ofthe summer monsoo n seasons of 1973, 1974 and 1979.The macimurn size of clo ud drops for the. Arabian Sea generally increased with height. while that for run eJiJ not show a systematic change with height. At bot h the local ions. the total concentration o f drops decreasedwith height. The maritime dist ributions were bimodal at all levels while those o..-er Punc were usually unimodal.The average values of liquid water content. mean vo lume diameter. dispersion and conccnt rarion of drops withdiameter > 50 «m were a lin le greater and total concentration a little smaller over the maritime region as ' om'pared to those over inland. The co ncentrations of drops with diameter < 14 ,...m and those > 78 I'm and thema ximum ~ i 7e were greater over Pune than the sea. The ..'a riarions in cloud drop spectra and the clo udphysical parameters over beth the locations are discussed.Kc) words - Cloud drop size spectra, Drop co ncentration,

Separations ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Alessio Incocciati ◽  
Elisa Di Fabio ◽  
Alberto Boffi ◽  
Alessandra Bonamore ◽  
Alberto Macone

Natural phenol and phenolic acids are widely distributed in the plant kingdom and the major dietary sources include fruits and beverages derived therefrom. Over the past decades, these compounds have been widely investigated for their beneficial effects on human health and, at the same time, several analytical methods have been developed for their determination in these matrices. In the present paper, 19 different aromatic carboxylic acids and phenols were characterized by GC-MS using ethyl chloroformate as the derivatizing agent. This procedure occurs quickly at room temperature and takes place in aqueous media simultaneously with the extraction step in the presence of ethanol using pyridine as a catalyst. The analytical method herein developed and validated presents excellent linearity in a wide concentration range (25–3000 ng/mL), low LOQ (in the range 25–100 ng/mL) and LOD (in the range 12.5–50 ng/mL), and good accuracy and precision. As a proof of concept, ethyl chloroformate derivatization was successfully applied to the analysis of a selection of commercial fruit juices (berries, grape, apple, pomegranate) particularly rich in phenolic compounds. Some of these juices are made up of a single fruit, whereas others are blends of several fruits. Our results show that among the juices analyzed, those containing cranberry have a total concentration of the free aromatic carboxylic acids and phenols tested up to 15 times higher than other juices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (12) ◽  
pp. 1391-1396
Salim F. Shayakhmetov ◽  
Alexey V. Merinov ◽  
Lyudmila G. Lisetskaya ◽  
Nina M. Meschakova ◽  
Victor S. Rukavishnikov

Introduction. In the context of large-scale modernization and intensification of aluminium production, it becomes relevant to assess the actual fluoride loads and the main factors that determine the occupational exposure of workers to fluorides for health risk analysis. Materials and methods. Monitoring studies of the content of hydrofluoride and aerosols of fluoride salts in the air of electrolysis shops were carried out with traditional and modernized technologies for producing aluminium and fluorine in urine in 108 workers of the primary professions and 35 people in the control group. Determination of the concentration of fluorides was carried out by photometric methods, and fluorine in urine - by ionometric methods. Results. The total concentration of fluoride compounds in the air of the modernized shops was 1.4-2.1 times lower than the values in traditional shops. The fluoride content in the urine of workers in these workshops ranged from 0.8 to 4.7 mg/l, 1.1-6.7 times higher than the level of the control group and 1.1-2.3 times the limit value of the biological exposure index. The highest external and internal fluoride loads and associated health risks are found in workers who maintain electrolyzers and anodes. A closer, noticeable (r = 0.644) correlation was found between the content of fluoride in urine and the levels of gaseous hydrofluoride in the air, indicating its predominant effect on workers compared to other determinants (total concentration of fluorides, seniority and age). Conclusion. The studies’ results indicate a high additional informative value and reliability of biomonitoring of fluoride in urine, which, combined with analysis of air pollution with fluorides, provides a completely objective assessment of the risk of exposure to workers. The presence of high levels of hydrofluoride in the air of electrolysis shops creates a higher occupational health risk for workers.

Gloria Bravo-Porras ◽  
Luis A. Fernández-Güelfo ◽  
Carlos J. Álvarez-Gallego ◽  
María Carbú ◽  
Diego Sales ◽  

AbstractPolyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) production from lignocellulosic biomass using mixed microbial cultures (MMC) is a potential cheap alternative for reducing the use of petroleum-based plastics. In this study, an MMC adapted to acidogenic effluent from dark fermentation (DF) of exhausted sugar beet cossettes (ESBC) has been tested in order to determine its capability to produce PHAs from nine different synthetic mixtures of volatile fatty acids (VFAs). The tests consisted of mixtures of acetic, propionic, butyric, and valeric acids in the range of 1.5–9.0 g/L of total acidity and with three different valeric:butyric ratios (10:1, 1:1, and 1:10). Experimental results have shown a consistent preference of the MMC for the butyric and valeric acids as carbon source instead other shorter acids (propionic or acetic) in terms of PHA production yield (estimated in dry cell weight basis), with a maximum value of 23% w/w. Additionally, valeric-rich mixtures have demonstrated to carry out a fast degradation process but with poor final PHA production compared with high butyric mixtures. Finally, high initial butyric and valeric concentrations (1.1 g/L and 4.1 g/L) have demonstrated to be counterproductive to PHA production.

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