Stages of teaching students a second foreign language based on cognitive communicative approach

Nataliia A. Borozdina

Educators should carefully plan their teaching activities especially when it comes to second foreign language teaching. One of the most common problems many students face when learning a second foreign language is a negative language transfer which arises due to the influence of the native language and the first foreign language. Especially difficult is the overcoming of negative language transfer in the process of studying the prepositions of a second foreign language. In order to help students overcome the emerging negative language transfer under the influence of several languages educators should create a special learning environment that would contribute to creating special learning connections in learners’ minds. We consider the benefits of cognitive communicative approach in relation to the process of overcoming negative language transfer when studying the prepositions of a second foreign language. We propose and describe an algorithm for overcoming negative language transfer which includes the following stages: 1) planning stage; 2) selection of the most suitable methodological content; 3) creation of scaffolded methodic content; 4) scaffolded practice of skills; 5) independent students’ practice; 6) assessment stage.

Olha Datskiv ◽  
Sofia Datskiv

An integral part of the formation of the New Ukrainian School is an inclusive component, which forms a new philosophy of society based on the understanding of diversity and equality for all. Involvement in education and constant support of children with special educational needs should take place at all stages of receiving complete secondary education, especially in primary school. The paper discusses the features of inclusive foreign language teaching in primary school. Based on the research analysis, pedagogical observation of the educational process in English lessons in inclusive classes, the conclusion is made that it is important for primary school English teachers to use clear and comprehensive instructions before doing exercises and tasks, introduce and maintain the learning routine (greeting, a permanent place for writing homework, questions at the beginning and at the end of the lesson, etc.), change the types of tasks frequently, adapt previously used exercises to the new learning conditions, use scaffolding strategies. The article presents a set of exercises and tasks to use in English lessons when studying the topic “My home” in an inclusive 3rd grade of a general secondary education institution, as well as checklists for self-and peer evaluation of the inclusiveness of the learning environment for English teachers. The exercises and tasks of the set were tested in the 3rd-B grade of Ternopil schools No. 16 and No. 7. The final assessment of the educational achievements of students in English in the second semester of the 2020 / 2021 academic year confirmed the effectiveness and appropriateness of using these exercises and tasks in the English lessons. Checklists for self-and peer evaluation of the inclusiveness of the learning environment were tested and approved by English teachers and recommended for use in the educational process by foreign languages teaching methodology groups.

Nadezhda Grin

This article discusses the communicative nature and the communicative principle of learning. Special attention is paid to the role of the video film as an effective means of teaching intercultural communi-cation in a foreign language. The communicative approach allows you to model a language situation that is close to the real situation of communication, without using your native language.

10.12737/7163 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 39-44
Anatoliy Shchukin

The article focuses on the content of the term methodology of foreign language teaching and its use in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the context of modern linguadidactics. The article also considers attributions of the term “method” from the position of modern approach to foreign language teaching (sistematic, speach of activites, competence). The article describes the object, the subject of linguadidactics, means of teaching in the context of communicative approach as well as the types of modern methodics (classical, communicative, education drama, intensive, integrative) that have extensive application in foreign and Russian language teaching.

1980 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Werner Hüllen

It is generally accepted that the aim of second or foreign language teaching is communicative competence; after a sequence of courses, students should be able to use the language (approximately and in certain fields of communication) as native speakers do. But how, for that matter,donative speakers use their language? An exhaustive answer to this question would certainly demand more than one paper. Attention will therefore be drawn to only two points that are important for the problem under discussion: correctness and communicative value.

10.23856/2711 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-105
Elena Andronova

The article represents the main advantages of communicative approach to foreign language teaching and its influence on development all-round person. Moreover, it reveals the way communicative approach can be implemented in all spheres of language teaching as ESP teaching, four skills teaching, material design, and etcetera.

Sara Badia-Climent

  Resumen: En la actualidad, las aulas de secundaria se han convertido en espacios multiculturales que han llevado tanto a alumnos como a profesores a enfrentarse a una nueva realidad dentro de las clases. Los alumnos de origen extranjero y con lengua no nativa se ven obligados a adaptarse e integrarse a un ritmo vertiginoso que, en ciertas circunstancias, es inasumible; especialmente en aquellos alumnos que han entrado dentro del circuito escolar a partir del ciclo de secundaria y en mitad de curso. El objetivo, por tanto, de este artículo es analizar los resultados de aprendizaje de los alumnos inmigrantes de 3.º de ESO dentro de una secuencia didáctica dedicada al género anuncio para a) detectar la problemática de aprender una lengua mientras se trata de impartir los contenidos curriculares correspondientes y, sobre ellos, b) proponer una serie de modificaciones que puedan paliar estas dificultades. Palabras clave: Análisis de Errores, Enfoque por tareas, Enfoque Comunicativo, ELE en Secundaria,   Traducción del título al inglés Abstract: Nowadays, secondary classrooms have turned into multicultural spaces that have driven students and teachers to a new academic reality. Foreign students that haven’t got Spanish as native language must adapt and include in a fast-way. This situation, sometimes, is unacceptable, especially when students have started the scholar-circuit in the middle of course.             For this reason, the aim of this paper is to analyse the learning results of non-native students of of ESO during a didactic sequence of advertisement genre to a) detect the troubles of learning a new language while they are trying to assimilate the curricular contents and, therefore, b) propose a series of modifications that could palliate these difficulties. Key words: Mistake’s Analysis, Tasks-Based Approach, Communicative Approach, Spanish as foreign language in High Schools

Алан Солтанович Цховребов

В статье представлен анализ актуального вопроса об отборе и организации грамматического материала в аспекте преподавания русского языка как иностранного (РКИ), поскольку в лингвометодике в курсе РКИ важен учет рассмотренных нами принципов, предполагающих функциональный подход к изучению нового языка. Как известно, при отборе грамматического материала для презентации его в иностранной аудитории следует исходить из цели и содержания, признанных основными компонентами в системе иноязычного обучения. В ходе работы мы пришли к следующим результатам: цель обучения грамматике осуществляется более эффективно, если подача грамматического материала соответствует принципу доступности - он понимается и осмысливается без особых усилий; содержание обучения, отражающее его цель, должно включать элементы речевых моделей, коммуникативно-речевых ситуаций, необходимых для формирования знаний, навыков, умений по синтаксическому аспекту в практике преподавания РКИ. Установлено, что коммуникативно-функциональный подход признан ведущим в практике преподавания РКИ, поскольку предполагает единство функционального и структурно-семантического аспектов, что позволит разработать лингводидактическую модель педагогического воздействия с учетом принципов отбора и организации грамматического (синтаксического) материала, которая включала бы сведения о семантически близких синтаксических конструкциях. The article presents the analysis of the topical issue of selection of grammar material for teaching Russian as a Foreign Language, since it is important to take into account the principles involving functional approach to learning a new language. When selecting grammar material to present it to foreign students, it is necessary to consider the goal and content which are recognized as the main components in the system of foreign language teaching. The author obtained the following result: teaching grammar is more effective if the presentation of grammar material is quite accessible; the training content is to include the speech patterns, speech situations that are necessary to form the knowledge, skills in syntax. The author established that the communicative-functional approach is recognized as the leading one in teaching Russian as a Foreign Language, since it unites functional and structural-semantic aspects. This may help to develop a linguodidactic model of pedagogical influence, taking into account the principles of selection of grammar (syntactic) material, which includes the information about syntactic structures of semantic similarity.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 144

 RÉSUMÉ. Depuis 2010, les didacticiens spécialisés dans l’enseignement/apprentissage des Langues Etrangères (LE) s’intéressent aux émotions. Nous suivons leur lignée. Dans cet article, nous présentons une recherche qui s’inscrit en didactique cognitive des  LE. Nous appréhendons la manière dont les apprenants de Français Langue Etrangère mémorisent les informations verbales d’un extrait de film, dont le dialogue contient des mots du champ lexical des émotions. Afin d’observer ce phénomène, nous réalisons une étude expérimentale auprès de 13 sujets chinois, de niveau B2 en français. Dans un premier temps, les sujets apprennent le dialogue d’un extrait filmique afin de le théâtraliser. Une semaine plus tard, nous leur demandons de rappeler le dialogue. Les résultats montrent que les sujets mémorisent mieux les parties du dialogue qui sont affectivement chargées, avec du lexique des émotions. Ces résultats ont des implications claires quant à la création de matériel pédagogique ou la sélection de supports pour ceux qui souhaitent optimiser les processus cognitifs de mémorisation des apprenants et favoriser l’acquisition du vocabulaire, de structures linguistiques.Mots-clés : cognition, dialogue, FLE, lexique des émotions, mémorisation ABSTRACT.  Since 2010, the didacticians specialized on foreign language teaching are working on emotions. Our reflexion fits into this framework. This article presents a cognitive didactics research on foreign language. It deals with how learners memorize the dialogue of a film extract when this dialogue has emotional lexicon. In order to observe this phenomenon, an experimental study was conducted to 13 chinese subjects with a B2 level in french. First, the participants learn the dialogue of an extract in order to play the scene. A week later, they are asked to remember the dialogue. The results show that the participants memorize more the part of the dialogue with emotional lexicon. This results have clear implications for the creation of pedagogical tools and the selection of tools for people who want to improve the learner’s cognitive memorization process and the acquisition of vocabulary and linguistic structures. Keywords : cognition, french as a foreign language, emotional lexicon, memorization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 201-206
Isabela Anda Dragomir ◽  
Brânduşa-Oana Niculescu

AbstractWriting has traditionally been a neglected area of foreign language teaching, and most probably the least popular skill to acquire among students. However, it has lately emerged as an important element of the communication dyad, which also involves speaking, i.e. the oral manifestation of social interaction and exchange of information. When explaining writing in practical terms, the focus falls on showing that there should be a link between real-life needs and instruction, both from the perspective of the language and from that of the task. Understanding writing systematically not only guarantees successful writing outcomes, but also leads to the acquisition of a secondary set of language-related abilities: an informed selection of grammar and lexical structures; a logical pattern of organization in the development of ideas; an appropriate choice of register and style; an overall better approach to writing tasks and contextualizations. This article aims to discuss writing as a productive skill while proposing six different approaches that successfully marry both the linguistic dimension and the task-related awareness students need to acquire in order to successfully express themselves in written forms.

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