scholarly journals Potensi Serbuk Daun Pepaya untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Pemanfaatan Pakan, Rasio Efisiensi Protein dan Laju Pertumbuhan Relatif pada Budidaya Ikan Nila (Oreochromis niloticus) [Papaya Leaf Powder Potential to Improve Efficiency Utilization of Feed, Protein Efficiency Ratio and Relative Growth Rate in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fish Farming]

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Norma Isnawati ◽  
Romziah Sidik ◽  
Gunanti Mahasri

Abstract  Tilapia is a fish that has high economic value and is an important commodity in the business world of freshwater fish. Some of the things that support the importance of commodities tilapia, among others, have a relatively high resistance to disease, have a wide tolerance to environmental conditions, has the ability to grow well and can thrive well in intensive farming systems. Feeding efficiency can reduce production costs, but still has the required nutritional value of fish is an alternative that should be pursued. Several methods are used to improve feed efficiency, including optimizing digestion and absorption of food and increase the efficiency of the protein with the addition of digestive enzymes. There are two types of digestive enzymes in the enzyme or enzymes endogeneous eksogeneous to help accelerate the process of digestion and hydrolysis. One eksogeneous enzyme is an enzyme papain. The purpose of this study is to analyze the improvement of the efficiency of feed utilization, increasing and enhancing the protein efficiency ratio relative to the growth rate of tilapia due to the addition of papaya leaf powder. The method used is a method laboratory experiments. While the research design used in this research is completely randomized design (CRD), with all the factors conditioning the same and homogeneous, except for the treatment factor. Treatments consisted of 3 treatments and repeated each 6 replications, namely: A1: treatment of feeding with powdered papaya leaves 2%, A2: treatment of feeding with powdered papaya leaves 3%, A3: treatment of feeding with powdered leaves of papaya 4% and C: feeding without addition of the enzyme papain (control). The main parameters in this study is the efficiency of feed utilization, protein efficiency ratio of the feed rate relative pertumhuhan on tilapia, fish protein in meat and fish meat thickness. Fish feed without the addition of the enzyme papain proximate tested. Once given the addition of papaya leaf powder, tested proximate feed back. The amount of feed intake was calculated by weighing the amount of feed that has been consumed during treatment (30 days). The research result analysis showed that papaya leaf powder addition of as much as 2% can improve the efficiency of feed utilization in tilapia fish farming amounted to 36.65%, can increase the protein efficiency ratio amounted to 0.55%, could increase the growth rate relative to the cultivation of tilapia by 2,725% , can increase the protein content in the flesh of tilapia by 17.98%. As for the treatment of papaya leaf powder addition of as much as 3% can increase the thickness of the flesh of tilapia by 38.09%

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 783
Ika Nurul Asriyanti ◽  
Johannes Hutabarat ◽  
Vivi Endar Herawati

The cost of feed is one of the production costs that account for 65%, so the need for alternative feed ingredients that can reduce feed costs. Lemna plant has good enough nutrition as alternative food such as protein 32,13%, nitrogen extract (BETN) 15,96%, and fat 5,13%, crude fiber 28,58% and ash 18, 20% that can be used as fish feed ingredients.The aim of this study is to determine the effect and the best dose level of fermented lemna flour to the level of feed utilization, growth and survival of dumbo catfish (C. gariepinus).The experimental fish used was juvenile of catfishwith an average individual body weight of 3,43±0,06 g and the density of 1 fish/2 l for 42 days. This experimental applied completely randomized design (CRD), which consisted of 5 treatments and 3 replicates. The treatments were treatment each by an addition of flour lemna fermented 0% (A), 5% (B), 10% (C), 15% (D) and 20% (E) respectively. The results showed that the flour lemna fermented provided significantly effect (P<0,05) on total feed comsumption, feed utilization effeciency), protein efficiency ratio and relative growth rate. However, no significant effects (P>0,05) wereoccured on the values of survival rate. The highest dose of 20% dose of fermented lemon flour resulted in total feed intake of 170.01 ± 9.25 g, feed efficiency of 78.82 ± 4.75%, protein efficiency ratio of 2.49 ± 0.15% and the relative growth rate (of 4.60 ± 0.31% / day, while the optimum dose of fermented lemon flour to total feed consumption, the efficiency of feed utilization protein efficiency ratio and relative growth rate have not found the optimum point because based on orthogonal polynomial test still patterned linear.

Suminto Suminto ◽  
Titik Susilowati ◽  
Bambang Argo Wibowo ◽  
Diana Chilmawati

Pengembangan budidaya ikan lele, Clarias gariepinus sering terjadi kendala dengan biaya pakan yang terlalu tinggi (60-70% dari biaya produksi). Barangkali, penggunaan bahan baku lokal seperti pemanfaatan tepung telur ayam yang nilai nutrisinya tinggi, mudah didapat, dan murah harganya merupakan salah satu solusinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dan mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung telur ayam afkir dalam pakan buatan yang berprobiotik terhadap efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan, pertumbuhan dan kelulushidupan ikan lele dumbo (C. gariepinus). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang menggunakan  4 perlakuan dan masing-masing 3 kali kali ulangan. Perlakuan itu adalah pakan yang tanpa menggunakan tepung telur ayam afkir (Perlakuan A), pakan yang menggunakan tepung telur afkir masing-masing sebanyak 15%, 30%, dan 45% sebagai Perlakuan B, C, dan D. Ikan uji  bibit lele dumbo (C. gariepinus) yang ditebar mempunyai bobot rerata 2.04±0.05 g dengan kepadatan 1 ekor/L yang dipelihara selama 42 hari. Variabel data yang diukur meliputi Tingkat Konsumsi Pakan (TKP), Efisiensi Pemanfaatan Pakan (EPP), Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Relative Growth Rate (RGR), dan Survival Rate (SR). Hasil penelitian ditunjukkan bahwa penggunaan tepung telur ayam afkir pada pakan buatan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (p < 0.05) terhadap TKP, EPP, FCR, PER, dan RGR, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata (P≥0,05) terhadap SR. Perlakuan dengan penambahan tepung telur ayam afkir sebanyak 30% (Perlakuan C) memberikan nilai terbaik untuik TKP sebesar 146,87%, EPP sebesar 88,77%, PER sebesar 2,61% dan RGR sebesar 7,65%/hari dari perlakuan lainnya. Monitoring nilai kualitas air pada media pemeliharaan telah menunjukkan bahwa pada kisaran yang layak untuk pemeliharaan ikan uji. Catfish cultivation development, Clarias gariepinus often occur constraints with the high cost of feed  (60-70% of the production cost). Perhaps, the use of local raw materials such as the utilization of rejected chicken egg with high nutritional value, easy to obtain, and cheap price is one of the solution. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of addition of rejected chicken egg  powder inprobiotized artificial feed on the efficiency of feed utilization, growth and survival rate of catfish, C. gariepinus. This study was used an experimental method with completely randomized design (RAL) by using 4 treatments and each of them 3 replications. The treatments were feed without use of rejected chicken egg powder  (Treatment A), feed using 15%, 30%, and 45% of powder  meals of rejected chicken egg  as treatment B, C, and D, respectively. Catfish, C. gariepinus seeds were stocked with a mean weight of 2.04 ± 0.05 g with a density of 1 tail / L and cultured  for 42 days. The data variables measured were  Total of Feed Consumption (TFC), Feed Utilization Efficiency (FUE), Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Relative Growth Rate (RGR), and Survival Rate (SR). The results showed that the use of chicken egg starch in artificial feed gave a real effect (p <0.05) on TFC, FUE, FCR, PER, and RGR, but no significant effect (P≥0,05) on SR. Treatment with the addition of 30% chicken meal (Treatment C) had the best value for TFC at 146.87%, the FUE of 88.77%, the PER of 2.61%  and the RGR of 7.65% / day than of the another treatments. Monitoring of  water quality values on maintenance media has shown that at a reasonable range for the maintenance of catfish culture.

2010 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 83 ◽  
Nina Meilisza ◽  
Yann Moreau ◽  
Ettiene Baras ◽  
Rina Hirnawati

Siamese catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) at juvenile stage is used as ornamental fish by fish hobbies because of their beautiful shape and movement. Feeding time is a part of feeding management to get the best and effective strategy on feed input. This study aimed to determine the growth of Siamese catfish juvenile by looking at the influence of feeding time on feed utilization. The average individual weight of juveniles used was ± 3.2 g stocked 15 fish per aquarium equipped with recirculation system. Two level factors in the factorial design consisted of 4 feeding times (at 8:00, at 12:00, at 16:00, and as control (8:00, 12:00, 16:00) and feeding level (45 g feed kg-1 fish, 90 g feed kg-1 fish). Interaction between feeding time and feeding level resulting eight types of treatments research, namely A (8/45), B (12/45), C (16/45), D (8:12:16/45), E (8:12:16/90), F (8/90), G (12/90), and H (16/90). The results showed that feeding time had significant effect on the specific growth rate, feed conversion, and protein efficiency ratio and were significantly different among the treatments (P<0.05). Besides feeding time control (treatments D and E), treatment C also showed the highest of specific growth rate (2.03%), protein efficiency ratio (1.46), and the lowest feed conversion ratio (1.85).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-83
Riyanti Riyanti ◽  
Supono Supono ◽  
Limin Santoso

This study was aimed to examine the level of utilization of artemia frozen and decapsulated artemia feed for growth and survival of vaname shrimp postlarva. The experimental design used a completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments and three replications. The treatments tested were (A) Frozen Artemia, (B) Decapsulated Artemia, (C) Frozen Artemia + Decapsulated Artemia. Research carried out using 6300 PL2 vaname shrimp. Observed parameters include length growth rate and relative weight, feed utilization efficiency,protein efficiency ratio, survival rate and water quality. Feeding frozen artemia provides the best results with a growth in relative weight 128.06 g, feed utilization efficiency of 0.04%, protein efficiency ratio 48.21%, survival rate with a percentage of 56%, and for the relative length growth rate of artemia frozen + artemia decapsulation has the best results of 17.0%. Keywords : Artemia, tilapia, feed, growth

Dio Patria Yustysi ◽  
Fajar Basuki ◽  
Titik Susilowati ◽  
Tristiana Yuniarti

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari hibridisasi ikan nila Pandu F6 dengan nila Nilasa terhadap karakter reproduksinya dan performa benih yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini: perlakuan A (Pandu F6 ♀><Pandu F6 ♂), B (Nilasa ♀><Nilasa ♂), C (Pandu F6 ♀>< Nilasa ♂), dan D (Nilasa ♀><Pandu F6 ♂). Data yang diamati meliputi fekunditas, daya tetas telur, diameter dan bobot telur, panjang dan bobot larva TL, panjang dan bobot larva lepas kuning telur, kelulushidupan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, konversi pakan dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai terbaik pada fekunditas sebesar 1191,67 ± 239,45 butir/200 g, daya tetas telur sebesar 80,93 ± 3,90%, kelulushidupan sebesar 81,55 ± 7,54%, laju pertumbuhan spesifik sebesar 7,26 ± 0,25, konversi pakan 0,54 ± 0,02 didapatkan pada perlakuan C, akan tetapi untuk diameter dan bobot telur, panjang dan bobot larva Kuning Telur, dan panjang dan bobot larva lepas kuning telur tidak berbeda nyata. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa hibridisasi (perlakuan C) memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P < 0,05) terhadap fekunditas, daya tetas telur, kelulushidupan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, dan konversi pakan tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap diameter dan bobot telur, panjang dan bobot larva, dan panjang dan bobot larva lepas kuning telur. Kata kunci: Hibridisasi, Ikan Nila, Karakter Reproduksi, Performa Benih  ABSTRACT This research aims to know the influence of hybridization tilapia fish Pandu F6 with nila Nilasa against the character of the reproduction and seed performance. This research was conducted with the experimental method using Random Design complete (RAL) with 4 treatments and three replicates. The treatments in this study: the treatment A (Pandu F6 F6 ♀ >< Pandu ♂), B (Nilasa ♀>< Nilasa ♂), C (Pandu F6 ♀>< Nilasa ♂), and D (Nilasa ♀ >< Pandu F6 ♂). The observed data covering fecundity, hatching rate, egg size, yolk sack larva length and weight, length and weight of the egg yolk off larvae, survival rate, specific growth rate, feed conversion rate, and water quality. The results showed the best value on the fecundity of 1191.67±239.45 eggs/200 g, Hatching rate 80.93 ± 3.90%, Survival rate of 81.55 ± 7.54%, specific growth rate of 7.26 ± 0.25, conversion fodder 0.54 ± 0.02 obtained at the treatment C, but for the diameter and weight of egg, larval length and weight TL, and the length and weight of the yolk egg off larvae for each treatment do not differ markedly. The results showed that hybridization (treatment C) gives a real influence (P < 0.05) of fecundity,hatching rate, survival rate but not with the egg size, larva weight and length, and the length and weight of larvae off yolk. Water quality on the spawning, hatching eggs and larvae found on the maintenance of a decent range for tilapia fish farming Keywords: hybridization, tilapia fish, character of the reproduction, seed performance 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Moh. Fikri Ubaidillah ◽  
Farikhah Farikhah ◽  
Firma Fika Rahmawati

The use of phytopharmaca is not well known to all tilapia farmers, especially in Gresik Regencywhich is partly cultivation of Oreochromis niloticus tilapia fish.Demand for tilapia in the marketis quite high as the number of restaurants that make tilapia as one of the menu.Cinnamomumburmanii, cinnamon leaf powder is dried and crushed and easy enough to make it effectivelycheaper than chemicals that are expensive enough to improve the survival and growth oftilapia.This study aims to determine the best dosage of the addition of Cinnamomum burmanii,cinnamon leaf powder.The method used was complete random design (CRD) with treatment ofdose of cinnamon leaf dose (control), 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%/kg of feed per treatment consisted of 3replications.Parameters observed for survival, absolute weight and daily growth rate. The resultsof this study showed that the best dosage of cinnamon leaf powder had a significant effect onsurvival, absolute weight and daily growth rate of tilapia.The best dosage is the addition ofcinnamon leaf powder for survival, absolute weight and daily growth rate at a dose of 0.25%/kgof feed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 354-358
Sumira Jan ◽  
Anayitullah Chesti ◽  
Madinat Ul. Nisa ◽  
Misbah Mushtaq ◽  
Shazia Shah

The present investigation entitled “Studies on growth performance of Cyprinus carpio var. Communis fed with Bacillus clausii supplemented diets” was carried out at Faculty of Fisheries, Ganderbal over a period of 60 days from April 1st to June Ist, 2019. The fingerlings were fed with dry diets containing three concentrations of probiotic viz., (T1: 1%, T2: 1.5%, T3: 2%) and control group (T0: containing no probiotic). The growth parameters including per cent weight gain, Specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), feed efficiency ratio (FER) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were measured at the end of the experiment. The results showed that the probiotic incorporated diets had significant impact on growth than control group (P<0.05). The highest values of treatment T2 with 2 per cent probiotic showed the highest percent weight gain (74.62%), specific growth rate (0.40), feed efficiency ratio (0.90), protein efficiency ratio (1.82) were observed in treatments with 2% concentration of probiotic where as, feed conversion ratio(1.09) was lower in groups received probiotic through diets than control.

Satyajit S. Belsare ◽  
Hukam Singh Dhaker

To establish an effective feeding regime for Carassius auratus, this experiment investigated the effects of feeding ration and feeding frequency on growth, feed utilization and body composition in juvenile C. auratus (Initial weight: 1.66 ± 0.018 g). A 4 × 4 experimental design of four ration sizes (2, 3, 4 and 5% body weight per day [BW/day]) with four feeding frequencies (1, 2, 3 and 4 meals/day) was carried out over 8 weeks with three replicates per treatment. The results showed that weight gain and specific growth rate (SGR) increased significantly (P less than 0.05) with the feeding ration from 2% BW/day to 3% BW/day and feeding frequency from 1 meal/day to 4 meals/day. Similarly feed conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were significantly better (P less than 0.05) at feeding ration of 3% BW/day than 4 and 5% BW/day at 4 meals/day than 1, 2 or 3 meals/day. SGR, FCR and PER further reduced when feeding ration was increased beyond 3% BW/day. Lipid content improved with the increased feeding frequency at all feeding rations, however feeding frequency did not exhibit a significant effect on crude protein level (P>0.05). Moisture content of body showed an opposite trend to lipid content and decreased with increase in feeding frequency. In conclusion, feeding ration of 3% BW/day and feeding frequency of 4 meals/ day was found to be better for maximal growth and feed utilization of young ones of C. auratus.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Nurbety Tarigan ◽  
Firat Meiyasa

The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the commercial bacterial probiotic addition in feed on growth and survival rate of common carp. This research was conducted from July to September 2018. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and three replications. The initial body length of juveniles was 5-6 cm with density 1 juvenile/litersfor 42 days. In this research, we used different dosages of commercial probiotics 0, 5, 10 and 15 ml/kg. The results showed that the administration of those probiotics in the feed had a significant effect on the relative growth rate, survival rate, efficiency of feed utilization, and protein efficiency ratio on carp juvenile. Administration of probiotics at 15 ml/kg is the best treatment for a relative growth rate 2.96%, survival rate 100%, efficiency of food utilization 72.07%, and protein efficiency ratio 12.19%. In conclusions, probiotics mixed in feed are able to increase the digestibility of feed so that it supports the growth and survival rate of common carp.

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