relative length
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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Sadik Muhammed

The current study aims to compare the relationships of some biological parameters of young grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Valenciennes, 1844) fed on artificial diet and alfalfa in earthen ponds. These parameters included length-weight relationship, relative length and weight of the alimentary canal, condition factor and survival rate. Results of lengthweight relationship showed that no significant differences (P>0.05) were recorded for the t-test for the ideal value of 3 for fishes fed on artificial diet or alfalfa plant. The condition factor of young grass carp fed on artificial diet ranged between 0.021 to 1.074, while for fishes fed on alfalfa plant was 0.023 to 1.270 for allometric and Fulton’s condition factor, respectively. Also, there was no significant difference (P>0.05) for fishes fed on both diets in all biological parameters, the relative length of the alimentary canal for fishes fed on artificial diet (1.65) and on alfalfa plant (1.69), while the relative weight of the alimentary canal were 0.0285 and 0.0218 for fishes fed on both diets, respectively. Results also showed that the Zihler coefficient were 7.43 and 7.62, respectively. The survival rate was 100% for both treatments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Prashant Shiwalkar ◽  
S. D. Moghe ◽  
J. P. Modak

Abstract Emerging fields like Compact Compliant Mechanisms have created newer/novel situations for application of straight line mechanisms. Many of these situations in Automation and Robotics are multidisciplinary in nature. Application Engineers from these domains are many times uninitiated in involved procedures of synthesis of mechanisms and related concepts of Path Curvature Theory. This paper proposes a predominantly graphical approach using properties of Inflection Circle to synthesize a crank rocker mechanism for tracing a coupler curve which includes the targeted straight line path. The generated approximate straight line path has acceptable deviation in length, orientation and extent of approximate nature well within the permissible ranges. Generation of multiple choices for the link geometry is unique to this method. To ease the selection, a trained Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is developed to indicate relative length of various options generated. Using studied unique properties of Inflection Circles a methodology for anticipating the orientation of the straight path vis-à-vis the targeted path is also included. Two straight line paths are targeted for two different crank rockers. Compared to the existing practice of selecting the mechanism with some compromise due to inherent granularity of the data in Atlases, proposed methodology helps in indicating the possibility of completing the dimensional synthesis. The case in which the solution is possible, the developed solution is well within the design specifications and is without a compromise.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (24) ◽  
pp. 13515
Nela Pilbauerova ◽  
Jan Schmidt ◽  
Tomas Soukup ◽  
Jan Duska ◽  
Jakub Suchanek

It is primarily important to define the standard features and factors that affect dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) for their broader use in tissue engineering. This study aimed to verify whether DPSCs isolated from various teeth extracted from the same donor exhibit intra-individual variability and what the consequences are for their differentiation potential. The heterogeneity determination was based on studying the proliferative capacity, viability, expression of phenotypic markers, and relative length of telomere chromosomes. The study included 14 teeth (6 molars and 8 premolars) from six different individuals ages 12 to 16. We did not observe any significant intra-individual variability in DPSC size, proliferation rate, viability, or relative telomere length change within lineages isolated from different teeth but the same donor. The minor non-significant variances in phenotype were probably mainly because DPSC cell lines comprised heterogeneous groups of undifferentiated cells independent of the donor. The other variances were seen in DPSC lineages isolated from the same donor, but the teeth were in different stages of root development. We also did not observe any changes in the ability of cells to differentiate into mature cell lines—chondrocytes, osteocytes, and adipocytes. This study is the first to analyze the heterogeneity of DPSC dependent on a donor.

Р. Али ◽  
Н.В. Тряскин

Суда в некоторых случаях эксплуатации могут двигаться в непосредственной близости друг от друга. Такой сценарий обычно связан с изменением полей давления и скорости вблизи корпуса судов, в результате чего возникают гидродинамические силы и моменты взаимодействия, которые сильно зависит от относительной длины. В этой статье была проведена серия систематических расчётов на двух корпусах KVLCC2, движущихся на большой глубине в безветренную погоду с одинаковой постоянной малой скоростью, не превышающей 4 уз., чтобы исследовать влияние отношения длин на силы и моменты гидродинамического взаимодействия. OpenFOAM, пакет CFD с открытым исходным кодом использовался для организации и проведения расчётов. Метод осреднения по Рейнольдсу уравнений Навье-Стокса (RANS) применялся для моделирования турбулентности. Хорошо известная модель турбулентности использовалась для замыкания уравнений Навье-Стокса. Числовые результаты, касающиеся поля скоростей и гидродинамического следа за судами, были обработаны, проанализированы, сопоставлены и показали хорошее согласование с экспериментальными результатами. Ships, during the lightering operations, are forced to sail in a close position to each other, such a scenario generally associates with a change in the pressure and velocity fields surrounding their hulls, as a result, interaction hydrodynamic forces and moments are generated which are strongly related to the relative length of the interacted ships. In this paper, a series of systematic computations were performed on two KVLCС2 hulls advancing in deep and calm water with the same constant low speed (full scale speed 4kt) in order to investigate the influence of the length ratio on the hydrodynamic interaction forces and moments during the lightering operation. OpenFOAM, an open-source CFD packet was used for carrying out the simulations, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method was used for turbulence modeling and the well-known turbulent model k-ω SST was used to close RANS equations. Numerical results have been post-processed, analyzed, compared and found to be of a good agreement with the experimental results. The velocity fields and wake were presented and analyzed.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (22) ◽  
pp. 7044
Tomasz Bartkowiak ◽  
Karol Grochalski ◽  
Bartosz Gapiński ◽  
Michał Wieczorowski

The fundamental issue in surface metrology is to provide methods that can allow the establishment of correlations between measured topographies and performance or processes, or that can discriminate confidently topographies that are processed or performed differently. This article presents a set of topographies from two-staged processed steel rings, measured with a 3D contact profilometer. Data were captured individually from four different regions, namely the top, bottom, inner, and outer surfaces. The rings were manufactured by drop forging and hot rolling. Final surface texture was achieved by mass finishing with spherical ceramic media or cut wire. In this study, we compared four different multiscale methods: sliding bandpass filtering, three geometric length- and area-scale analyses, and the multiscale curvature tensor approach. In the first method, ISO standard parameters were evaluated as a function of the central wavelength and bandwidth for measured textures. In the second and third method, complexity and relative length and area were utilized. In the last, multiscale curvature tensor statistics were calculated for a range of scales from the original sampling interval to its forty-five times multiplication. These characterization parameters were then utilized to determine how confident we can discriminate (through F-test) topographies between regions of the same specimen and between topographies resulting from processing with various technological parameters. Characterization methods that focus on the geometrical properties of topographic features allowed for discrimination at the finest scales only. Bandpass filtration and basic height parameters Sa and Sq proved to confidently discriminate against all factors at all three considered bandwidths.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 538-548
N. V. Vulykh ◽  
A. N. Vulykh

The present paper aims to describe shape changes in a microroughness model developed for the working surfaces of parts at degrees of deformation commensurate with the height of the original microprofile; to establish how the degree of microprofile upsetting affects its shape under constrained loading conditions; as well as to estimate the stress state of the microprofile by stress intensity. A numerical model describing the surface microprofile of parts was calculated using the ANSYS Workbench environment. Lead, tin, aluminum, and copper were used as microprofile materials. In addition, microprofile upsetting was computer simulated under constrained loading conditions. The valley bottom was found to rise at a 10–20% microprofile upsetting by 0.213–0.275 mm relative to the original profile height, depending on its material. The relative length of the smoothed microprofile section amounted to 0.786–0.925 mm of its original length. The base angle of the deformed microprofile reached 570 and 800 for copper and lead models, respectively. The depth of valleys ranged from 1.4 mm (23% of the original profile height) for lead models and from 1.8 mm (30% of the original profile height) for copper models. In the case of maximum microprofile upsetting, an increase in the yield strength of microrough material from 10 to 60 MPa contributed to a reduction in the base angle of the deformed microprofile, as well as relative length and the vertical rise of microprofile valleys at their highest point. No interlocking of lateral microprofile surfaces was observed. At a 50% upsetting, the stress state of the microprofile exceeded its ultimate strength by 4–8 times. The shape changes simulated for the microprofile from plastic metallic materials are described. The performed numerical simulation correlates well with the experimental results obtained for lead microprofile models. It is worth noting that the complete smoothing of the microprofile is likely to occur through the rise of valleys and the approaching of its lateral surfaces. The study results can be used for designing and manufacturing valve gate assemblies.

2021 ◽  
Gui Lohmann

<p>This thesis discusses the relationship between transport and tourism with a particular focus on how to improve the destination function of gateways. The case study chosen for this research is the Cook Strait ferries and the ferry ports of Wellington and Picton, in New Zealand. With the absence of academic literature dealing with the impacts of tourism in gateways and the fact that the concept of gateway has not been operationalised yet, the thesis proposes, via empirical analysis, a classification of ferry passengers according to four different functions: gateway tourists; overnight gateway visitors; stopover visitors and destination tourists. These nodal classifications basically comprise two variables: the absolute and relative length of stay in the nodes and the main reason for going there. The analytical framework also takes into consideration the passengers' place of origin: those living within the gateways' catchment areas (the Centre Stage of New Zealand Region - CSNZ); those living in New Zealand but outside the catchment areas; and passengers living overseas. Apart from secondary sources, on-board surveys with ferry passengers and semi-structured interviews with operators in Wellington and Picton are used to collect primary data. What the results show is that some segments of passengers are interested in extending their stay in Wellington and Picton if they had been offered more information about these two nodes or a special deal including the ferry crossing and accommodation in one of the gateways. International passengers are the group of passengers most likely to take advantage of these opportunities as those living in New Zealand are more interested to reach their final destinations and perhaps more familiarised with both nodes, so the incentives would not be very appealing to them. However, local operators were not able to suggest offers/arrangements to engage passing travellers to stop and visit these gateways. This can be attributed to lack of funds and relationship issues between tourism operators, particularly in Picton, and one of the ferry operators. In comparison to Picton that has a smaller destination function, results from this research suggested that gateways with a more developed destination function, such as the case of Wellington, are better prepared to convince traffic passing by to stop and visit them as tourist destination. The existence of more tourist attractions and activities is certainly an incentive to persuade travellers to stay longer in gateways. From the operationalisation of the concepts proposed in this thesis and the results obtained from the questionnaires and interviews, this research concludes that not only nodal functions vary from place to place (e.g. Picton as a small resort town and Wellington as a capital city), but also that these functions evolve throughout time, with seasonal variations also occurring (high vs. low seasons). With regards to the direction passengers are travelling and the influence on travellers' functions, variations are identified only among overnight gateway visitors, with the common pattern being passengers staying overnight before catching up the ferry the following day.</p>

2021 ◽  
Gui Lohmann

<p>This thesis discusses the relationship between transport and tourism with a particular focus on how to improve the destination function of gateways. The case study chosen for this research is the Cook Strait ferries and the ferry ports of Wellington and Picton, in New Zealand. With the absence of academic literature dealing with the impacts of tourism in gateways and the fact that the concept of gateway has not been operationalised yet, the thesis proposes, via empirical analysis, a classification of ferry passengers according to four different functions: gateway tourists; overnight gateway visitors; stopover visitors and destination tourists. These nodal classifications basically comprise two variables: the absolute and relative length of stay in the nodes and the main reason for going there. The analytical framework also takes into consideration the passengers' place of origin: those living within the gateways' catchment areas (the Centre Stage of New Zealand Region - CSNZ); those living in New Zealand but outside the catchment areas; and passengers living overseas. Apart from secondary sources, on-board surveys with ferry passengers and semi-structured interviews with operators in Wellington and Picton are used to collect primary data. What the results show is that some segments of passengers are interested in extending their stay in Wellington and Picton if they had been offered more information about these two nodes or a special deal including the ferry crossing and accommodation in one of the gateways. International passengers are the group of passengers most likely to take advantage of these opportunities as those living in New Zealand are more interested to reach their final destinations and perhaps more familiarised with both nodes, so the incentives would not be very appealing to them. However, local operators were not able to suggest offers/arrangements to engage passing travellers to stop and visit these gateways. This can be attributed to lack of funds and relationship issues between tourism operators, particularly in Picton, and one of the ferry operators. In comparison to Picton that has a smaller destination function, results from this research suggested that gateways with a more developed destination function, such as the case of Wellington, are better prepared to convince traffic passing by to stop and visit them as tourist destination. The existence of more tourist attractions and activities is certainly an incentive to persuade travellers to stay longer in gateways. From the operationalisation of the concepts proposed in this thesis and the results obtained from the questionnaires and interviews, this research concludes that not only nodal functions vary from place to place (e.g. Picton as a small resort town and Wellington as a capital city), but also that these functions evolve throughout time, with seasonal variations also occurring (high vs. low seasons). With regards to the direction passengers are travelling and the influence on travellers' functions, variations are identified only among overnight gateway visitors, with the common pattern being passengers staying overnight before catching up the ferry the following day.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 919 (1) ◽  
pp. 012003
Rapita ◽  
Susiana ◽  
D Kurniawan ◽  
F Lestari ◽  
D Sabriaty ◽  

Abstract Sei Gesek Reservoir is located in Bintan Regency, Riau Island Province. The reservoir is one source of water for the community in Tanjungpinang City. One of the freshwater fish that inhabit the Sei Gesek Reservoir is the belida fish (Notopterus notopterus). The objective of this study was to the Relative Length of the Gut (RLG), type and food composition of belida fish (N. notopterus), and food comparative in the digestive tract of the belida fish (N. notopterus) with food resources in the substrate Sei Gesek reservoir, Bintan Regency, Riau Island. The method used in this research was the survey method. A sampling of belida fish (N. notopterus) was carried out in three months according to the fishing grounds. The data analysis used is Relative Length of the Gut (RLG), Index of Preponderance (IP), and Index of Electivity (E). The result showed that the total fish caught was 30, there were 16 males and 14 females. The relative length of the gut female and male belida fish (N. notopterus) were 0.21 and 0.25 respectively. Based on the relative length of the gut value, belida fish (N. notopterus) was classified as a carnivore. The food types of belida fish (N. notopterus) were fish, crustaceans, microalgae, macrophytes, annelids, nematodes, and detritus. Index of preponderance showed that the main food of belida fish (N. notopterus) in Sei Gesek Reservoir was small fish based on sex, the month of capture, and body length measurement. Index of electivity showed that the food type from the microalgae is Asterionella sp. and Closterium sp. not selected by belida fish (N. notopterus) as food.

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