scholarly journals Reflexos da Pandemia na evasão/abandono escolar: a democratização do acesso e permanência

Celestina Maria Pereira de Souza ◽  
Jhonata Moreira Pereira ◽  
Maria da Conceicao de Jesus Ranke

The study focuses on educational policies, focusing on the National Education Plan (PNE/2014) and the State Education Plan (PEE/2015) of the State of Tocantins. This is a bibliographic research, through the trajectory of the process of elaborating the PNE/2014 and the subnational plans, emphasizing the conditions of preparation, monitoring and evaluation, and publicizing the results achieved. The objective of the investigation is to analyze the results of the State of Tocantins, based on the reports published by PNE/2014. In view of the analysis, it is possible to state that the process of monitoring and evaluating the evolution of the goals proposed in the PEE/2015 compromised by the failure to comply with the planned steps. Thus, the investigation goes back to some repercussions, demonstrating that the dropout/dropout rates of students became more manifest between the initial period and the present moment of the pandemic. Covid-19 is an aggravating factor in school dropout, highlighting the need for coping actions to combat it, especially in this context of uncertainty and in view of the impacts of the pandemic on education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 226
Regina Tereza Cestari de Oliveira

Este artigo apresenta resultados de pesquisa e analisa, a partir da aprovação do Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) 2014-2024, o processo de materialização do Plano Estadual de Educação de Mato Grosso do Sul (PEE/MS), vigente, como política pública, de modo a apreender as condições objetivas em que esse processo se concretiza, ressaltando as concepções de gestão da educação em disputa, assim como a regulamentação da gestão democrática da educação. Fundamenta-se em autores que discutem os temas em questão, na análise de documentos como os planos de educação, os relatórios de monitoramento e avaliação do PEE/MS, entre outros, e em entrevistas com representantes da sociedade política e da sociedade civil do estado (Assembleia Legislativa, Secretaria de Estado de Educação e Fórum Estadual de Educação). Mostra que a ausência da normatização da gestão democrática da educação do sistema de ensino, e o modelo de avaliação de diretores escolares, por um lado, assim como mecanismos e dinâmicas de gestão participativa, por outro, expressa as concepções em disputa, traduzem as prioridades e os projetos antagônicos de educação e de sociedade.Palavras-chave: Política educacional. Planejamento da educação. Gestão gerencial. Gestão Democrática.MATO GROSSO DO SUL STATE EDUCATION PLAN: management and democratic managementAbstract This paper presents research results and analyzes, from the approval of the National Education Plan (PNE) 2014-2024, the materialization process of the State Education Plan of Mato Grosso do Sul (PEE / MS), in force, as public policy, in order to apprehend the objective conditions in which this process materializes, emphasizing the concepts of education management in dispute, as well as the regulation of the democratic management of education. It is based on authors who discuss the issues, in the analysis of documents such as education plans, monitoring and evaluation reports of the PEE / MS, among others, and in interviews with representatives of political and civil society in the state (Legislative Assembly, State Education Secretariat and State Education Forum). It shows that the lack of standardization of the democratic management of education in the education system, and the evaluation model of school principals, on one hand, as well as mechanisms and dynamics of participatory management, on the other, expresses the contested concepts, translating the priorities and antagonistic education and society projects.  Keywords: Educational policy. Education planning. Management. Democratic management. PLAN ESTATAL DE EDUCACIÓN MATO GROSSO DO SUL: entre la administración gerencial y gestión democrática Resumen  Este artículo presenta resultados de investigación y análisis, desde la aprobación del Plan Nacional de Educación (PNE) 2014-2024, el proceso de materialización del Plan Estatal de Educación de Mato Grosso do Sul (PEE / MS), actual, como política pública, con el fin de aprehender las condiciones objetivas en las que se materializa este proceso, enfatizando los conceptos de gestión educativa en disputa, así como la regulación de la gestión democrática de la educación. Se basa en autores que discuten los temas, en el análisis de documentos como planes educativos, informes de seguimiento y evaluación del PEE / MS, entre otros, y en entrevistas con representantes de la sociedad política y civil en el estado. (Asamblea Legislativa, Secretaría de Educación del Estado y Foro de Educación del Estado). Señala que la falta de estandarización de la gestión democrática de la educación en el sistema educativo, y el modelo de evaluación de los directores de escuela, por un lado, así como los mecanismos y dinámicas de gestión participativa, por otro, expresa los conceptos controvertidos, traduciendo las prioridades. y proyectos antagónicos de educación y sociedad.Palabras clave: Política educativa. Planificación de la educación. Administración gerencial. Gestión democrática.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 186
Maria Lília Imbiriba Sousa Colares ◽  
Anselmo Alencar Colares ◽  
Maria José Pires Barros Cardozo

Este artigo aborda questões referentes à educação brasileira na contemporaneidade, destacando os desafios que marcam as proposições de políticas educacionais, assim como as rupturas e as permanências históricas. Resulta de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, com aportes teóricos da historiografia educacional em textos legais. Discorre-se sobre as permanências que marcam a educação brasileira, com ênfase para o dualismo estrutural, fruto da sociedade de classes; apontamos alguns avanços conquistados e os desafios que se apresentam como possibilidades de superação dos problemas. Será dada a ênfase ao Plano Nacional de Educação em vigência (Lei nº 13.005 de 2014), para exemplificar permanências, rupturas e desafios. Após uma sucinta “viagem” pela história da educacional iniciando na colonização, e passando pelos diversos períodos subsequentes, conclui-se que a educação brasileira é marcada pelas contradições estruturais da sociedade e que, em determinados momentos conjunturais, as contradições acirram-se em virtude das correlações de forças marcadas pelos interesses de classe que limitam a efetivação da educação pública como direito social.Palavras-chave: Educação Brasileira. Políticas Educacionais. Contradições. Permanências. Desafios.PERMANENCES, RUPTURES AND CHALLENGES IN BRAZILIAN EDUCATIONAbstractThis article addresses issues related to Brazilian education in contemporary times, highlighting the challenges that mark the propositions of educational policies, as well as the ruptures and historical permanences. It results from bibliographic and documentary research, with theoretical contributions of educational historiography in legal texts. It discusses the permanences that mark Brazilian education, with emphasis on structural dualism, the fruit of class society; we point out some advances achieved and the challenges that present themselves as possibilities to overcome the problems. Emphasis will be placed on the National Education Plan in force (Law Nº. 13,005 of 2014), to exemplify permanence, ruptures and challenges. After a brief "journey" through the history of the educational beginning in colonization, and going through the various subsequent periods, it is concluded that Brazilian education is marked by the structural contradictions of society and that, at certain conjuncture moments, the contradictions intensify due to the correlations of forces marked by class interests that limit the effectiveness of public education as a social right.Keywords: Brazilian Education. Educational Policies. Contradictions. Stays. Challenges.PERMANENCIAS, RUPTURAS Y DESAFÍOS EN LA EDUCACIÓN BRASILEÑAResumenEste artículo aborda temas relacionados con la educación brasileña en tiempos contemporáneos, destacando los desafíos que marcan las propuestas de las políticas educativas, así como las rupturas y permanencias históricas. Es el resultado de la investigación bibliográfica y documental, con contribuciones teóricas de la historiografía educativa en textos jurídicos. Analiza las permanencias que marcan la educación brasileña, con énfasis en el dualismo estructural, fruto de la sociedad de clase; señalamos algunos avances logrados y los desafíos que se presentan como posibilidades para superar los problemas. Se hará hincapié en el Plan Nacional de Educación vigente (Ley Nº 13.005 de 2014), para ejemplificar la permanencia, las rupturas y los desafíos. Después de un breve "viaje" a través de la historia de lo educativo comenzando en la colonización, y pasando por los diversos períodos posteriores, se concluye que la educación brasileña está marcada por las contradicciones estructurales de la sociedad y que, en ciertos momentos de conjunción, las contradicciones se intensifican debido a las correlaciones de fuerzas marcadas por intereses de clase que limitan la eficacia de la educación pública como un derecho social.Palabras clave: Educación Brasileña. Políticas Educativas. Contradicciones. Estancias. Desafíos. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
Lino Castellani Filho

RESUMO O presente Ensaio se insere na linha de pesquisa voltada à política educacional centrada na formação superior no âmbito da Educação Física. Nos remete ao debate de ideias e embate de compreensões acerca do que foi, é e deveria ser a formação de nível superior em Educação Física, diante das polêmicas que a acompanham desde o advento das reformas das diretrizes curriculares aventadas ao final de 1998, por conta das Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional aprovada em 1996, até o atual momento, no qual a expectativa pela possível reformulação da atual diretriz vem gerando, por um lado, a ideia de que “tem jogo pela frente” e, por outro, a sensação de que o “jogo já foi jogado”.ABSTRACT The besieged formation. Curricular guidelines for Physical Education in melee: Game played? The present study is inserted in the line of research aiming for educational policies centered on higher education in the field of Physical Education. It refers to debates and discussion of ideas and understandings concerning the past, present, and the desirable future of higher education formation in Physical Education, with regard to the conflicts that have arisen since the advent of curricular guidelines in the end of 1998, following the National Education Directives and Bases Law, approved in 1996, until the present moment. The expectation for the possibility of reform of the current directives have been generating on the one hand, the idea of "the game is still on" and on the other hand, the sensation that "the game has already been played".RESUMENLa formación sitiada. Directrices curriculares de Educación Física en disputa: Juego jugado?El presente Ensayo se inserta en la línea de investigación vuelta a la política educacional centrada en la formación superior en el ámbito de la Educación Física. Nos remite al debate de ideas y embate de comprensiones acerca del que fue, es y debería ser la formación de nivel superior en Educación Física, a las polémicas que la acompañan desde la llegada de las reformas de las directrices curriculares realizadas al final de 1998, por cuenta de las Directrices y Bases de la Educación Nacional aprobada en 1996, hasta el actual momento, en el cual la expectativa por la posible refundición de la actual directriz viene generando, por un lado, la idea de que "tiene juego por el  frente" y por  otro, la sensación de que el " juego ya fue jugado". 

Dr. Andrew Parker ◽  
Dra. Analía Inés Meo

Este trabajo examina críticamente el abanico de políticas educativas que ha reconfigurado sustancialmente el trabajo docente en Inglaterra durante el periodo 1979 a 2004. En este periodo se establecieron algunas de las piedras fundamentales de su sistema educativo estatal. Este trabajo identifica continuidades en el direccionamiento general de las políticas educativas durante dos gobiernos de signo político opuesto. Asimismo, mapea los profundos cambios que se han introducido en las formas de regular el trabajo docente en la educación básica. Argumenta que las sucesivas reformas han fomentado un mayor control del trabajo docente (incluyendo el ingreso, permanencia, formación, estándares de comportamiento y práctica pedagógica) en un contexto de cuasi-mercadización (quasi-marketization) y descentralización del sistema educativo estatal.AbstractThis article critically examines key educational policies that have re-structured teachers´ work in England during the period 1979-2004. These policies have established central pieces of the contemporary educational landscapeof this country. This paper identifies continuities between educational policies defined by governments from political parties from antagonistic political views (the Conservative and Labour parties). Moreover, it maps key changes in the regulatory frameworks of teachers´ work in basic education. It argues that successive reforms have fostered major control of teachers´ work (in terms of their recruitment, training, behavioural and ethical standards, and pedagogic practice) in a context of quasi-marketization and de-centralisation of the state education system.Recibido: 23 de abril de 2011 Aceptado: 30 de noviembre de 2011

Natalia Dichek ◽  

The paper will substantiate the author’s version of the retrospective analysis of the organizing in Ukraine in the 1920s-1930s the first state education system for the special children (the disabled), that is, children with physical or mental problems – blind, deaf, persons with mental or psychoneurotic problems. It is substantiated that for the first time in the history of national education, the state approach to the examination and selection, training, education, socialization or care of such children were legalized. In addition to specialized classes and boarding schools, the system of institutions for special children also included sanatorium schools, clinic schools, and speech therapy courses. During this period of time, a network of research institutions was also created – medical and pedagogical offices (1922), departments at the Ukrainian Research Institute of Pedagogy (1926) and the Ukrainian Psychoneurological Institute (1922), whose researches were engaged in the study of the special children and the development of methods for their rehabilitation training and possible correction of the health state. From the very beginning, the problem of the special children was considered in the unity of the pedagogical and medical aspects.

K. E. Stupak ◽  

The article deals with analyzing the main streams of the education policy in Finland, which reflect the relationship between a person and society in modern socio–economic conditions. Such policy directs the system of education to change the person and his mind himself. Finland using its education system, has long before been concerned about preparing people for the future by reforming approaches to teaching in schools and higher education institutions. As a result, it has achieved world–wide recognition and top positions in various ratings have resulted. Therefore, today there is a great interest of scientists in certain issues of education functioning in Finland. Thus, G. Androshchuk, V. Butova. I. Zhernokleeva, T. Pushkareva and others study in their works the purpose and decisive role of Finland's education policy in the development of the education system. S. Grinyuk and V. Zagvozdkin pay attention to the practical the steps of reforming the Finnish system of education. T. Drobyshevsk investigates the system of providing educational services in Finland as a sector of knowledge production. L. Volynets, P. Kukharchuk consider the principles of the state education policy of Finland. L. Smolskaya examines the role of the state policy in implementing the "Finnish phenomenon"; P. Basyliuk and Yu. Kulykova, focus attention on the study of the evolution of the system of higher education in Finland; O. Scherbak reveals peculiarities of vocational education and training.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 507-515
Mutale Sampa ◽  
Choolwe Jacobs ◽  
Patrick Musonda

Background: School dropout rates, as well as early marriages and pregnancies, are high among adolescent girls in rural Zambia. In the quest to fight this, the Research Initiative to Support the Empowerment of girls (RISE) trial has been providing cash transfers and community dialogues to adolescent girls in rural Zambia. The overall goal of the study was to establish the effects of cash transfers on adolescent girls’ school dropout rates in selected provinces of Zambia. Methods: The study was nested in the RISE trial which is a cluster randomized trial conducted in Central and Southern provinces of Zambia. A total of 3500 adolescent girls were included in the study. Random intercepts model was used to model the individual effects estimates, taking account of the dependency that was likely to occur due to the repeated measurements and clustering in the study. Results: Girls who were married or cohabiting and girls who had given birth, were significantly less likely to be in school (OR=0.004, 95% CI {0.001-0.02}, p-value=<0.0001) and (OR=0.003, 95% CI {0.02-0.04}, p-value=<0.0001) respectively. Consistently receiving cash transfers increased the chance of a girl being in school (OR=8.51, 95% CI {4.50-16.08}, p-value=<0.0001). There was an indication that the combined intervention arm had a reduced chance of girls being in school, however, we could not rule out chance finding (OR=0.89, 95% CI {0.59-1.36}, p=0.606). Conclusion: The study found that marriage or cohabiting and giving birth whilst in school reduce the chances of the girl continuing schooling. No significant association could be attributed to the type of intervention, However, consistent receipt of cash transfers was shown to be a protective factor of school dropout rates in the study.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 145
Viengdavong Luangsithideth ◽  
Muhammad Huda ◽  
Ahmad Supriyanto ◽  
Bambang B. Wiyono

The purpose of this research is to get deep meaning of policy implementation to improve quality of primary education teachers in Laos and Indonesia. Research locations are in the Ministry of Education in those both countries. This research used a qualitative approach with a multi-case study design. First, policy formulation consider the aspect of novelty and national education goals; second, policy dissemination of existing policies do after getting approval from parliament, as well as socialization is done to the department of education in each provinces and districts; third, policy implementation process is done by establishing a monitoring team to oversee that the policy can work well; fourth, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation is done periodically, at least every six months, and the results of the evaluation are reported to the Ministry; fifth, gaps in the policy implementation is because monitoring can not be run with maximum caused by geographical conditions and the weakness of the role of school supervisors; sixth, efforts to repair gaps in the implementation of policies to improve the quality primary school teachers is to make laws on the teacher, as well as to provide training to teachers and principals.

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