democratic management
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Maressa Correa Pereira Mendes ◽  
Jefferson Oliveira Goulart

The Federal Constitution of 1988 defined the Master Plan as a 'basic instrument' of urban development policy and subsequent legislation, which regulated the Urban Policy chapter (Estatuto da Cidade, Federal Law No. 10,257 / 2001), reinforced a set of participatory requirements in the availability and implementation of the corresponding policies. Based on this new institutional arrangement, this research paper analyzes a participatory structure in the process of reviewing the Master Plan for the municipality of Vitória, capital of Espírito Santo, in the period 2014-2018. The investigation took as an analytical parameter the participatory methodology proposed by the Ministry of Cities, whose distinguishing feature was the dissemination of democratic management instruments. The empirical analysis shows that several participatory mechanisms were implemented, such as public hearings of regional and social segments, thematic seminars, round tables, territorial assemblies, implementation of a collaborative website, involvement of the Municipal Council of the Urban Master Plan (CMPDU) and realization of the Municipal Conference on Urban Policy (Encontro da Cidade), in which the draft of the Master Plan bill was presented, discussed and voted on. Thus, the process incorporated the participatory methodology recommended by the Ministry of Cities and the corresponding legislation. The effectiveness of participation according to the guidelines of the City Statute is still an ongoing process, but the inclusion of democratic management mechanisms is a reality in Vitória, constituting an institutional advance.

2021 ◽  
Kelle Howson

<p>Fair trade aims to empower smallholder agricultural producers in the global South to gain more power over their industries by the formation of transparent and democratically representative cooperatives. However, critiques of the fair trade system have emerged in ethical consumption literature, and pockets suggest that individual producer contexts have more of a role to play in determining the benefits of fair trade than had been previously understood or addressed. This work constitutes a case study designed to examine implementation and practice anomalies within the Timorese fair trade certified coffee industry, and the ways in which they impact on producers’ livelihoods and development. A mixed methods approach is deployed to analyse the coffee cooperative Cooperativa Café Timor, and the producers who sell to it. It finds the cooperative to be subject to a number of external pressures that prevent it from passing on the benefits of fair trade certification to farmers. Governance practices in terms of transparency and grassroots representation are found to be significantly hindered by reliance on outside organisations for market access. Also, producers are found to remain superficially represented within commodity chains; having little or no access to value-added income. The involvement of American private enterprise within the East Timorese fair trade system has served to distance the fair trade cooperative from its grassroots, and acts as somewhat of a barrier to democratic management, participatory decision-making, and the realisation of the objectives of fair trade.</p>

2021 ◽  
Kelle Howson

<p>Fair trade aims to empower smallholder agricultural producers in the global South to gain more power over their industries by the formation of transparent and democratically representative cooperatives. However, critiques of the fair trade system have emerged in ethical consumption literature, and pockets suggest that individual producer contexts have more of a role to play in determining the benefits of fair trade than had been previously understood or addressed. This work constitutes a case study designed to examine implementation and practice anomalies within the Timorese fair trade certified coffee industry, and the ways in which they impact on producers’ livelihoods and development. A mixed methods approach is deployed to analyse the coffee cooperative Cooperativa Café Timor, and the producers who sell to it. It finds the cooperative to be subject to a number of external pressures that prevent it from passing on the benefits of fair trade certification to farmers. Governance practices in terms of transparency and grassroots representation are found to be significantly hindered by reliance on outside organisations for market access. Also, producers are found to remain superficially represented within commodity chains; having little or no access to value-added income. The involvement of American private enterprise within the East Timorese fair trade system has served to distance the fair trade cooperative from its grassroots, and acts as somewhat of a barrier to democratic management, participatory decision-making, and the realisation of the objectives of fair trade.</p>

Alysson Bandeira Ribeiro Leite ◽  
Ana Cristina de Oliveira Nobre ◽  
Antonio Wegley Calixto Paz ◽  
Lilia Helena Do Nascimento Soares ◽  
Fabiana Pinto de Almeida Bizarria ◽  

This paper discusses Education Management in the context of Public Policies. The objective is to understand the limits and possibilities of a Democratic Management in High Schools in a municipality of the State of Ceará. The qualitative research used the methodological strategy of multiple case study, collecting data through document analysis and interviews with members of the core management of two high schools. The results indicated that democratic management is made possible by means of similar mechanisms between the schools, but obtains different results due to educational conditions, related to workload, curricular components, and physical facilities. It was possible to discuss the potential of democratic management and the actions that favor collectivity, while there are limits, such as bureaucratic obstacles, considered challenging for collective decision-making.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 616-627
Maria Natália Barboza Santos ◽  
Maria do Socorro Cordeiro de Sousa ◽  
Fernanda Jaylane Da Silva Viana

Resumo: A presente pesquisa tem como objeto de análise a Gestão Democrática na escola pública, buscando assim compreender como se dá esse processo. Toda escola é regida por um gestor, que ocupa um papel primordial no que tange a sua organização, principalmente na questão pedagógica. Todavia, o conceito de Gestão Democrática implica exatamente na divisão dessa responsabilidade entre todos os componentes do recinto escolar. Desta forma, a escolha deste tema para escrita do trabalho parte de observações feitas durante a Residência Pedagógica na escola Dr Severino Alves de Sá, tendo por objetivo analisar como se dá o processo de Gestão Democrática nas escolas e como essa forma de gestão implica em melhorias no ensino público. Entende-se por Gestão Democrática o ato de gerenciar uma escola através da participação de todos, evitando atribuir somente ao gestor a responsabilidade de nortear a instituição escolar, embora ele seja a figura de maior atuação, pois a ele cabe o gerenciamento da parta administrativa, financeira e pedagógica, além de ser um mediador na relação entre todos os membros da escola, a família e a comunidade geral. Dentro do ambiente escolar surge a necessidade de um documento que contenha os direitos e deveres de todos aqueles que compõem aquele espaço, devendo ser desenvolvido em conjunto com todos os envolvidos, ficando exposto em um lugar onde todos possam ter acesso. Esse documento é o Plano Político Pedagógico (PPP), que visa estabelecer as diretrizes que irão permear o ano letivo, e no contexto educacional. Assim, o presente estudo partiu do princípio disposto na legislação vigente, fundamentando-se através de ideias de diferentes estudiosos acerca do assunto, que defendem dentre outras coisas, sua aplicação como essencial para a melhoria do ensino nas escolas públicas. Para tanto, o aporte teórico adveio de Lima (2018), Paro (2006), Luck (2005, 2009), Gadotti (2004) e Souza (2018), dentre outros. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa é qualitativa de cunho bibliográfico. Assim, foi possível constatar que uma gestão democrática se faz através de ações que torne possível a divisão da responsabilidade do processo educativo entre o gestor e todos que compõe a escola, buscando assim uma educação de qualidade para todos, tendo como base o Art:206 e a LDB (Lei n. 9.394/96), além do Projeto Político Pedagógico, documento norteador das ações e decisões referente as instituições escolares. Palavras-chave: Escola Pública, Gestão Escolar, Projeto Político Pedagógico. Abstract: This research has as its object of analysis the Democratic Management in public schools, seeking to understand how this process takes place. Every school is governed by a manager, who plays a key role in terms of its organization, especially in terms of teaching. However, the concept of Democratic Management implies exactly the division of this responsibility among all the components of the school premises. Thus, the choice of this theme for the writing of the work is based on observations made during the Pedagogical Residency at the Dr Severino Alves de Sá school, aiming to analyze how the process of Democratic Management in schools takes place and how this form of management implies improvements in public education. Democratic Management is understood as the act of managing a school through the participation of all, avoiding assigning only the manager the responsibility of guiding the school institution, although he is the most active figure, as he is responsible for managing the administrative part, financial and pedagogical, in addition to being a mediator in the relationship between all members of the school, the family and the general community. Within the school environment, there is a need for a document that contains the rights and duties of all those who make up that space, which should be developed together with everyone involved, being exposed in a place where everyone can have access. This document is the Pedagogical Political Plan (PPP), which aims to establish the guidelines that will permeate the school year, and in the educational context. Thus, the present study started from the principle established in the current legislation, based on ideas from different scholars on the subject, who defend, among other things, its application as essential for the improvement of teaching in public schools. Therefore, the theoretical support came from Lima (2018), Paro (2006), Luck (2005, 2009), Gadotti (2004) and Souza (2018), among others. Methodologically, the research is qualitative and bibliographical in nature. Thus, it was possible to see that democratic management is done through actions that make it possible to divide the responsibility of the educational process between the manager and everyone who makes up the school, thus seeking quality education for all, based on Art:206 and the LDB (Law No. 9,394/96), in addition to the Pedagogical Political Project, a document that guides actions and decisions regarding school institutions. Keywords: Public School, School Management, Pedagogical Political Project.

R. Mykhailov

The article considers the results of the study related to the use of judo in the sports training (physical activity) of special forces personnel (officers, police, National Guard, other security agencies). According to the results of the study in the studied group of officers engaged in judo, dominate a one-person democratic management style, reflects the ability to delegate their responsibilities to deputies (subordinate personnel), activity in leading people, demanding and moderate trustworthiness A quarter of the investigated officers engaged in judo were found to have a predominant authoritarian and one-person management style, reflecting good leadership qualities, the ability to command the actions of subordinates (personnel), exactingness and insistence, the desire to influence the collective by force of order and coercion, purposefulness and egoism, a superficial attitude to the requests of subordinates, unwillingness to listen to the suggestions of deputies. In 18% of the studied officers engaged in judo is shown passive management style as the leading, revealing the lack of desire of the officer-manager to live the interests of the collective, to show concern for subordinates (personnel), their initiative, respond to criticism and rely on the active, the ability to persuade and explain the content of orders, combine encouragement, use requests and listen to the proposals of subordinates, develop collective opinion. On the basis of the received data the postulate that it is judo is a productive means of maintaining physical activity for the officers-operational-tactical level of management is highlighted. It is shown how physical exercises in judo can influence officers' leadership qualities as well as their leadership style (authoritarian-unique, one-man, passive, directive, liberal), self-assessment and orientation style (orientation on oneself, on relations, interests of the case or on subordination).

Ильяс Тавасович Тультеев ◽  
Омон Закирович Мухамеджанов

The article is devoted to the analysis of some theoretical and practical aspects of such a phenomenon as the system of interaction between the state and the citizen in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the consideration of the place of legal values in this system, the grounds and conditions for the establishment of e-democracy, the importance of administrative procedures and public services. The characteristic of the basic legal values of the system of interaction between the state and citizens is given, the position is argued according to which constitutional values determine the essence of the relationship between them. E-democracy is considered in the context of the process of increasing the participation of citizens in the democratic management of state affairs, ensuring the transparency of the activities of state bodies, as well as their interaction with the population. The authors notes that the elements of e-democracy are most visibly manifested in the practice of interaction between the state and society. Given the assessment of the state of development of e-democracy in the country, the authors made an attempt to consider the prospects for its further development in Uzbekistan. Administrative procedures and public services are considered as instruments of interaction between the state and the population, in the context of dialogue between the state and the citizen.

2021 ◽  
pp. 419
Gabryelle Rahyara Miranda Castro da Cunha ◽  
Samuel Mendonça

O objeto de investigação deste artigo é a gestão democrática. O questionamento que embasa esta pesquisa é: como a gestão democrática e o conceito de democracia são percebidos e experienciados pela equipe escolar de duas escolas do ensino fundamental 1? O conceito de democracia foi explorado a partir da concepção do filósofo John Dewey, da mesma forma que são apresentados estudos sobre a gestão democrática. A partir da revisão bibliográfica, realizada na Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações, no período de 2008 a 2018, não foram encontrados resultados aderentes à temática no município de Campinas. Do ponto de vista do método, a pesquisa contemplou o uso de dois instrumentos na pesquisa empírica, quais sejam: (i) entrevista e (ii) observação não participante com diário de campo. Os resultados evidenciaram o quão fragilizado ainda se encontra o conceito de democracia e a sua vivência na escola, principalmente no que se refere à gestão escolar. A contribuição do artigo para a área de educação e para a construção de políticas públicas reside na criação de uma formação continuada para os integrantes dos conselhos escolares, haja vista que os problemas encontrados nessas duas escolas são recorrentes no cenário nacional.  Além da criação da formação continuada para os conselheiros, aconselha-se também a construção de um conceito de democracia nessas instituições.Palavras-chave: John Dewey; princípios democráticos; escolas.School management and democracy: conceptions and practices of the primary schoolAbstractThe object of investigation in this article is democratic management. The question that underlies this research is: how are democratic management and the concept of democracy perceived and experienced by the school staff of two primary schools? The concept of democracy was explored from the conception of the philosopher John Dewey, similarly that studies on democratic management are presented. From the bibliographic review, executed at the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, from 2008 to 2018, no results were found that adhered to the theme in the city of Campinas, State of São Paulo. From the point of view of the method, the research contemplated the use of two instruments in the empirical research, namely: (i) interview and (ii) non-participant observation with field diary. The results showed how fragile the concept of democracy still is and its experience at school, especially with regard to school management. The article's contribution to the area of education and the construction of public policies is the establishment of a continuing education for members of school councils, given that the problems encountered in these two schools are recurrent in the national scenario. In addition to creating continuing education for counselors, it is also advisable to build a concept of democracy in these institutions.Keywords: John Dewey; democratic principles; schools.Gestión y democracia escolar: concepciones y prácticas del equipo escolar de la ensenãnza fundamentalResumenEl objecto de la investigación de este artículo es la gestión democrática. El cuestionamiento de base de la pesquisa es: ¿cómo la gestión democrática y el concepto de democracia son percibidos y experimentados por el equipo escolar de dos escuelas de la enseñanza fundamental? El concepto de democracia fue analizado partiendo de la concepción del filosofo John Dewey, de la misma forma que son presentados estudios acerca de la gestión democrática. Con una revisión bibliográfica hecha en la Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações, en el periodo de 2008 a 2018, no fueron encontrados resultados compatibles a la temática en el municipio de Campinas, Estado de San Pablo. Desde el punto de vista del método, la pesquisa contempló el uso de dos instrumentos en la pesquisa empírica, los cuales son: (i) entrevista y (ii) observación no participante con diario de campo. Los resultados evidenciaron cuán fragilizado todavía se encuentra el concepto de democracia y sus vivencias en la escuela, principalmente en lo que se refiere a la gestión escolar. La contribución del articulo para el área de educación y para la construcción de políticas publicas reside en la creación de una formación continuada para los integrantes de los consejos escolares, haya vista que los problemas encontrados en esas dos escuelas son recurrentes en el escenario nacional. Además de la creación de la formación continuada para los consejeros, aconsejase también la construcción de un concepto de democracia en esas instituciones.Palabras clave: John Dewey; principios democráticos; escuelas.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16475
Renata Pereira de Lacerda ◽  
Rosebelly Nunes Marques

This study presents and discusses the actions for the implementation of a project. The project was started in a school unit in the State Education Network in the state of Sao Paulo in the Integral Education [PEI], located in the city of Piracicaba – SP, as a way to guarantee the expansion of democratic management within the school, The objective of this work was to present and discuss the relationship between the constitution of the project in a comprehensive way, with the results of the actions that have already been carried out at the school. The school’s documents were analyzed, as well as the legal documents and the relevant bibliography. These all have a purpose to theoretically support the project, giving it a well-founded basis for its implementation. The purpose is to expand the democratic rights within the unit to allow Class Assemblies, corroborating with the democratic management, which will provide the school with a path towards its own identity. Along with the studied literature, the school’s internal documents and the results of the actions already carried out at the school, all validate the project’s viability. There is legal support for its implementation by meeting these proposals. Positive results corroborated the continuity of the successful practices by the analysis of data and the actions already carried out at the school which gives the full implementation of the project.

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