scholarly journals Design of Automatic Watering and Humidity Systems Based on Internet of Things for Screenhouse

Stefanus Marcellindo ◽  
Dina Mifika Sari ◽  
Savira Kharisma Putri ◽  
Muhammad Hammam Al-Choirie ◽  
Feri Adriyanto

<p class="Abstract">Central Bureau of Statistics <span lang="EN-GB">reports that the population in Indonesia continues to increase every 10 years. The more the population swells, the greater the need for food. To meet the community's need for food availability, there are several agricultural obstacles such as growth criteria that are not by the type of commodity. Air temperature, humidity and intensity of water supply are included as criteria for plant growth (Budiman and Saraswati, 2005). Erratic weather changes make farmers unable to guarantee production results with good quality<sub>,</sub> and quantity. This research is designed using a tool that has been integrated with the </span>I<span lang="EN-GB">nternet of </span>T<span lang="EN-GB">hings system embedded in a raspberry pi as the overall processing core</span> [1]<span lang="EN-GB">. In addition to the raspberry pi, there are also several sensors as real condition readings, several relays as an electric pump controller and a solenoid valve as an electrical faucet controller, </span>and <span lang="EN-GB">these components will be connected</span><span lang="EN-GB">with the ESP8266/NodeMcu module using a wifi connection. The data read by these sensors is displayed on the smartphone screen as a monitoring function in real-time and also the user can directly take action using the remote control, both automatic actions using machine learning or manual action.</span><span lang="EN-US">This sophisticated screenhouse can perform irrigation actions and temperature regulation automatically without having to do direct monitoring every time. The use of this system in agriculture allows the owner to not need to do direct monitoring by coming to the screenhouse, users can simply monitor using a smartphone connected to the </span>I<span lang="EN-US">nternet network.</span><span lang="EN-US">The application of this system can carry out watering actions and regulate the temperature in the screenhouse room automatically according to the aspects of good growth criteria for plants. Like controlling the microclimate in the screenhouse. <em></em></span></p>

P. Ajay

Pets in the home need particular attention and care. They must be provided with food, beverages, and medicine as soon as possible. Due of most owners' hectic lifestyles, this job may not be as easy as anticipated. Inadequate attention to the requirements of pets may have serious consequences such as hunger and illness, among other things. In light of the above, this paper presents an Internet of Things-based automated feeder system that use the Raspberry Pi for remote control, scheduling, and intelligence. Its design and subsequent execution are anticipated to at least take care of the nutritional aspects of pets by delivering food, beverages, and medicine to pets on a schedule or as needed in the absence of the owner. As a result, the goal of this study is to automate the monitoring and feeding procedure, which is now done manually by pet owners. The four-wheeled system allows it to effortlessly climb stairs. Because of its body weight, the mechanism generates traction. The robot has applications such as remote feeding of every kind of animal from afar, remote exploration of the house to deceive thieves into believing someone is at home. It also lets you customise daily meals, keep your pet secure while you are away from home, store up to 7 pound, keep food fresh, and monitor your pet's nutrition. The robot may also prevent a person from eating a particular meal while allowing other animals to access the food. All these features attract owners of more than one animal to the robot.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Mei) ◽  
pp. 15-25
Resi Vega Dwi Setiabudi ◽  
Desyderius Minggu ◽  
Vincentius Arga Yoda Yoda

Pada era perkembangan teknologi di masa depan, teknologi sangat berkembang pesat khususnya pada bidang robotika dan persenjataan alutsista.  Robot mempunyai peran penting pada era masa kini karena sangat membantu segala aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Umumnya robot bergerak dengan dikendalikan remote control yang jaraknya terjangkau, dan sekarang ini dengan adanya kendali menggunakan Internet of Things (IoT) robot dapat dikendalikan melalui jarak jauh asalkan terjangkau oleh jaringan internet pada daerah tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode mixing yang terdiri dari kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pada penelitian ini, robot tempur CIA versi N2MR3 dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga dapat bergerak ke segala arah. Robot tempur CIA versi N2MR3 dilengkapi dengan kamera sebagai mata pada robot tempur tersebut, serta dilengkapi dengan senjata yang dapat dikendalikan oleh operator untuk membantu tugas prajurit TNI dalam melaksanakan pengintaian maupun penyerangan. Robot tempur CIA versi N2MR3 dilengkapi juga dengan fungsi OMSP (Operasi Militer Selain Perang) yaitu penyemprot disinfektan dan mesin pemotong rumput dan pergerakan robot tempur dapat di monitor menggunakan GCS (Ground Control System) yang saling terkoneksi, kemudian data-data pengontrolan tersebut dikirimkan ke raspberry pi melalui komunikasi serial.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-26 ◽  
Yoyon Efendi

Internet of thing (IoT) merupakan suatu konsep yang bertujuan untuk memperluas manfaat dari konektivitas internet yang tersambung secara terus menerus. Internet of thing (IoT) bisa dimanfaatkan pada gedung untuk mengendalikan peralatan elektronik seperti lampu ruangan yang dapat dioperasikan dari jarak jauh melalui jaringan komputer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun perangkat remote control dengan memanfaatkan teknologi internet untuk melakukan proses pengendalian lampu berbasis mobile. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membangun sebuah prototype dan aplikasi berbasis mobile menggunakan bahasa pemrograman python. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat fitur kendali yaitu kendali satu lampu yang digunakan untuk menghidupkan satu lampu dan kendali dua digunakan untuk menghidupkan lampu secara bersamaan

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.24) ◽  
pp. 42
Amber Goel ◽  
Apaar Khurana ◽  
Pranav Sehgal ◽  
K Suganthi

The paper focuses on two areas, automation and security. Raspberry Pi is the heart of the project and it is fuelled by Machine Learning Algorithms using Open CV and Internet of Things. Face recognition uses Linear Binary Pattern and if an unknown person uses their workstation, a message will be sent to the respective person with the photo of the person who uses the workstation. Face recognition is also being used for uploading attendance and switching ON and OFF appliances automatically. During un-official hours, A Human Detection algorithm is being used to detect the human presence. If an unknown person enters the office, a photo of the person will be taken and sent to the authorities. This technology is a combination of Computer Vision, Machine learning and Internet of things, that serves to be an efficient tool for both automation and security.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 194
Allya Alan Putra Syah ◽  
Ketty Siti Salamah ◽  
Eko Ihsanto

Banyaknya penghobi yang ingin memelihara ikan dan tumbuhan air karena indah tetapi cukup sulit untuk merawatnya. Namun, dimasa sekarang ini disibukkan dengan urusan yang mengharuskan untuk keluar rumah. Oleh karena itu, pemilik akuarium atau aquascape tidak memiliki banyak waktu untuk memeliharanya. Ini merupakan masalah bagi para penghobi. Dengan itu dibuatlah alat kendali dan monitoring ini (akuarium pintar). Pada tugas akhir ini dibuat suatu sistem yang terpasang pada akuarium dengan menerapkan konsep Internet of Things, agar dapat dikendalikan dari jarak jauh. Pada penelitian ini digunakan single board computer Raspberry Pi B, Arduino, Motor Servo, sensor DS18B20, sensor pH, solenoid valve, stepper motor. Kontrol jarak jauh yang dimaksud adalah dapat dikontrol dengan menggunakan smartphone dan laptop yang kemudian berintegrasi dengan Raspberry Pi. Disini Raspberry Pi mendapat data dari Arduino, sebagai pengolah data suhu dan pH, dan untuk sistem kendali suhu menggunakan metode Fuzzy Logic. Dan aktuator menggunakan pelter, sedangkan pH meter hanya membaca nilai pH air dan dapat dinaikkan dan diturunkan nilai pH air dengan cara manual elektronik, atau menambahkan cairan penaik atau penurun pH secara elektronik. Uji kendali kestabilan suhu pada air menggunakan metode fuzzy logic yaitu menunjukkan rentang error sekitar 5% dari nilai target.Kata Kunci — Aquascape, Fuzzy Logic, Motor Servo, Solenoid.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-108
Rometdo Muzawi

Internet of Things (IoT) is a hardware (Raspberry Pi) that can connect to the internet with the aim to expand the internet network that is connected thoroughly to the hardware. The development of the Internet of things (IoT) has been widely used, especially in this day and age, one of the utilization of this IoT technology is the control of electronic room light equipment through global network controlled via smartphone that can be operated remotely. This research aims to build a remote-control device by utilizing internet technology to perform the process of controlling the lights based on the Internet of Things (IoT). This research is done by building a prototype with mobile based application using python and php programming language. In this research there is a feature of controlling the room lights with the first condition of control of one lamp used to turn one room light and the second condition is used to turn the lights simultaneously.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13203
Adel Mellit ◽  
Omar Herrak ◽  
Catalina Rus Casas ◽  
Alessandro Massi Pavan

In this paper, a novel fault detection and classification method for photovoltaic (PV) arrays is introduced. The method has been developed using a dataset of voltage and current measurements (I–V curves) which were collected from a small-scale PV system at the RELab, the University of Jijel (Algeria). Two different machine learning-based algorithms have been used in order to detect and classify the faults. An Internet of Things-based application has been used in order to send data to the cloud, while the machine learning codes have been run on a Raspberry Pi 4. A webpage which shows the results and informs the user about the state of the PV array has also been developed. The results show the ability and the feasibility of the developed method, which detects and classifies a number of faults and anomalies (e.g., the accumulation of dust on the PV module surface, permanent shading, the disconnection of a PV module, and the presence of a short-circuited bypass diode in a PV module) with a pretty good accuracy (98% for detection and 96% classification).

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Fitria Suryatini ◽  
Maimunah Maimunah ◽  
Fachri Ilman Fauzandi

Irigasi merupakan faktor penting dalam proses budidaya tanaman. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan upaya pengelolaan air secara tepat khususnya dalam irigasi. Salah satu metode irigasi yang banyak digunakan adalah irigasi tetes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem kontrol irigasi tetes berdasarkan kondisi suhu dan kelembapan tanah menggunakan kendali logika fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno yang diimplementasikan menggunakan konsep Internet of Things (IoT). Perangkat keras yang digunakan adalah Raspberry Pi 3 model B sebagai pusat kendali, sensor suhu DS18B20, dan sensor kelembapan tanah SKU:SEN0193. Keluaran kendali fuzzy menentukan durasi penyalaan solenoid valve untuk mengairi tanaman. Sumber air irigasi berasal dari tangki yang dapat terisi secara otomatis menggunakan motor pompa dan sensor ultrasonik HCSR04 sebagai pendeteksi level air. Aplikasi Android digunaka untuk kendali jarak jauh dan monitoring parameter yang dikirim secara realtime melalui database online Firebase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem dapat menjaga kelembapan tanah pada kelembapan rata-rata sebesar 98,4% dengan durasi penyiraman rata-rata sebesar 453,6 detik. Rata-rata volume air yang terpakai pada proses penyiraman sebanyak 10,9 liter. Selain itu, sistem dapat melakukan proses monitoring dan pengontrolan jarak jauh dengan delay rata-rata 2 detik.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-27
Yoyon Efendi

Internet of thing (IoT) merupakan suatu konsep yang bertujuan untuk memperluas manfaat dari konektivitas internet yang tersambung secara terus menerus. Internet of thing (IoT) bisa dimanfaatkan pada gedung untuk mengendalikan peralatan elektronik seperti lampu ruangan yang dapat dioperasikan dari jarak jauh melalui jaringan komputer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun perangkat remote control dengan memanfaatkan teknologi internet untuk melakukan proses pengendalian lampu berbasis mobile. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membangun sebuah prototype dan aplikasi berbasis mobile menggunakan bahasa pemrograman python. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat fitur kendali yaitu kendali satu lampu yang digunakan untuk menghidupkan satu lampu dan kendali dua digunakan untuk menghidupkan lampu secara bersamaan.

Abhay Patil

Abstract: Animal intervention is significant intimidation to the potency of the crops, which influences food security and decreases the value to the farmers. This suggested model displays the growth of the Internet of Things and Machine learning technique-based resolutions to surmount this obstacle. Raspberry Pi commands the machine algorithm, which is interfaced with the ESP8266 Wireless Fidelity module, Pi-Camera, Speaker/Buzzer, and LED. Machine learning algorithms similar to Regionbased Convolutional Neural Network and Single Shot Detection technology represents an essential function to identify the target in the pictures and classify the creatures. The experimentation exhibits that the Single Shot Detection algorithm exceeds than Region-based Convolutional Neural Network algorithm. Ultimately, the Twilio API interfaced software decimates the data to the farmers to take conclusive work in their farm territory. Keywords: Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN), Tensor Flow, Raspberry Pi, Internet of Things (IoT), Single Shot Detector (SSD)

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