Journal of Electrical, Electronic, Information, and Communication Technology
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Published By Universitas Sebelas Maret


Arunava Chatterjee ◽  
Sankar Das ◽  
Debashis Chatterjee

<p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">This paper presents a study on the significance of source side harmonics and their effects on transformers.  Source side harmonics are typically present in power electronic sources which are commonly used in renewable applications. The continued outcome of source side harmonics is observed on the hysteresis curve of a transformer. Single-phase transformers are used in the proposed study to determine the effect of harmonics on magnetization and demagnetization cycles using an electronic operational amplifier-based integrator circuit. A technique is also presented for effectively storing and plotting the hysteresis curve from the measured data. After the hysteresis curve is obtained, it is compared with standard data and a conclusion is obtained from the results about the presence of harmonics in the source. The hysteresis curve is thus found without removing the transformer from operation. The study also proposes a modified hysteresis model for the transformer considering the effect of source harmonics. The proposed study is an effective tool for easy measurement and detection of harmonics. The <em>MATLAB/Simulink</em> based simulations with suitable experiments validate the proposed study.<em></em></span></p>

Hari Maghfiroh, ST., M.Eng. ◽  
Augustinus Sujono ◽  
M. Iqbal Zidny ◽  
Taufik Widyastama

<p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">Across the year, the needs of Indonesians in the use of electronic equipment are increasing, which results in higher electricity usage. Because most of the electricity load uses AC power, in the application of a DC power source such as solar cells, an inverter that converts DC to AC power is needed. Therefore, the inverter is one of the tools that are widely developed in power electronics. The output voltage from simulation and real hardware is a sine wave with some distortion due to lack of filter; therefore, there occurs a harmonic. The voltage and frequency were also measured with a multimeter. The result shows that both voltage and frequency are closed to the design specification which is 220V 50Hz with the voltage and frequency difference of 1.09% and 0.4%, respectively.</span></p>

Stefanus Marcellindo ◽  
Dina Mifika Sari ◽  
Savira Kharisma Putri ◽  
Muhammad Hammam Al-Choirie ◽  
Feri Adriyanto

<p class="Abstract">Central Bureau of Statistics <span lang="EN-GB">reports that the population in Indonesia continues to increase every 10 years. The more the population swells, the greater the need for food. To meet the community's need for food availability, there are several agricultural obstacles such as growth criteria that are not by the type of commodity. Air temperature, humidity and intensity of water supply are included as criteria for plant growth (Budiman and Saraswati, 2005). Erratic weather changes make farmers unable to guarantee production results with good quality<sub>,</sub> and quantity. This research is designed using a tool that has been integrated with the </span>I<span lang="EN-GB">nternet of </span>T<span lang="EN-GB">hings system embedded in a raspberry pi as the overall processing core</span> [1]<span lang="EN-GB">. In addition to the raspberry pi, there are also several sensors as real condition readings, several relays as an electric pump controller and a solenoid valve as an electrical faucet controller, </span>and <span lang="EN-GB">these components will be connected</span><span lang="EN-GB">with the ESP8266/NodeMcu module using a wifi connection. The data read by these sensors is displayed on the smartphone screen as a monitoring function in real-time and also the user can directly take action using the remote control, both automatic actions using machine learning or manual action.</span><span lang="EN-US">This sophisticated screenhouse can perform irrigation actions and temperature regulation automatically without having to do direct monitoring every time. The use of this system in agriculture allows the owner to not need to do direct monitoring by coming to the screenhouse, users can simply monitor using a smartphone connected to the </span>I<span lang="EN-US">nternet network.</span><span lang="EN-US">The application of this system can carry out watering actions and regulate the temperature in the screenhouse room automatically according to the aspects of good growth criteria for plants. Like controlling the microclimate in the screenhouse. <em></em></span></p>

Muhammad Dhafier Mu'afa ◽  
Refansyah Basu Dewa ◽  
Muhammad Raflie Pangestu ◽  
Muhammad Fiqih Al Faishal ◽  
Hari Maghfiroh

<p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">The Covid-19 pandemic mainly caused the sudden rise of medical mask waste. There are some steps that can be taken to reduce and manage the waste, including dissolving the mask so it cannot be use again, reduce the risk of disease transmission, and assist the workers in managing the waste of medical mask. Therefore, this paper proposes a device that can solve all the problem, which is the “Smart Medical Mask Trash Can”. This device can be used to dissolve and disinfect the mask, as well as manage the mask waste with an easy way in accordance with health protocol. The outcome show that this device can monitor the waste with an application program on a real time that can notify and organize a schedule for automatic disinfection. This tool is suitable to be placed in public places because of its high mobility and there is a lot of medical mask's waste. <em></em></span></p>

Yuan Reski Wara ◽  
Tri Wahyu Oktaviana Putri

Security is a very important aspect of a house. The level of protection and comfort of the house certainly cannot be separated from how good the security system of the house is. The door is used for the main entrance and exit of the house. When the owner of the house is inside, the door can be locked from the inside with the addition of a slop lock on the door. However, if the owner of the house leaves, the door is only locked using a regular key without any additional keys on the inside of the door. So that the door of the house can be opened only by "lockpick" by an irresponsible person. Such problems can be prevented by installing additional security devices on the door of the house that can be controlled to lock the inside of the door and can provide early warning to homeowners through SMS (Short Message Service) notifications on cell phones. The components used in this system are Arduino Uno microcontroller, Servo Motor, Vibration Sensor (SW-420), Buzzer, Magnetic Switch MC-38, and GSM SIM800L V2. The prototype worked well and reach the research’s objective.

Indri Tri Julianto

<p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">Tourism is the activity of visiting tourist objects for recreational and leisure purposes. Along with developments in the world of technology and information, there is a technology that can be used to promote a tourist attraction called Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality is a technology designed to allow users to interact with a computer-simulated environment. The problem is that there are still very few travel websites that provide this feature. Virtual Reality technology in the world of photography is known as Virtual Reality Photography. Virtual Reality Photography can produce images in 360</span><sup>o</sup><span lang="EN-US">, so people can see the image as a whole and as if they were in place when the photographer was taking pictures. The purpose of this research is to design and build a website that provides information for tourists who want to visit tourist objects. The development method used is the Multimedia Development Life Cycle. The output of his research is a Virtual Reality Photography website that provides information in the form of 360<sup>o</sup> images equipped with location maps and static images. Augmented Reality technology can be applied on this website as a form of information presented as well as Virtual Reality technology.<em></em></span></p><p class="Keywords"><span lang="EN-US">Keywords— Information, Multimedia, Tourism, Virtual Reality, Web</span>.</p>

Feri Adriyanto, Ph.D ◽  
Geovani Rahmad Illahi ◽  
Hayyan Yusuf ◽  
Diah Anggi Munika ◽  
Yuki Martha Anggraini ◽  

<p align="justify"><strong><em>Alcohol and pH levels in hand sanitizer are two things that need to be considered. The amount of alcohol content affects the level of effectiveness in killing germs, while the pH level is a factor that indicates whether the liquid is safe for human skin or not. HANDSIOT is a device to measure alcohol levels and pH in hand sanitizers. HANDSIOT is operated by testing the hand sanitizer liquid in the liquid container at the bottom. This device is made to be able to take measurements effectively and can monitor the measurement results in real-time using a smartphone. Gas chromatography and electrolysis methods were implemented using the MQ-3 gas sensor and the SEN0161 pH sensor. The gas chromatography method is used as a method of measuring alcohol content based on the evaporation of the alcohol. While the electrolysis method is used to measure the pH degree by measuring the amount of current flowing using two electrodes. In testing the accuracy of this tool by comparing the readings on the tool with an alcohol meter and also a pH sensor that is already available on the market</em></strong><strong></strong></p>

Meiyanto Eko Sulistyo ◽  
Stephanus Hanurjaya ◽  
Muhammad Danang Prastowo

In the printing industry process, monitoring is necessary for quality control of the product. The making of the tool on this project serves to monitor the output of the production machine. This monitoring is done by detecting the product output from the production machine using Sensor E18 D80NK. When the sensor detects the output, the sensor sends a signal to the Arduino UNO R3 which will calculate the amount of output from the product. Arduino will send information of the number of outputs via a USB connection to a central computer that is a Raspberry Pi 3 model B. The Python program on Raspberry Pi will read input from each Arduino address and display the data in realtime. At the same time, the data will be stored as a text file. This text file contains the number of product output and the time of the output. The prototype of this tool has been successfully created and there is still much development to do.

Augustinus Sujono ◽  
Feri Adriyanto ◽  
Hari Maghfiroh ◽  
Joko Slamet Saputro ◽  
Agus Ramelan

DC generator with variable rotation will produce uncontrolled voltage, causing problems in its utilization. In this study, it is proposed to develop a voltage control on the generator, in order to produce a fairly controllable and reliable voltage, with an analog circuit using a multistage comparator. Control of the generator output voltage is carried out by adjusting the field current from a separate voltage source which is forwarded to the resistance which is regulated based on the generator output voltage level with a multilevel comparison system. The results obtained are the output voltage ranges from 26 to 30 Volts and the output current ranges from 3 to 20 Amperes. This provides operational safety for the generator and battery. This technology can be used in dc generator systems in automotive engines, windmills, and other power plants.

Sa'adilah - Rosyadi ◽  
Bayu Rahmat Setiadi ◽  
Joko Slamet Saputro

The prototype of the electric smart stove is an electric stove with briquette fuel from teak leaf waste. The thermoelectric module used is 12 units of a Peltier TEC-12706. Thermoelectric generators take advantage of the Seebeck effect with temperature differences from both sides of the Peltier will produce electrical energy. The developing prototype method of an electric smart stove is carried out in 4 stages. First stage, analyzing geometry requirements and smart stove shape. Second stage is the process making of an electric smart stove. Third stage, installation of a power plant. The fourth stage, measurement of electrical power output. Based on the experiment, it is found that the thermoelectric generator produces 1.31 volts of electrical energy with a delta T of 40 degrees Celsius. As the result, an electric smart stove has not been able to charge the battery because the electric energy produced tends to be small.

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