scholarly journals Studi Pengaruh Paparan Radiasi Gamma Dan Ekstrak Kulit Manggis (Garcinia Mangostana) Terhadap Gambaran Mikroskopis Dan Kadar Sgpt Organ Hepar Mencit (Mus Musculus)

Kadek Ayu Cintya Adelia

<p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This study examines the effect of the use of gamma radiation in the health sector, one of which is the use of gamma rays in the radiotherapy process. Irradiation into the body can cause the emergence of free radicals in the body which can harm other organs around the irradiation target. This study aims to determine the effect of exposure to gamma radiation on the liver of mice and the hepatoprotective properties of mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana) in reducing the resulting cell damage. This study was conducted by giving mice mangosteen peel extract with 5 different doses from those given 40 minutes of radiation exposure with a total dose of 268 μSv for 14 days, then the SGPT (serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase) levels were measured and cell damage figures from histopathological preparations. The results showed that before being given mangosteen peel extract, total damage to hepatocyte cells was 47.34%. After being given mangosteen peel extract, total damage to hepatocyte cells was 23.42%. Meanwhile, the SGPT level decreased to 77.7 U/L from the initial level of 128.67 U/L. This proves that mangosteen peel extract has hepatoprotective properties that can reduce cell damage due to exposure to gamma radiation.</p><p class="AbstrakIndonesia"><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh penggunaan radiasi gamma di bidang kesehatan, salah satunya adalah penggunaan sinar gamma dalam proses radioterapi. Penyerapan energi radiasi ke dalam tubuh dapat menyebabkan munculnya radikal bebas dalam tubuh yang dapat merugikan organ lain di sekitar target penyinaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh paparan radiasi gamma terhadap hepar mencit dan sifat hepatoprotektif ekstrak kulit manggis<em>(Garcinia mangostana)</em> dalam mengurangi kerusakan sel yang ditimbulkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memberikan ekstrak kulit manggis 5 dosis varian berbeda ke mencit dan diberi paparan radiasi selama 40 menit dengan dosis total 268 μSv selama 14 hari, kemudian diukur kadar SGPT <em>(serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase)</em> dan jumlah kerusakan sel dari <em>p</em><em>reparat</em>histopatologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum diberikan ekstrak kulit manggis, kerusakan total sel hepatosit sebesar 47,34%. Setelah diberikan ekstrak kulit manggis, kerusakan total sel hepatosit sebesar 23,42%. Sementara itu, kadar SGPT turun menjadi 77,7 U/L dari kadar awal 128,67 U/L. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa ekstrak kulit manggis memiliki sifat hepatoprotektif yang dapat mengurangi kerusakan sel akibat paparan radiasi gamma.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 796-800
Okti Herawati ◽  
Tri Untari ◽  
Marla Anggita ◽  
Sidna Artanto

Background and Aim: Antibiotic resistance poses a risk to human health and has therefore been the focus of research. One of the causes of this resistance is the use of antibiotics as feed additives for animal nutrition. The development of antibiotic resistance in poultry through nutrition feed has drawn attention to the need for alternative antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs). Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.), as a natural source of bioactive phytochemicals, is a potential AGP, but the effect of mangosteen-based treatment on antibiotic resistance in poultry has not been reported to date. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of mangosteen peel extract as an AGP on body weight gain, feed conversion rate (FCR), and the antibiotic resistance in broilers. Materials and Methods: In this study, 30 1-day-old broiler chicks were divided into three groups. Group A (control) was not administered any treatment in the feed, Group B was treated with 0.3 g/kg colistin as the AGP in the feed, and Group C was treated with 2% mangosteen peel extract as the AGP in the feed; the treatments were administered for 30 days. The observed parameters included the effect of the treatments on body weight gain, feed intake, FCR, and the presentation of antibiotic resistance before and after the treatments (pre-treatment and post-treatment, respectively). Results: Post-treatment, the body weight gain, and feed intake in the broilers were not significantly different among all the groups; however, the body weight gain and FCR were significantly different between the control group and the treatment groups in the 3rd week of treatment and were not significantly different between Groups B and C. The rate of antibiotic resistance to chloramphenicol increased significantly by 40% in Group B post-treatment, but no such increase was observed in Groups A and C. Conclusion: The findings of our study indicate that compared with using colistin as an AGP using mangosteen peel extract as a natural AGP did not have any significantly different effect on body weight gain, feed intake, and FCR (p>0.05) but had a significantly different effect on the rate of antibiotic resistance in broilers (p<0.05). This study indicates the usefulness of mangosteen for improving the overall growth and production performance of broilers without increasing their antibiotic resistance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 166-176
Hilda Damayanti ◽  
Saleh Wikarsa ◽  
Garnadi Jafar

Antioxidant-containing cosmetic has antiaging therapy that can inhibit the free radical formation. Mangosteen peel extract has very strong antioxidant activity. To enhance the effect and comfortness of mangosteen peel extract use on the skin, it could be made into nanoemulgel. The article provides the information about method of preparation and evaluation of nanoemulsion-gel. The purpose of this study was to formulate a stable microemulgel of mangosteen peel extractusing halal materials declared halal according to Islamic Shari’a.  the materials used don’t contain carrion, blood, pig and/ animals that don’t conform to Islamic Shari’a. Microemulgel mangosteen peel extract was made by varying plantacare® 1200 UP concentration as cosurfactant (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25%) in the microemulsion and it was incorporated into the gel base. Evaluations were included the antioxidant activity test and organoleptic, pH, viscosity, stability, particle size analysis and panelist test. The antioxidant activity determined by DPPH method showed that IC50 value of mangosteen peel extract was 5.54 ppm. The third microemulsion formula containing cosurfactant of 15% resulted in the best results in that the parameter of the product can be penetrated by ray laser was at particle size of  23.65 nm, was determined by tranmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Microemulgel containing Viscolam® MAC 10 of seven percent gave the stable formula proofed by freeze thaw and sentrifuga test. The five microemulgel formulations were stable.    

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Ripka Margaretha Ponggele

Background:Indonesia is the country with the second largest plants after Brazil. One of the plants that grow in Indonesia is the mangosteen plant is utilized as a medicine by the people of Indonesia but also by people in some other countries. Mangosteen skin is most often used to treat diseases such as fever, diarrhea, hypertension, antioksidant, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, and many other diseases. This study aims to prove the presence or absence laboratorik analgesic effects of mangosteen peel extract in mice.Methods:This study uses a sample of nine experimental Swiss mice. The sample was divided into 3 groups, namely the positive control group given the drug tramadol, negative control group given distilled water control and experimental groups were given mangosteen peel extract, each group consisted of three mice. Testing is done by providing analgesic effects of pain stimuli using thermal stimuli (hot plate method) with a temperature of 550C. Given pain stimuli will cause the mice were protecting themselves by jumping response or lick the feet and tail. Testing efekan algesik done before giving the test substance and the reference solution, then at minute 30,60,90 and 120 minutes after administration of the test substance and the reference solution. Tests carried out for 1 minute.Results:mangosteen peel extract has analgesic effects are starting to look at minute 30 to minute 120 with the maximum effect seen at minute 90.Conclusion:mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana, L) has analgesic effect in swiss mice (Mus musculus)Keywords: Test the effects of analgesics, the mangosteen peel extract, mangosteen skinAbstrakIndonesia merupakan negara yang mempunyai tumbuh-tumbuhan terbesar kedua setelah Brasil. Salah satu tumbuhan yang tumbuh di Indonesia adalah tanaman manggis yang sudah dimanfaatkan sebagai obat oleh penduduk Indonesia bahkan oleh penduduk di beberapa negara lain. Kulit manggis yang paling sering digunakan untuk mengobati penyakit seperti demam, diare, hipertensi, antioksidant, antibiotik, antiinflamasi, dan masih banyak penyakit lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan secara laboratorik ada tidaknya efek analgesik dari ekstrak kulit manggis pada mencit.Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan sampel 9 ekor mencit Swiss. Sampel di bagi dalam 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol positif yang diberikan obat tramadol, kelompok kontrol negatif diberikan aquades dan kelompok kontrol eksperimen yang diberikan ekstrak kulit manggis, yang masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 3 ekor mencit. Pengujian efek analgesik dilakukan dengan memberikan rangsang nyeri menggunakan metode rangsang panas (hot plate method) dengan suhu 550C. Rangsang nyeri yang diberikan akan menyebabakan mencit melakukan perlindungan diri dengan respon melompat atau menjilat kaki dan ekor. Pengujian efek analgesik dilakukan sebelum pemberian zat uji dan larutan pembanding, kemudian pada menit ke 30,60,90 dan menit ke 120 setelah pemberian zat uji dan larutan pembanding. Pengujian dilakukan selama 1 menit.Hasil : Ekstrak kulit manggis mempunyai efek analgesik yang mulai terlihat pada menit ke 30 sampai menit ke 120 dengan efek maksimalnya terlihat pada menit ke 90.Kesimpulan : Ekstrak kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana, L) memiliki efek analgesik pada mencit swiss (Mus musculus).Kata Kunci : Uji efek analgesik, ekstrak kulit manggis, kulit manggis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 75
Dyah Utari Wahyu Ningrum ◽  
Karlina Samadi ◽  
Widya Saraswati

Background: Lactobacillus takes role in the formation of dental plaque which is the main factor that cause dental caries. The bacteria take role in the metabolism of glucose in the mouth, producing organic acids which lower the pH in the oral cavity. This situation can lead to the formation of dental caries because these bacteria can form biofilm as a defense of microorganisms to antibiotics and the immune response. Mangosteen peel has active ingredients such as flavonoid that can be used to inhibit biofilm. The ability of flavonoid compounds in the phenol group can make the bacterial enzyme becomes inactive, causing the activity of glucosyltransferase enzyme that usually used by bacteria to synthesize sucrose in the medium becomes glucan. As a result, bacterial biofilm formation is inhibited because the amount of glucan as a medium of bacterial attachment is limited, but until now the effectivity dose of flavonoid from mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) is has not known yet Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the inhibitory efficacy of flavonoid of mangosteen peel extract against the formation of Lactobacillus acidophilus bacterial biofilm. Methods: Bacteria that had been formed into biofilms was studied in two times treatment, one concentration reviewed by flavonoid from mangosteen peel extract and without reviewed by flavonoid from mangosteen peel extract. The treatment group was incubated at 37°C until day 8 since the first day incubated. The treatment group was washed with phosphate buffered saline (PBS) 4 times and dried. The treatment group stained with 0.2 ml 0.1% crystal violet and 15 min incubation. The treatment group was rinsed with distilled water 3 times and then dried. Solvent DMSO 100% was added as much as 0.1 ml in each well. Microtiter plate was shaken for 1 minute and then placed in to the microplate reader and then the OD (Optical Density) can be read. Results: There were significant differences between the inhibitory efficacy of flavonoid of mangosteen peel extract against Lactobacillus acidophilus biofilm bacteria, the control group and group treatments (p <0.05). Conclusion: Flavonoid of mangosteen peel extract with the concentration of 0.78% had inhibitory effect against Lactobacillus acidophilus biofilm bacteria

Listya Purnamasari ◽  
Defi S. Cahyaningrum ◽  
Mochammad S. Sunarno ◽  
Viagian Pastawan ◽  
Epi Tauik

Kefir is one of the fermented milk products. The addition of mangosteen peel extract as a source of antioxidant was aimed to increase the functionality of fermented milk products. The purpose of this research was to study the microbiological characteristics of goat’s milk kefir addition with different concentration (0%, 1%, 2%, and 3%) of mangosteen peel extract. The extract of mangosteen peel was purchased from PT. Haldin Pacific Semesta. The results showed that the addition of mangosteen peel extract did not affect significantly on total lactic bacteria, total plate count, and total coliform, but it affected significantly on total mold and yeast. Total lactic acid bacteria in kefir decreased from kefir grain and bulk starter of kefir, but those populations still same with the standard of microorganisms in prebiotic which is 107 CFU/ml. The conclusion of this study, mangosteen peel extract can be used to decrease total microbial such as mold/yeast at concentration 3% dan 4%.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
P. Prayitno ◽  
Anggy Natya Listyaningrum

Effect of taking mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L.) supplement on gingival inflammation in fixed orthodontic patients (A study of leukocyte count of gingival crevicular fluid). Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances have a high risk of gingival inflammation. Gingival inflammation is characterized by an increase in leukocyte count of gingival crevicular fluid resulting in proinflammatory cytokines that are capable of damaging the gingival tissue. Mangosteen peel (Garcinia mangostana L) contains xantone which has anti-inflammatory properties. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of consuming mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L) supplement on gingival inflammation in patients with fixed orthodontic by studying the leukocyte counts of gingival crevicularuid. Twenty patients with fixed orthodontic appliances were divided into two groups: 10 subjects in the control group and 10 subjects in the treatment group. They were selected based on the following criteria: age 18-24 years, suffering from mild to moderate gingivitis, and using fixed orthodontic appliances in the final phase. The subjects in both groups underwent initial therapy in the form of scaling, then the subjects in the treatment group took 2 capsules of mangosteen peel extract supplements three times a day for seven days. The sampling of gingival crevicular fluid of both groups was taken on day 0 and 8 in the lower anterior region, that is 3 samples of gingival crevicular fluid per subject. Leukocytes were seen from the results of staining with Turk’s reagents through microscope with a magnification of 400 times. The average leukocyte counts were analyzed using Pair T-test and Independent Sample T-test. The results showed that taking mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L) supplements has significant effect on the decrease in leukocyte counts of gingival crevicular fluids (p<0.05). The conclusion of this study is the consumption of mangosteen peel extract (Garcinia mangostana L) supplement signicantly influences the reduction of gingival inflammation in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances, evident from the decline in the leukocyte counts of gingival crevicular fluids. ABSTRAKPasien pemakai ortodonti cekat memiliki resiko tinggi mengalami inflamasi gingiva. Inflamasi gingiva ditandai dengan meningkatnya jumlah leukosit cairan sulkus gingiva yang menghasilkan sitokin proinflamasi yang mampu merusak jaringan gingiva. Kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L) mengandung xantone yang memiliki sifat antiinflamasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsumsi suplemen ekstrak kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostanaL) terhadap inflamasi gingiva pada pasien ortodonti cekat dengan kajian jumlah leukosit pada cairan sulkus gingiva. Dua puluh pasien ortodonti cekat dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, 10 subjek pada kelompok kontrol dan 10 subjek pada kelompok perlakuan yang diseleksi berdasarkan kriteria: usia 18-24 tahun, menderita gingivitis ringan hingga sedang, dan menggunakan alat ortodonti cekat pada fase akhir. Subjek pada kedua kelompok dilakukan initial therapy berupa scaling, kemudian subjek pada kelompok perlakuan mengkonsumsi suplemen ekstrak kulit manggis 2 kapsul 3 kali sehari selama 7 hari. Pengambilan sampel cairan sulkus gingiva kedua kelompok dilakukan pada hari ke-0 dan ke-8 pada regio anterior bawah sebanyak 3 sampel cairan sulkus gingiva tiap subjek. Leukosit dilihat dari hasil pewarnaan reagen Turk melalui mikroskop dengan perbesaran 400 kali. Hasil rerata jumlah leukosit dianalisis menggunakan uji Pair T-test dan uji Independent Sample T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mengkonsumsi suplemen ekstrak kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L) berpengaruh terhadap penurunan jumlah leukosit  cairan sulkus  gingiva secara signifikan  (p < 0,05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah konsumsi suplemen ekstrak kulit manggis (Garcinia mangostana L) berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penurunan inflamasi gingiva pada pasien ortodonti cekat dilihat dari penurunan jumlah leukosit cairan sulkus gingivanya.

U. Pastsart ◽  
O. Pimpa

Background: Extracts of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) peels possess various biological activities such as antioxidants and anti-bacteria. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of mangosteen peel extract (MPE) on growth performance, meat quality, oxidation of meat and bacterial contents in the small intestine of broilers. Methods: The 192, 7-day-old, chicks were allocated to 4 treatments with 3 replicates per treatment, each replicate containing 16 chicks. Birds were fed diets supplemented with 0, 0.2, 0.4 or 0.8% of MPE for a period of 5 weeks ad libitum. Growth performance was evaluated weekly. At 42 days old, the birds were slaughtered and the breast muscles were sampled from 4 birds per replicate for determining meat quality and oxidation. To determine bacterial quantities, the residue of feed in the small intestine (ilium and ceca) was sampled from one bird per replicate. Result: The results revealed that MPE had no significant effect on growth performance and intestinal bacterial contents. However, it was found that 0.4 to 0.8% of MPE could improve the meat quality by decreasing drip loss and total water loss in muscles. Moreover, 0.8% MPE group tended to be lower in lipid oxidation. This suggests that 0.8% MPE might protect the broiler breast meat against oxidation.

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