Nabila Aurelia Awalin ◽  
Ismono Ismono

This study aims to determine the improvement of learning outcomes and students’ science process skills by implementation PBL (Problem Based Learning) model with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) based on chemical equilibrium topic. The method in this research is quantitative descriptive with One-Group Pretest-Postest design. The subjects of this study were students of Mathematics and Natural Sciences XI graders in State Senior High School 1 Pulung,  Ponorogo Regency. Data method is; observation, questionnaires, and tests. Technical data analysis used is; analysis of study results data, analysis of observations of learning implementation, analysis of student activities, analysis of learning outcomes completeness, and analysis of student responses. The results in this study were: (1) the mean percentage of the implementation of PBL model based on STEM  in the chemical equilibrium topic was 89.26%; (2) the category of improvement for all indicators of Science Process Skills observing and conclusion that respectively 0.82 and 0.89 are included in the high category, for the skills to formulate problems, formulate hypotheses, determine variables, and analyze data respectively of 0.64 ; 0.42; 0.67; 0.68 and can be categorized as moderate; (3) the learning outcomes of students in the realm of knowledge have increased classically with n-gain of 0.62 in the moderate category; and the last (4) learning by implementation the STEM-based PBL  model on chemical equilibrium material received a positive response from students based on the results of the questionnaire, the percentage was 83%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Akmal Akmal

Abstract. The Aims of this research: 1) To find out the improvement of science process skills of students in exact sience 3 grade 12th through the application of a problem-based learning model in SMA Negeri 2 Sidenreng Rappang. 2) To find out the improvement of student learning outcomes on biology subjects through the application of the problem-based learning model in exact science 3 grade 12th at SMA Negeri 2 Sidnreng Rappang. The subjects in this study were students in exact science 3 grade 12th in SMA Negeri 2 Sidenreng Rappang in the academic year of 2017/2018 with 34 students consisting of 13 male students and 21 female students. Data collection on student process skills during the learning process takes place obtained from the results of subsequent observations of data on student learning outcomes obtained from the results of student evaluations conducted at the end of each cycle. To find out the results of student test evaluations conducted at the end of each cycle using quantitative analysis. Research results show that the application of the problem-based learning model can improve science process skills and learning outcomes of students in exact science 3 grade 12th in SMA Negeri 2 Sidenreng Rappang. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of the problem-based learning model in learning activities can improve science process skills and learning outcomes in Exact Science 3 grade12th in SMA Negeri 2 Sidrap.Keywords: problem-based learning model, the concept of mutations

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 50
Mita Dwi Agustin ◽  
Albertus Djoko Lesmono ◽  
Heny Mulyo Widodo

The Problem Based Learning (PBL) model has been applied in Indonesia for a long time. The Problem Based Learning (PBL) model with the approach of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is new in the world of education. When students are introduced to the new learning model, it will make students have a high curiosity and a great desire to learn. Having a great desire to learn will affect student learning outcomes. Problem Based Learning (PBL) model with the approach of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) is expected to improve student learning outcomes in the cognitive domain. This study aims to describe student learning outcomes using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model which is integrated with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) on the subject of elasticity. This type of research is a true experimental research design with pretest-posttest control-design conducted in class XI MIPA 4. The conclusion of this study is the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model with the approach of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) can improve student learning outcomes in the cognitive domain in learning physics in class XI MIPA 4 SMA NEGERI 2 JEMBER.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 266-278
Kania Zulafa Pradasti ◽  
Sri Mulyani Endang Susilowati ◽  
F. Putut Martin Herry Bodijantoro

Student learning outcomes at Pemalang 2 High School are still low students are less actively involved in learning activities. This is because Biology learning applied by the teacher still uses the lecture model. In this learning model, the teacher has not developed science process skills (SPS). One learning model that can be applied to improve SPS and student learning outcomes is problem-based learning. The purposes of this study are to determine the differences in student learning outcomes in virus material, to determine the effect of the application of problem-based learning models to student SPS, and to test the effectiveness of problem-based learning. This research is a quasi-experiment with nonequivalent control group design. The research sample is determined by purposive sampling. Data collection is done by test, observation, and questionnaire methods. The results show that the percentage of students classical completeness in the experimental class reach 88% while the control class is 72%. The results of the ttest show tcount = 2.80> ttable = 1.99 so that there is a difference in learning outcomes increase in the experimental class. The N-gain test shows the N-gain value of the experimental class 0.62 and the control class 0.52. The improvement of students' understanding in the experimental class was better than the control class. Student's SPS increase is directly proportional to student learning outcomes. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that there are significant differences from the learning outcomes of the control class and experimental class. The application of problem-based learning has a positive influence on student SPS and problem-based learning is effective in student learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 527-535
Rifka Ayu Anratriningrum ◽  
Joko Sutarto ◽  
Sungkowo Edy Mulyono

Science learning model directs students to learn concept understanding and scientific principle. Scientific principle in science learning relate to investigation or experiment to drill science process skills that can develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Process skills are students' abilities to manage what has been gained in teaching and learning activities. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of using the Mind Mapping, Problem Based Learning (PBL) model, and Problem Based Learning model assisted by Mind Mapping on students' science process skills. The research method used quantitative research in the form of quasi experimental design. The sample of this study were students of 5th grade with 30 students as experimental class, 24 students as control-1 class, and 28 students as control-2 class. The data collection techniques used in this study were written test, observation, and documentation. The results of the analysis showed that simultaneously a learning model affected students' science process skills by 13%. This study had also showed that of the three models that had been used, problem-based learning assisted by mind mapping model was the most effective model for improving students' science process skills compared to problem-based learning model or mind mapping model

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Nurlaili Nurlaili

This research is underpinned by the lack of blame for students ' science process skills that can result in no achievement of learning objectives. The proper application of learning models is one of the alternatives to addressing the problem. One of the learning models that can be applied is the learning model predict observe explain (POE). This research aims to determine the implementation of the learning model predict observe explain and its influence on the skills of the students ' science process on electrolyte and nonelectrolytic solution material in grade X MIA SMAN 9 Jambi City. The approach used in this research is a mix method by using both qualitative data and quantitative data. Sampling techniques are performed with purposive sampling. The instrument used is an observation sheet for the implementation of the model by both teachers and students and the observation sheet of Students ' science process skills. Qualitative data analysis techniques using Miles and Huberman and quantitative data analysis techniques using the correlation test of product moment and test-T. The management of the POE model by the teacher has increased each meeting, the percentage of the implementation of POE models by students is 74.56% with good categorize, and the percentage of students ' science process skills is 73.33% categorized. The implementation relationship of POE model by students with the skills of students ' science process categorized very strongly with the value of Rxy 0.849. The signification test was obtained Thitung > this (9,013 > 2,036) with DK 32 and α = 0.05 so that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. Based on the results of the research can be concluded that the implementation of POE learning model on electrolyte and nonelectrolytic solution material affects the students ' science process skills in X MIA class SMAN 9 Jambi City.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-31
La Amaludin ◽  
Johanis F Rehena ◽  
Hermalina Sinay

The problem-based learning model is a model that plans a problem that is given by educators to be solved by students. This PBL learning model has learning conditions oriented to concrete problems. This research aimed to determine the effect of the problem-based learning (PBL) model on the learning outcomes of class VIII students on Plant Motion Material at MTs Al-Muhajirin Waihatu. The type of research used in this research is descriptive quantitative analyzed using inferential statistics. This research was conducted for three months starting from August 10 to October 10, 2020. The location of this research was carried out in class VIII on Plant Motion Material at MTs Al-Muhajirin Waihatu with a sample of 90 students. To analyze the data obtained through questionnaires and test results, students were processed using descriptive analysis with the SPSS 20 application. The results showed that the application of the problem-based learning (PBL) learning model to the learning outcomes of students in plant motion reached the final qualifications of students (Test Formative) describes 90 students (100%) who succeeded in achieving the MCC value (minimum completeness criteria). The problem-based learning model has a significant effect on the learning outcomes of class VIII students of MTs Al-Muhajirin Waihatu, this can be seen from the significant level of 0.626 with the strong category

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-104
Cut Yuniza Eviyanti

This study aimed to determine the difference in the improvement of students' mathematical representation ability in problem-based learning (PBL) and regular learning as well as to determine the difference in the improvement of  students' self confidence in PBL and regular learning. In addition, to find out whether there was an interaction between learning and students'  early mathematical ability toward the improvement of students' mathematical representation ability and whether there was an interaction between learning and students' early mathematical ability toward  students' self confidence. The population was all students of SMP Negeri 1 Lhokseumawe. The sample was taken randomly as many as 2 classes which were consisted of 60 students. Data analysis was conducted by using Two way ANAVA. The conclusion were (1) the ability improvement of mathematical representation of students given a PBL model was higher than students given regular learning. (2) the improvement of students' self confidence given a PBL model was higher than students given regular learning. (3) There was no interaction between the learning model and students' early mathematical ability toward the improvement of students' mathematical representation skill. (4) There was no interaction between learning model and students' early methematical ability  toward the improvement of students' self confidence. Keywords: Problem based learning model, regular learning, mathematical representation, and self confidence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 94
Nanda Avisya ◽  
Sarah Miriam ◽  
Suyidno Suyidno

Keterampilan proses sains peserta didik khususnya dalam hal memprediksi, menyimpulkan dan mengomunikasikan data hasil percobaan masih rendah. Oleh karena itu, diterapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif berbasis hands on activity untuk meningkatkan keterampilan proses sains peserta didik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan keterampilan proses sains peserta didik setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif berbasis hands on activity. Adapun tujuan secara khusus, yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) keterlaksanaan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, 2) keterampilan proses sains dan, 3) hasil belajar siswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas model Hopkins yang terdiri atas 3 siklus. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui observasi dan tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) keterlaksanaan RPP pada siklus I, II, dan III terlaksana dengan baik, 2) keterampilan proses sains pada siklus I dengan kriteria baik (mengobservasi), kriteria cukup (menyimpulkan dan mengomunikasikan) dan kriteria kurang baik (memprediksi) mengalami peningkatan pada siklus II dan III menjadi kriteria baik dan sangat baik, 3) hasil belajar siswa meningkat dari siklus I (18,75%) dan siklus II (56,25%) dengan kategori tidak tuntas menjadi (87,50%) dengan kategori tuntas pada siklus III. Diperoleh simpulan bahwa keterampilan proses sains siswa di kelas VIII-E SMPN 25 Banjarmasin meningkat setelah penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif berbasis hands on activity Science process skills of students, especially in terms of predicting, concluding and communicating experimental results data is still low. Therefore, a hands-on-based cooperative learning model is applied to improve students' science process skills. The purpose of this study is to describe the improvement of science process skills of students after applying a cooperative learning model based on hands on activity. The specific objectives, namely to describe: 1) the implementation of the learning implementation plan, 2) science process skills and, 3) student learning outcomes. This type of research is a Hopkins model action research consisting of 3 cycles. Data collection techniques obtained through observation and tests. The results showed: 1) the implementation of lesson plans in cycles I, II, and III were carried out well, 2) science process skills in cycle I with good criteria (observing), sufficient criteria (inferring and communicating) and unfavorable criteria (predicting ) experienced an increase in the second and third cycles into good and very good criteria, 3) student learning outcomes improved from cycle I (18.75%) and cycle II (56.25%) with the incomplete category being (87.50%) with complete category in cycle III. It was concluded that the science process skills of students in class VIII-E SMPN 25 Banjarmasin increased after the application of hands-on-based cooperative learning models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-102
Hudaya Indra Bakti ◽  
Handoko Santoso

Abstrak : Keberhasilan suatu proses belajar mengajar dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat dua faktor yang mendominasi yaitu model pembelajaran dan motivasi yang dimiliki siswa saat belajar. Dengan menerapkan model pembelajaran yang tepat akan membuat kegiatan belajar mengajar lebih menarik sehingga menarik rasa ingin tahu siswa untuk belajar. Rasa ingin tahu merupakan motivasi alami yang dimiliki oleh siswa, sehingga mereka tertarik untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran. Dalam penelitian ini model yang akan digunakan adalah Problem Based Learning atau dikenal dengan Problem Based Learning (PBL). Model pembelajaran ini berorientasi pada siswa, dimana guru akan memberikan objek permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan materi dan siswa akan diminta untuk menganalisis penyelesaian masalah tersebut dengan menggali berbagai informasi baik dari buku, internet ataupun hasil siswa. Sedangkan guru hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator dan mengarahkan siswa. Tujuan dari artikel review ini adalah (1) untuk mengkaji model Problem Based Learning (2) mempelajari hasil belajar (3) untuk mengkaji model Problem Based Learning dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar. Abstract: The success of a teaching and learning process is influenced by various factors. In this study, there are two factors that dominate, namely the learning model and the motivation that students have when learning. By applying the right learning model, it will make teaching and learning activities more interesting so that it attracts students' curiosity to learn. Curiosity is a natural motivation possessed by students, so they are interested in participating in the learning process. In this study, the model to be used is Problem Based Learning or known as Problem Based Learning (PBL). This learning model is oriented towards students, where the teacher will provide an object of problems related to the material and students will be asked to analyze the resolution of the problem by exploring a variety of information both from books, the internet or students' results. Whereas the teacher only acts as a facilitator and directs students. The purpose of this review article is (1) to examine the Problem Based Learning model (2) to study the learning outcomes (3) to examine the Problem Based Learning model in improving learning outcomes.

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