INSECTA: Integrative Science Education and Teaching Activity Journal
Latest Publications





Published By STAIN Ponorogo

2722-8495, 2722-8509

Della Oktavia ◽  
Ahmad Walid

This study aims to develop an assessment to measure science process skills on living things interaction and their environment. The research used research and development (R&D) that consist research and initial information collection, planning, initial product format development, small-scale trials, product revisions, initial trials, and final products. The trial subjects were expert subjects (assessment experts, material experts and linguists), and the subjects were students of state junior high school in Bengkulu City as product users. Data were analyzed descriptive qualitatively and quantitatively. Feasibility assessment by three validator experts developed on the assessment aspect of 89%, material aspect of 93%, and language aspect of 93%, overall was declared very feasible with an average of 92%. This showed that the assessment of science process skills to measure science process skills was stated to be very suitable to be used to measure the level of students' science process skills. This assessment was the science assessment, where in the development of the science assessment used formative assessment because this assessment was given to every lesson and can be carried out on sub-subjects or each subject. In the development of this formative assessment, multiple choice tests were developed.

Ulvy Shellyana Arifin ◽  
Hanin Niswatul Fauziyah

The research was intended to develop the worksheet  based on socioscientific issues that test expedibility, practical and effective in development the ability to think analytically of learners. The research site was conducted at SMPN 4 Ponorogo. The research method used research and development, with implementing research model of brog and gall. The research tools used were expert validation analysis sheets, assessments response and so on are used to test analytical thinking. And then the data treated was analyzed quantitatively as well as descriptive. Research results suggested that the product was worthy of using in the learning process. The product was also practical and effective in using to improve the ability of student analytical thought

Ratna Kumala Dewi

TTechnological developments are now in the era of super-smart society 5.0 which is an advanced solution to the 4.0 industrial revolution. The era of super-smart society 5.0 is a learning innovation that changes from basic literacy to digital literacy. This study aims to analyze the innovation of Biochemistry learning in the Department of Chemistry at UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung in welcoming the era of super-smart society 5.0. The research method used descriptive qualitative. The data analysis technique was carried out using a literature review. The method of data collection was carried out by observation, distributing questionnaires, documentation, lecturer interviews, and student interviews. The research instrument consisted of observation sheets, questionnaires, and interview sheets. The results showed that in the era of super-smart society 5.0, lecturers and students were required to be quick in making decisions and solutions when learning Biochemistry. Lecturers must dig up information and look for innovations so that students can think ahead and keep up with the times according to the era of super-smart society 5.0. Lecturers act as tutors or teachers, facilitators, and inspire students to achieve learning objectives. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that lecturers must have the ability in digital literacy and train students to be able to think critically and creatively in learning Biochemistry in the era of super-smart society 5.0.

Winda Kuncorowati ◽  
Mohammad Wildan Habibi ◽  
Choiriya Tri Mosrifa ◽  
Mela Mahardika Ilafi

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of usingscience laboratories and the factors that affected the effectiveness of using science laboratories in supporting learning at Mts Unggulan Al-Qodiri 1 Jember. This research was a qualitative research. Data collection techniques in this study used observation guidelines and interview guidelines. The data obtained were from the results of interviews with one of the science teachers as well as the head of the laboratory at MTs Unggulan 1 Alqodiri Jember. The results showed that the use of the science laboratory at MTs Unggulan Al-Qodiri 1 Jember can be said to be effective in supporting learning in schools. This can be seen from the effectiveness of the use of science laboratories facilitated with complete equipment, it can be said to be 90%. The tools contained in MTs Unggulan Al-Qodiri 1 Jember are very effective in utilizing the Science Laboratory in Integrated Science Learning. Based on this explanation, the function of the laboratory as a means of strengthening students' understanding, increasing learning motivation and learning outcomes through science experiment at MTs Unggulan Al-Qodiri 1 Jember has beeneffective.

Sezy Silviya Ningsih ◽  
Andi Suhardi

This study aims to describe the validity and responses of students to the development of a science literacy-based pocket book on global warming material for seventh grade of junior high school students. This research is a type of Research and Development which refers to the 4-D Thiagarajan model (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate). The data collection instrument used a validation questionnaire conducted by the validators (materials, media and users) and a student response questionnaire through two stages, namely a small- scale response test and a large-scale response test. Based on the results of validation by material validators, media validators and users (teachers) were declared very valid with an average percentage of the three validators of 92.12%. The results of the responses of small-scale students were 96.45%. The large scale of 88.24% showed that the responses of students were very interesting to the development of a science literacy-based pocket book on global warming materials for junior high school students.

Justin Murwanashyaka ◽  
Septian Rafi Abhiyoga ◽  
Ranti Ranti

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected human life at multilevel and is still a tremendous challenge for all sectors of life without exception to education. To cope  COVID-19 effects in education, online teaching and learning was adopted. This study explored how science teachers’ learning remained motivated to teach, despite all the limitations they encountered and endured during the COVID-19 pandemic. This work was carried out in developing county such as Indonesia, Rwanda, Cambodia and Paraguay. The study examines how science teachers’ in developing country have faced obstacle, and meanwhile, despite this, they are still trying their hardest to stay focused on achieving their personal goals during the pandemic. This research is geared by descriptive qualitative approach. Data were collected in series of online survey with thirty nine teachers cross the developing country.  The results showed that the science teachers’ learning with e-learning was less effective because not all teachers and parents of students understood the internet. During the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers are highly required to develop e-learning science learning that can help achieve learning goals, so that e-learning can satisfy all parties, and can reduce its negative impact. Science learning with e-learning can foster educators in mastering digital technology.

Zelda Akhirmaini ◽  
Milla Rulisa ◽  
Raudhatul Jannah ◽  
Fitri Anita ◽  
Ahmad Walid

High-level thinking skills are not only established in the cognitive aspect but are able to improve the skills and effective aspects of students. One of the things that is applied to improve the ability to think at a high level is to submit tests for HOTS ( Higher Order Thinking Skills) problem, Given to students to know how much students are able to do and solve problems not only completing but students are required to understand the problems given. This research used quantitative deriftive research design. The data was analyzed using descriptive percentages. Calculate the individual grade of each student of grade VIII A Junior High School 05 Bengkulu City. The results showed that the ability of students of class VIII A Junior High School 05 Kota Bengkulu in working on HOTS problem items on vibration and wave material was in a very low category with a total average of 24.90 of the HOTS issues given. This means that students of class VIII A Junior High School 05 Bengkulu City have not been able to work on HOTS problems on vibration and wave material.

Etika Rosyida ◽  
Rafiatul Hasanah

This study aims  to determine the validity of the development of website-based science learning media on invertebrate animal material for grade 7 in Junior High School, and to determine student responses to the development of website-based science learning media on invertebrate animal material. This research was a type of R&D (Research and Development) research which refers to the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) development research model of Robert Maribe Branch. The data collection instruments in this study were validation questionnaires and student response questionnaires. Validation was carried out by material experts, media experts, and science teachers. The development trial to determine student responses to the developed product was carried out in two stages, namely a small-scale trial consisting of 6 students and a large-scale trial consisting of 32 students. Based on the results of validation from experts on website-based science learning media, it showed that the assessment of material experts was 96.16%, media expert assessments was 89.12% and assessments from science teachers was 89.83% . In this case, the average percentage of the expert's assessment was 91.70%, which means it was included in the "Very Valid" category and tested on students, and Small-scale trials obtained an average percentage of 94.28%. Then continued large-scale trials and obtained an average percentage of 92.00%. which means “Very Interesting”.

Zulfah Zulfah ◽  
Benny Yodi

The online learning of organic chemistry series chemistry in class XII MIPA Catholic SMA Santu Petrus Pontianak in the first three months of the odd semester showed a decrease in interest in learning chemistry. This study was conducted to find chemistry lessons that match the career interests of students, especially the study topics in the physical chemistry learning series (voltaic cells and electrolytic cells). On the topic of voltaic cells, group projects are carried out by choosing their own types of assignments according to the interests and learning styles of students with activities of making chemical songs, simple practicum, limited webinars and advertisements for voltaic cell products. On the topic of electrolysis cells, a group project was carried out with the concept of combining economics/business into electrochemistry, called ecolectrochemistry. The voltaic cell project assessment uses five parameters: the accuracy of the voltaic cell concept, the relevance of the voltaic cell concept to the concept raised, creativity, fulfillment of task requirements, and collaboration. The ecolectrochemistry project assesses problem-solving skills using the IDEALS model, presentation assessment and assessment of creative and disciplined attitudes. The active and enthusiastic involvement of students is better than in the organic chemistry series. There is an increase in interest in learning chemistry from 27.38% to 65.48% and there is an increase in the average learning outcomes of the physical chemistry learning series compared to the organic chemistry learning series. These results indicate that learning designed according to students'.

Anisa Rizkia ◽  
Qurrotul Anfa ◽  
Huyteang Meng

This meta-analysis study aims to determine the background of collaborative learning in science learning. The sample used was purposive sampling related to research on the background of collaborative learning in natural science teaching and learning processwith seventeen research samples. Six classes actions will be used as samples to find the background for the application of collaborative learning in science learning, while the other 11 plus 6 existing classroom action studies were used as supporting materials for the background. Results based on a meta-analysis study, it was found that 29.40% of collaborative learning was motivated by the lack of students' social skills. In addition, there were also 6 problems that underlie related or emerging studies, including the lack of absorption and mastery of student learning, passive students, low student motivation, lack of innovative learning strategies, lack of innovative learning media, lack of social skills of students, low critical thinking skills of students.

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