2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Danusiri Danusiri

Abstract: The establishment of science-technology Islam originated from the transcendental consciousness that God acts directly provide instruction to people in his capacity as al-'Alim and al-Mu'allim al-Nās with inspiration pattern into intuition or follow the instructions of the Quran on the basis of faith in the verses relating to science-technology. God teaching techniques outlined by humans with the conceptualization, theorization, saintifikasi, and technologization the verses of Allah either paragraph quraniyyah and kauniyyah. Starting point is the establishment of science-technology read. Results of reading will get something, a concept, or a variable. Thus, the more the reading of a Muslim will increasingly have something, concepts or variables. If the reader can find the basic relationship of two or more things, concepts, variables, then he can find one unit theory. Segususan systematic theory will result in one branch of science. Human intellectual activity that knows no stopping, then starting from only one branch of science will continue to be found various kinds of science. The next route, childbirth science technology. And, science-technology school of Islam embraced the benefits of technology for the service in order to obtain marḍatillah. Abstrak: Rute pembentukan sains-teknologi Islam berawal dari kesadaran transendental bahwa Allah berperan langsung memberikan pengajaran kepada manusia dalam kapasitasnya sebagai al-‘Alim dan al-Mu’allim al-nās dengan pola pengilhaman ke dalam intuisi atau mengikuti petunjuk al-Quran atas dasar iman dalam ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan sains-teknologi. Teknik pengajaran Allah dijabarkan oleh manusia dengan jalan konseptualisasi, teorisasi, saintifikasi, dan teknologisasi terhadap ayat-ayat Allah baik ayat quraniyyah maupun kauniyyah. Dan, sains-teknologi Islam menganut mazhab manfaat teknologi untuk ibadah dalam rangka memperoleh marḍatillah. Keywords: konsep, teori, sains, teknologi, marḍatillah.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-321
Luke O’Sullivan ◽  

The concept of civilisation is a controversial one because it is unavoidably normative in its implications. Its historical associations with the effort of Western imperialism to impose substantive conditions of life have made it difficult for contemporary liberalism to find a definition of “civilization” that can be reconciled with progressive discourse that seeks to avoid exclusions of various kinds. But because we lack a way of identifying what is peculiar to the relationship of civilisation that avoids the problem of domination, it has tended to be conflated with other ideas. Taking Samuel Huntington's idea of a “Clash of Civilisations” as a starting point, this article argues that we suffer from a widespread confusion of civilisation with “culture,” and that we also confuse it with other ideas including modernity and technological development. Drawing on Thomas Hobbes, the essay proposes an alternative definition of civilisation as the existence of limits on how we may treat others.

1965 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 660-679
Arthur Schweitzer

What is the relationship of economic history to the study of comparative economic systems? Perhaps the major contribution to thought on this subject has been made by Walter Eucken, whose ideas may be taken as the starting point for our discussion.

Bohdan Tsymbal

The paper explores the initial activity of Kyiv publishing house “Vik” and Vasyl Domanytsky’s participation in its work. The history of the publishing house has not been properly studied yet. The vast majority of sources used by the scholars contain many inconsistencies, and the existing research works don’t pay attention to the causes of the differences, but rather exacerbate the problem due to uncritical attitude to the sources. The author, therefore, focuses on three issues: 1) the time when the publishing house was founded; 2) its employees; 3) Domanytskyi’s participation in its work. Researchers date the origins of the publishing house differently, within a wide period of 1894–1897. Most of them rely on a limited range of printed sources that may contain some mistakes. Based on the crossed analysis of the ‘main’ (popular) sources with the involvement of those less popular among specialists, the author identified the causes of differences in the works of the scholars and made an attempt to explain the causes of such inaccuracies. The new archival materials not only confirmed the results of studying the printed sources but also helped to establish the earliest documented date directly related to the work of the publishing house. This date may be reasonably taken as a starting point of its history. Studying the archival documents of the censorship department allows making some assumptions about the staff of the publishing house, which although remains insufficiently studied. The list of personalities is still limited to the five most famous members of the publishing circle. The findings also help to clarify the terminus post quem of Vasyl Domanytskyi’s involvement in the work of the publishing house. The results obtained are important not only for the further study of the history of Ukrainian book printing but also for highlighting the relationship of publishers with the censorship in the Russian Empire and the work of the Kyiv “Moloda Hromada” circle. The paper explores the initial activity of Kyiv publishing house “Vik” and Vasyl Domanytsky’s participation in its work. The history of the publishing house has not been properly studied yet. The vast majority of sources used by the scholars contain many inconsistencies, and the existing research works don’t pay attention to the causes of the differences, but rather exacerbate the problem due to uncritical attitude to the sources. The author, therefore, focuses on three issues: 1) the time when the publishing house was founded; 2) its employees; 3) Domanytskyi’s participation in its work. Researchers date the origins of the publishing house differently, within a wide period of 1894–1897. Most of them rely on a limited range of printed sources that may contain some mistakes. Based on the crossed analysis of the ‘main’ (popular) sources with the involvement of those less popular among specialists, the author identified the causes of differences in the works of the scholars and made an attempt to explain the causes of such inaccuracies. The new archival materials not only confirmed the results of studying the printed sources but also helped to establish the earliest documented date directly related to the work of the publishing house. This date may be reasonably taken as a starting point of its history. Studying the archival documents of the censorship department allows making some assumptions about the staff of the publishing house, which although remains insufficiently studied. The list of personalities is still limited to the five most famous members of the publishing circle. The findings also help to clarify the terminus post quem of Vasyl Domanytskyi’s involvement in the work of the publishing house. The results obtained are important not only for the further study of the history of Ukrainian book printing but also for highlighting the relationship of publishers with the censorship in the Russian Empire and the work of the Kyiv “Moloda Hromada” circle.

Л.В. Борисова ◽  
С.И. Павлова ◽  
З.А. Качаева ◽  
Н.П. Прищепа ◽  
Е.В. Преображенская

Цель исследования: сравнительная оценка показателей гемостаза, полученных различными методами, у пациентов, которым выполнялось первичное эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава (ТБС) и проводилась профилактика тромбоэмболических осложнений (ТЭО) дабигатраном этексилатом Материалы и методы. Обследовано 27 пациентов (17 женщин и 11 мужчин) с коксартрозом III стадии, которым выполнялось первичное эндопротезирование ТБС. Для профилактики ТЭО все пациенты получали дабигатрана этексилат, длительность профилактики составила 35 дней. Оценку состояния системы гемостаза проводили до операции, в первые и пятые сутки после операции клоттинговыми методами, методами тромбоэластографии и тромбодинамики. Результаты. Показана взаимосвязь наличия спонтанных сгустков, выявленных тестом тромбодинамика, с признаками высокой гемокоагуляционной активности. Сравнительная оценка показателей системы гемостаза, определенных различными методами в плазме и цельной крови, показала, что 1) стандартные тесты коагулограммы отражают только отдельные изменения системы гемостаза и 2) образование спонтанных сгустков в тесте ТД может с большой вероятностью указывать на состояние гиперкоагуляции и быть основой для стратификации пациентов по наличию факторов риска гиперкоагуляции. Использование фиксированной профилактической дозы дабигатрана этексилата не обеспечило адекватной коррекции гиперкоагуляционного состояния у пациентов, перенесших тотальное эндопротезирование ТБС. Заключение. Данное исследование может служить отправной точкой для персонификации дозирования дабигатрана этексилата в целях профилактики ТЭО у пациентов, имеющих исходно высокий гемокоагуляционный потенциал. The aim was to compare hemostasis parameters obtained by different methods, in patients who underwent primary total hip arthroplasty (TBS) with postoperative antithrombotic prophylaxis using dabigatran etexilate. Materials and methods. We examined 27 patients (17 women and 11 men) with coxarthrosis (stage III) after primary hip joint endoprosthetics. For prophylaxis of thromboembolic complications all patients received dabigatran etexilate, the duration of prophylaxis was 35 days. We assessed hemostasis state before, on the first and fifth days after operation using clotting tests, thromboelastography and thrombodynamics. Results. Results shows the relationship of spontaneous clots in cromodinamica with signs of high clotting activity. Comparative evaluation of hemostasis parameters in the plasma and in whole blood showed that 1) conventional coagulation tests specifies only isolated changes in hemostasis, and 2) the appearance of spontaneous clots are likely to indicate a hypercoagulability and to be the basis to stratify patients according to hypercoagulation risk. Fixed doses of dabigatran etexilate did not provide proof prevention in patients undergoing total joint hip replacement. Conclusion. This study can be seems a starting point to personalize the dabigatran etexilate dosing in such patients with initially high coagulation potential.

Rafael A. Gonzalez ◽  
Henk G. Sol

Validation within design science research in Information Systems (DSRIS) is much debated. The relationship of validation to artifact evaluation is still not clear. This chapter aims at elucidating several components of DSRIS in relation to validation. The role of theory and theorizing are an important starting point, because there is no agreement as to what types of theory should be produced. Moreover, if there is a theoretical contribution, then there needs to be clear guidance as to how the designed artifact and its evaluation are related to the theory and its validation. The epistemological underpinnings of DSRIS are also open to different alternatives, including positivism, interpretivism, and pragmatism, which affect the way that the validation strategy is conceived, and later on, accepted or rejected. The type of reasoning guiding a DSRIS endeavor, whether deductive, inductive, or abductive, should also be considered as it determines the fundamental logic behind any research validation. Once those choices are in place, artifact evaluation may be carried out, depending on the type of artifact and the type of technique available. Finally, the theoretical contribution may be validated from a formative (process-oriented) or summative (product-oriented) perspective.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (4) ◽  
pp. 1151-1162
Tina Seufert

Abstract Building bridges between two of the most influential research fields in educational psychology, self-regulation and cognitive load theory, is highly relevant but also challenging. The collection of papers in this special issue reflects this interplay by reviewing the still scarce base of empirical data in an impressively elaborated and profound way. The papers offer different perspectives on how to improve learning by stimulating both activities for self-regulation as well as for reflecting the mental effort which can be used in return for monitoring and regulation. They provide arguments for the two sidedness of the relationship of self-regulation and cognitive load: that cognitive load can cause self-regulation and that self-regulation can cause cognitive load. The common understanding of self-regulation in this issue is very much focused on monitoring and could benefit from a broader view by including the whole cycle of self-regulation and moderating motivational factors like self-efficacy, as proposed in many self-regulation models. The conceptualization of effort, as it is referred to in most of the papers, could also profit from a more differentiated view, which takes into account the origin of required or invested mental effort. Overall, what learners actually decide to do when dealing with self-regulation as well as with cognitive load highly depends on their resources. In an integrative model, the role of potential resources is discussed as a starting point for future research. This discussion invites for an even broader, more individualized, and differentiated view to add to the bridge-building attempts of this impressive collection of research.

Peter Avitabile ◽  
Stephen Pennell ◽  
John White

Students generally do not understand how basic STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) material fits into all of their engineering courses. Basic material is presented in introductory courses but the relationship of the material to subsequent courses is unclear to the student since the practical relevance of the material is not necessarily presented. Students generally hit the “reset button” after each course not realizing the importance of basic STEM material. The capstone experience is supposed to “tie all the pieces together” but this occurs too late in the student’s educational career. A new multisemester interwoven dynamic systems project has been initiated to better integrate the material from differential equations, mathematical methods, laboratory measurements and dynamic systems across several semesters/courses so that the students can better understand the relationship of basic STEM material to an ongoing problem. This paper highlights the overall concept to be addressed by the new approach. The description of the project and modules under development are discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 ◽  
pp. 04006
Sergey Borisov

Philosophy as a project is defined by us in practical terms, as a form of spiritual activity, spiritual practice aimed at posing, analyzing, and resolving various worldview issues related to the development of a holistic view of a person and his place in the world. The article presents the main characteristics of the philosophical project of self-knowledge, consisting in self-awareness in the present, in personal self-determination and self-transformation. These characteristics are also applicable to the educational process. The article summarizes the practical experience of building up the process of teaching philosophy based on scientific ignorance. The main factors of this process are personal interest, successful self-realization, the role of a mentor and a friendly environment. The main method is dialogue, clarifying the basic relationship of a person with being. In this context, philosophizing fulfills a therapeutic function, becoming a practice of “self-care”.

PMLA ◽  
1985 ◽  
Vol 100 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-80 ◽  
Caryl Emerson

Mikhail Bakhtin's work on Dostoevsky is well known. Less familiar, perhaps, is Bakhtin's attitude toward the other great Russian nineteenth-century novelist, Leo Tolstoy. This essay explores that “Tolstoy connection,” both as a means for interrogating Bakhtin's analytic categories and as a focus for evaluating the larger tradition of “Tolstoy versus Dostoevsky.” Bakhtin is not a particularly good reader of Tolstoy. But he does make provocative use of the familiar binary model to pursue his most insistent concerns: monologism versus dialogism, the relationship of authors to their characters, the role of death in literature and life, and the concept of the self. Bakhtin's comments on these two novelists serve as a good starting point for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the Bakhtinian model in general and suggest ways one might recast the dialogue between Tolstoy and Dostoevsky on somewhat different, more productive ground.

1946 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-38
May L. Wilt

No longer can teachers of mathematics be satisfied with the type of teaching that produces uncertain results. The first year of algebra is a good starting point for developing teaching techniques. Most children, who have had one year of algebra, can solve simple “set up” equations in one unknown if they are directed “what to do next.” They should be able to know “what to do next.” Very bright children find out for themselves, but the average and slower ability groups must be helped to develop a technique that will produce certainty and accuracy in results.

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